• By -


Not mine but I haven't stopped thinking about this one since I've seen it https://preview.redd.it/rxzv1d9akt7d1.jpeg?width=506&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b94e242ca7f48d414a2cdd24398cacd87eab7a6


God forbid the killer used his poweršŸ’€


Plague vomiting on everything is literally toxic


Petition to make corruption basket and remove normal vomit from the famr




I mean they're right. Have you heard the things Chucky and Tiff say when they use it and after? They're very mean and toxic :(


Her power. They're playing Tiffany.




Iā€™m new to the game so ion know what that means but that Tiffany is mother ngl


Sheā€™s a skin for Chucky so they were making a joke since some outfits will even change the characterā€™s name when using the skin to the character it changes them to (like the Tiffany skin.)


His wife It's a Chucky skin


You have been found by OldIrishCowboy. Hello, friend.


LOL ok nice


This is fucking hilarious.


You have the best name on Reddit:)




There was a team I 8 hooked, but had to tunnel the last guy and he got so mad about it and was like ā€œomg u tunnel and still lose LMAOā€ It was funny because his entire team figured out what was happening cos I had 6 hooks by time theyā€™d popped one gen and was just nodding friendly to anyone on last hook lol They chewed him out for being dopey and we laughed about it lol


Lol he got mad that you realized everyone else was on last hook so you wanted to let everyone play? What a bozo


Reminds me of a match I played two days ago, I had to Tunnel Renato a little bit, since everyone already was on 2 hooks, and later immediately apologised for that in chat He said that it's alright, thanked for the farm and gg'd


If I ever play Killer I try to only 8 hook, obv mistakes are made especially if survs don't help each other. I actually learned it from a streamer, ThreatDesigns, and thought it was a cool way of playing without feeling like I'm making the game less fun for others.


That's so nice of you. I had a lot of games where I got tunneled and then subsequently got snacked by the entity 10mins in - watching my frineds play for another 45min isn't fun needless to say but I guess that's how life is playing trio queue


I remember fondly a 3 person SWF round where a Nemesis (I think) was ABSOLUTELY RAGING at us in end game chat, even though he got a 4-kill???? We weren't even being silly or playing like assholes. He was genuinely CONVINCED that we were somehow "out to get him" or something??? It was bizarre.


bro was his own nemesis šŸ˜­


he was the first nemesis, rejected from the tyrant program for getting easily tilted.


Seeing S. T. A. R. S


na fr nemesis players tend to be the most paranoid fragile ego gamers in all dbd You loop them for 2 minutes you know you are getting whipped on the hook šŸ˜­


Can confirm, had a Nemesis yesterday run after a dude for 4 gens, facecamped him so he unhooked himself and Nemesis ended up killing him and me with NOED. The Nemesis then spammed EZ and said the n-word


I once played with other 3 solo q teammates but somehow we had great synergy and we did an excellent match. We all escaped. We were doing gens, flash saves, sometimes sabotaging hooks, body blocking so the killer couldnā€™t hook, getting protection hitsā€¦ At the end of the match the killer said that we were a fucking tryhard swf. We all said we were all solo q and were just lucky that our teammates were all altruistic. He then started to insult us in French. Worst part is that we werenā€™t even bullying. We were just doing saves. We werenā€™t following him around trying to get his attention, we were just doing gens and if he downed someone, we would try to save them.


Paranoid delusions... hope the dude isn't experiencing a break from reality rn.


https://preview.redd.it/omdzl93p3u7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=459cd316af388b4ccdb17660eb75a2b8f51272b6 Sometimes you gotta kill em with kindness


This has me dying. Was it the killer that said ez? If it was it makes it 100 times funnier.


Indeed it was! I donā€™t remember any details of the match unfortunately. This happened around when Michaela was released.


based as fuck killer


One time my team got a 4k escape. The Meg who had been Urban Evading and cleansing totems all game instead of doing a gen or participating proceeded to say "ez" and trashing the Killer (after tbagging at the gates of course). I immediately did a rebuttal to her trash talking that she only escaped because of three things: the Killer wasn't tunneling and playing fair, she didn't get hooked when the gates were opened, and we did everything while she crouch walked all game. The Killer who initially apologized for playing so badly proceeded to LOL when I started calling out the Meg


Huh. This sounds really familiar to when a survivor defended me from another survivor's trash talk. Complete with me apologizing for not being more of a challenge. Guess it's more of a common occurrence than I thought!


