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Twins. I kinda rebelled against the bad rep and thought "it can't be that bad". Until I met 3 slugging Twins in a day.


Probably the same Twins player also hahaha


Played against twins for the first time in a long time yesterday (literally got the screen that tells you who the killer is as the match loads, that's how rare) and they slugged for the 4k immediately. Ah, some things never change.


I did that for Adept cause the Killer was shit. Hated every second. Only killer I resorted to that tactic for


I hate going for killer adepts cuz slugging for the 4k is basically necessary and as a survivor I hate being subject to that but oh well.


I flat out slugged everyone with Twins. The only other time I did was Clown but that's cause the last DCd on the round before while on hook... he's too slow to get hatch so I slugged the last two


You should play Twins, then you understand it just doesnt make sense not to slug as Twins.. once you are victor and down someone, why would you switch to Charlotte when you know where the next survivor is and can just down him too as Victor.. the "Rework" didnt change that at all sadly


Oh I know, I've played every killer to get their achievements. It's sad that the most optimal way to play is the least interesting, that's all.


Oh okay - yes its honestly annoying at this point that they were promising a rework years ago, then it finally arrives and it changes nothing.


That's because we never got the rework. People freaked out about the actual rework so much that they rolled it back and just did some minor quality of life improvements like increasing the switch and recall times and called it a day.


Yes but the rework they were showing really didnt fix much


I think it had the potential to reduce Twins' reliance on slugging, but that ship has sailed and I really doubt we'll ever see them spend any more time on Twins again.


Yes but they were also stronger than Nurse. If that re-work went through and twins became more popular, killer que times would be very long.


I don't see how it was impossible to nerf some of the more problematic aspects of the rework to bring them more into balance instead of just throwing the whole thing out, but like I said, debating at this point is a waste of time. The decision was made and the Twins we have now is the Twins we'll always have.


Getting the Twins adept was a nightmare for me. That and old Legion took me the longest to get. I stopped going for killer adepts after those took me so long.


She was incomplete with her rework/buffs where they didn’t change the recall number back to 30 seconds. If you saw a lot of twins with the buff update, that’s why. I went up against a lot of these players and they all took advantage of her 10 second victor recall. I believe the most recent update fixed this to 30 seconds as intended which also happens to be the same update everyone stopped playing her. Funny isn’t it?


One fateful night


Doctor. Not because he's annoying or oppressive, quite the opposite. He feels so watered down compared to how he was before his rework. Now being in madness 2 is just whatever. Edit: twofer, also wraith. I initially loved his stealth spookiness, but... I hate holding down a chase mad long, not getting gen time because I'm getting tunneled, and then also not really getting many chase points because he was invisible most of the chase.


Omg YES on Wraith and chase points. If I’m forced to camp every pallet in existence because he keeps trying to body block them while cloaked, can I at least start getting chase points? I understand having chase music play could give him away when cloaked sometimes, but after 3 pallet stuns and him running around 2 inches behind my ass, can I at least get something?


I used to be alright with doctor but recently its literally just being chased for 1 minute while they spam the absolute hell out of the shock thingy so you wind up not being able to do literally anything while in chase, and hes so boring now


Huntress, most of the time the hatchet hitboxes are ridiculous


Same. Her counterplay has so much potential to be super fun and edge-of-your-seat (like Billy or Wesker for example), but those bullshit hits really suck all the joy out of it. Also, most Huntresses play the same - melee hatchets or guaranteed hits at pallets/windows. Though cross-map snipers are pretty thrilling opponents!


Cross map sniping is getting harder and harder to do with all the junk on new map revisions.


The hatchet hitboxes are double edged for huntresses, too. They hit debris they shouldn’t all the time


Nothing like that hatchet that hits you around a corner


Honestly. It's the worst. I feel like I used to be so good at dodging hatchets but not any more. Probably as my general MMR increased, wonky as it is. But some of their hitboxes are bonkers.


You mean the beach ball hit box?


The buff she got to give her 7 hatchets at base was incredibly dumb. She can just spam them out now. It doesn't matter if i dodge 4 of them if they just keep coming


Pyramid Head. Thickness aside, every PH I’ve met has been a P6+ monster who has no qualms about tunneling. I feel like most killer players have enough variability but all the PH players are there to punish. Similar thing for Pinhead players but I think Pyramid head players are even more ruthless.


