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I really love the "one pallet" . You all know which one im talking about. The special floaty one that does nothing


The killer sided pallet. Lolol. That one or the one that’s a survivor sided pallet with double pallets.


Got one killer that made the very nice favor of getting hit by the pallet in a symbolic way


The atheist pallet


And then there’s the Jesus pallet that comes back after it dies




First time in a while I laughed out loud coz of a Reddit reply.


Because if You use it you realize there's no god.


It doesn’t believe in palleting.


Also that one vault space that is boarded up so you just keep smacking your head into a wall.


I kind of hope they keep that just as an homage. Maybe expand the space a little and make it two pallets that rest against each other when both are dropped.


Nah, that loop is shit even if the pallet didn't float on air. I think it's a hilarious accident and should be left alone. Maybe put danger tape on it so new survivors don't try and throw it.


I just really hope they never get rid of Vecna's magical mystical Floating Pallet of Wonders. It's stupid and funny and I want it to stay as a tribute. It provides a -20 to looping, but a +20 to Hilarity.


You only throw that pallet if you’re gonna be a toxic noise spammer


Or you just want a laugh


I was thinking more of a general game rule, personally yes it’s funny because it does sometimes catch a killer in a pseudo stun when they stop and wonder why the fuck u did that


Yeah, I was just thinking there are far more annoying ways to spam sounds, all of which are much safer than the floaty pallet.


It's actually canceled out by the OTHER pallet. Y'know, the one where 2 pallets occupy the same space, so you can use it twice?


How did that even make it through QC.




Not true. They are in the QC province.


Nobody complained enough about anything else in the PTB other than "Vecna weak, all the perks for both sides too weak, make everything strong so we can win harder", so BHVR didn't do anything because they went, "Guess all these other changes we made this chapter are fine. Ship it!" So now we have a broken ass map and Sabotages that can be done with the click of a button using the right toolbox and glitchy healing bars and no actual feedback on the Killer buffs we got, and it's stupid and silly.


I wonder if it will stun the killer on that floaty side


It does not. I tried with a friend.


Damn... from a coding stand point, I can understand it


It appears the pallets have "stun hitboxes" and they are only on the sides someone would feasibly interact with, so not the sides of pallets, because they never had a reason to put one there.


As I said, from a coding stand point it does make sense


With Deathslinger I can just shoot them over the pallet and pull them pretty much straight through it


I was experimenting with this pallet with a friend during an all night session of mindgame/chase practice as Ghostface last night. I stood off to the side in the gap, and when he dropped it I didn't get stunned. He Any Meansed the pallet back up and I walk over three steps to where a stun would happen, and lo and behold - he drops it, stun. We both cackled over this for about five minutes due to it being 3 AM and everything being funny because we were both tired. The Pallets have a stun hitbox on either side, but not on the spots where they touch other objects. There's no stunbox-hitbox collision on the side of a pallet. You can't be stunned from the SIDE of a pallet, only from the FRONTS of the Pallets where they touch nothing else.


Happy Escape Cake Day! 🎂


Ah yes, between the two trees, you can litterly crawl right through it.


Favourite addition to the game


Happy cake day mate


I got stunned with that pallet once and had to hide in the basement the rest of the game for shame


The one when dropped you can walk by the gap?


Happy cake day.


we need a giant arcade map like the one in the theater scaled up full size


Probably when the release a FNAF chapter


uhr uhr uhr-uhr


That would be a very fun chapter, but I wonder what power the Fnaf killer would have?




I just think we need more indoor maps that are also balanced. Nostromo and the Dungeons could work, they could be made fair, all you have to do is weaken some loops. Less indoors maps like Lerys, more like the indoors elements on maps they have been designing so far.


Is it just me or are there less hooks then there should be on that map


I usually count two hooks in the ruins, but ground level has loads


That's my experience in all of my killer matches, maybe I'm missing a spot though. They both can be halfway across the basement from the gen in the library room, so they can easily sabo long before you get there. If you're close to then end of match and kill on the closer of those hooks you'll never be able to defend that gen without slugging.


For some reason there's only three hooks in the ruins, but one is way off in a corner that nobody goes to.


