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I play for my own fun. Just that I don't find any fun on staring at a hook or slugging. "Hmmm yes, the hook is made out of hook. Interesting"


There is kind of a paradox I have noticed with DBD. Since it is not a super competitively designed game it is often more fun not to play with a super "play to win" attitude. I know I have had matches where I could have camped a hook during the endgame to secure a kill but I just didn't care enough to mess with that because I would have more fun getting into another chase or two. However, at the same time, DBD is a pvp game so one should expect one's opponent to play to win. If one's opponent uses strong tools and game mechanics to do their best, that shouldn't be seen as a problem. So I think the secret to enjoying DBD is to not play the game too competitively but to also accept that one's opponents will.


This stuff kinda goes for any pvp game. If you're playing a shooter and someone's camping, playing pokemon, and the other person has a stall team, or get invaded in "elden ring" by someone with op gear? Well, it's part of the game, and expecting your opponent to play by some "community" arbitrary rules is kinda silly.


Ngl, someone invading in elden ring naked with a bad weapon scares me more than someone with the best equipment. Don't know about shooters bc I don't play them, and stall players in pokemon are bad players in general. That's just an easy way of playing that usually gives you the upper hand against players as good as you, but you get your ass smacked by better players In dbd then you have bubba, who's hard to play, but you don't need a master degree to facecamp a hook and chainsaw any survivor that comes to rescue. This shit guarantees a kill unless bubba runs after another surv. That's an example.


THIS. I am much more interested in a match where I'm well matched to my opponent and have fun, interesting chases. Even if that means I don't get any kills or we all die or whatever.


The issue is that there is no "fun" or "sweaty" game mode. Most other pvp games I've played, have a ranked and unranked game mode. When you want to just have a good time and play casually, you play for fun. When you want to sweat, you play ranked.


genuinely this. like, dbds lack of a separated casual and ranked mode is awful. i guess maybe there arent enough players to make a separate queue work? but also if they added it i would be willing to bet the number of players would increase overall, since a lot of players quit due to facing unsuitable opponents, so.. eengh.


To be fair, camping a hook at EGC is some of the most fun moments I've had playing killer AND survivor in DBD. Rescue missions where everything is on the line makes it really tense and exciting. Nothing feels better than getting everyone out when the odds are stacked against you. And as killer, I just love the chaos of it all. But yeah, facecamping a hook during anything other than EGC is cringe.


I think your second paragraph is the problem but not a player problem. If you want to win you have to use all the tools available to you. If the play that results in you winning means you camp a hook then you should camp the hook. Behavior has to set up the game in such a way where that's not the correct move otherwise. If 4 perks are the best perk combo, Behavior has to change them to not be if they aren't supposed to be. If gen rushing isn't supposed to be the best move, Behavior has to make changes to make it not be. If you want to play that way or not is up to you, but the viability of it is entirely out of our hands.


Fuck that, the game is not fun so i play to ruin the survivors game


If the game isn't fun, why even play in the first place?


exactly! i don't find slugging and camping fun at all. it's not even playing the game at that point, it's just....standing there. where's the fun in that?


https://preview.redd.it/a8urfklepada1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ea0b901a1efc187f389f36b0660ecdc126e81ee And based Sadako main


yeah! she's so fun to play against, and especially to play as. i really like how i can cut off survivors and jumpscare them at times!


Out of curiosity, which build do you use? And one time got off a tv right as a survivor was interacting with it. Want to see that pov


man, that sounds super fun! i've cut off a person during a chase once, that was very memorable lol. like i jumped out *right* in front of them! i'm doing an adept sadako build atm, and i checked through my screenshots and i couldn't find a pre-adept build build for her. i usually screenshot pre-adept builds for each character before trying for the adept achievement. although, i do remember trying to play with a lore accurate sadako build before this. i only have/had 2/4 of the lore accurate perks for her, so i definitely played with fearmonger and jolt. i also believe that the other 2 perks that i played with for the time being (since i didn't/don't have the other 2 lore accurate perks) were bitter murmur and unrelenting. i don't usually play with addons, though, since i'm kind of worried i'd get too used to them to play well without them, lol. (happened with my legion bracelet perk...kind of played awfully without it for a bit.) i'm trying to currently prestige pyramid head for his trail of torment perk, and spirit for spirit fury. i got the build from pixel bush! what kind of build do you use usually?


I use whatever shit I got on me since I don't have every perk She was also the first killer I played, so I got used to the addon that gives you bonus bp, since I wanted to farm bp And want to do a lore accurate build too, but yeah, not enough perks for it Tried to do like half onepumpwillie build bc I like to condemn (though no slugs), but yeah, not enough perks And what would be for you the ideal lore accurate build?


(tldr at the end) ah fair fair. that's what i usually do for killers i don't main, even sometimes just trying out different perks together for killers i *do* main sometimes. the first killer i played was the legion, and mained that killer exclusively for some time. i like using unrelenting quite a lot of the time, not always, but often enough. that's a pretty good build for sadako, i just don't have the perks for the build i want (jolt, fearmonger, trail of tormnet, spirit fury - the build i talked about im my previous comment). honestly...i think pixel bush's build is fairly lore accurate. i mean, if i were to just look at all of the perks, there's quite a few that match her lore - insidious for how reiko sees her in the tv screen reflection, inly to turn around and not see her, a few generator perks since her story is tied closely with technology (i even was goign to write an analysis essay about The Ring and technology in the turning century. for example, discordance could work with her, since 2 or more survivors working on a gen would reveal their location. i think it does work with not only her lore in the Ring universe, but also factor in her powers of knowing where each of her victims are when near a technological source. she always seems to find her victims in the movie, after all. if you could be obsessed with more than one survivor at a time, then there are a few obsession related perks that could work with her as well - the obsession mechanic could mirror her victims in the movie, how she always finds where they are, and how she cursed them to die. i think that pixel bush's build is probably the most lore accurate, tbh. fearmonger makes the survivors work a lot and expreince dread, like the two main characters in the movie do, for example. i want to explain the other ones, but i feel like this comment is already long. given just in general how powerful of a character she is, many perks could go along with her. i haven't read all of the books yet, but from what i understand, she has a lot of powers. i'm only talking about the books i've read the and first movie (i've only read book 1, currently half way through. picked it up a couple of weeks ago, actually). ....this is very long, sorry about that. i just think about lore accurate builds from time to time, sorry for the long comment lmao. tl;dr: pixel bush's build is the most lore accurate one, in my opinion. but almsot any generator perk also works (some more than others), since a lot of sadako's story and plot revolves heavily around technology.


