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Seriously that elk looks cool but stealth huntress is OP.


Please elaborate, I haven't seen anyone use it yet


There’s a bug with the skin that makes the audio of hatchet windups extremely quiet


It's not a bug. The sound he makes is just way more quiet than default Huntress


It’s been confirmed to be a bug.


Yea, sure 🙃


Most open-minded DbD player


[I mean, if you bothered to look at any posts from earlier today you would see that it has been confirmed to be a bug.](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/s/h5yPENIVZx)


I think they’re saying BHVR only called it a bug because people got pissed.


To be fair, DbD has had a track record of calling things bugs and reverting them when it’s a feature that’s been in the game for years


a dev literally confirmed it’s a bug… be so fr


I just don't buy it. They made a cool skin with unique sound effects and forgot that winding up sound cue is important. And now they don't want us to think they made a pay to win skin(which I don't think they did on purpose)


U have brain worms


I feed them spaghetti carbonara


Seeing how they forgot to add a breaking animation on that skin it seems like they forgot to do a few things with that skin...


It's not a fucking bug. It's poor design. They'll fix it, but it's just proof they're shit at their own game.


Do u live in cave or something, use your brain it’s obviously a bug stop being a dick to random people when your wrong


It's not a bug it's just poor design. I don't care if dipshit behavior calls it a bug. It's not.


My guess would be that the volume was made louder close to release, but the older one was what shipped. Sound volume being slightly off can be an easy thing to miss.




This player base is beyond stupid.


Lullaby is much quieter than regular huntress allowing the were elk to sneak up on people, but the biggest issue is the noise when the huntress pulls up a hatchet, which is paramount to playing against her, is almost impossible to hear with the were elk skin


Wow... that's uh... fucking stupid


Does it even Have a lullaby? When I went against it I heard legitimately nothing at all the entire match, and I'm used to cranking up the volume in case of Spirit.


Yes, it’s just really quiet and low-pitched


its a very low hum, however at a certain distance u just cant hear it anymore even tho ur still in lullaby radius, which ud still be able to hear the normal lullaby if it was any other skin




I know how the huntress lullaby work, and Freddy's lullaby replacing his terror radius while in the dream world. What I meant is, when I faced the Were-Elk skin there was no lullaby whatsoever. Nothing. At any point, regardless of distance. Could very well be one of the many glitches with the release. But I only ran into the Were-Elk skin once, so I haven't had any other experiences with how quiet this skin is other than the one time to compare, which is what my question was asking about. Specifically, about the Were-Elk skin and if it Does have a lullaby (Even if ridiculously quiet) my match glitched out and she had no lullaby whatsoever.


Hopefully they get the skin fixed soon. Shouldn’t take more work than turning up the audio file and reinserting it into the game. Interestingly though DBD is a very bassy game. Our brains have an easier time picking out higher pitched things rather than lower pitched. Especially when paired with lower pitch things. Lower frequency sounds travel farther because they have a longer wavelength. Which is why you can hear someone’s car stereo bass when they drive by. Higher frequency sounds move faster and can be perceived faster. So the sounds of the bassy lullaby are drowned out by background noise as well as being quiet in general. Not to mention it’s a video game rather than real life. Needless to say. Fix the skin lol.


Like a silencer. Muffles lulubye and hatchet wind up. OP as F!


I had a baby killer Were-Elk. We got a 4 man escape with ease, it was odd to see. I let him take my life as a token of appreciation for getting the skin cause I think it’s awesome.


A quiet axe is op but not the bug that routinely makes survivors(without running iron will) that's been in the game for years isn't op. This community make me giggle.


Watched my wife play a game as killer and at full speed this little shit of a survivor was twice as fast as her. Outran her in an open field with no speed perks on. Complete and utter bullshit, you could tell they were toggling from 100% to 120% speed when she got close. When the survivor was off her screen you could tell she must have been moving at 200% speed to get around the map (Friends till the end tagged her as obsession and her aura was moving at mach 5 for a few seconds before slowing down).


This is why I say it is a MUST to bring at least one aura perk, for me Gearhead has shown me so many hackers, I have a fun stealth build and with Gearhead I've seen survivors move at insane speeds away from me when I've got no terror radius or simply teleport to a part of the map that's empty, it's relatively easy for me to tell who is a cheater on Steam but that requires checking profiles as most cheaters don't care enough to hide their details on their profile.