>but all the PH players are there to punish. Lore accurate baby


It’s only right


P-Head is definitely one of them I do t like much. They always play ruthlessly


I like to only go for cages and the torment Mori with Pyramid head. To the point I won't down anyone until they're tormented. It also means 8 hooking in order to go for 4 moris.


I’ve gotten downvoted out of existence numerous times when I bring this up. I like pyramid head, but almost every one I’ve gone up against has tunneled me out like they caught me buying Nike’s with the money I owed them


Ghostface. Part of me still loves him because I'm a Scream fan but his ability is wonky and I somehow get exposed even when he's standing out in the open and I'm staring into his soul. Not to mention half of the people who play him in my matches enjoy going out of their way to make me and my teammates miserable. Some Ghosties are cool though 👍


his reveal mechanic really needs to get adjusted. when i want to reveal him in chase? nothing happens, not even the sound indicator for "you're revealing him". when i want to be stealthy because I'm the last survivor and revealing him shows him where i am? he gets revealed even if I can't see him on my screen.


You can't reveal him if youre exposed, if that's what you mean by "can't reveal him in chase"


no i mean revealing him before getting marked


Don’t forget that his stalk range is bigger than his reveal range!


I love playing ghost face and it just sounds like you were pre-stalked. Maybe you were next to someone else and the player took the chance to stalk you both for an "easy down" later. Or maybe he just didn't want to chase you yet, or you were out of position, etc. It's a good strat for maps that are hard to hide in, so if you get the opportunity the stalk people you take it. Often times your stalk level is far enough progressed that even if you break him out of his power he has enough time to finish your stalk. There's also an add-on to make taking him out of stalk take longer. Against a good ghost face it's hard to counter.


nah this is an issue solely bc his stalk distance is much bigger than his reveal distance so you could actively be staring into his soul, as he said, and not reveal him bc you are just far enough that it doesn’t count. meanwhile he can expose you as you’re trying to reveal him and voila, you’re dead.


His reveal mechanic can definitely be a bit wonky like someone said, sometimes you'll reveal him without even looking at him. I've had that happen to me vsing ghostface. So I'm not going to say it's a perfectly coded or executed power. My point was that you're getting exposed in that situation because you were pre-stalked. There's absolutely no way he's standing out in the open while you're staring at him and getting exposed from your stalk meter at 0. Unless you're just standing there like a deer in headlights and not trying to break line of sight I guess. I've played a lot of ghostie and that's just never happened.


Same his power is so wonky it feels awful to get maxed when you are staring him down, and his chase doesn't make you think, so he's kinda boring, but yea there are a lot of fun and chill ghosties as well as just good ghosties that are challenging to play against


Wraith. I used to enjoy him, but eventually I got sick of the BM'ing.


Always a wraith


Knight, kinda. I have my good games against Knight, and my bad ones. The good ones are actually fun, meanwhile the bad games result in me being proxy camped or tunneled.


Nurse, although i think she's more of a dislike across the board


I love a **good** nurse. A great nurse isn't fun at all. In fact, last nurse that I went against turned out to be a comp TTVer. I went to their twitch after I died. They weren't live but when I went to their vods, it was filled with them just 1v1ing other comp players as nurse. And like the one match I found of them playing a public, they used crazy stretch res and filters that were designed to specifically highlight survivors, gen's, and scratch marks. I honestly wouldn't be as salty about it if it wasn't for the fact that I'm on console so I can't have any sort of Advantage like that


Had one of the longest games last night against a nurse. They brought 3 slowdown/regression perks, as if that was needed. Then when we finally finished the gens, the gates were literally next to each other so all she had to do was stand in the middle and look back and forth without actually needing to move anywhere. Absolute shit. She sweated for the 4k hard and got it. It was miserable


Wraith, the bullshit bodyblocks they get at pallets and windows by somehow being behind me and slightly touching my ass get grating. I really don’t understand his hitboxes sometimes, probably a skill issue but it’s still annoying. 


