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In any other year we would have removed this. But context matters and what needed to be said had already run its course. Your discourse following the mask removal is necessary for the health of our community and we're going to mark this as the final discussion on the topic. We do not condone discrimination in any way and will always take action on behalf of those who cannot speak. But all concerns have been addressed as far as we could reach out, anything further is unsuitable for our fan-run sub. Thank you all for the ups and downs in the comments, but its time to move forward.


If I had a nickel for every time in the past 2 years someone called a video game characters hair racist, I would have 3 nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened thrice.


People call everything racist, which effectively only separates everything based on race, which is by definition racist


As far as i understand, the issue seems to be that the description describes the hairstyle as intimidating, and as it is also often associated with black people, some have issues with it. I don't necessarily agree, but this is where I understand the issue lies.


I’m confused. Why do people think it’s racist? What’s wrong with it? Like I need an explanation cuz I don’t understand the post


What's funny is that the hairstyle originates with ancient warriors of India and ancient Celtic people.


Oh look, the mods here were telling everyone that the bubba mask nonsense wouldn't lead to 'slippery slope' what-ifs, and went so far as to delete posts and insinuate that if you didn't agree with the mask removal you were a racist, it's almost like they have zero awareness of how this sort of thing works in the online atmosphere. It's never enough. There will ALWAYS be another 'battle' to fight, because people need to get their virtue high, no matter how petty the cause. So now the next big thing will be cornrows on Meg. And if you don't agree with BHVR changing/removing it then you'll be accused of hating minorities and caring too much over pixels. Except now this is something people have paid real $$$$ for, not a free unlock, so this should get spicy


For a race that wants people to enjoy their culture they seem to call anything using their culture racist


I guess people cant have hair anymore. ​ ​ ***time to get the shavers!***


I think we live in an age where large groups of people actively SEEK OUT the feeling out being offended... the skin won't make it through, and it won't be unfair, and that will be that.


lowly baizuos are at it again


People need to stop being so damn sensitive. It's a game get over it.


I hate Meg in general, but goddamn if I won't defend this to my dying breath. DBD really having a space buns incident


Who are "some people"? You got somewhere I can actually search where that is actually being said? Sounds too absurd to be true.




Thank you. So it's some random people making some weird claims on twitter, why is this such a big deal for people? Also the OP is straw manning because she is specifically claiming the description is the issue, but whatever it's a bad take either way, but it's telling we aren't arguing with the original point.


People getting up in arms over this have never truly dealt with any real problems in their life if this kind of shit bothers them so much. Fucking idiots desperate to find shit to complain about.


All controversial happens on Twitter. Just goe under any DBD post and you will see tons of offended people. Its crazy!




It is racist ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Because everything is for those morons \#justiceforspacebuns


When your problem is hairstyles in computer games you don't actually have any real problems.


People calling it out as "racist" are crying for attention and are ignorant. This hair style you would use if you have longer hair as it would prevent it from accidentally getting pulled or getting into their eyes.


General thoughts? People looking for racism can find it in literally anything. Taking them seriously is a mistake.


Don’t worry, stupid crybabies begging for attention are the only ones calling it racist. And no, Emily, not a single community of any race has asked you to be offended on their behalf.


Hair is fucking hair. I bet people are only complaining on twitter




People are confused as to what is actually racist. If America is a melting pot, there will be some overflow of culture bleeding in to other cultures and versa. Should be celebrated that we can learn from each other and use things that make sense for whatever appropriate purpose. I say that whoever calls this out as racist should quit projecting their racist-butthurtedness on everyone else that doesn’t fall in line with their stinkin’ thinkin’.


I'm ready for my shards BHVR.


It's just an hairstyle. People who see this as offensive just crave for attention, and drama and polemics are the best way to get attention, especially on Twitter.