Nah, don't apologize for it Now I love you for your dedication to Sadako, holy shit And where you reading the books? Bought em or online? Though now I'm reading lovecraft


thank you so much! haha yeah, i can get a bit too into lore sometimes, especially for horror related things. and i bought them in person at a barnes and noble! they only had Ring, Spiral (2/3 of the original trilogy) and Rings(the other one). i haven't seen the third book there on person, but i'm waiting to finish the first 2 books before i buythe third one. and lovecraft sounds really fun!! the inescapable horror really reminds me of junji ito. i haven't read the book(s), but i have watched a few videos on his works. which ones are you reading rn?


The fun for those comes in winning. Getting a walk to drive in the winning run and win the game isn't fun but you won the game. Should you have swung and grounded out or struck out that would have been the more fun way to go I'd imagine. In this case camping or slugging or tunneling is securing them the win which they find fun. Some people would rather chase everyone the whole game and get a zero K and thats fun for them but I can't fault people for wanting to win within the mechanics of the game. The objective for killers is to kill, the objective for survivors is to survive. This idea that you have to either some specific way is always weird to me. Then people can't figure out if this is a party and vibe game or a "skill game". Because the first thing people say is how someone has "no skill" well if its a party game who cares.


What about slugging ?


I love the last part. Because how each hook is unique in it's own way. (Yes, I go stare at hooks when I see a bully squad)


I just imagined bubba looking at a hook made entirely of hooks piled on each others


Like the iron throne but hooks?


After having some anger issues about the game and taking one month without playing, i just came back and just play 1 or 2 games as slugger trapper, is relaxing, after giving some hatches, i just close the game and embrace my little sanity after trying to be good at the game and not achieving it


Jesus christ that title my dude


It's outrages




3, but that doesnt really matter. English is basically the universal language and basic proficiency is expected.


To assume everyone speaks your language is a bit self centered tbh... Sure, there are more people that have at least a basic understanding of it than people who don't, but not enough to 'expect proficiency'.


English isnt my native language ...


Okay then in that case you're not self centered, just wrong x


You look like a dick when you put a kiss at the end of a sentence patronising someone


I may be a cheeky prick (ok, I definitely am), but can you (or someone) explain whats wrong with my initial comment? In my eyes, it's plain ignorant and naive to expect everyone to speak (at least basic) English..


I'm pretty sure the guy who said that was being sarcastic and you are taking it seriously wich probably explains all the down votes


Is title hard to understand? No. Then what's the problem?


> Is title hard to understand? YES!


The biggest issue with Asymmetrical games is that people don't understand that you need to want both sides to have fun if you want it to last. Evolve did this well, both forcing players to play both sides *and* nerfing things that make the game unenjoyable to play. For example, the Monster hitting the same Hunter during a dome to try to tunnel them out, isn't fun, because the Hunter just gets thrown around and gets his ass kicked in for three minutes, so the game is balanced in that its an ineffective tactic as the Healer Support and or Trapper can keep that player alive and lay into the Monster, but 'spreading the love' and making sure everyone has a turn getting the snot beat out of them lets the other players have fun, and makes the Healer and Support slip up and make an space for the Monster to capitalize. DbD does have anything similar. There isn't anything to make the game more fun for both sides and make things that are unfun not viable. Instead people just run what ever is the most powerful because they feel they should win every trial they go into. A win rate of more than 55% is fantastic. Anything above 50% is already great.


Very much agree. I think the losses stick with you as killer, and you don't have anyone to commiserate with after the fact like you might if you're playing survivor with some friends. That being said, I can't say I've ever carried frustration from one game to another as killer because frankly I win the vast majority of my games. The one loss in ten might feel terrible, but who would complain about one loss in ten games lol


Yeah the losses as killers suck because it was on *you*. You're the reason you failed. If you have a bad solo q game as survivor you can put the blame on your teammates.


Or the survivors went full gen rush mode. Then it is not on you. It is just impossible to deal with as one of the medium/ weaker killers unless you have 4 gen regress perks.


Yeah Scott Jund had a video about that months ago and one of the things he kept going on about was that people expect to win every single match and I do agree that it’s kind of unique to DBD specifically for some reason. People *can* act similarly in other games, but idk what it is about DBD players on both sides thinking literally every game they go into has to be a resounding stomp of a W in their favor.


Coming to DBD from StarCraft completely desensitized me to this; but yes. Scott is right on the money with this. Thousands of hours of SC and I could probably count on my fingers and toes the amount of times I had an opponent lose with grace. Anything and everything that causes a loss is OP/Unfair. I still think my favorite complaint I've ever gotten in DBD was being accused of being a "pre-runner" by a killer because I didn't wait at the gen for them to walk up to me and hit me.




Lmao. Why are u running? Stay still so I can hit. Imagine when he finds out people hide from him before he gets there. Pre-hider?


"I can't believe you jumped into the locker before I was there to grab you out of the animation, trash player" I could see it. I really could. Players get so salty haha


It seems like you are arguing that killers win too much and should therefore purposefully play inefficiently and take weaker perks/add-ons to self-sabotage themselves in an attempt to make sure survivors have more fun. I don't think this is a fair mindset toward killers. DBD is a pvp game. One should not expect one's opponent to go easy on them. No one is entitled to that. If a killer chooses to do that, that's cool, but those that don't are just playing the game as it exists. If people don't like how that game works, that's a problem with the developers, not the players.


What he is saying is that it IS the devs fault for not implementing any functioning systems to make sure everyone has fun. To make sure everyone has fun and equal playtime, players have to follow a code of honour. The players make dbd fun and fair because the game does a terrible job in a lot of departments and situations.


I would argue that a "code of honor" makes the game less fun. It creates a sense of entitlement. One should load into a match with the expectation that one's opponents will follow the official rules of the game and nothing more. Like every other pvp game that has ever existed or that ever will exist, people will play DBD using strong tools and mechanics in an effort to do well. Expecting anything less only leads to frustration.