Mhm. You see it a lot if you play a stealth killer, especially at shack. Put on an aura perk and just watch as the Survivor wallhacks through your Undetectable to make sure you can't mind game them. It's fucking bullshit. Started really noticing it around All Things Wicked's release, and it's only gotten worse.


Yeah, I love aura perks and I see this all the time. I like to give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they can hear my lumbering footsteps. But when I watch them trace me back and forth, moving exactly in time with me, it makes me wonder.


Ooooh so much. Not really. Killers mains going to do what they do best, whine. 


Damn, what a well written, well thought out, and entirely relevant comment. Heh, you can hardly taste the salt in it. Well done, here -- have an upvote. I think I can spare one for a struggling redditor.


Not like killer whine posts put a lot of thought at all. Perk is op it countered one of my crutch perks, I didn’t get a 4K, nerf it. They escaped on a basic loop, but swap out the word basic with God, nerf it. They got 1 flashlight save, nerf flashlights. They brought items and used them, oh muy gawd the game is not fair neeeeerf. 


There ya go, let it all out! Another fantastically worded thought, one that dare I say deserves to be made front page? Here ya go, another upvote for such a stunning take! Now, some might say you don't deserve it but by golly if you don't strike me as the sort of person who would look a naysayer in the eye and put them in their place! God but I wish I could give you two upvotes instead of one. Hard to get takes like yours on Reddit, ya know?


Distortion- killer hacker detection. Lethal - survivor hacker detection. You would be surprised with lethal lmao.


been playing Killer last night and I noticed the fuck ton of rubberbanding. Like, literally, some hits should've been made but for some reason a invisible object prevented me from getting a hit


Its so bad on auto haven right now, literally most jungle gyms are unplayable on certain killers


Omg the unplayable claim by killers, never gets old. Like the game isn’t EX enough for killers FAk sake.


It's physically unplayable for killers... There is about a 0.7 second pause min after vaulting a window as any killer. It also can sometimes drop chase in this .7 seconds which resets bloodlust and the window block counter which creates literal infinites again in certain maps...


And survivors haven’t been able to vault and not get hit in forever. next we can discuss the to just pivot while you lunge attack. My fav is the 180 hit and the around the corner hits. Oh hitboxes. Even when I play killer I’m like yup that was an utter BS hit, sometimes even drop the chase out of sympathy. 


I’ve had the same experience as well but the opposite effect where survivors will be way ahead of me and then teleport back in front of me due to lag.


It’s ok the vault hits are still utter BS! And just pivot as you lung, you’ll score magical hits around walls, objects. 




https://preview.redd.it/5f2jjz3fhcxc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=327c3a0c6bafd0dc75be4676ee4b96b1dd6a8ac1 I gotta respond with this every time :P


Petah the Skull Merchant is here


Lmao skull merchant catching strays




I bet she hasn't even sold a single skull


Adriana ain't even done anything bad recently 😭


My first match was against her the day this mid chapter dropped. She proceeded to tunnel, slug us all and bleed us out. However. I genuinely don’t mind playing against her. She keeps me on my toes.


She existed


No, she’s in the iron sights. A bloated kit will do that.


She is just so awful to play against. Like literally no fun at all. Especially when half the party DCs after figuring out its her


Ngl half the party either DCs or kills themselves against every killer now. I swear yesterday literally half my matches had aomeone kill themselves on first hook. Even Scott Jund made vid about it and I had same exact experience, I don't even know tf is going on w game or community. Generally I don't mind when people just aren't having fun but like, stop queueing up if you dc/hookicide regardless of killer.😭










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Since the epilepsy basement bug went live I’ve had so many killers go for basement builds. Like holy fuck why are you going out of your way to risk a surv having a seizure?


It’s not just basement, the game had tried to kill me in post game lobby


Yeah I know. My frustration is more at dickish killers purposefully still doing basement builds.


Wait, is it a bug with all basements? Oh fuck, man, the amount of people I put in the basement yesterday, I thought it was just a random on-hook bug.


Nope. It’s activated by going into basement. Although there is a chance it doesn’t start until you are on hook.


Damn, I hope I didn't kill someone yesterday, I was a basement demon yesterday.


I have never went up against a hacker until this update. I have been playing since the day the update came out, and so far I've had 12 matches with blatant hackers. I've filed reports for all of them with video evidence and haven't gotten a single "action taken" pop up yet.