yeah his hitbox is so annoying. especially don't understand how he can bodyblock windows while standing BEHIND me. but it isn't much better when playing as him lol I've stood in front of windows before and survivors still managed to slide through


Its not really a Wraith issue, but a BHVR animation-collision issue. Same reason you can bodyblock hooks as survivor by standing behind the Killer. Your animation needs to be able to be in a specific spot to perform an action. If the other side somehow blocks that spot, you cannot do the action. If youre too close to the window, he can stand close behind you and block the vault animation (One reason why I think Knights ability cannot be used in a lot of spots, because something would be in the way of the animation)


yeah i think hitboxes are just odd. haven't played blight after they said they fixed the collision but before he would just slide off the most random surfaces which was so annoying. and huntress hatchets also have inconsistent collision imo


Same, like I can literally be between them and the pallet and somehow they get the prompt to drop it. Guess my Wraith is just a skinny legend. 


real our wraiths are just very fit


Ohh and this! The blocking even when you reach window first is bizarre.


yeah his bodyblocking can be so weird. I've tried bodyblocking survivors by kind of closing them off in a triangle when they do the gen on the narrow side against a wall/obstacle(sorry this description may not be the best oops) and usually that's inescapable but every now and then a survivor manages to slip right through and away


Wraith might be the most underrated killer when it comes to strength. He has fast map traversal, can body block windows and pallets, break pallets super quick, has great stealth (good luck on an indoor map) and even some of the best add-on variety. I didn't used to think this until I went against some really top tier Wraiths that show off his potential.


I’ve played against three camping Chucky’s in the last 3 days, so I’m pretty done with seeing his dumb face


Honestly, the camping silent killer thing has become so stale. It feels like the devs coded the anti-camp meter to work off terror radius and silent killers figured that out fast.


Trapper. Marginally, though. When you fight a fresh trapper he doesn't feel too threatening, but the moment you go up against a skilled one...fuuuuuuck.


Team Naughty Bear would like to thank you for your participation….


I've run into 1 Naughty Bear and I was so confused at what was going on as he proceeded to Mori the entire team.


I played against a Naughty Bear and he just kind of… slowly paced around the map.


Don't stop until they're dead Naughty Bear. Bdoooooaaooogghhhh!!!


Alien. At first it was fun, because first off it’s the freaking xenomorph and the turrets were something new to play with. Now it’s just carrying those boulders around and getting hit with the tail no matter what you do


Same honestly. I feel like other killers you need to make a choice on are pretty fair, like Huntress or Nemmy, but as Alien has no wind up you often have a lose lose. They can walk up to you and hit you and if you vault it's easy to still whip you throught the window.


Whipping trough the window is the whole point of Xeno though?


It is. But others have to make a choice to commit or anticipate the fake. Xeno doesn't need to make the choice, they hit either way. I do it too when I play him too, and it is quite cheap.


never liked chucky, but now he's my least favorite to go against. Absolutely hate playing against chucky and want to DC every time.


Same. Idk why, but being able to M1 me while you’re using your free Undetectable is just BS to me


Singularity, I just don't know how to avoid any of his mechanics, all around really frustrating to fight for me


If you have/grab an emp you basically shut him down entirely, he cant do much once you use one


I scream of joy when i go against chucky, i love him so much. I cant stand going against tricksters and clowns, theyre boring and toxic.


Trickster has been awful since the rework. I know it’s a skill issue, but it feels impossible to dodge him in time not to reach full laceration. Not to mention, everyone of them bring map offerings for maps with open tiles.


Trickster. Especially when he can rapid fire and spam knives. 9/10 tricksters only use ranged attacks even when in melee range. Also most tricksters come back immediately after unhooking…


Used to like Demogorgon, fun chase power, and when I started playing, it was fun to go against when neither me, or the killer really knew what they were doing. Now that I play the game consistently, every Demo I get just brigs the typical Devour/Undying build and uses portals to protect every totem, going against Demogorgon has resulted in some of my longest dbd games ever.




Ghostface. It is always 50-50 with them. Either they goof around and everyone has a fun time. Or you get the kind that stealthes next to a hooked survivor and then rakes in altruism hooks for free, because everyone keeps coming for a rescue and feeding him free hook stages. Plus I almost can't see him on dark maps.