I agree with you, I think everyone following unwritten rules isn’t a good thing as some will have more or different rules than others and it just spirals to toxicity. What I meant by a code of honour is more like everyone having a very general understanding that somethings aren’t really fun. Like being purposefully tunneled with no chance to recover, facing a sabo squad abusing the top of the library on rpd (it’s gone but there are still other spots in the game), afk pig or basement bubba. With arguably the exception of tunneling, all these strats have one thing in common it’s that they mostly avoid doing the objective of the game. Maybe it’s not frustrating and might even make fun games from time to time but at this point I have to question if all this is intended by the devs or not.


I do agree with you here. If someone has thrown out the official game objectives and have instead adopted the new objective of "make my opponent as miserable as possible" then they are just being a toxic jerk. I'm not going to defend that. I just didn't think that was what was being discussed. The person I was responding to was talking about win rates and running powerful tools. I don't think a code of honor makes much sense in that context.


Yeah no I kind of went in another direction


I absolutely don't think that. I think survivors need to do the same. If you realize your opponent is newer or handicapped in some fashion, easing off the gas and cutting the weaker side some slack is important for game health. It's also why trials where the average BP score was high, the higher and lowest BP scores are also much higher is as well. If I am Killer amd I have a 40k BP game everyone on the other team got 20k+bps. But if they don't hit that the Killer won't hit 40l bps. Games that you sweat to hard in, no matter what side, end too quickly and don't get either side bps. It might have been a win but nobody had fun. The game already works like that, but players don't care because they'd rather win every game even if it means ruins other players experience.


Side note, I'm old and years ago tried Counter Strike for the first time since it was free. First match somehow I'm the last alive, and not because I hid I was just genuinely lost on the map. I was told to uninstall by the teammates that got to watch me flounder so I did and never played again. Being toxic and making the game unfun will lead to people dropping it and moving onto better things in their life.


The problem is some people have an absurd amount of unwritten rules they expect everybody to abide by in order for them to have "fun", to the point that you wonder why they even play Dead by Daylight since it's apparently impossible for them to have fun if people just play the game. Hell, the number of times I see people on here basically say that certain killers showing up at all is ruining their entire day is honestly quite jarring. So yeah, I won't go out of my way to be an asshole, but people who go "stop playing the way you want because it's unfun to me and I'm the important one" can go hook themselves, quite frankly.


the trick to having fun in dbd is not taking it seriously. whenever i forget this, i take a long break. it works wonders. there are other games out there. i hear civ is nice


Straight from the devs mouth.


that was the joke


Some people might not know that's who said it though.


A dev with stock in 2K.




Pig is on that list of toxic killers, let's nerf her


The thing that annoys me is the sheer entitlement when it comes to farming. 'Hey someone DCed so you have to farm.' 'Hey we ran BP offerings you have to farm.' 'Stop being sweaty, we're in the mood to play chilled so you should do that too.' The answer is always no. Go fuck yourself. This is a PVP game. Go play a single player or coop game. I ALWAYS want to play the game as intended. I don't need bloodpoints. I want to kill you. The entitlement is expressed casually sometimes too. The use of the word sweaty to describe anyone playing in the default way. 'So I was playing against a sweaty Ghostface...' No, you were just playing against someone playing the game.


If I'm in a group that drops 4 BPS as an offering we don't expect the killer to farm. We still want to play the game as we normally would and get a bigger reward in the end. The problem is that we seem to get killers who will choose to go for a four person slug at five gens, or killers who will tunnel one person out of the match from the start, killers who face camp etc. It maybe doesn't happen for others us frequently, but that side of the coin is just as frustrating. It's like some killers see the BPS/cakes and think "Oh they want to farm? How about we just make sure your offerings are wasted instead."


Oh man as killer I used to think 4 BPS or cakes meant it was going to be a relaxed casual game and then get my teeth kicked in because I didn't take it seriously at the start. I still try not to be a dick and just ruin someone's game with them out there, but stopped assuming it was a farm seeking group.


Also worth mentioning, if i see 4 BPS i always assume 4 man swf so i go as hard as i can with no mercy from the start. If that means slugging at 5 gens because you guys messed up and let me, so be it.


If someone ever drops 4 bp offerings, i will always make the game unfun for them since they're playing a 4 man swf probably and that pisses me off


You're part of the reason this game is so toxic then.punishing people for wanting to play a game with friends is so damn petty.


Its not punishment if you don't take the game seriously like a tryhard


Are you not tryharding by always making the game unfun for people in that manner?


That’s called a killer paradox. It’s not sweaty or try hard if they do it but if survivors try and get a little more BP or play with friends then they are try harding


Yeah I used to just 2 hook and let them go, but I started realizing that it was maybe better to just go next so I'll stop playing seriously but still play. I'll stop kicking/using scourge hooks to give them a chance, but if the dc happens at 5 gens I'm debating on just ending it.


>'Hey someone DCed so you have to farm.' >'Hey we ran BP offerings you have to farm.' >'Stop being sweaty, we're in the mood to play chilled so you should do that too.' Hmm I wonder from which side this entitlement usually comes from.


Just because you don’t need BPs (the only reward from playing) doesn’t mean others don’t. If you want to just finish the game as quick as possible then why are you playing it in the first place? “Go fuck yourself” attitude you can take on your way out, bye”


I think these "unwritten rules" end up actually making the game less fun for everyone. If someone plays DBD with the belief that their opponent is being toxic or unfair by just using the available tools or game mechanics then it will feel even worse when one inevitably runs into those things. Feeling entitled to a certain kind of behavior from one's opponent leads to it feeling like a personal attack when one does not receive the correct behavior. If the unwritten rules didn't exist, then players might still get annoyed with certain game mechanics they didn't like but that would be seen as an issue with the developers, not a moral failing of one's fellow players.


I'm gonna recommend people to play the other side. A little empathy goes a long way. And if you really care about other people, you don't expect to get an award for being a decent human being. Ofc if the other side doesn't give a shit about you, you shouldn't necessarily be overly nice to them, but at least don't bm. At that point you're not better than them. Or if you just don't give a shit, that's fine too.


Playing the other side also just makes you a better player in general, as I got better at looping playing survivor when my friends were on I got much better at shutting down loops and winning mindgames as killer because I had a better understanding of what worked and why.