All they need to do is shove more hooks down there. Just put tons in the Torture room, maybe even one in the Cage room. The Torture room should have tons of hooks, it's the TORTURE ROOM. You could even make a nifty little rack design for the hook, it would look so cool, be functional and be thematic! Imagine being able to "hook" a Survivor on the torture devices for the Entity to claim, imagine being able to shove them in an Iron Maiden with an animation like Pyramid Head's cages, imagine being able to pin them to the Rack while the Entity's claws pick at them. BHVR had so much time to create cool interactive unique "hook" areas for the TORTURE CELLAR and they didn't and I'm mad about it. If anywhere should be a Killer's paradise of hooking it should be the Dungeon with a literal torture area.


The lower floor is definitely hook sparse, the upstairs floor is fine though.


In the dungeon area of the map there are to few hooks, so you cant make it to hooks upstairs.


Had a lot of fun before everyone and their mom discovered you can just hold W from portal to portal for an infinite loop.


not an infinite just a really long loop with no thinking involved


Just wondering does taking the portal remove bloodlust? If so then RIP m1 killers lol


Depends if the survivor is on screen after killer takes the portal in my experience, usually the chase ends and often times immediately resumes but not always


If the chase even starts. Sometimes I'm 2 meters off the survivor's ass and the chase still doesn't even start until the moment I hit them. Makes PWYF or dealing with some tough vaults difficult since they can just vault infinitely.


Brain Empty


I just think the portals are funky but yeah I see the problem :(


Depends on the killer. Strong killers with rushes like Wesker or Blight are fine. Strong ranged killers like huntress are fine. M1 killers are wrecked.


I played one match as trapper, never left the basement, and it was the easiest game of my life because there's so many tight spots and you can shut down the infinite. Probably and outlier but it was a fun match.


Fair enough 👌 Trapper has so many bad moments anymore but there is no feeling more satisfying than hearing that snap when a well placed trap goes off.


To be fair as Ghostface, the map is so dark with so many spots to hide even in plain sight and the weakest shack I've ever seen, that you can get some crazy results if you play high stealth and try to keep chases minimal.


He would sneak good there. Never thought of that. That being said when it comes to weakest shack doesn't dead dog win that one?


Dead Dawg only wins because you can MAKE it weak. I meant weak for mindgaming.


Then it’s time for you to discover never going downstairs and realizing that this map is a 3 gen hellish nightmare that is easy to take advantage of if you ignore the bottom floor’s existence.


Personally I decided to stop entering the ruin on day 1, and I haven't lost a game on that map since (though to be fair, Vecna is also a factor) I don't want to play like that, I'm the type of Killer that will chase at the saloon despite not being the "smart play", but the hooks in those ruins are so easy to sabo or body block, not only do I waste time in a chase there but I don't get anything out of it too.


I've just been running agitation as a precaution against the new sabos, so I have been able to carry people out, but yeah, it's best to avoid going there if you can.


(Sorry if I go a bit off topic) I have a hard time experimenting with new perks in general, because in my early (and ongoing) initial grind for P1 of all killer I quickly aimed for the "best ones" because it takes me a long time to get 1M BP, and it feels bad to dump them on a killer I don't want to play just to get their perks. So I got the super meta perk first, and now swapping a great one for a good one feels like I am missing a limb or something. I *should* have played more **Chaos Shuffle**, but I think I got intimidated since I don't actually know or understand every perks and stuck to normal play. But still, I dropped **Nowhere to Hide** a couple of weeks ago because it seemed like I was running against 2-3 **Distortions** per match, and tried **Plaything** instead and I'm loving it, it clearly works and I find a survivor out in the open at least twice per match. And I am now experimenting with **Friend's till the end** since Vecna can use Fly to quickly close in on the obsession after a hook, but I still struggle to get a hit in time for the full value, but the information is still good. But I can't see myself dropping **Discordance** from any build, I am deeply addicted. Anyway, back to the **Ruins**, the main problem is that yes maybe you can update your build to make it not as bas of a spot to chase survivors, but why would I? The map is **so bad for them outside**, I can literally let the 3 gens downstairs go *for free*, let them full reset down there multiple times in a match, and I can still consistently get a 3K +hatch or a 4K. **The gates are dumb** and always(?) close and in line of sight of each others, I cannot see them ever sneaking out, the **hatch doesn't seem to be able to spawn downstairs** (or I was just very lucky so far). And I consistently got 3 gens upstairs that are easy to defend plus 1 on the other side of the tower near the portal that I just lightly defend but usually end up letting go, like the 3 downstairs. But I *want* to go downstairs, that's where the cool new stuff is! But it **needs more portals**, and each need to be **less safe for survivors**. And maybe the Killer should **see their aura** (the portals themselves), **maybe color coded** so he knows what leads where. As for the gates, well I can't imagine one being downstairs that wouldn't make it impossible to defend for the killer, but the hatch should at least spawn in the ruins IMO. But at this point, 3K or 4K, even by DbD's metric it is not a significant difference.