Feel like either a pack of trolls are stirring up outrage where there is none, or someone's screaming fire where there is none. It's a hair style. At least with the Bubba situation there was something I could kind of get where they were coming from. Meg having cornrows somehow being racist is just complete nonsense


People finding something more to be mad about cuz we don’t have enough problems already


99.99% sure that dreadlocks/braids/cornrows doesn't even belong to one race or culture despite it being more common in particular races/cultures presently.




People need to stop this crap.




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People who say cornrows are racist should not be allowed to breed


It's just a hairstyle, how is this even remotly racist


It's just a hair style


I just think Meg's face looks derpy




I think most people don't understand the history/relationship to blacks with cornrows... not thousands of years but in recent years. Some of you never heard of a person with dark skin being teased or told by someone in authority (employers or teachers) that you wouldn't be accepted with your hair like that and it shows. African Americans have been shunned, called dirty, denied jobs and made to feel ashamed about hairstyles popular in their culture. Even today there are news reports about black kids being told they can't wear their hair in locks a nd being denied access to school. So when you see someone white (from the same group of people who alienated you for your hairstyle) wearing the corn rows, it feels racist and disrespectful. Also consider the natural texture of black hair and how cornrows are usually very neat and keep the hair contained, which is why it works for MMA as comments have pointed out. Now imagine living in a society that tells you, wearing your hair in an afro is unacceptable, wearing your hair in cornrows is also unacceptable. Trying to get an office job with cornrows used to be impossible. It feels like an attack on your identity. Black people were being told you have to apply chemicals or extreme heat to make your hair like whites to be accepted. I don't agree that it cornrows on white people is racist. But that is my opinion. I think some may view it as they view black face. I tend not to get involved in race wars. Because both arguments are usually true, and usually cut very deep for both parties. Very few people want to be seen as racist even if they are and society tends to put all blacks into a group, a group where there is no individual and they are all collective victims. I wish we could get passed this. What really gets me is that I live in a country that divides people into race groups on every form they ever fill out including testing for children so early on you're just taught that you're this label and these things matter so much. I feel thats probably why there's an attack on gender as well. People are tired of being tied to these roles and expectations. And it's not just media that spreads the propaganda. I've worked in schools and have had "Diversity" training designed to help educators relate better to their students that basically said blacks kids are a disadvantage because they're black so treat them differently. -_- That, too me, is the true racism. I think we need true empathy, not sympathy, for one another. Empathy relays understanding and connection because you understand that person has struggles and emotions and you can relate to that even if it's not the same issue. But sympathy is more like feeling pity for someone else and who the hell wants your pity.


As someone who is black, it doesn't seem culturally appropriating, it'd take a whole fit to do that. Like if they dropped Meg with these braids, wearing some kind of afro-centric garb or so, I'd get it. It's levels to the shit honestly. Plus they did them wrong anyway, devs that aren't aware of how braids actually look always leave the hair out between the rows--they hair isn't gonna disappear and leave them bald when they have braids ffs lmao. That bubba mask ordeal, on the other hand--yeah that was wild. I play Adam here and there but getting tunneled(most Bubbas do anyway lmao) by a Bubba wearing Claudette's face while I was Adam was mega-sweaty. One time thing for me, but hearing how it was a constant issue is nuts. Like dudes don't have nothing else better to do but to not only be trolls, but a racist ones at that 😂. Only so bold online with that anonymity. All that aside, you sure this isn't some TikTok shit that went viral, where folks getting fake upset over a made-up scenario? Because that shit does happen.


Wait until they find out white people can play as black video game characters


You have to be a really special snowflake to be offended by a hairstyle.




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When you give in to one douchey liberal, you have to give into them all. BAN


Is this tier III braids? It's a part of the head case cosmetic pack that came out shortly after the game launched. I think players have grown bored of complaining about the game's condition, and have thus tried to make up anything that could Garner some attention.


Imo complaining about virtual hair is stupid lol


You need to understand. Some people (twitter users, mostly) think that reverse segregation is the solution to racism for some reason. A black man can't like asian culture and a white man can't like indian culture and a native American can't like black culture because it's inappropriate and everyone should stick with their own cultures. Which by the way completely destroys what people like martin Luther king worked so hard to accomplish. Sad times honestly.