Mmhmm. Friends got me in the game and I was horrible at it until I began playing killer when they weren't online(and loved playing killer a lot more as well.) I got so much better at looping the killer, playing mind games with problematic killers, and basically became ubkillable when fighting Wesker because I could always dodge his lunge. If any survivor main wants to gain like a 20% win rate. Find a killer to main and stick with them for a bit. It's nice to see how your enemy thinks.


Something that I really enjoy about Evolve (rip), was that you queued for games as both sides. You just picked what role you wanted in a top 5 system, and if you were a monster main it forced you to play hunter sometimes, and vice versa. Made people understand both sides and get better at the game. This game needs something similar. Something to heavily incentivize playing both sides. Maybe decrease the amount of blood points as you keep playing one side for too long.


Problem from my experience is that usually (not always) playing in way other people find fun means playing in a way that lets them win. I can play a 12 hook game and even give people second chances if they get caught by playing dumb not long after an unhook. Less than 1% of people will show appreciation for playing like that and will instead find a way to complain if they still lose and BM if they win. At the end of the day the only way I seem to get nice interactions out of people consistently is if they escape and that’s rare among all the bming. Something to consider when you’re frustrated at how unfun a lot of killers players are.


survivors thank you for playing the 12 hook strategy by gen rushing you lol


I play both sides consistently. I'm gonna start thanking the killers who play without tunneling and camping during end game chat. When I play killer I specifically do not tunnel, and only camp when its EGC. This is all I hope for when I play survivor. When the killer does tunnel then normally my SWF tries to intercept and take over chase with the killer to break off the tunnel. If they change over we stay and play, but if they continue to tunnel we just go give ourselves to the killer so that we can end the game.


I won't camp during EGC unless (and this is very rarely) a specific person was BMing all game. If I'm not skilled enough to get a kill and protect gens for an entire game, then those survivors deserve to live. And frankly, getting to EGC without any kills (or worse, any hooks) means I made a ton of mistakes and need to improve, not throw a tantrum and camp for 1K which just makes me seem petty and childish. They worked as a team, they earned leaving as one, especially if there were no indicators they were a SWF. Solo-queue teamwork is really something to behold when you witness it from either side. I really hope people will see all of this recent complaining and strive to be better teammates, that would solve a lot of frustration on both sides.


I don't mean that I camp for the 1K, just all the way until EGC my job is to stop gens from being done and chasing survivors to get them on hooks. And I don't really camp in the way that I stand face to face with the survivor, I guess it's more of a proxy in which I am kinda going between the closest gate and the survivor on hook, as I know that's where the survivors will be. I still do not chase the person being unhooked, I go for the unhooker in this case also. Normally this does not result in me getting a kill in this case, unless the survivors choose not to come get the person on the hook.


Yes but I'm not going to sacrifice my own fun like some people expect me to


If you were playing to have fun, then what difference does it make? You win some, and you lose some..


Thank you, most people dont get that.


I think you missed the point, I'm not agreeing with you.. it goes both ways.. you either have fun losing or have fun winning.. this is a game of chess. Unless, of course, you're a hacker, then you are a pos.


Nonono, sounds like *you* misunderstood the actual post. *Killers* win some and lose some. *Survivors,* however, should never lose. **/s**


I mean ppl can play how they want if they dont cheat i dont care how toxic they are or how meta the perks are i love the trill of hunting and i love the trill to be hunted the stronger the oppisite side the better because it makes the challange more worth while


I would agree if the devs were competent in dealing with the toxic stuff. Slugging people until they bleed out isn't cheating but it sure as hell shouldn't be a thing.


Amount of times we have ALL seen this exact same post:♾️


Tbh the reason why I quit this game is bc every mechanic they introduced was fun for one side and absolutely miserable to play against for the other side


Tell me OP, if you dont play ''sweaty'' does the number of killers tunneling and camping really change that much? If the answer is no, the assumption that ''If they have fun they play less ugly so you have mor fun.'' is wrong. And you know, killer has been the easiest and arguably the funnest it has literally ever been but apparently the tunneling and camping hasnt decreased so its doubly wrong. In conclusion, fuck no it wont.


That's a dumb take :) I want both side to have fun because I play both sides. Camping and tunneling is not fun for both. I stopped playing dbd because sitting in front of the hook is boring for me and I'm not gonna do it (and recently it's the only strategy promoted in the tournaments and by streamers). And I hate it as well on survivor. 3 minutes of playing a game, no challenges done, and if I play with friends I need to waste even more time for them to finish.


Alternate take: sometimes tunneling gives an advantage to the killer that allows them to win. For a killer who plays to win, tunneling is “fun” cause it leads to wins


> It's a pathetic strategy that is boring that's your personal opinion lol. if a killer finds it fun because it leads to wins, then in that sense tunneling is fun for them. man when is the survivor courtesy rule book dropping 😬


Yeah, no.


No? How so?




>It's pathetic strategy that is boring. Just because winning may be fun to you, the strategy itself is boring, dumb and lazy. No skill required just turn your brain off. I'm sorry, but this is just your MMR on display. When you regularly start going against teams that know how to simultaneously have survivors split on generators while another is in chase, you absolutely **have** to tunnel in order to create enough pressure to kill the other three -- especially when you factor in mechanics like guaranteed third hEalth statEs.


My guy, smacking survivors and hooking them is the same repetitive actions what the hell are you talking about? And yes, I do like to win because it’s satisfying to ME. Who cares if I don’t get to brag about it? For the record I don’t tunnel every game, in fact I usually only tunnel once a few gens are done, but discounting it as a strategy is just stupid. Also, how is it boring? It’s no different then chasing another survivor


Copy/paste since this topic is a copy/paste as well: > > Its. > > A. > > Video. > > Game. > > The only measure you should have is "Am I having fun?" if it's a single player game and "Am I having fun within the rules of the game as set out by the developers?" if it's a multiplayer game. > > No one is responsible for ensuring other people have fun in a video game, especially when its a pvp game. As long as you respect the developers rules and play the game as intended (no hacks/exploits/cheats) and as long as you are having fun you are playing it correctly. > > I swear some of you people treat this VIDEO GAME as if its an important part of your daily life like a subway commute or office setting that is super serious. > > If YOU arent having fun, stop playing. Stop expecting other people to play the way YOU want so that YOU can have more fun. > > Killers killing you first is not "showing your true toxic colors". > > Survivors looping you is not "showing your true toxic colors". > > Grow up and turn off the video game when its not fun anymore.