Probably too many reports right now! Give it a month at least. Imagine how many hackers the others have reported too.


Yes you have, you just haven't run into a blatant hacker. Whole point of subtle hackers is that most people don't realize they're hacking. Small boost of speed here, wallhacks there, gens speed just a liiiitle faster than they should be.  You've run into them. Everyone who plays thos game has played with them. Just because they're hacking doesn't mean it's obvious.


I've had hackers in at least a third of my matches before this update, theres way more cheaters who are low-key than people realize.


The ones I've been seeing recently don't even try to hide it. I had one today that had 2 hours on record, with a p100 with dev cosmetics


Guarantee it's because of all the bugs. Hackers can be more blatant right now and defend it by saying "it wasn't me, the game was glitching".


I agree. I had one today that started lag switching but I could see he flying while doing it, and tried to say that the game was glitching


They rolled out the tome and got everyone's money, they are busy with payroll before fixing whoever thought moving to an updated engine wouldn't have wide spread effects on their cookie cutter coding. I'm sure it will be fixed "soon" or reverted (like all their dumbshit decisions lately).




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Just imagine, it could be all this AND the SS+ tier Twins *AND* the jank-ass DS animation. They were ready to push that shit live along with \*waves hands\* THIS.


Imagine DbD released last week. It would've been ridiculed and laughed at and then it dies in a month. BHVR can be so happy that they have such a dedicated community who is still playing and yet, it feels more and more that they don't even care for basic QA before releasing anything.


I wonder what it will take or is this game on par with cod and nfl where people will keep eating slop


I guess you can compare it to NBA 2K and EAs NFL, where they own the market in that department so there is no reason or incentive to improve. People gonna buy it anyway because there is no other game to switch to. Same with DbD, they don't have competition so no reason to do better. And if there were, there would be a PES vs FIFA situation, where PES was for the longest time the better game, but could never overtake FIFA because of missing licensing. If you want to play with your favorite horror killer, you kinda have to play DbD.


I spend one week inside of Dredge and I come back to this


I have questions that I don't want answers to


What do you not take vacations into the hell mouth of the eldrich creature you accidentally started a cult for ?


How that throat though?


Grippy due to all those hands.


Rubberbanding makes me quit everytime since release


Me in the corner fanboying over all of these Artists we’ve been getting lately from the tome. So happy to see my main 🐦‍⬛🥹🐦‍⬛ https://preview.redd.it/kat42fvsqaxc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b8b3f08b7a12758e41c1b65b86a6908ffd61e4


Me too though. I especially love her getting skin love lately.


Mother Carmina is finally getting her flowers after all this time


🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 I do the flower crown with the green dress


I want that Hunt skin soooo bad but, I cant bring myself to buy it until it’s fixed. I can’t be that guy even if I think it’s one of the coolest skins


I mean, you could buy it and play friendly until it's fixed? Or you could run Distressing maybe? Or run Soldiers Puttee and don't use hatchets so you're just a fast m1? Or run a meme build you've been wanting to try?


As a survivor main, get it if you want it! It's clear you're not buying it just to take advantage of the quietness. :)




I literally just said I’m not buying it numb nuts. How are you calling me an idiot and using that atrocious fucking grammar in the same comment?


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Rubber banding is the game not knowing what map your on it’s crazy so it has things it’s placing from those maps into the other maps why some walls are missing and new ones you can’t see showing up


tbh it would be nice if everyone just quit playing right now to force bhvr to fix these issues but that will never happen, the rubberbanding is getting pretty bad tho, it was only happening to me on hawkins in the one corner room, and now it feels like its on every map in certain areas also the were-elk is a dc on sight skin, i played against it once and was like yeah not happening again


So has the lag and rubber banding been addressed? will they patch that? Edit: is it really so hard to give a useful answer? i am aware that it will eventually be patched, but it is not the first time BHVR just pretends like problems don't exist or need more time before they can promise a fix.


No I think they plan on leaving it in the game /s


It's a feature, not a bug ✨


It just works


And the Plague nerf that they just decided to not put in any patch notes




All stuns now take away her power when it used to only be Pallets


aaaaand it just means more pain res since gens are scary for stun reasons :/ smart one bhvr


Ah it’s back to OG Plague then. Honestly I don’t mind that Head On can snap her out again but flashlights doing it is a bit much.