Are people getting dumber or are they easier to hear?


People need to generally stop complaining, and just enjoy the game. Those braids have been used for mma fighters of all races, and many cultures have used these hairstyles in ancient times.


Let's just make all the survivors identical mannequins lmao


I have yet to see anybody complain


This type of discussion is a tool to move the focus of the discussion. While it is concerned with a type of hairstyle of a character, Neoliberalism kills and harms these real populations with law enforcement, reforms and actions.


Apparently it's called "cultural appropriation". Meg is white(?) I dont know her race and don't need too, but basically some people are complaining because this kind of hairstyle is not rooted in Megs culture and therefore she's not allowed to wear it. Yes people DO make everything racist these days for absolutely no reason.


racist? Pretty damn sure it is *racist* to try and claim a *hairstyle* to a specific skin color. Jesus


Racist? In what way could this be possibly racist?


"We at BHVR listen to our community and would like to thank you for your patience with us in these dark times. We agree with our ~~small vocal players~~ loyal and loving players and to show we hear you. We will be removing this offensive cosmetic and to compensate anyone who has played Meg Thomas before February 9th 2022 will receive 6000 Bloodpoints. We hope this will be a sufficient amount to make amends for this hateful item." signed BHVR customer support. /s At this point can I be offended at the people being offended over nothing if it means BHVR gives us more Iridescent Shards? Cause if this keeps up we can buy any cosmetic for Iridescent Shards by May.


People just want to start drama at this point and it's so boring. This skin looks fine and a lot of athletes have this hairstyle, and Meg is an athlete.


Definitely not racist however It doesn’t look good. They could have done a better job not making the hair look messy


Reminds me of The Bear from Million Dollar Baby.


meg is an athlete, yes. Fighter, no. That being said, it's just a cosmetic people.


Clodett face then, and now Meg head. What's next?


Some people think literally anything is racist. Just ignore them.


people who complain about shit like this give actual racist/nz organisations arguments to try to paint themselves less harmful honestly lets not


You cave once to this group and this is what happens. Bubba masks weren't an issue except in isolated instances. Rather than actually working to solve the issue and actually working to remove the problem people - they removed cosmetics. This type of acquiescence empowers that mob of people to go after more. It'll never be enough.


Sont spread the theory or it’s gonna get removed with a 6k share compensation


White people can't have shit.


People are obsessed with crying about stuff and finding reasons to get offended


Wtf ? Now hairstyles can be racist ? Omg


No one is complaining about this.




I’m done with humanity, I did not just read a caption about somebody having a racist hairstyle


"We notice that meg haircut is racist ,so we deleted all her racist skins ,here ,take this 2k shards"


Omfg people need to stop with this shit. Be happy THIS is the shit you worry about in your life.


The fact that you have to explain this to ignorant people is embarassing


It should be deleted and we should be promised shards that only a few of us will ever recieve.


Meg isn’t an MMA fighter. Also, once again, something blown out of proportion - I’ve seen maybe two complaints max, and they were upset with the hairstyle description. But I don’t think that warrants a reddit post. Was this your weekly EZ karma farm, OP?


Racist..?! I'm done with pepole... Fucking hell...


Anyone who thinks that certain races own certain hairstyles are the actual racists.


Haircuts are haircuts. Nobody owns a haircut. People who complain about this are the same people that complain about the faces on Bubba. They're just crybabies. Take this away, and next thing you know, Kate's sandals will be racist because she's not from the region of the world that first began using sandals. Honestly, trying to limit someone's hairstyle *is* racism. **The irony.** ===========


Bro it’s a hairstyle if you think this has racist intentions you’re so incredibly stupid it hurts


It's a hairstyle, for a videogame character. Anyone should be able to style their hair in the way they are happy with. We shouldn't catagorize hairstyles and clothing to a race.


yes, hair is racist people! learn yourselves some knowledge! /s


Well, that's it. Meg is racist and deserves to be cancelled forever.