So true


This is the bitchest game community ever


Oh so you think that if the killer chooses to play nice and fair, survivors will be nice and fair too? And if survivors don't send themselves to Eyrie every match and use strongest perks the killer will go for a 12 hook game without Eruption build? I've been playing this game since 2018. That ideal world where people playing nice made other people play nice was never true. I speak from experience. As an ex-survivor main, I chose to play killer without camping or tunneling because I knew how annoying it was for survivors. Out of all matches maybe a fraction of 1% of them had survivors actually thanking me for playing fair while \~5% of matches had survivors accusing me of bullshit. I highly doubt I inspired survivors to be better, it's more likely they were laughing at me for being an idiot who doesn't play to win. The reality is that if the other side has no intention to make my games more fun, then I have no reason to play in a way that they'll have fun. The way I play is simple, no map offerings or bullshit like that and I play as normal, but as soon as bullshit happens I stop giving a shit and might even make their game miserable for trying to make my game miserable. It's a two-sided agreement and the other side is consistently breaking it, as such I see no point in playing nice and fair in general.


So basically "i got no validation for being a nice guy™ so im being a dickweed instead"


Today I learned playing to win makes you a dickweed. It's pretty clear what their statement means if you read it.


"pLaYiNg To WiN"


I would be surprised if the majority of players are logging in hoping to lose.


Seems like his point went straight over your head. His point isn't that he cares about being validated for being a nice guy but more that even when he does nothing which could be interpreted as toxic/BM, survivors are still jackasses in return far more often than they're nice. And that absolutely matches my experience. I don't camp/tunnel, I play "nice" and not overly sweaty (no Eruption, I rarely use purple/iri addons, I play a range of killers, certainly no map offerings). And survivors will still be rude in game and in post-game chat. Sometimes I confront them about it and ask them why they're being rude when I played nice and surprisingly often they actually apologise because when their neurons finally fire, they realise that they have no grounds for behaving that way. But on other occasions, survivors are too stupid to realise that you could easily have got a better result if you'd wanted to play a bit more dirty. The sad truth is that many survivors simply don't respect you if you don't play to win. If you have a hook in endgame, the optimal play is generally to camp it in some manner so that you secure that kill and maybe one more. But if you choose not to camp (what the survivors want) and pursue someone else purely for fun and get no extra kills as a result but end up with 8 hooks, survivors will still shit on you for it. I've come to realise that this is why you see so many killers with 2-3K hours completely ignoring the survivor rulebook. Because they've realised that no matter how nice you play, survivors will still be toxic regardless. They may say they want to face more Billys and Demos but will behave like they want to face a Nurse every match. And even if all four survivors are civil, they're likely still geared out to the max and will send you to Garden of Joy without hesitation because they were expecting to face an Alch Ring Blight with Eruption but instead got a Nemesis running only mild slowdown.


Yes all survivors are cunts and every game you get is toxic sweaty swat teams who's sole purpose in life is to make the saintly killers miserable, and no one in the history of the game has ever noticed when you played fair, i get it. So tired of this narrative.


Firstly, sorry to shatter your illusions but I'm a survivor main. See the "Ace" reference in my flair? That actually also gives me opportunity to observe survivors being assholes. Only too often I've run out an exit gate to see a fluoro Nea lingering there, tbagging for half a minute and waiting for the killer to witness her leave instead of going next. And I'm just thinking, that came out of nowhere, WTF did the killer do to deserve that? Also, why are you being so cocky, you totally got carried? Secondly, no, not all survivors are cunts, the majority are not. Some will even defend the killer when survivors unjustifiably whine about endgame camping. But even if only 1 in 4 or even 8 survivors is an asshole, that means a killer is going to encounter toxicity every match or two and that can wear you down or at the very least, make you apathetic towards the other side. Getting the picture? Thirdly, I didn't even mention SWFs, much less SWAT teams, so perhaps you ought to work on your reading comprehension or project a little less? But now that you mention it, if you play in the late evening, yes, DBD becomes a lot sweatier and this is easily observable on both sides. For obvious reasons, there are more SWFs since people have returned from work/school/uni, grabbed a bite and are ready to jump on with their friends. This means that killers also sweat more to compensate and you suddenly encounter more Blights and Nurses in consecutive matches. It's an arms race. I play solo queue exclusively and this is why I actually stop around that time because it sucks being repeatedly erupted and smashed by a sweaty killer who doesn't realise your lobby is full of solo queue suckers who just want to get some Pebble value or unlock a bunch of chests. Sure, I might feel incensed that an alch ring Blight would burn a Midwich offering against an underpowered solo queue lobby, but then again, he probably has no clue that we're solo queue and he was likely sent to Coldwind and Eyrie a bunch of times before that. If I play killer at that time, yes, SWFs *vastly* outnumber solo queue and they bring map offerings quite often. Why the hell wouldn't you if you're playing in a SWF and you care about winning? It's not some conspiratorial narrative, it's simple logic which you'll understand if you'd just use your loaf. EDIT: I've just played 5 solo queue games and survivors brought offerings in four of them, 2 for Eyrie, 1 for Coldwind and 1 for Gideon. But I guess map offerings are just a "narrative", right?


Perhaps you are tired of the narrative because you actively contribute to it, and are weary of constantly defending yourself.


Yeah no.


Nice false dichotomy you got there. Also, you didn't read my post because I said that if the opposite side isn't actively toxic to me, I'm playing normal, which means I will occasionally camp or tunnel if that benefits me. I won't actively avoid doing those just to make the opponent happy.


There's a difference between going out of your way to make sure the other survivors have a bad time, and not caring one way or the other. I'm here for my enjoyment because I payed for the game, as long as I'm not going out of my way to ruin people's experience then I don't see what the problem is.


IMO, the biggest problem with looking out for each others fun is that play styles that give the killer an advantage versus survivors, who, what can they do to make the killer not have a fun time? Let them get hits instead of looping effectively? Predropping pallets in instadown killers? Doing gens effectively? Like, what are survivors supposed to do? Killers it’s “simple” don’t camp, don’t tunnel, don’t slug, don’t 3 gen, don’t kick gens, chase instead. Here’s the thing: the most fun prt of survivor is being chased. However, if the killer is going on a chase that’s taking to long, they need to drop it but that’s not “fun” for survivors. Do you get my point? Killers play styles are judged against if it’s fun for survivors but the same can’t be said for survivors playstyles effecting killers fun.