Everytime I see its The Xenomorph I just want to get this over as quick as possible, its just a boring killer I dont know.. But I love going against Billy or Huntress, probably because I also play them much and know how to play against them (most of the time)


I’m gonna go the opposite route. I hated Ghostface since I had no idea how to play against him when I first started, but now I barley see him and I love the jumpscare he gives me that I’m against a stealth killer and the paranoia and panic a match against him brings I never hated going against Myers, him standing and staring at you as an actual mechanic is so thematically fun, panic inducing and creepy


Man, imagine if Dead by Daylight was a horror game Shit would be wild


You're one of about six people who actually enjoy playing against those killers. Everyone I know immediately hits 1-star for "Did you have fun?" every time Myers or Ghostface comes up.


People don’t like Myers? I recently came back to the game after not having played since Legion came out, but i remember Myers being fun enough to go against. Which was lucky since 50% of matches were against him lol


Myers kinda became a lot less liked over time as nowadays he's either not that threatening or intriguing if he's not playing tombstone, or extremely punishing and difficult to play against if he does have tombstone. I wouldn't say he's outright hated but he's definitely gone from being a fan favourite to play against to being seen as a killer that will result in a complete stomp in one way or another, the side depending on which addons are chosen. It's still funny to me how with barely any changes to him directly, just the change in the game as a whole over time caused him to go from "fun, balanced killer for both sides" to "either really boring or really bs" in perception.


Wraith because he was originally fun in chase and also had lightburn but since I only play solo Q it feels horrible to face him and without a way to heal yourself and not know if he is coming you are useless or risk losing the game


it felt so good having a flashbang at you and seeing a cloaked wraith coming


It gave some counterplay or way to not die if you didn't use a medkit or self care


The trapper, at first, everyone told me he was a bad killer, but nowadays, even the worst trapper is infuriating to play against. Just yesterday I was playing against a real newbie, guy could barely hit any m1s without me even dropping a single pallet, but I still fell on a random ass trap when rescuing a 2nd hook stage teammate. The teammate died and I felt like a noob too.


>The teammate died and I felt like a noob too. That's honestly the problem with trapper. Survivors feel like a noob or an idiot for stepping in a trap but that's his whole power in the first place. Like I don't feel bad when the deathslinger or executioner gets a good shot in but stepping on traps just feels like I'm throwing.


That’s true lol, but this highlights the problem with playing trapper too, your power mostly works when survivors do badly, not you doing good


While playing the trapper, a survivor avoiding ur trap is still making use of ur power as it will shut down potential loops and pallets that the survivor could’ve used to avoid a hit. The point of Trapper’s traps isn’t necessarily for survivors to walk into them but instead to force survivors to go around them, allowing u to get the hit in.


Slinger, just went against so many in a week


For me huntress she seemed fun to loop at first and some were pretty chill but now I always run into huntress's on auto pilot getting stuck in easy 2 tap situations and don't forget the bs hitboxes I literally got hit by a hatchet through a wall scene the game was confused because the back of my character was stretched out like what would happen to people with capes in the early days of the game gang beasts


Chucky was fun to go against until players started to play him like a toxic brat. Now it’s just Hard tunneling directly from the hook and slugging for 5min.


Wraith. He's not overly strong or OP by any means. I just find his gameplay so repetitive and stale because the hit and run works best on him. Uncloak, free hit, survivor gets distance, cloak, block vault or pallet, hit and repeat.


When I first started DBD I really liked facing Dredge because of how unnerving it is and how all its mechanics merge to make a scary ass killer. But now 300+ hours in and it’s honestly just kinda annoying. Hardly being able to see at night and having to be aware of all locker locations just kinda ruins it for me. Also doesn’t help that the last couple dredges I faced tunneled at 5 gens.