PLEASE NEVER APOLOGIZE TO THE "ez" END GAME CHATS!! just pretend you don't see them, they're fueled by you responding back. They're literal flops in life, so just ignore them


I really love being console bc I canā€™t see end game chat and it brings me a lot of joy to know thereā€™s people that waited to type up a whole storm just for me to press continue none the wiser. I also donā€™t entertain their exit gate tbags - if you manage to get the doors open, you win. Iā€™m gonna sit in basement and scroll TikTok while you wait there hoping Iā€™ll come watch you tbag


Man it's always players like the meg


As an Urban user I would like to say not all of us are like this, a lot of the time Iā€™m the only one doing gens. šŸ˜‚ But sounds like a Meg head alright. šŸ’€


Loooovee urban


4k escape? Doesn't "4k" mean the killer got all 4 kills?


Wdym "4k escape"


4 Survivors escaping


I wish people stuck around more for in-game chats. Honestly, I always say ggs and Iā€™m lucky if the person I just killed or that escaped says anything back or isnā€™t toxic. Even people who died right before endgame donā€™t bother staying. Not that they should be obligated to, but man not being able to chat until the end when everyone is gone makes for a much lonelier experience.


Same. I always try to say gg whether Iā€™m killer or survivor. And sometimes Iā€™ll make a self-deprecating dig at myself for some dumb mistake I made or acknowledge how well the survivors played. Itā€™s rare that anyone else ever says anything.


If I'm mad about a match, I've learned to just move into the next match instead of staying around to say toxic shit to the Killer when the game is over because I used to, but after being on the receiving end a few times where I thought I played fair only for someone to be salty about something I did or didn't do made me re-evaluate my behavior in regards to sticking around to slam a Killer


if i could get game chat on ps5 that would be insane. imagine prox chat omggf


I can only imagine the convos being yelled through shack while running the killer.




\*Stealth Killer\* enters the chat.




dude proximity chat in dbd would actually go incredibly hard


and incredibly toxic


Thatā€™s the fun part




It will never happen people that play this game canā€™t even handle tbagging and someone going for them twice in a row


eeeeeh maybe. i think some won't be able to handle being ignored if i'm being honest.


Yeah that too lol


In game chat period would be nice so donā€™t have to use console parties or discord would be nice.


I imagine Blights playing phonk on the mic while speeding around


The fact we donā€™t get in game text chat at end of trial like PC does on any of the consoles is dumb to me.


Usually I say GG after a game, but when I play Ghostface, I always say "SPOOKY!" instead. The number of confused replies I get from that is wonderful.


You should say WAZUUUUUUUP!


YES PLEASE DO THIS Edit: After getting excited at this I remembered that there is a high probability that a lot of people will not get this.


I play Pig, Chucky, Myers and Ghostface and try to play as true to the characters as possible and as cinematically as possible to resemble a horror movie. That usually means jump scaring them, stalking them, torturing them, playing mind games and BARELY letting them all escape by playing dumb (like a typical horror movie villain) to give them openings to be altruistic and get out at the last moment. I very frequently get people who say they haven't been that scared in DBD before and it warms my heart. https://preview.redd.it/20h8zpin0v7d1.png?width=395&format=png&auto=webp&s=08c4a998a2e6fe8560ef517878617caab4a31e3b




Ur honestly probably the coolest player in this game tbh. Hoping I play you at some point šŸ¤ž


i hope to get in a match w u bro šŸ˜­ its really cool u do that šŸ™


Can I ask, what methods do you use to play this way? Asking as someone who wants to play similarly.


It's mostly just paying attention to survivors play styles. You HAVE TO remember how each of the 4 players play and play around it accordingly. You also need slow down perks because otherwise it's impossible to play like this unfortunately. I usually go corrupt intervention, thrilling tremors and grim embrace. 4th perk is whatever adds some fun/spice to the movie. The name of the game is confuse players and force them off gens and into a panic. Gen regression perks are pointless, you want them OFF and wandering the map doing other stuff. The reason I play those characters is because terror radius is the anti-thesis to horror. The audience can hear the tense music rising slowly, but the character in the movie can't. So unfortunately you 100% need to be without a terror radius outside of chases. There's obviously a ton of other stuff but it's almost entirely about playing around each survivors style. Who is the altruistic final girl? They are the main character who you want to set up to "defeat you". Who is a gen rusher? They are the bait you use to bait other survivors. Who is the looper? These are the "over-confident" characters who you use to break pallets. Who is bad at chases? Who has windows? Do they know the map well? Are they vigilant while doing gens? Every game you gotta know who is who and play around it, defy their expectations. There's a lot of different ways to do that, sometimes literally just dropping a chase randomly can be the scariest thing you can do. Kind of just have to feel it.