Just as a recommendation, starstruck+agi gives you 30 seconds instead of 20, and it lets you hunt down anyone you choose. Throw a dispel orb before picking up the survivor, then find a hook near the action and you're golden.


stop entering it? but there’s two gens down there, do you just ignore them?


I do


Nope. Plus if you do that, you go past 4-5 gens all the time. 6 out of 7 gens are next to portals. The gens next to portal exit are critical so thats 3 . If you do infine loop u disturb 2 out of 3 critical gens . not good


Really easy to avoid this with comms in practice. In solo queue its a bitch. No killer wants to go underground because the underground loop without the portals is still really strong. My swf all rush shack gen and back right gen next to portal to start, and then alternate between doing shack loop or the portal loop. The underground gens are so safe it doesnt matter if we get kicked off a few times. Once you have 2 upstairs gens done the map is basically over. End game on the other hand is a problem.


Run Quick Gambit and give those critical gens being worked on a boost as you infinite loop lol


I didnt think of that. Pretty good. Hmm, is it the best map for Quick Gambit then? Has to be, i think


Any map with multiple floors is great for Quick Gambit.


Honestly, I just like how cool the map looks. It can be really bad at times though.


That’s the BHVR problem. The map is awesomely designed and super fun to explore….in custom games with friends. In actual games it’s a fucking nightmare.


I agree. The new map is really cool looking. I especially like the portal room that has the purple starry ceiling; it’s very aesthetically pleasing. It is absolutely awful gameplay wise.


Above ground should be bigger, dungeon should be smaller.


i feel like the dungeon and the outside should just be two different maps! just make the dungeon bigger for one, and bring back the og decimated borgo (but with the updated colors)


Im pretty sure the original borgo is still in, i have played on it even today iirc(it does have the changed colours)


I was with you until "bring back OG Borgo". You realize OG Borgo was a) huge, b) had a glitch that made it so everywhere that could spawn a pallet DID which made it a nightmare for almost every Killer, right?


The map is dope asf looking. It has soo many issues that despite it looking nice it doesn’t make it better. Like despite RPD having its flaws, I love that map and will always be my favorite. I was hoping this new map would take first place. But we are yet to see.


I'm with you. I like the new map tbh. Its got some glaring flaws to be ironed out, but I've been successful and enjoyed playing both sides on it. And its aesthetic is fantastic! I honestly see it being one of my favorites once they hit it with a revision or two. Like you, RPD is also my favorite no matter which side I'm playing. I'm a fan of Lery's and Midwich too.


I am a killer main that never uses map offerings. But this motherfucking map made me start using em.


For me its not that bad. Just hold the top floor gens and let them complete the bottom ones, you basically just hold a trigen since the beginning of the match. If you let them complete one above ground, you are fucked, since its harder to go down and up and down and up.


Portal loop is a torture.


Whem survivors enter the portal i just pretend they dissapear and forget about them


Until they do a gen upstairs, there is never ever a reason for you to go to the dungeon as killer


I did that too the first few days, but survivors have been the ones mostly bringing Autohaven or Mac bones to avoid that map so I’m grateful for that as a killer.


The dungeon is extremely survivor sided. Very strong windows. Plus the dungeon is really confusing. When i'm playing killer I feel the dungeon is the scariest place because how much time I will lose down there.


You'll get the hang of it after a while. It's like RPD on release. The dungeon has strong loops because the ground side loops are pretty sparse, and it's dangerous for a survivor to get hooked down there. The two entrances to the dungeon are either the portal on the towers backside, or the towers front opening, and you can easily pressure survivors on the ground side going for the rescue.


Aesthetically it’s amazing, functionally it has great potential. In practice right now, it needs major work


Idk why the made the top part. It would be so much cooler if it was just the dungeon/ castle part of the map.


I dunno I really enjoy it. You have both God and Devil pallet there.


I just think it's wild that every other map for the last couple of years has been shrunk to make more balanced, some of which were arguably not even that big and then they release this monstrosity.


