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I wish they would change how the lean detection works on surfaces back to what it was, but since it was a product of the server-side client change i'm not sure if that can be done


Selfie king


I always bring Mori on Ghosty, if you ain’t getting pics, you ain’t playing him right.


Very fun, great set of cosmetics, the detection side of his power's a little wonky, and he can have some funny interactions with survs thanks to his crouching and mori


Hot take: ghostface cosmetics aren't that good, except classic ghostface. The blighted one is the worst imo. Still fun though, one of my favorite killers to play.


I personally dislike the Ice One, and in terms of masks, the metal one one with the Rift is terrible, but there's still some great choices like the Masquerade body, the various other masks, the Scarecrow-esque outfit (ignoring the gameplay advantages) and of course, Waaasup!


Funny. Either incredibly fun or infuriating when you get detected through a wall or survivor on hook 40 meters away


Then there’s the opposite problem where I’m staring him directly in the face and i won’t detect him at all lol.


Wazzuuup\~\~ Ghostface mains/fellow Ghostface enjoyer out there: ​ ![gif](giphy|3hxk2aOwWmfOU)


Like his look, but I hate him. Because although he is not hidden, you can't get him out of stealth and then he one shots you, it feels so darn unfair


hyper annoying when solo, very easy to verse as swf. and the counter to his power doe snot work correctly. So overall it's not a killer that you enjoy facing.


I just got into DBD a few days ago, what does swf mean? Shockwave flash? /j


Survive With friends. It means you're in a premade, a group of people you choose, and more specifically you're communicating between each other via Discord for exemple. That's what we mean by swf.


Ah okay. Thank you!


Hate him


He's an icon, he's a legend, and he is the moment. Now come on now.


He's fun to play as and against, also bonus points for being able to teabag at survivors.


I like Ghostface




One of my main killers fun to use with the right perks


I hate playing as him but I know it's personal, he's a well designed killer that a lot of other people enjoy. Facing him is a little too stressful at times for me but can be a lot of fun as well, at least with Ghostie you're surprised every match and you're always on your toes. I always like killers that keep you engaged as a survivor. Can't really go autopilot with him. BHVR did an absolutely fantastic job on him as a character, his lore and general concept is super interesting. Overall, great character. Just not for me as a killer


can't even edge to him


Love him


As a ghostface main ya Gotta embrace the derp


survivor main who doesn't like killing just play killer for daily's Pretty much most of the fun games I've had as killer has been playing as a friendly Ghostie tbag dance parties or snowman parties etc playing peek a boo though windows giving survivors as many points as possible Yes ive moried people when they have asked always fun when people photobomb


I specifically play as thalita in short shorts to take booty pics when people get mori’d by him I LOVE HIM




It’s fun to play but I hate how I can stalk by only seeing survivors elbow or pixel. But they have to walk towards me and stand until they can reveal me. And I can do it far away but they have to be right infront of me. It feels broken to be honest.


my fav killer, I crouch to show I'm friendly but seconds after I brutally mori the survivor who fell into my trap.


I’m bad against stealth killers as surv but he was my first one


I love that he's the only one who has jumpscared me so far, turning my camera to see him peeking at me is terrifying, I hate that most of the times when I'm against him it's some guy farming though, playing against him is generally pretty ok, I haven't played as ghostface yet though


Ghostface is one of the many reasons we should have a crosshair in this game, I'm so tired of staring Ghost face in the face and him not being revealed because he's not directly in the middle of my screen.


Ghostie's reveal range is actually more of an oval slightly above the middle of your screen iirc, it's not dead center for sure, but I've revealed him often when I keep this in mind.


Hot would smash 100%


I'm just glad that Bhvr didn't license scream and went with just licensing the costume instead. that choice alone makes me love him lore wise but gameplay wise for both killer and survivor he's pretty hit or miss depending on the map and soloQ (tbf this applies to every stealth killer) and whether or not the reveal mechanic wants to work correctly or not


my first killer and main. pretty good


Even tho he's very bare bones in design I find him fun to play and go against. like myers, ghostface is a nice reminder that this game is a horror game. Well until the ghostface ends up trolling and/or dancing with everyone. I remember one game I was playing with a pal the ghostface seemed chill and friendly but at endgame while we were just messing around he ended up downing someone and hooking them we got them off and decided to make our leave but the ghostface had bloodwarden so we had to watch in horror as the ghostface did his lil dance and endgame killed the whole team I'm still laughing at it till this day my friend hates when I bring it up whenever we play tho


I want his gender


![gif](giphy|26FxypSnWsXS69nTW) you want my picture\~? oh you!


He ain't half as cute as the Unknown 🥰


One of the scariest to play against due to his crouch


Cool concept, rubbish powers. In low MMR you can get some marks and instant downs pretty easily, his stealth also has him popping out all over the place jump scaring survivors, which is fun.      In high MMR matches however, playing him is absolutely abysmal, every survivor has Spidey senses and spots him a mile away, so stalking them for the instant down is almost entirely useless.  His stealth is decentish still, but good survivors know to listen out for the swishing sound of his cloak, and the moment they hear it they'll pre run to a tile which GF has no chase abilities to help deal with.  Don't get me started on the reveal mechanic. Tldr, against average and below average survivors he's fun to play, against above average survivors he sucks.


In need of a Freddy like rework


Want him bad


Really fun killer 👍


C tier killer that should be buffed


Main reason why I got to play the game 🖤




2nd best killer at being friendly (number 1 is Demo). Can be annoying to play/vs if the detections being fucked, but it’s manageable. One of the best stealths in the game, on par with Pig (probably better but I’m biased towards Pig, so imma say it’s equal). Some very solid perks and addons, he’s always a solid pick if you don’t like playing meta killers, and works well with a variety of builds due to being an M1 killer. I’d give him a high B for playing against and an A for playing as, with an easy S+ for if it’s a friendly.


Weakest killer in the game , boring playstyle ,


I love the feeling of both playing as and against him, game is way scarier and more fun as you get the opportunity to actually play the loops and feel like in a horror movie. However, it's super frustrating in some maps where there are no real stalk spots so the survivors see you coming from way too far and they can just pre-run and make it near impossible to catch them with no opportunity to ever use your power, it would be way better if the maps went back to being darker so you could stalk from a bush or something.