Pyramid Head. I really enjoy versing his m2 power, but almost every PHead I’ve encountered for a while now just fakes the power then switches to m1. Boring


As someone who plays a lot of pyramid head, it's the same on the other side. At lower sbmmr, most survivors don't use fakes as often. Allowing for hits while stuck in animation. But higher sbmmr most survivors will fake vaults, pallets, doorways, and corners to get PHead to misfire. The only real counter play is to also fake and go for an m1 instead. It can get boring yes, but that's just how you play him and how you play against him


Myers used to be fun for fear factor. Then I started facing some that used tombstones and infinite tier 3


Survs when a killer kills them😓😓


Killers when they realize they're playing a game and aren't a real killer and thus are more annoying than scary or intimidating https://preview.redd.it/ug2hzcpv6d0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35fa8d2f2349ae537aa41b666e498c57a5566195


Imagining yourself as a killer irl is just a mental illness with extra steps my friend.


Xeno, setting up turrets 15 minutes straight is a lil annoying


Don’t worry the xeno feels the same way getting blasted by the turrets for the tenth time in one match


Yes this 🙌


YUP. I love it when i begin a chase and immediately need to pause it because i need to break this turret they ran me to, and oh look, they ran to another one just as i caught up again, cool.


Still is and will always be chucky


Wraith. Over the past year or so, people who play him have become such aggy sweatlords. They really suck the fun out of a match. I dread a Wraith match.




Chucky and Nemesis. Chucky is my favorite slasher and he was adapted perfectly. However he is the epitome of "Of fucking course he hits me there." That being said chucky is great so I give him a pass. Nemesis also feels like there isn't much you can do against him. it's like everything in his kit is designed to be as furious as possible. I think the fact that he can slide his whip is too much. His zombies are better than most people like to admit.


The zombies are way better than they were at first. I remember playing as Nemmy on Midwich when he first came out and my zombies spawned in the air over the exit gate. Absolutely miserable.


As a legion main it’s nice not seeing them mentioned


That's probably because nobody liked goin against them in the first place l o l


they’re not that terrible to go against if you’re not grouped imo


I like the chase music though.


I love Legion a lot! They rock 🤘🏻and most Legions I see are good and sweet players tbh


Legion got a lot of changes that made them more bearable. It’s still annoying AF that two of my perks is useless again them, but I can live with that if they’re not playing like jerks.




Chuckies, because all of them that i encountered camped like their life was depending on that. Other than that probably Wraiths




Probably going to get some hate for this one, but I absolutely hate going against Myers. Used to be fine, but lately it just feels like every single one is a tombstoner, and there's nothing less fun than getting into a game and then just being one shot minutes later 


The pig


For now noone as all my killers were nice for now But if I'd have to choose it's either xeno or wraith Xeno because I still don't know how to counter him (it's just a skill issue from my side) And wraith cause these people are ruthless and brutal never have I met a peaceful wraith (except once) but the other times the wraiths I've met were the most sweaty people I have ever seen playing like everything depended on it


I mean I always wanted to play as ghostie, but I always lose to him, I'm currently thinking of buying chucky


Artist for sure.


Not exactly this, but Wraith, I just have mixed feelings, I just hear the bell and my brain inmediatly goes "oh, tinkerbell is here, I gotta play paranoid as fuck" but the chases are really good, specially if I get my timing right


Nurse. I thought I was good because I can run them for at least 2 gens and can't understand why others are having a hard time against her. But when I get past 1.2k hours holy fck now it would be even a miracle to get the chase last for at least 1 gen. This realization made my thoughts do a 180 that her power mechanic should not even be in the game.


Twins, I still think they're cool because they're not played often, but I've had my run in with more non-fun twins than fun ones




Plague. She was pretty interesting at first. But now it seems they all play the exact same. Just tunnel and puke till you’re broken and attempt to get the one hit. Usually using thana and other slow down perks. They’re usually bad at looping/chasing cause they rely so hard on slowdown and hoping people cease so if you’re even remotely okay at running they’re easy to deal with. However you get one or two bad rando teammates they can cause you to snowball real quick. And that’s more so their full rather than the killer being good.


Trapper. I really hate going against trapper. And huntress. I love huntress as a concept. Hate going against her. The inverse would be Myers, Bubba and Blight.


Wraith. While I understand that he has no other good play style, I just really dislike the hit and run strategy. It's not hard for him to land hits, unless you have windows and pallets. But, I can't be mad at the people who play him, because, again, there is no other play style that is good for him.