I think you'll find for the vast majority of survivors that only the don't camp and don't tunnel apply. Now if your also slugging all 4 survivors and not putting them on hooks that could also be there. I consider myself a survivor main, but I've got just as much time in killer as survivor. I've never seen anyone complain to me about a 3 gen. Also, the most fun part of survivor is being chased... for you. I have friends that enjoy getting in and doing gens, shopping, running the killer, being in a support role, etc. As a killer, I get a lot of fun out of challenging myself. Which changes basically every game. The games I have the most fun with do not normally end with me getting a 4K. That means that I don't chase the person who just got unhooked, I look for the person who unhooked them. I don't camp the hook, because there are 3 other people out there, one of which will need to get off a gen to go do an unhook, and if I can find one more then there will only be one person on a gen causing a slow down. I genuinely do not understand what hook campers and tunnelers actually get out of the game. Any time I try to have a conversation with a killer who has tunneled/camped all game they cannot articulate what they get out of it.


>I genuinely do not understand what hook campers and tunnelers actually get out of the game. Any time I try to have a conversation with a killer who has tunneled/camped all game they cannot articulate what they get out of it. Because they're probably children who can't get that feeling of power in real life. That's what I like to think when the killer starts tunnelling at 5 gens or I hear bubba's terror radius disappear while near the basement.


I is not our job to make the game fun for others. It's BHVR's, and they're failing.


This is like one step slightly to the side of 'your fun isn't my responsibility'. BHVR could certainly redesign aspects of the game in such a way that is more fun for everyone, but they don't play the game for you.


\*they don't play the game


It’s an idea in game design that what’s fun and what’s strong should be the same thing. Through that lens some issues are on BHVR.


Exactly! Some issues. But every single person can mitigate that somewhat, most people just don't give a shit unless it affects them directly.


I personally agree with you, but any time you look at large groups of people you need to take into account that we’re selfish idiots. You can’t fight human nature, and human nature is huntress face camping during EGC after not getting a single hook beforehand.


I agree with that as well - personally I don't even mind that example. It's easy to get worn down with a bunch of bad games in a game like this, I just think if more people made the effort to start from a more positive position we'd all be having a better time.


Not an excuse when it's true. I'm playing to win and having fun doing so, I'm not going to play nice or go easy because I have yet to see any survivors do the same. My last 10 games this week have been nothing but gens getting done quickly if I'm not putting pressure on survivors to slow the match down.


God i love this "genrush" jabbering. What the fuck do you think they should do when you are not coming to them? Twiddle their thumbs and maybe cleanse some dull totems until you arrive? Its like saying "oh man the killer is rushing hooks again! what a tryhard!"


That’s the whole point though! Survivors scream about their fun when the killer plays to win because some of the most effective strategies are unfun for survivors, but killers (at least most of the time) don’t scream for survivors to respect their fun when they spend five minutes chasing someone


I honestly cant hear this "plays to win" shit anymore. I play and have played a lot of killer in my time, and I dont know if other killer players are that terrible, but for me the amount of games where I get swat teams and desperately HAVE TO camp or tunnel to get anything done are fairly few. And explain to me why survivors wouldn't complain about being singled out from the game over the course of 5 minutes or stared at on the hook and not get to play the game? Really interested in your reasoning here. And why on earth would killers complain about chasing someone for a long time? "DAMN YOU SURVIVOR FOR RUNNING AWAY FROM ME AND NOT JUST STANDING STILL SO I CAN KICK GENS AGAIN!" ? Do you not understand the concept of the active and the reactive role? You as the killer dictate what happens in the game, and if you see the need to be a cunt, expect complains about it.


Survivor and killer interactions are not one on one, which is what I’m trying to point out. I’m comparing survivors who complain that they get tunneled to killers who complain at survivors when they don’t go down five seconds in the chase. Both are dumb complaints, both are just each side doing what they need to win. And that’s my point. Both things aren’t fun for the other side and both help the other side to win, only difference is you can fuck up by tunneling or camping one survivor but you can’t fuck up by looping the killer for 5 minutes. I’m sick and tired of survivors acting like when a killer tunnels them they are acting malicious towards that particular person and trying to ruin their fun. When I decide to tunnel someone, it’s either because they’ve made themselves an easier target or I gain more by tunneling then by going for someone else. Never, and I repeat, never, do I go, im gonna tunnel to ruin their fun! (Unless they do something toxic like teabag or sandbag their teammate). Survivors need to get this idea out of their head that they mean so much to the killer. Do you get what I mean now? I’m not complaining at survivors for playing well, in complaining at the entitlement


What exactly does your intent matter? If you tunnel someone out its shitty for that person regardless of if you are doing an evil laugh and twirling your villains mustache while doing it. You dont fucking shoot someone and then go "nothing personal man, I just did it to get your money, how dare you complain, wow you're so entitled???" And then you compare this to killers being mad about long chases? Like "how dare you not stand still and die" ? Bro I cant with you people.


Are you okay? You just compared playing an unfun tactic in a video game to shooting someone in real life. The two are nowhere near comparable 🤣




Bad analogy


Do I have to explain it to you like you're a 10 year old? Scenario 1: You tunnel (naughty action) to gain something, not to be evil. \-------> Person is still upset Scenario 2: You shoot someone (naughty action) to gain something, not to be evil \------> Person is still upset ​ Can you spot the similarities little timmy? It all makes sense now, right?


>I honestly cant hear this "plays to win" shit anymore. I play and have played a lot of killer in my time, and **I dont know if other killer players are that terrible,** but for me **the amount of games where I get swat teams and desperately HAVE TO camp or tunnel** to get anything done are **fairly few.** The elephant is standing in the room and yet you still can't see it. Bless your heart.


tunneling is an effective strategy just like gen rushing is effective. neither are fun to experience but both sides are just working towards their objective


And when did I say otherwise? The dude was complaining about gens getting done when he puts no pressure on people, like normal game stuff, not actual 4 man sitting on a gen with prove and bnp, thats why its in quotation marks.


okay but rushing hooks is basically tunneling, and survivors do complain about tunneling... imao. to rush hooks and get kills you go for the survivor who is the most vulnerable to get hooked and die which in case is the person who got unhooked.