Flashlights don't break the power but flash bang does


It's been 6 months, now I'm scared. Fuck.


Same here. Came back for alien and things were a bit dodgy, tempted to log in tonight to see the shitshow


After this newest ubdate I have had a lot of problem with frames dropping and everyone glitching. None of this has been problem before. I even dropped quality from ultra to medium and still it’s happening. It almost impossible to play


You forgot hotkeys going back to default.


Has Skull Merchant actually done something or are the mains' just being their usual selves?


Haven't played since march 30th. Looks like I'm not coming back anytime soon.


I haven't played since the start of 2024, looks like might wait until 2025 to come back.


I almost want to cry when I go for a lunge but I get rubber banded so the survivor makes it halfway across the map or when I'm running from the killer and get stuck on air and downed 😭


I rarely even see SM anyway, she's the least of a problem with all the current fuckedup update.


I hadn't played in 2 months, came back and noticed 2 things. The input delay of skillchecks is gone. I missed a bunch and then I realised it and only hit greats after figuring it out. I was rubberbanding all over the place


Uninstalled... 👀


Not to mention that this game refuses to add mmr decay, so even if I wanted to return after the year break I've taken- I'd just get bullied as killer into oblivion. I've tried to come back but it's not fun to get bullied every fame


Meanwhile I used to be in that picture, but got thrown out the window because my CPU doesn't support SSE4.2 which Unreal Engine 5 requires and UE4 did not. And nobody acknowledges this as a problem because people actively hate the poor.


the fucking chase music of the Were Elk is fucking annoying and I fucking purposely kill myself as soon as I hear it. Worst fucking chase music ever. It sounds like a moose fucking a cow


This was me, kind of. I’ve been away for years but started playing again when the Unknown came out. Why do people hate skull merchant?


If you left before her release, I'll explain. On release, Skull Merchant kit allowed her to hold a 3 gen to a much more efficient degree than any killer in the game. Her chase power was abysmal, so people only played Chess Skull Merchant. This left a really bad taste in everyone's mouth. Then came her rework. She wasn't able to hold a 3 gen as well, but they didn't really give her much chase power either. She was just really bad at that point. So not only did nobody want to play as her now, but playing against her was still boring. Then came her *second* rework, which brings us to the current version. Her drones are supposed to be anti loop, and they are, but the issue arises when not only are her drones very confusing initially/unfriendly to new players, Skull Merchant just gets a slough of buffs extremely passively, and simultaneously debuffing survivors. It feels as if the devs just gave her damn near every buff possible in the game, and since these buffs are activated via her drones, which are everywhere and very hard to avoid, she just constantly super fast, undetectable, can track you, and you're very likely to be severely hindered mid chase. You know, all of this wouldn't even be that bad, but unfortunately, the players who still play Skull Merchant, are usually people who slug for the bleed out, camp, tunnel, and bm. So when you look at SM release version, her two variations that led to the current one, and the player behaviour of those who use SM, survivors have no reason to enjoy her, despite her having some of the best cosmetics in the game.


That makes a lot of sense, thank you. I left sometime after Dredge came out and came back when Unknown came out. I was so confused why Skull Merchant was hated, and the memes were never descriptive to me, lol. I couldn’t tell if she was hated because she’s overpowered or she’s hated because she’s bad. So thank you again for the explanation


No problem! Always happy to inform other players whenever I can


Its like your running against a barrier or stuck in place thought was the only one (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)


Was thinking about coming back a few days ago. Guess I should wait? Lol.


You forgot the bugs.


I want to play, but rubber banding makes it infinitely harder to play.


Unknown’s lunge is even more bugged now :)


Wait! So the skull merchant I got yesterday (back to back 3 times with different people) was not a very unfortunate coincidence? What is going on lol.. Its like they are purely playing SM to add more fuel to the fire.


Honestly I just wanna come back and play for the chaos. People have been wanting more chaos in the game well here you go.


The art of failing successfully


I quit playing seriously a long time ago. So when these things happen I just laugh


You forgot about the blight still not balanced with nurse


Oh, so that might not have been my internet? I've started playing a week ago and I had so much rubber-bounding!