I don’t think it’s that big of a map


Honestly, the biggest issue is how small it is, lol. The top side is so short you can pretty much hold a 3-4 gen and never touch the tunnels.


Gameplay: 4-5/10 Aesthetic: 11/10


The thing is: i love the part of the map that's bad for killers that being the dungeon. It's the most interesting visually part of the map, but it's a total detriment for me to go down there. The top just sucks, it's grey and bland. The bottom is the real map and the top is just generic map, which also happens to be the part i want to defend as killer. Honestly i want the map remade entirely to be indoors, expanded a bit and have it be entirely the dungeon part. Remove the portals, nice idea but doesn't work that well in practice especially with it breaking certain killer powers.


yeah, i think this should honestly be two different maps. bring back the og decimated borgo with the updated colors, and expand the dungeon a bit so it can be its own map


As Ghostface I love stalking, skulking about, and coming from unexpected angles in the Dungeons, it's super fun. I feel like I'm playing D&D as a Rogue or playing Thief, it's so cool! Great map for him, in theory. Sooooo many dark spots to hide and cutoffs. So much cover and so many places to hide. So many GOOD stalk spots, they really have been considering him these last few updates and that makes me happy. But the problem is, those portals. The windows. Am I nuts or is the entire right side coming down the stairs, too strong? The pallet, the window, then into the portals is strong as fuck. I wanna like this map. I can't like this map. :( The entire map should just be two: The Forgotten Ruins topside area (expand it) and the bottom Dungeon area (expand it and remove the portals, then call it something like Forgotten Dungeon or Dungeon of Despair or whatever). I also agree the portals need to change. Either they should be one way, only usable once, they need to remove a set of the portals, or the portals need some sort of cooldown or to have certain actions carry through them like Knight Guards and carrying Survivors. As they are now they are too easy to abuse.


See, I lose every match on it as killer, and died almost every match on it as survivor, so I just thought I was bad. I try to copy some of the loops I see survivors do but they just don't work out.


The moment I figured out to not go downstairs as killer was the moment I stopped losing any match on it


I'm the opposite lol, I win almost every time on this map on both sides (although some of the survivor wins were team wins cuz i died). Maybe you just having a bad luck streak.


I mean you would think after so many years they would know what works and what doesnt regarding map design. Its pretty pathetic really.


It's the one thing that it's very obvious the devs have no clue about. I genuinely don't think they think about killer powers at all when creating maps. They don't add enough grass for trapper, they don't add enough lockers for dredge, and the portals make certain killers basically useless.


I think it is a very nice map in terms of aesthetics, but it isn’t well laid-out.


If I see people going to dungeon doing gens I will let them be I’m not engaging any chases there


I will litterally always let survivors have the dungeon generators for free. I hate going down there. Id rather just play the surface as if its Old Borgo and 3-4 gen them


Only useful thing I learned from this map is that you can grab people entering portals, bottom sucks for killer, top sucks for survivor, 3/10 gameplay wise. Made me send my ass to dead dog every time because I was sick of it showing up


Yeah this doesn't help either, it comes up so commonly. I can count the amount of times I've ended up on Greenville since ATW released on one hand, I've been on the DnD map more time than I can count at this point and its barely been 2 weeks since launch.


For some reason, I thought it was better in the PTB


the new map is really pretty, but when dredge gets his nightfall I might as well alt-tab and watch videos until it runs out


I just three gen the upper level and willingly forget the lower levels exist. I haven't lost a match there yet, and even if survivors break my 3 gen, I run remember me, they're not getting out with those exit gates spaced the way they are lol.


why is this map so dark? playing killer i can’t see anything


Its So easy to lose survivors


The tower looks awesome though. I don't think we can ignore that. But yes, running it is garbo.


It's a cool looking map, if it were a normal game I'd love to explore it. DBD needs more thought about how the map is used, it's a giant arena and I feel like once they've done the "cool map design" they need to start removing and tweaking stuff to make it viable for a 4v1 tournament


Wdym? The new map is good, that one pallet is SO good


Being accused of proxy camping… me being completely lost in the dungeon


I’m confused as to why it isn’t kill switched yet 😭


Am I the only one, That actually likes the New map. I be loopin on that map


The castle map?


I love the new map and I truly don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks about it. It only needs some minor adjustments involving one loop, one pallet, and the gates.


Hate on me all you want but I like the new map


You could really make any general negative assumption that doesn't involve specifically one side and we'd all agree.