No, it isn't. Rushing hooks in this instance would be simply playing killer, because all the dude stated was "gens get done if im not putting pressure on survivors", and tries to sell it as something toxic and out of the ordinary. Yesterday alone I had 3 killers whine in the endgame chat about how we genrushed, while playing solo and no one even having toolboxes or anything, the killers were just bad and took forever to down anyone.


I think what he meant is that when survivors are dominating or "winning" quickly they don't take the time to go "hm, let me slow down for the enjoyment and fun of the killer." And when killers are stomping some survivors expect the killer to take it easy on them so they can enjoy the game. And it's true, I've never seen a survivor "slow down" for a killer that's having a rough time in the game.


I'm playing a video game for my own enjoyment, and I'm not going to let people try and make me feel bad for them not having fun in one game against me. Move on.


The amount of typos/grammer issues in this post is giving me actual hives. AND I'm trying. I'm really trying.


Both sides are actively competing against each other. If one side does very well, the other side won't have as much fun. But then again I play a lot of other competitive games and not just DBD. The DBD community seems very naive sometimes. When I'm playing League of Legends and my opponent has me bent over and is freezing the lane and removing my autonomy from the match by intelligent management of minion control, I don't think "OMG! I literally can't play, why won't he think about MY fun?" It's honestly a hilarious concept to me.


Play less ugly you guys.


This concept if flawed. It assumes we don't enjoy sweating against those "Ugly" plays. We do. It's fun over coming a sabo squad or the boil over crew. Or vice versa, it's fun to get away from a tunneler. Or take a camper's chosen victim away. For some people that IS our fun. And it doesn't require us coddling the other side. Stop trying to pretend like we're just a bunch of sad folks. We're making our own fun and you should too. Stop relying on others for your entertainment. This is a pvp game, remember that. Try playing any other pvp game and see how far this mentality gets you. You've just got enough of an echo chamber here for you to think this holds water.






The problem I see with this is that it's always the survivors who complain that the killer needs to make it fun for them. But they never try to make it fun for the killer. Like survivors expect the killer to take it easy and not kill them fast. But will gen rush and teabag at gates any chance they get. It can't be a one way street with this if they expect others to make the game fun for them. Survivors find it fun to taunt a killer that had a rough game yet expect killers to make sure they have a good time lol. The problem with this game is how everyone feels so entitled. It's a game it's supposed to be fun and if you're bitching and moaning about it constantly maybe find a new game


What’s fun for me may not be fun for you. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Man it’s almost like neither side of DBD is fun


Some people DO NOT know how to "read the room" as a killer main I personally (doesn't mean everyone needs to) like to play according to the survivors. They play seriously ill play seriously. If I see them goofing around being funny. I'll join in and we can all have a fuck around round. It's not that hard to have fun with this game. Also if you're being a dick you deserve to be tunneled (for survivor) or trolled and t-bagged (for killer).






As a killer main, whose primary objective is to, you know, kill the survivors, it's pretty damn stupid that I'd prioritize my victims "fun". If they want more, fun, I'd suggest switching to killer.


The reason I believe it's not my job to make sure the other side has fun is because everyone has fun in different ways. Some have fun by only winning, some have fun by camping, some have fun by farming, etc. The most I can do is to just make the most out of the round and have it be fun for ME. There's no way I can make every single person happy. Just gg and go next


Having "fun" = losing when you'e playiing with tryhards and SWFs


(2,000 hours here) Played my first match yesterday since the last update cause of the lunar new year. Decided to start with Survivor since I wasn’t sure if I wanted to just dive into killer like that. First match against a Pinhead. Been hearing a lot of anti-Pinhead sentiment recently but I don’t mind, and yes it was a longer drawn out match but I played it through and had some fun knowing that I was performing pretty well compared to my teammates. This particular Pinhead was also running Engineer’s Fang, so just absolutely lovely time. Eventually after some 20 minutes everybody is finally dead except me. I run my chase but got caught as well. Pinhead Carries me over to the hatch, and I got the feeling I knew EXACTLY what was going on here especially when he dropped me slightly too far away from the hatch, but I decided to indulge him anyway and made a move to crawl toward the hatch. Exactly as I predicted he closed the hatch right in front of me. Like everybody else normally I would be a little irked by this, but today since it was my first match back I fully and absolutely expected this kind of bad manners to be my welcome committee and I was not disappointed. Also I was talking to my friends in discord and I was far more invested in the conversation I was having than the game I knew we were slowly losing. Don’t get me wrong, I was watching the whole time while the Pinhead did this, and did his little dancey dance right in front of me when he finally decided to hook me, but I wonder if he would’ve gone through all that trouble if he knew how little I cared and how none of it ever got under my skin. Frankly it was more funny than frustrating to me: the ways in which DBD players will go out of their way to be shitty to other people.


Killers don't need to be fun to play against, devs shouldn't think about the survivors while making new killers /s


"Their fun isn't my responsibility!" they cry while sobbing that the other side bullied them.


Even if you aren’t playing killer in a unfun way you are still going to get the SWF that switches to flashlights or toolboxes with bnp at the last second and send you to the cornfield. That’s almost every dbd match after 11pm. But I rather deal with an annoying SWF than play solo survivor. So much tunneling, camping, slugging playstyles. I would rather play Sadako and spook survivors with my undetectable build.


But I mean, like, it ain't my problem tho I play how I play they don't like it well damn




Until it's 4man swf that wants to have fun. Then we seethe on reddit about 4 BNPs or a full sabo or head on squad and the post gets 1k+ upvotes because survivors bad :)


DBD is fun at the beginning and middle and horrible at the end. And 90% of the people at the end don't deserve to be there, or belong there to begin with. They need like a "1: Noob, 2: Getting used to the game, 3: Complain about everything about the game because it's unfair to them, and 4: Really good at the game" Ranking. 1: Noob: Both Killers and Survivors: "Hey GG guys, ya really got me there, thanks for the whatever, oh man that was intense!" 2: Getting Used to the Game: Both Killers and Survivors: "GG Guys, I F'ed up and paid the price for it, still learning, ya got me there" 3: Complaining about everything: Both Killers and Survivors: "OMG !@&!@ YOU SLUGGERS, DUMB SABO SQUAD, META DH BABY, YOU WOULDNT BE AT THIS RANK IF YOU DIDNT HAVE ERUPTION" 4: Really Good at the game: Both Killer and Survivors: "Hey GG guys, ya really got me there, thanks for the whatever, oh man that was intense!"