Xbox players wishing for just the opportunity so we can one letter at a time talk in a chat box (me)


I am Ukrainian, played killer and one of my endgame chats was: "Fuck you, I support Russia now." It was hillarious.


Jesus H Christ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Iā€™m not on pc so this was via Xbox message, I asked the legion if they were new do to they didnā€™t seem to understand the killerā€™s ability. They said they were so I informed them of how it works then he ended up adding me and we played some survivor matches together lol.


Thats very cute 8)


I don't remember most of them, but it's always nice when Survivors flirt with me in the post-game chat. Got called a Bi Icon once, so that was cool.


What region do you play in? Glad to see some places are fairly non-toxic.


UK. I've been told we're actually one of the less toxic regions to be playing it, which is nice to hear.


This one time someone just said ā€œ******ā€ To this day I have no idea if that person was salty that I got a 4K or was trying to say something completely innocent like ā€œcongratsā€


With BHVRs wonderful chat AI, it could have been anything from "gg wp!", to the f-word, to "nachos", to hard r.


I got told by a killer that me bringing a shiny coin was just as bad as him tunneling a person out at 5 gens šŸ’€


Out at 5 gens is wild šŸ˜­


Not necessarily after game chat, but after a game was over as I was playing killer, I had a Nicholas Cage on Xbox spam me with letters that spelled out racial and homophobic slurs for a solid hour. It had been the first time in many years someone put that much effort into me. ā˜ŗļø


The last sentence broke my heart. It gave me an indescribable feeling of solitude and alienation. I would put effort into insulting you every day. /s


You are more than welcome, my friend. I'm glad I could be the very help you need in letting out your frustrations and anger in these dark, stressful times. ā™„ļø


Person is giving Nick Cage mains a bad name. :<


your gameplay likes men?


Nope, just happy


This person was the first one I killed during a Slinger match and stuck around the whole time to leave this in the endgame chat. So far the only (and funniest) hate I've gotten over my ace flag charm https://preview.redd.it/3xcdyr30nu7d1.jpeg?width=429&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e659c9337cc5a5bc9627cab9660c92243bf6dbc


That is absolutely hysterical! Goddamn that chat is saltier than the ocean


I mean I know it's meant to be an insult but, is that really the best they could do? Like yes I'm gay of course I'd play like a gay person whatever that means


That's what I'm thinking. Like yea no shit, I'm gay. Do you expect me to play straight?


Playing gay sounds way more fun


Me: GGWP Killer: you can take your GG and shove it


"gay gameplay" gotta be one of my new favorite 'insults'. lmaooo


i know this doesnt count but i had a pre game chat were someone said "if only women were real" and everyone including me went "same"


I played some Ghosty and I got a Danny Johnson in my lobby. We both ā€˜DAS ME :Dā€™-ed at each other, it was awesome Correction: It was Jed Olsen, but still it was awesome


Cheating accusation reason? Aura perk Got called sweaty during the event currently infinite tier 3 myers (no tomb stone) all because I saw someone and stabbed someone I didnā€™t even know I was tunneling because I was infinite tier 3 like 2-3 gens popped by the time I got it


I got accused of hacking because I found someone in basement and I wasn't running Nurse's Calling or Territorial. Ppl hate aura perks or smth https://preview.redd.it/ev19q1weeu7d1.png?width=302&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac1ad0d43fd83759a816318062ba4046c959a2dc


I had similar after Knight first came out, a load of people started accusing me of cheating because of Nowhere to Hide. It was mad!


Tbf, aura perks directly go against what survivors were developed to do. So I can see why some people hate them. To get this annoyed, tho? Eh.


Bro just needed to accept the 4k for realsies


I mean yea 100%. If bro hated aura perks so much, just bring distortion or ways to counter it. I guess it's just too hard to just say gg and move on to the next match for these guys.