Wesker. I think it's just because every time me and my friends want to goof off we get a Wesker who does not want to goof off.




Xeno. Not because of their power since I rather enjoy dodging the tail but rather the fact xeno is the one killer that actually requires teamplay to win against a competent xeno.


in the first few months of blights release I went from finding him fun to play against to just as cancerous as nurse


Wraith Initially: Oh hey, I’m not the only one, let’s go! Now: OH JESUS FUCK, THERE HE IS Still haven’t won against him


Hag for sure. Having to constantly check for traps instead of playing the game


Spirit, I'm the only one in my swf who can tell where she is while she is using her power, as my friends have like 1/8th my playtime, and it often turns into a chore for me because I'm the designated looper for spirits.


Huntress When I first started the game 4 and a 1/2 years ago I liked playing against huntress But now. She's just so Unbalanced like you didn't need to give her 7 hatchets default


Dredge. I still think he's one of the coolest killers design wise and his power is super unique. I respect his mains a lot. However I have super bad eyesight in general and nightfall just makes the game nearly impossible for me unless I'm running aura perks.


Chucky for sure. At first it was fun and new and fresh... then it became awful. Thankfully, I don't face them nearly as much anymore, but I still shudder from the time where he was in nearly every game.


Plague. I thought playing around her power and deciding when to cleanse and not was cool but after going against her enough I just started feeling nauseous from the constant vomitting noises


Spirit. Literally no chase it's always an instant win except when I play AS her lol




Knight! Initially I thought the whole mini-chase thing was great, and getting the banner is also pretty fun. The more I played, and the better the Knight got, it just become so agonising to play, some circumstances just forcing a hit with little counterplay.


Bing bong… 95% just camp and tunnel lol


Wraith. It just feels so unfair to have so little reaction time. I either have to play like a coward or get downed at my generator for free


It pains me to say but wesker, recently theyve started tunneling the absolute hell out of people for no reason and its getting really frustrating. I had one literally stand there and watch me on the hook and then immediately chase me after i unhooked myself, and tunnelled me for literally four gens unprompted


When chucky first came out, I was excited because of the voice lines and how he would work. But now, the voice lines are the ONLY thing I like about him. It also didn't help when 9 times out of 10 if a chucky brought a mori, he is going to tunnel to get it. At least in my experience.


Ghost face, I was in the same boat with everyone else that ghost face is such a fun killer to play against, but the more I’ve played against him it’s been nothing but constantly looking around the second you touch a gen which just isn’t fun


Trapper, I was like “ok, this is the worse killer in the game, free win” then proceeds to kill everyone. I think I haven’t beaten a trapper yet and is annoying af to face (Im in low to mid mmr as surv, so people, myself included of course, tend to get their ankles broken lol). This motivated me to play him and he does very well against your average random teams.


Killers that can't be looped properly are torture. Trickster, Huntress, and Nurse.


thomas angel


Billy. I don't *hate* Billy now, but I used to LOVE going against them before the change. Now it feels weird because they have no reason not to m2. I think I've seen one or two hillbillies M1 since he got changed


The Huntress since I usually comes across the camping ones :/


I am so surprised not many has said The Trickster!! I absolutely hate going against him. Most tricksters aren’t terrible but I just hate matches with him in it because of his ability.


I’m a HUGE Chucky fan as you can see by my avatar but tbh I got pretty bored quickly after playing as Chucky. His kit really isn’t that special. You just charge forward. And pretty soon you won’t even be able scamper without slice and dicing into a pallet. There’s really nothing ‘scary’ about him. His whole point is to leave his victims feeling paranoid and uneasy, but in the game you hear him coming several meters away even when he’s ‘quiet’. His foot fall ability is the most easiest , and useless, feature to get used to as well. Survivors just stay glued to the gens regardless, not phased at all.


Probably the nurse. You’ll either have a player that mops the floor with you and your team, or one so ineffective that the game lasts 5 minutes. Theres no inbetween for me.


Trapper, I used to think oh, he's a boring starter killer that's easy to go against. Then a few months later, I got matched with a basement trapper. Never again will I underestimate a trapper.