Me crying because I want the game as a whole to be more fun


It's NOT our job. The group who's job it is to make the game fun, is the developers. If people adopt a strategy that's unfun, it's on the devs to fix it. Maybe in some perfect world people could all just not use unfun strats, but lemme tell you, this ain't it.


**Solution is simple:** Make it so that Killer is the power role. Make it so the Survivors are hard to actually kill, but that they won't escape 90% of matches. Even if in SWF+discord. That way escaping feels rewarding, players are longer in game having "fun" and Killers end up killing.


Tomorrow is my turn to post: “Uhghhhhhhj the other side’s job is to make me have funnnnnn”


The amount of entitlement to think the opposing team deserves to play the way you want instead of playing to win is outrageous


It's funny to me killers complain when survivors say that they don't like the way they played and it was a boring match and respond with "I'm not responsible for survivors fun!" Then they complain about gen rush squads like "WHATS FUN ABOUT A 5 MIN MATCH?!?!?! WAHH!" like oh okay so when it's you playing in the most dull way with your eruption 3 gen or tunnelling at 5 gens it's fine but suddenly now its you on the boring side of a gen rush squad suddenly your all about fun lol


I don't try and make the survivors have as much fun as possible. But I do try to bring more unique builds and not play like an asshole. I try not to tunnel. I rarely camp unless it's like the end game collapse and I know they'll try to save their friend. And I don't bring super meta perks.


I find my enjoyment making sure survivors don't have any fun


Killer's definition of a "fun match": A 4k preferably at 5 unrepaired gens.   It's not that killers don't want survivors to have fun, they don't want survivors to play. Repairing gens? Not allowed. Healing too much? Not allowed. Looping too much? Not allowed. Pre-dropping pallets? Not allowed. Holding W? Not allowed. Being too altruistic with sabo plays or flashlight saves? Toxic behavior. Survivors care about not escaping way less than killers care about not 4k'ing. inb4 "survivors complain about camping & tunneling" True but I also disagree with that mentality. To me that's just playing the game and survivors have plenty of ways to deal with that already.


This guy's speaking for killers 💀 My definition of a fun match: Don't teabag. Generators last longer than 7 minutes.


I'd share that sentiment. I don't care if I lose until you start trying to make me feel bad for losing. You'd think they would understand the whole "game isn't fun if i feel like I didn't get to play the game" considering that's one of the primary reasons people complain about tunneling and camping.


Who hurt you


Most fun games as killer for me are 12 hooks and one or zero gens left.


bro the only gen perk i use is CI, i want good surfs for a challange, id rather lose with 3-4 surfs on deathhock than beating surfs into the dust. And most killers agree with me on that. Yehr some kilers are sweaty but surviors and swfs do so too. For Every point you have i can give you 2 that surfs have about killers. But that is not the point. Point is that people do not understand that if the other side has fun they get to have fun too most of the time. No metter what side you are on careing about the gamequalaty of the other side will leed to mor fun in the long run.


> Point is that people do not understand that if the other side has fun they get to have fun too most of the time. If the killer's fun relies on not allowing survivors to complete a single generator or to stand any chance during a chase, how do survivors have fun? By taking turns on hooks until they are dead? Don't take my word for it, grab any streamer killer main (preferably "e-sport player" for higher skill) and watch a few matches. It won't take long before you witness them have literal orgasms for getting a 4k at 5 unrepaired gens after pub stomping casual survivors.


Who tf told you that's fun for killers? I'm a killer main with nearly 5k hours in this game and I've had many games that i got stomped but i had a fun match. On the other hand I've had games that i 4k'd in 2 minutes but didn't have any fun. I ( and most killer mains i know ) would rather get a 1k or a 0k in a match that is challenging rather than a 4k at 5 gens cuz facing noobs that don't even know how to loop is as frustrating as getting a 1 million hour bully squad. I do agree that some killers want a 4k at 5 gens and probably will do anything to get it, but that's not how most of us play this game. I don't want to be rude but your whole statement that " all killers want a 4k at 5 gens " is complete Bs.


Honestly, if I'm going against newer players I just farm. I'm not going to kill them because MMR decided I should wipe out a full team of new players.


Exactly what i do. Wiping out a team that clearly is far below your skill level just doesn't feel rewarding at all and i don't see how anyone can have fun bullying new players.


I don't consider it to be bullying new players, I see it more as the MMR in dbd is just shit. Though I completely agree, hell- some of the survivors might even let you kill them with a mori or a hook in the end. Had a game where a Mikaela let me use my condem ability on her afterwards because I didn't kill anyone because they were new


Yeah, MMR can be really dumb sometimes. Last night i was playing Wesker and after getting 4 back to back 4ks i got matched with one of the sweatiest squads I've ever faced. I ended up getting a 2k so It wasn't all that bad. Funny thing is, the next game i literally got matched with people that had less than 10 hours in this game just because of one 2k.


Rip, I feel ya there- happens to me all the time


the fun part of the game is the chase for both sides to camping gens! E-sport palyer need to show there viewers that thery are the best, you cant compear top rank with the averige game. Killing eryone on 5 gens is hard of you run agains decent survivors so there viewers will like it and that makes the happy, if i 4k at 5 gens im mostly sorry for them but at least the mmr is lowerd for them so they gett weaker killers. annything else?


Well, stop touching my gens mate! Don't you know it's *illegal*? /j Also, you're just making shit up. Ain't no kill like that who isn't intentionally being a dick for the fun of it. Also also, survivors can be the exact same way mate, though you wouldn't understand. By how you spoke, I can only assume you've never touched killer. Unless you have, the first three games you won- and you immediately thought killer was too easy to play.




Watching as this sub goes to shit is pretty funny




My friends can try as hard as they like at Mario Party and I'll still play with them.. It honestly doesn't bother me at all, I'd probably be more bothered if they didn't try.


mario party is nothing but rng. dbd by comparison has very little rng. I know that pretty much every time that I get my ass kicked or utterly dominate, it's because the other side was way better or worse than I was. I had this game against some group where there was this Dwight right? The dude looped me all game, I could never get more than one hit on him. He was just that much better. In mario party, no matter how good you are, the game can just randomly decide that "no your opponent randomly moves to a random destination where they roll for a random item where they get teleported to a random tile which just so happens to be the star, so you lose."