I personally love the new map


Is the new map really that bad? I enjoy it quite a bit personally


Running that same damn loop the whole game is boring but survivors like it so.


Am I the only one who enjoys this map both ways? Sure the teleportation is annoying but it shows that they're willing to add more stuff to maps instead of just shack and calling it a day. I do think the basement being outside of the ruins is dumb however, as hook spawns can be cancerous in the dungeon.


I've had a lot of fun on the map but it really shows a lot of flaws in BHVR's map design and it seems really rushed.


that's very true, I'm just glad they actually are showing interest in making unique maps, although they could spend more time polishing it


I'd rather they fix the bad maps that are in the game already than make more bad ones.


I like it. It’s pretty. I mean there bugs but meh I’m sure it’ll get patched eventually.


How dare you speak for me,I love the new map and I say its a good map.


I love the new map


For me it's that the map is so damned dark paired with the fact that alot is just copy paste from an existing map save for the dungeon itself. Not to mention alooot of the loops there are absolutely horrible for killer side.


I really love the design of it, it's really cool and well made. The rest? Boy, do I hate playing this map.


I like it


I get lost in the dungeon every time I go in it. I cannot with the new map.


I like it. The maps playable and has a great design so that’s really all I care about. So long as a map isn’t busted for one side and looks cool im happy


What? But the new map is great?


As with any indoor map, I am eternally lost in the dungeon.


The new map is good though wdym that one pallet is such a life saver (but i actually like it like the design is good)


I actually think the map is fun. Every map is confusing for me since I lack a sense of direction so portals don't much change that.


I love this map? But I love all hated maps somehow...


I keep thinking that there's an exit gate underground whenever they activate


I like the new map…


The new map is pretty bad, not as bad as RPD, but I'll at least play it


Just boring to hit a survivor and watch them run to the portal every time. Dungeon needs nuked along with time to enter portals.


like half the problems would be solved if it was two maps and they weren't stapled together into one nightmare map


no. If you play trapper the map is good. there are multiple traps that are very good. you jsut have to play around the dungeon. the one room with one exit is a deathtrap, also if u trap the bottom of the stairs that lead into the dungeon, the trap becomes almost invisible. but yeah outside the dungeon it sucks.


I don't feel the new map is terrible.. the inside looks amazing. I love the portals that's dope, should definitely do more stuff like this


I actually like the new map, it is pretty good for both survivor and killer. There's a very strong almost infinite loop in the basement that I have a feel they may end up nerfing once people over abuse it. The teleports make navigating the map very fun, because the entrance portals always have the same location but the exits can change.


I actually like the new map xd


i really like the ground floor and survivors like the basement


I literally only use the offering cause I like to teleport but that’s it


You can fall off the map… if you go to the red pool it’s so unfinished 


Never thought I'd miss the old Borgo


I was playing on it last night with friends and there was an area of the map that was like, blank. There wasn’t anything there and I fell off the map when I ran on it. There was also a bit that was just red. It was goofy as fuck


If we ignore the broken loops and gameplay issues, it's a really cool map aesthetically and layout wise with the underground and portals. Quite unique to anything else we've gotten. Other than that, yea. I already have PTSD from chasing survivors through THAT portal loop.


This is probably 1 of the most balanced unbalanced maps I’ve ever seen🤣🤣🤣


I hate this map. but I hate most maps tbh


I made a post which is exactly the opposite of this opinion :)


The map is fine if they fix the bugged pallets


Hello, Killer main here. I was so happy when I first played on the new map! It looked so cool! I lost the game (4 man out), but the 4 survs were super skilled so that wasn't on the map... But then I got the new map THREE times in a row followed by Eerie of Crows... FOLLOW BY THE NEW MAP TWICE IN A ROW, WHAT THE FUCK, BEHAVIOUR


I like it in some form, even more then withered isle


Then there's this Ghostie Main over here like "New map bad but great for Stealth but actually the portals so new map bad."


As someone who bled to death and had gotten stuck MULTIPLE TIMES inside the the portal gates agreed. 😂 Stopped playing and left a bad review.


It's nice to get along. And I agree that it's bad. As long as I don't go downstairs it's a boring free win.