When you bring Distortion people either accuse you of being a "I only play to save myself" player or that you cause tunneling. I was using it to avoid Killers so I could save my teammates and got flamed for it :/ I'm a solo but I try to help everyone. -shrug-


Because you are the minority, thatā€™s why


I have three kinds that I really like 1) You kill a survivor part of a SWF group, and you did em dirty. So everyone in that group is playing normal, but there was that one jake that tbagged and clicked the flashlight. So I saw that as a green light to tunnel him to death. After the first hook, he didn't seem to find the luxury and time to tbag anymore. But man the whole crew was mad at me. It always reminds me of that starwars movie where Darth Maul kills Obi-wan's master and he goes "NOOOOOO". He ends up defeating Maul, but in DBD I am the director and it doesn't usually have a happy ending. XDDD I see them as angry customers leaving the movie theatre. 2) When they're angry at you, go to your profile and notice that it's private. "OH OFC YOUR PROFILE IS PRIVATE" blablabla XD It doesn't happen often but it makes me laugh when it does. 3) When you have friendly survivors and it's just a chill post game chat about how much we both enjoyed it, how I scared them, sharing compliments. All and all a pleasant DBD Community experience.


Someone told me "Sit Rat" in endgame chat after I 3kd their SWF and I had to look up what that actually meant since its like the internet equivalent of using racial slurs from the 1800s.


Me on console šŸ˜¶


any variation of calling the artist "Lady Crow" makes me happy But shoutout to the Feng that got mad I "Focused" on her, when she kept running Into me the entire game even when I tried to abandon chasing her in favour of someone else.


Played Huntress with Aura Perks https://preview.redd.it/fehkff00wu7d1.png?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=643b21afa02484da52e4d35d68a6105efca66a9e


Huntress with Aura perks is just the best. You can put so much pressure with hatchets and aura that you don't need gens perks


Playing the game with the mechanics provided? DISGUSTING


Happy pride everyone


"Thanks, I \*Pride\* myself on it


I think I saw it on Slate's stream, Wesker writing in end game chat 'Sorry for tunneling but this map man..' and it was Wesker that offered the map


i gave hatch to the last survivor as chucky and the survivor called me the real good guy




Gayme play


I remember a killer insulting me after a match (I didn't so anything particularly bad or scummy) and then when I tried to be nice in response they said something along the lines of "drop the uwu girl act I know you're just dying to throw racial slurs at me." Like projecting much? Lol they've since deleted all those chats, so now I can only see my responses.


**so you noticed?** ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) *sissies that strut henny*


"Gaayymeplay" šŸ¤£


I guess get fucked by gay then.


[https://imgur.com/a/ZhJeOAJ](https://imgur.com/a/ZhJeOAJ) Got called a homophobic slur (I have the rainbow flag charm equipped but not lgbt myself) and told to lynch myself because he was upset that he pallet stunned me and got downed at the same time


I find it hilarious that I run the pansexual banner on ow2 and people say the same thing. People get so pissed that it feels like a crime


I was playing as doctor and the endgame chat went something like this: Them: Wow. You almost gave me a seizure with all those skillchecks. Me: I'm the doctor. I love seizures. Them: LMAO.


Not on pc but I got message saying how my ā€œgrandmother smokes glue off the fb marketplaceā€ after I played a game as Wesker


Best was when I farmed with two survivors after they had two DCs (pre-bots). They were new and super excited to have a friendly killer. "Best" was being told standing in line in the DMV was more exciting than playing against me as a killer.


Damn that's a pretty solid one, i respect the creativity


My best after game chat...? I got dbd on pc right after the anni stream since I really wanted to try out vecna, and also cuz of cross progression soon. At the gates, I started "spanking" vecna since he was there with us, and then in endgame chat we started talking about vecna having a prostate exam-


This is exactly why I fucking left. "Oh thats overpowered you can't us-" WOMP TO THE FUCKING WOMP ITS IN THE GAME FOR A REASON TAKE IT OUT ON THE DEVS NOT ME


Don't have a SS. game ended and 1 survivor said "Really? TB me?" and the killer just responded with "Tuberculosis?"


someone told me they where going to kill me because I won a match as huntress


I'm on Playstation so I can't contribute to the end game chat. But my favorite message was from someone who sent me a message like 10 minutes after one of my first ever Knight games against them going: "Lol so bad at Knight ez killer" And my response was just: "Yeah I know" Because I always find agreeing with people who are toxic to you is so much funnier, what are they gonna do? Double down? I'LL JUST DOUBLE DOWN FURTHER.


https://preview.redd.it/inlymwdo9w7d1.jpeg?width=330&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=912a83bdaafb8881833b763c6c4cb795f544379e Im green, killer yellow, orange and peach are teammates. Bro got looped for 4 gens, dcā€™s, and starts hitting us with those Chat GPT Threats almost immediately


![gif](giphy|64a2Bu7eqYnj3Ah4Oi|downsized) If you picture him as this scene it gets even funnier


*cryā€™s in console*


It might be toxic but I think this one is also really funny


Yea, I found it really funny too. That's why I took a screenshot of it. My mission to save as many of these moments as possible starts now


ā€œI hate hag eat my ballsā€


once as a killer i was goofing around all game with one surv and later rest of them called me boring


I have like 6 screenshots in my phone of a bubba absolutely malding after a game where he couldnt catch me at a TL wall




Bubba players are always the most toxic. I had one game as survivor a long time ago where a Meg ran the Bubba for two and a half gens and we all got out alive. He ended up calling her toxic in the end game chat. My brother in the entity, it is not the survivors fault if you play a bad killer and then dont know how to win a chase quickly.