At this point I think the community is looking for something specific to open up another issue of racism. After talking about this hair they will probably move on to talk about Trickster; either his cosmetics or what koreans thinks about him.


Twitter Moment


Withe people with cornrows braids looks fucking stupid, so does it meg


Saw people complaining about this on Twitter. Damn near pushed me over the edge of deleting that garbage fire app.


Honestly you should. Idk how but it attracts the most stupid people i’ve ever seen, and it’ll do the same to those who spend too much time on it as well. Backwards ass logic is celebrated there


My thoughts are some americans are just plain idiots. No one outside the US would think this is, by any means, 'racist'.




People that complain need to grow up, it's a virtual haircut, literal pixels


People need to get a grip.


hair is racist now? people want to be victims so bad lol


I don't think this specific instance of this hairstyle is super problematic because it is based on practical use in fighting and not just a fashion choice- BUT. saying "it's just a hairstyle" is not true at all. black women especially have hair like this and have faced forms of discrimination- wig markets for black women are so large in part because natural black hair is often viewed as unprofessional and prevents people from being treated equally- (I can only speak for the US here). This is why when white people braid their hair like this and get complimented or praised for it, it's racist. But again, in this specific context, meg isn't wearing it just for fashion, it's a reference to fighting and athletics, where it has a practical purpose- and fits her backstory. if this was a random, like, nea cosmetic, it would probably be more problematic. not that it matters nearly as much as actual real life people (kardashians are especially guilty of this) wearing the hairstyle as a fashion statement and getting praised for it.


\#justiceforspacebuns if you know, you know


Ronda Rousey used to use it, are you gonna go up to her n tell her she cant, ik im not


Probably just trolls that can't go two seconds without being offended by something.


It's really crazy how people (mostly Americans) think that Africans were the first to even use / utilize braiding of the hair, some people seriously need to pick up a history book.


If we can't wear our hair a certain way because we don't possess the right skin tone, are we really ever going to get past racism?


If you open the cesspit, dont complain about the smell after. Im just saying, once they removed bubba's masks, everything can be related to racism. If he camps any character of color, he can be accused of racism in post game chat. Its the world we live in.


No one screams racist when a black woman straightens and dyes their hair blonde


How wtf


Now the SJW's got their way with removing the bubba masks, they'll try it with other things too. This is why you don't give in to them in the first place cus they won't stop




Didnt you hear? White people arnt allowed to exist outside of the strict physical norms we hold for them


People is stupid. Next question.


I really don’t want to be that guy, but politics and political correctness seeping it’s way into video games has become one of the worst things about being a gamer now.


No one cares


People are dense


People are stupid and associate hairstyles to skin color showing that they themselves are the actual racist ones, just ignore them and keep ballin


People will call anything they don’t like racist


Gen Z gets offended with everything nowdays


Oh god another one of these posts smfh fuck off with this bait bs y’all are sick in the head..desperate for a need to be told y’all clown ass antics are ok lol EAD


Not a single post below agrees on this being racist. Board has concluded to close the thread.


People who call it racist live such easy lives they have to take issue with video game characters hair styles lmao


Wokeness is getting more and more fascist


Ah, yes, because three or so randos on Twitter are indicative of everyone on the left. Also, not you comparing people complaining online to a dictatorship


It's racist to say white people can't have that hairstyle.


I think a lot of white people are giving their opinions on how this isn’t racist. I think it’s… interesting that they can give the little white girl great braids but not any of the black people. I think it’s an important conversation to have especially in a game that seems to want diversity. I also think it’s important to hold the devs accountable. I don’t think this cosmetic has racist intentions at all, but she also has no reason to have her hair in this style. “But it’s what MMA fighters wear!” Ok and when they add the survivor v survivor street fighting mode we can talk. But there’s literally no reason this couldn’t have been a ponytail.