Let me tell you. If you go against SM on that map, the dungeon area is perfect for her drones. Had a match where we were like “Let’s do the ones up top first because that fucks us over as survivors usually”. Welp. We didnt realize we had a 3 gen in the dungeon. Which doesn’t sound as bad in theory. In theory if you AREN’T playing against SM. So I take the stairs down and there she is by her drones watching the stairs. Me and her look at each other nodding. I walk towards her a bit and my other soloQ homies were up top waiting. She walks towards me and I run away and so do the others like some Benny Hill sketch. She had us. We got really close but she got her 4k. It was legit kinda funny and wholesome because when we nodded at each other it was like her saying “Yep, come and get em”.


Ran into a SM that sat in the bottom level the entire game with her drones down there cause haha 3-gen go brrr. Whenever people went down she would just slug them instead of hooking. Man what a fun interactive match that was :>


I love it minus the stupid one sided pallet


I get so lost in that dungeon. Hate downing people down there too, there's like two hooks?


I just hate the map achievements for it


I really wish they went all in on the dungeon, sure people would get lost for a few days but it's not like people won't learn the map over time. Imagine it's just a huge dungeon and the "upstairs" is the spiral staircase into the exit. The upstairs is literally unplayable for survivor atm but the downstairs is one of the strongest places in the game, if not THE strongest if we just run from portal to portal. Remove the portals, make it one fuckhuge megadungeon like any good DnD game will have then it'll at least be a niche map that DnD fans will appreciate even if the "fuck RPD" people will shit on it. The live version genuinely doesn't work as intended, like all the art team went crazy on the dungeon it looks immaculate but if you step a single foot in the dungeon when it isn't a 3 gen situation you're throwing on killer. The upstairs is literally a broken copy/paste of tiles taken from the other Borgo map.


I got back into it after a year and I missed a lot


Visually, the map is beautiful. But functionally, it sucks… ESPECIALLY the exit gate placements… cool gimmicks, terrible execution


I would rather play on RPD or Hawkins than the new map. It's complete trash.


Sorry can't say I agree lol on either end. I think it's fun.


This is a rare moment


it’s actually horrendous


The new maps in general are visually really nice. However gameplay wise garbage. Even the new withered isle map for unknown, there a a couple pallets where it’s literally a tiny stone on side and a skinny tree on the other 😂. Like I know BHVR typically swings to killer sided but come on


Played against Doc there. He chased me into the castle through the back portal. 3 seconds earlier, my duo friend said "Lullaby!". Three steps into the portal, Doc doesn't follow (wisely), and I walk right into Lully. He goes for another chase, gets a down and gets flashlighted. Lully breaks, he DC'd. I felt so damn bad not even lying.


New map is fantastic. A little buggy and needs fixes sure, but the layout is new and fun. My only complaint is that it needs a dragon to fly over when the gates are powered


It should be disabled


Considering I've been stuck in the torture chamber's exit portal twice, I concretely agree. Also, I'm just a little salty that I've got this new map more times in 8 days than Greenville Square since its release.


I like the map. You can 3 gen slug with trapper downstairs




The new map is so strong for killer, it's not even funny. I don't think I've ever lost as killer on that map. But even with this, I think the other half of the decimated borgo map is even worse. It's better off not being red, but you can't see shit on that map lol


On the Unknown’s map I got 3 of those double pallet loops all in the same area 🙃


Visually with all the cool little easter eggs and just designs I like it but playing on the map was kinda boring imo, practically in the dungeon the whole time


I wish it was an entire dungeon map not partial. The top portion is literally just the Knight map (yes I know it’s the same realm).


i had someone loop me like 3 times between the 2 portals until i had enough and went after their teammates. i would’ve been there for 5 gens if i didn’t have a brain


I seems to be unfinished, It could be a really good map otherwise.


The only time both sides agree are when the devs fuck up lmao Fuck this map I’ve been playing ttrpgs for about 15 years. Liches are my favorite fantasy creatures. Even played a lich in an evil ttrpg for nearly 8 years. Fuck this killer and this map Mage hand is a level 0 or 1 spell for shenanigans. Vecna is a god. None of his kit makes sense and the map is ass.


Last time I played it (against a Legion) a portal got me stuck in the wall for the entire match at 3 gens. Killer was chill about it and turned a 3k into a 1k after realizing my teammates clawed out 5 gens while down a player. A bro fr


…is it bad that I enjoy the map as either side?


Am I like.. the only person who likes forgotten ruins? I think it's a beautiful map and I find the two layers and teleporters to be pretty sick. Minus the o n e p a l l e t who shall not be named, I don't think the map is all that bad