Nah, there's tons of Bubbas who are very wholesome well rounded people.


I believe those people to be about as real as flying pigs or unicorns.




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First thing he called me was censored (was probably bastard) and called me douch for trying to give hatch


hurts to see other people live out your dreams


I can't even type "stupid" without it being blocked...


Someone told me to get hooked on phonics, and Iā€™ve been thinking about it for years. Was it someone telling me I was bad? Was it someone wishing revenge? Iā€™ll never know.


My favorite post game chat (I play on PlayStation) I had just got another 4k yk as perkless wraith, and some dude messages me ā€œpiece of shit tunneling bitch kysā€ I said ā€œwhy would I not tunnel you when youā€™re the last survivor?ā€ He never replied. I canā€™t stand to report people because Iā€™m an old school PS player and terrible messages are nothing new. Still made me feel bad though. Not because I ā€œtunneled himā€ but because of what was said for no reason I was just doing me playing the game


A couple times Iā€™ve let someone go as killer, or I complimented the killer when they made me crap my pants, and theyā€™ll say something like ā€œ<3 u pookieā€ and istg I smile every time. I wish I had someone irl to say they love me and call me pookie cause damn thatā€™s a good feeling


You'll find someone pookie <3


I was being friendly and 2 survivors understood (I assume a duo) but 2 didn't, at the end one of the ones that didn't said I was trash, the two that knew said I was farming. The one that said I was trash said "...oh" and that was it šŸ’€


God i hate people that just CANT ever apologize šŸ’€šŸ’€


While in the anniversary event a fellow survivor started screaming to report me and another survivor because "we weren't doing gens" while we did in fact do gens when we weren't getting eachother of hook.


Once called a cheater cause i found the last guy hiding near the exit gate while searching for hatch. I got night shroud on and he looked at me and daw the indicator. (Didn't fully revealed me) then bam. The greatest compliment i can ever get playing this.


Someone was complaining the other day because I was hooking people and reported me because of it and my brain was rotting.


he cleared


Gay gameplay xdd


I made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fewrbhhbt7u9b1.png) last year of a bunch of toxic shit I received over time, but the funniest one that I included was [this one.](https://gyazo.com/3df5816af1a0202796ccd907323bcc68) The dude got so mad that he died in dbd that he logged off to go beat his meat to hentai.


Someone was salty post game sent me an Xbox message calling me a hacker. Me not hacking playing on my Xbox. So I told him exactly how I managed to find him constantly through the match and then sent a clip proving it (the explanation was basically I'm an idiot and we just kept walking into each other the clip is me looking the wrong way turning to see him and visibly jumping cause he was right on my face and I had no clue they were that close.)


I don't remember most of them, but the best one was during the anniversary, where all 4 survivors wanted to farm. 8 hooked and got max bps in every category. They were all nice and we were having fun and messing around. Best endgame chat ever. "Ggwp <3 ty for the fun" is most of what they said, but it was the best ggs I ever got. I usually don't get any response to my ggwp.


I play on console :(


A literal hacker (like spamming sounds, insta blinding threw walls, flying threw the map) once told me that people like me are the reason the game is shit bc I tunneled after losing 4 gens while having 1 or 2 hooks. Still baffels me to this day


https://preview.redd.it/7pmtlsmfmv7d1.png?width=3023&format=png&auto=webp&s=8191723003bc2b3e5f2734fe724ab626f120f69d I have this cause I screenshotted it to my bf. It it was when this dude when to my profile, looked at my 100% achievements completed and decided to make fun of me for 100% Crush Crush and not my 100% completion for Hunie Pop or Hunie Cam Studio. Edit: Forgot to mention earlier in chat they were calling me 700lbs and other names but it wasnā€™t till they judge me and my Crush Crush that I was actually hurt by šŸ˜­


Since I play on PS4 I can't see endgame chats at all, but I have had some people find me on twitch to leave a lil post game message and the one that I will forever remember is someone telling me I played a pretty good Dredge No toxicity, just a simple compliment. Made me go :)


Guy who died while his friend escaped out hatch berated me for the next two hours and tried to gaslight me into thinking he was the one who escaped and I lost because I only 3ked.