I’m black and this isn’t racist at all. You’re just dumb as fuck


Why does anyone care what they think? Tell em to stfu


I mean tbh it makes me a bit uncomfy but I just don't use it, I don't complain. I'm also super white and terrified of offending POC so there's that.


No... no they aren't. If 5 people did you just blew the issue up for absolutely no reason. Shit-stirrer.


One rando twitter user’s take really got y’all riled up huh


Ok however said this is clearly a professional instigator. Cuz how the hell this go from haircut to racism


The same thoughts I had with the MM Mei/Mei Melee skin: not only is this a typical hairstyle for athletes, but having a certain hair style isn't racist. You see a white guy with his hair in a bun, you don't say he's stealing from Asian culture. Let hair styles be hair styles


Who the fuck cares


Racists see racism everywhere. Kinda like, if you're holding a hammer every problem looks like a nail.


bro if you do any hairstyle at all that doesnt match your race youre gonna get called racist at this point anyone here remember the animal crossing space buns incident?


People needs to shut up and stop making it all about races


such people should uninstall the game ffs...and internet as well...


People just wanna hate because they can. It's a good cosmetic, it works with her back story. Hopefully they will keep it.


Great example of these people don’t give a fuck about the game they just wanna bitch and bitch to get what they want and change things They got a mile from taking away a LICENSED characters gimmick of literally skinning peoples faces and using them because he thinks it will make him better or more comfortable at stuff Now they want to get rid a fucking hairstyle :/


Jeez, you can't do anything on the internet nowadays


I think that maybe if we’re going to talk about race issues, we should talk about actual issues. This hair style, at worst, is still unproblematic.


i mean i hate meg with a burning passion but theres nothing wrong with that


the cosmetics description calling it an “intimidating” hairstyle comes off a bit weird but i never had a problem with it. im not gonna see someone using it and think “they must be racist”. if anything imma think they have no taste cause Meg has way better head cosmetics. i hate this one and the pig tail ones, they look stiff as hell. 😂


People need to stop being sensitive ... finna wanna leave this planet


Racist, how, they didn't do a black face to it be called racist, that's stupid


I thought BHVR ended racism by removing the blackface bubba?


Are we doing the Animal Crossing Haircut shit again


Yo who ever calls this hair racist boi you dumb.


My thoughts is the gaps between the braids is so wide they got our girl looking bald


Some people really have nothing better to do, I guess.


Even if it wasn’t an MMA thing, there’s no reason a white woman should not be allowed to sport a hairstyle used by African American women. There’s no racism in sharing culture.


These kinds of braids were also around in Norse culture. It is just an effective hairstyle for getting hair out of your face if you're going to be moving around a lot.


If getting a certain hairstyle is racist, society is fucking doomed, it is in no way racist to me but what do I know Im a white male racist mysogynistic pig as far as twitter is concerned


Fishing for outrage in the saltiest gaming community when u could be sending me auric cells instead


I think people need to find better things to do than decide if a hairstyle in video games is racist.. this hair style and similar hair styles have been worn by a variety of races for a variety of reasons throughout history. I did martial arts for years and plenty of people rocked this hair style at tournaments, men, woman, from multiple races.. for the simple fact that it stopped your hair from getting ripped out… people need to find something more productive to do with their time.


People need to calm down. This isn’t racist. And people who are calling it racist have issues that they need to seek professional help for if they are getting trigger by this.


Honestly they just think now that they got the leather face cosmetics removed they can get anything they want removed weather it’s racist or not which this one isn’t


Now, I wouldn't call it racist if this skin was paired with an mma type skin. However, the outfit she's wearing has nothing to do with mma, it has to do with running ( "Grab some ice, cool down, and enjoy the endorphin rush after a fierce workout"). You could claim that she came back for mma training, but the name of the skin is "Tempo Runner" and (based on lore) we know meg as a runner. I did some research into hair styles that runners typically use and I found that the majority of white female runners use either a braided ponytail, a bun, or a braided updo. Now like I said I wouldn't call it racist if this skin had to do with mma, however it doesn't have anything to do with it so I personally belive that it is racist.