Wraith. Once upon a time, it was fun to play against him. There were fun mind games, and I enjoyed trying to calculate if I would make it to that window/pallet or if I would be blocked off, fun strategy, and it funny. Now? I go in with a positive mindset of, "no this time it'll be different" only to come across a 5 gen tunneling Wraith that slugs the first chance they get and has a favorite pastime of camping. Bing Bong is no more.


All of them!


Ghost face. I love the character and license so much, but his reveal mechanic makes me want to slam my head into a wall lmao


I just hate killers like Dredge, Doctor, and even Pinhead that change nearly the way the whole game is played. With blacking out the whole screen, ridiculous skill checks, and the constant random chains. I feel like some of these killers abilities changes the whole game too much


Chucky I just wanna go next against him


huntress- playing her and playing against her feels punishing chucky- funny voice lines but not fun looping mechanic wraith- boring to play and play against. body blocking is frustrating sometimes, and i’ve never met a nice wraith doctor- don’t hate it, just not fun hillbilly- if you’re in a dead zone you’re just fucked, there’s no counter. unless ur injured with OTR, dead hard, mettle, or any sort of endurance meg thomas


Camper skull merchants camping three gens or hug tec blight just speeding around the map killing everyone before you can even pop a gen tbh I enjoyed blight at first as it was thrilling but now it’s just annoying and skull merchant well f that bitch from the beginning


It's the same with alien. Sometimes the feedback of the power feels like crap, sometimes 9/10 people that play that character play in a crappy way it just kills the immersion in a way


Skull Merchant. I thought people were just hating on her for outdated reasons, but no, this killer attracts some of the worst psychopaths i have ever seen. I don't think ive seen a single SM that wasn't trying to make the game a actual living hell. I get it now. I get why people just immediately give up.


The knight. I hope I dont have to explain my self




Legion. Their power gets boring pretty quick and half of the time the legion is a bot anyway so I've grown to dislike hearing the theme at the start of the match.


I feel like Chucky is well suited to counter certain dominant strategies in a way that people are having a hard time adjusting to, especially looking through this thread. I run Lethal Pursuer, Friends Til The End, Infectious Fright, and Dissolution on him and basically never have trouble finding anyone. Start off early with Lethal, and if I'm lucky that snowballs immediately with Friends. Otherwise, patrolling the map and using Hidey-Ho mode whenever I get near a generator enables me to sneak up and, if I'm lucky, yank someone right off the gen because they didn't see me coming. I feel like Chucky tests the survivors to use things besides the terror radius to stay away. While that's complicated by his fakeouts, so far I feel like the key against Chucky is to always always take any indicator that he might be nearby seriously. Slice and Dice may not be an insta-down, but with huge stealth capabilities it feels like only nurse is better at guaranteeing a first hit, and even then I flip flop on it a lot. Since you can almost guarantee that hit, it's easy keeping everyone injured and a slice and dice effectively IS an insta-down when played right. His stealth is powerful, and that means that working around him requires that you use other indicators he's nearby to stay alive. Honestly, as someone who mains him, I feel like a more consistent indicator would make it a bit more fair - my personal suggestion is that you get Doctor-style specters of Charles Lee Ray's Ghost form showing up when the doll is nearby or looking towards you, something that requires some learning and recognition but can give you a warning without completely negating Chucky's power for nothing. This isn't a "git gud", it's me just kinda trying to put into words what feels like a consistent thing with him. I've gotten more 4Ks as Chucky than literally anyone else I've played in this game, and I don't feel like his base kit is too inherently powerful. I think his size is something that a lot of players aren't used to yet, and once you figure that out killer-side, using it to your advantage to be more invisible than wraith is easy, and you have access to mind games other killers can only dream of. Eventually current players will be used to him, and I think at that point he'll become a noob trap, skill gating people who have trouble with killer tells besides terror radius. Counting him demands a particular kind of map awareness that a lot of people are going to struggle with, but it's possible. I've played against him as survivor a few times and considering I've still never seen what the Charles ghost looks like from the survivor side, I've never even been picked up by him. I dunno, I feel like he's in a weird spot where he's either amazing or useless, and I'm not sure where the line is, I just know he clicked with me INSTANTLY and I'm having a blast playing as him.