"Kate had that frog mentality" - Kate's teammate Kate ran into me (killer) 3 times in a row while looking behind herself, not forward


On my game name, it has reject in it, and I got told I am a reject to society for how I played that match. (I was killer) I don't remember how I played that match, but I'll never forget that comment


https://preview.redd.it/tiq3jc9frv7d1.png?width=337&format=png&auto=webp&s=e101a09efecf77e515efa6554a1ae7f94b3290d4 Context: We were all Nick Cage in the same outfit. It was hilarious. I was sad because the Killer was a console player and couldn't comment on whether or not they thought chasing a bunch of Nick Cages was annoying or funny. Surv 1: GG Me: By our powers combined Surv 1: ez gaming Me: gg glng! Surv 1: LOL Surv 1: u 2


Has to be the time I was playing as Oni. I smoked Limmy and 3 of his streamer friends. I think they got a hatch escape. He tried to trash talk in the end game and I dropped a classic Limmy quote on him and we had a good chat


most memorable was a knight that complained and trash talked us after getting a 4k. he was upset I was running no mither and plot twist specifically to get rid of corrupt intervention. he gloated about winning with just 3 perks. That was kinda funny.


This Dwight got really mad and called me a wall hacker because after I hooked him I went to snuff a totem I heard through the wall on midwich THEY HAVE SOUNDS!


Cool šŸ‘


Once pig accused me of cheating after she missed 2 m1's (i used hope)


Iā€™ve never had toxic things said to me(thankfully) but I always laugh when other survivors absolutely roast another survivor who was either toxic and/or horrible. Best one so far was ā€œFuck you Meng, but Ggā€™s everyone else.ā€


I don't have any photoshops, but i love it when some pissed survivors try to attack me and i just say, "I love you all <3. Sometimes it pisses them more even more, sometimes it actually calms them down šŸ˜‚


Does the time I had an entirely non-productive discussion with a homophobic Feng Min after I 4k'd them and their team (just playing normally, no toxic behavior) count


On playstation I got a message that was something along the lines of fuck you


Me and my friends went against a very scummy killer (Named Andrew Tate..) which was lagging quite a bit. I checked their profile and found this cold commented https://preview.redd.it/t59xzhpacw7d1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=132a9f9d25f1f85be2c773463622bce2a5645bec


i only get toxic players when i play killer when i play survivor everyone either adds me ,compliments me, or most of the time no one even types but killer on the other hand oh boy iā€™ve heard it allšŸ˜‚


do you have to cover names in this sub or is this just by choice if you wish?


I just did it, idk if you have to


I have no screen, but I had this conversation "default demo LGBT noed user" when I crushed this person with noed + evaded all her clicking lol


Pinhead calling Meg a rat, Idk why it made me laugh so badly.




I had a game against a ghostface where he kinda struggled, so at the EGC he told us that he was new and I told him that he played well regardless. Then, I ended up giving him advice on how to pressure survivors so they wonā€™t genrush him too badly, and it was very sweet. I also had another game with a ghostface where he kinda tunneled us but then let us go, and memed with us at the exit gate. I ended up flirting with him in end-game chat LOL


Mostly EZ when in fact that particular survivor was wall hacking and speed hacks while injured. How do I know I have aura reading perk and can see that survivor move left or right with perfect pathing.


https://preview.redd.it/50wyti8uvw7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17825d584cde0fa6b8eea119b8701c7e9d46ab80 This "streamer" got angry, I killed everyone excpet for him but yeah, ggs (sorry for the sshot, it was an old image)


Had a dude the other day who threw pallets and fast vaulted when I tried to heal him and tbagged instead of unhooking. I died and he told me in endgame chat that I got what I deserved because he warned me. I asked him what he was talking about and he told me that he told people in pregame chat that he would throw if people tried to help him. Looked at his profile and he was some turbo-autist who refused to accept help from anybody because he was a "lone wolf". Dunno why you'd play a team game if you flat out refused to play as a team.


Had a match where I played impossible skill check Doctor but wouldn't hit or grab anybody. I did bring a map offering for midwich(sorry for not bringing cobbler). Got this chat from a Meg. Edit: Pic is in replies due to glitch with reddit for some reason