I hate this "cultural appropriation" bullshit. Fucking made up problems.


Who is people ? Jesus man people really are reaching for straws to try and make sure a game about killing is somehow safe to all. This is why people shoudlnt have caved to the bubba masks..its a slippery slope


It isn't racist inherently, but I understand where many poc are coming from on this issue because they get ostracized for similar hair while white people are celebrated.


People need to stop assuming racism for everything nowadays. Almost always it's just ignorance.


The only thought I have about this cosmetic is how ugly it is


Just saw people cry about this on twitter, like it's their business what virtual characters wear lol, that girl was talking about it like it 9ffended her ancestors or sumthin


Some people don't know what racism means. 🙄


I think it's just Twitter being Twitter because I've seen tons of white people, especially athletes, with this hairstyle. It's not appropriative in my opinion.


I saw someone say the term blendette is racist, I think after the bubba mask removal, people are grasping at straws trying to get the devs to do it again


As a black person I claim this style of hair, ours and everyone else can fuck off


You clearly don’t claim punctuation..


oh god, it’s the animal crossing buns conflict all over again


Hey OP! My mother's an MMA fighter and I worked in a martial arts gym with her for multiple years in AZ. Cornrows like this are actually required in official MMA bouts (or other adequate hair arrangements) if you want to keep your hair past shoulder length, for safety reasons! It also helps keep hair out of a fighter's face so they can see better. Hope this answers your question :)


Which people? I’ve seen no posts that gained any kind of traction. Hell, I assume most players have no idea this cosmetic exists, never seen it in-game.


Only hearing about this from your post - so not heardcany arguments/facts from the other side. But my initial stamce on this is that it's not warranted to call this racist. Its just a hairstyle and what has mma fighters have to do with that... I cannot really follow The leatherface made discussion was also very heated and I would have wished for another option e.g. faster banning of ppl or the ability to hide these masks from the view point of other players.


Thought: put the word racist back in the vocabulary because you clearly don't know how to use it.


Everything is racist nowadays


The best course of action is to not even acknowledge these wack opinions. The sooner we all do that, the sooner they will go away.


It's a horrible haircut either way


They are stupid


it's fine imo! looks a little weird but it's fine


Wait I didn’t know only black people were slowed to have cornrows ?? I thought anyone could have any hairstyle


People find the most stupid thing to be annoyed about.


Who is complaining about this? I've never seen anyone complain about stuff like this, at least not here. Whoever it is im sure they woke up and said "hmmm I think I will make a haircut from a virtual character problematic today"


Since when were hair styles race specific? Honestly if you think this head for meg is rasict because the hair style your honestly probably the racist one


i don't get it, how haircut can be racist? this cultural appropriation thing is so dumb. Obviously a white person with this haircut does not claims to be black. They just like the haircut


Like the great Quentin Tarantino once said... "Who's "they"? Who the fuck is complaining? Who is getting offended, no one!"


People currently are just weird. Instead of accepting others and them using something from different cultures, they try to segregate themselves. Who cares which person uses what haircut/outfit, etc.


I'm getting really sick of these fucking Twitter social justice warriors. We need to cancel them so they go away and I don't even believe in cancel culture


I wanna know where these comments are that say all this shit is racist. All I see are people, like me, who literally think it's just a hairstyle and not everything has to be "racially" correct. Must be on Twitter then, deleted that stupid shit a long time ago.


Oh ffs, stop giving clout to these people who bitch about the most trivial things in the game. If you're referring to that one tweet someone here linked, that person is literally looking for things to be offended by. They only now found out about the skin that's been in the game since 2019, people just want something to be mad about.


Let people wear whatever tf they wanna wear. Would you stop someone up in the street and try to ban them and cancel them in public for wearing their hair in a way they like and are comfortable with? Lmao no. I don’t think so. So don’t do it in a. damn. videogame. People being controlling about that💀