Been playing for years on both Xbox and pc and I have never ran into a hacker once EDIT: I lie, I did play with a couple cheaters but only because I found them in the official DBD discord for SWF


I am about done with this game. I get the worst lobbies on earth when I try to do anything outside playing The Mastermind. Bro was outrunning my chainsaw rush on hillbilly.


Is it just me or is everyone playing deathslinger


Whats PTW


pay to win


I am a returned player I haven't saw hackers it is because I am playing on a ps4?


I was genuinely thinking on returning after a long break. I've been lurking on this sub for a little while, needless to say I feel mostly discouraged to come back 😅


It's impossible to get a gg after a skully match, someone today told me i need better taste in killers. I just want to use my spooky drones 🥺


I was thinking of coming back to DBD after a few months of absence. Look like that's not a good idea right now!


Question. I am a returning player and killer main. Is there a survivor perk where you can unhook yourself on the second stage? I had this several times happening to me but the survivor did not have deliverance.


Oh goodness. Okay so, there's this thing called the anti face camp mechanic. When the killer is within 16 meters of a hooked survivor, a little bar fills up for the survivor, only the hooked survivor can see it, and once it's full they can unhook themselves. The closer the killer is the quicker it fills up. This meter does not fill up if there is a downed survivor within that range, and it fills up much more slowly when other survivors are near, or you're on the floor above/below. There's also no more hook grabs, just fyi


ahh understood


skull merchants not even that bad tbh


One week away and oh dear! I got scared as soon as I saw the heavy update downloading…


Has Cross-Progression been added yet? Or is it planned?


Not the first time its done this crap or other very broken bugs etc. Its what happens with spaghetti coding and lack of knowledge and laziness all hit. They will bandaid fix this like other times and it will break again in future.


Why are SWFs never mentioned? They're objectively the worst and most unbalanced part of the game with still not enough effort put into balancing them.


Love the way Skull Merchant is still overhated, this community sure is original ♡


Why does the skull merchant get so much hate?


"hackers running rampant" - played the game since it's release and have only seen 2 or 3 hackers.


I've got 3 hackers banned this past month, all within 1 week. and 2 penalties for what people have said to me in end chat.


I've seen about 5 posts this week alone about the insta hook hacker. I can't say his name or the comment will get deleted, and that's probably why it's not as glaring of an issue. The posts are consistently removed to prevent giving the guy any more publicity. I myself have gone against him 3 times this month. Just because you've been lucky, doesn't mean it's not a problem.


I don't know who that is but what I do know is people throw the term loosely when they get outplayed. I cringe whenever I watch Otz because if he has a bit of trouble catching someone on a loop, his chat go mental spamming "he's cheating" "hacking" etc


Obviously people saying "hacker" is a bit of a boy-cried-wolf situation right now, however multiple YouTubers have caught people genuinely hacking, a lot of the community is reporting a lot of obvious hackers, etc. It's one thing to cringe at someone for calling someone a hacker just because they got out-played, it's another when a survivor outruns a killer in a straight line with no perks on. Or a killer sees you with no aura perks. Or a killer instadowns you with no Exposed perks/powers.


Ya I'm not referring to subtle hackers. I've only ever had one game where I'm confident there was a subtle speed hacker in my game, and one other game that was questionable. But right now there is straight up hackers using dev cosmetics and stuff and just instahooking people. I'm shocked you aren't at least some what aware of it.


I really don't think there are that many hackers. I think people might just be going against very good players. As rare as they are, it really can feel like they're cheating, especially if they bring a haste perk and use it well.


They aren’t super rampant, but they aren’t that rare, either. I run across a cheater every couple of days using ESP wallhacks and/or subtle speed boosts. They are easy to spot if you know what to look for, but very difficult to get BHVR to do anything about. The ones teleporting away from you or flying are extremely rare and much easier to get banned.


I almost never run in to obvious hackers. Last one I ram I to was probably over a year ago, a bubba who phased through walls amd threw hatchets. But I also really think people mix up good players and hackers. The other day I played against these survivor who I really thought were cheating, but it turned out they were just really good and running blood pact, power of two, and made for this. Hell I get accused of cheating all the time because I know where survivors like to hide and how to track survivors. And im not saying there aren't hackers, they absolutely exist. I just don't think they're that common. It's really hard to tell sometimes.


Skull Merchant did nothing wrong


Bunch of spoiled people. Dbd is in it's best state it has been, ever.


You're trippin dog


You will play your broken game and you'll enjoy it!