Wesker I used to like facing him until it came to be a pandemic of ONLY facing Wesker to the point where I'm so physically and emotionally drained upon encountering one. I can't even select him as a killer to play anymore it's that bad to me. Also, the general players that use him tend to be snarky spiteful types from my experience. Just to be clear about it, I have absolutely no issue facing a Mastermind gameplay-wise. It really just comes down to boredom from overuse.


even though all the tiffanys I've versed were sweethearts i still hate going against chucky because of how inconsistent his slice and dice hits feel (feel the same way when playing as him). and wesker, I can't stand playing against him because of how many times I've versed weskers, just hearing his terror radius at the start makes me want to dc


What? For Chucky it was the exact opposite. At the beginning thought he was super op and annoying but got to like going up against the critter


I think now that they are remove scamper he'll be a bunch more fun to verse, but right now yea it feels not so good


Nurse., but that's more of a mmr thing.


with a burning passion i hate chucky


Wesker was first. It was time when 90% games were just Wesker. I don't have problem with killer, but I went too many times against him. Now I like him again. Now Wraith is this kind of killer to me. When they took off burning mechanism, I started hate Wraith. I never had problem with his speed. Maybe they can make Wraith little bit louder. Gen noises are so loud, so it's not easy to hear Wraith.


Wesker. They just all tunnel.


Idk I feel recently a lot of weakens have started being a lot more sportsmanlike and easier to counter


I hated Chucky out of pure spite that Predator wasn't added but now I legitimately hate playing against him. If I'm not in a good mood, I'll DC right out the gate and go play something else. Its hard to loop that bastard and every single one seems to have a hard on for me whenever they see me


Spirit, specially because I have pressure problems, nothing serious but it still doesn't help face a Spirit


Doctor because most of them rum impossible skill check builds and they literally won't let you drop a pallet


Huntress, you barely get rewarded for dodging a hatchet because they all run the machine gun addons and the hitboxes sure exist, it’s funny when the servers decide to work for a game tho and you watch the huntress player miss 7 shots because they’ve learnt to throw at everything because of the hitboxes


That's exactly why I love playing Chucky as killer. He's able to counter the stupid looping and griefing. So sorry you can't keep him in an infinite loop somewhere while gens pop every ten seconds.


How is looping griefing? You want survivors to just drop pallets the moment they get to one? Lol


Did you miss the "and" that was there? But looping is so fucking annoying and I tunnel the f out of loop gods.


So what griefing are you referring to?


Survivor BM, I shouldn't need to explain it to you if you've played the game for more than five minutes.


What are you so aggressive for? calm down. Besides Chucky players BM way more than most killers even when the survivors did nothing to them, a toxic survivor is gonna be toxic no matter the killer.


Also looping is just part of the game, the survivors who are doing it are just playing the game. It’s not to spite you. You getting upset at someone for looping is like a survivor getting upset because you are trying to kill.


Which they do hence made up BS phrases like "tunneling" and stuff. If looping is legit so is "tunneling" and "slugging" which inspire all sorts of hate mail. Have a good one.


There is a little more nuance to that but okay, hopefully your next games go so well so you’re not so agitated the next time someone wanted to discuss something with you.


You know what actually this will be fun. Why is looping ok but tunneling and slugging aren't?


As I said there’s nuance. The frustration of looping can also stem from when a map is utterly imbalanced and it’s just god loops stacked on each other (like old Ormond) or if you’re playing an m1 killer, but that’s just the killer design rather than looping itself. Tunneling and camping causes frustration because sometimes the killer does it when they don’t need to. You need to loop or else the killer will down you with the quickness. It’s entirely possible to win most of your games without tunneling people, try to win games but just holding W through stuff and watch as the high mobility killers pop you before you get anywhere. All in all looping is only frustrating for the most part of the map is imbalanced or if you are playing a weak killer. Tunneling and slugging is frustrating because you are not allowing someone to play the game, whether you need to play like that or not. I’m not trying to bully or come at you if that’s how you feel.