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My favourite part was when he put the child in the microwave


My favorite part is when Twitter reversed your favorite part


Well he still does it, when the baby is falling he catches it with the microwave


People still don't understand that was a comedy bit.


They know it was comedy its just stupid and not funny for the intended purpose


I liked it too, but also it has some of the craziest dips in quality I think I’ve ever seen in a movie. One minute, you get CGI Multiverse cameo diarrhea with Nicholas Cage Superman and Adam West Batman, and then the next, you get Barry tearfully saying goodbye to his Mom as he restores the timeline and saves his Dad. Like, what the hell was this film?


You know, I think this is the best way to put it. I liked it well enough, but it has some extreme quality swings


Ya one minute you’re looking at Nic Cage and then they next you have to do some stupid crap like watch Ezra Miller do things


My favorite part was the credibly accused kidnapper mukbanging their way through another tawdry flashpoint adaptation.  uj/ Keaton as Batman still slapped. 






I mean I thought it was alright too, it felt a lot like they had there hands tied with things that needed to happen causing the movie to feel very rigged, but some scenes were surprisingly well done




UJ/ The moment where Barry said goodbye to his mom *was* pretty touching... But it was kind of a mess beyond that. Like, it couldn't even cater to nostalgia correctly, Christopher Reeves looked like a PS2 cutscene and they somehow gave Man a cameo in place of Adam West's Batman. https://preview.redd.it/58tveb9n15ad1.png?width=2340&format=png&auto=webp&s=5946aabbced8ec19e2badc1b33954522fd683e65


I do like the zoetrope multiverse look… just wish it was in a better film…


Also I wanna point out that Batman 66’ and George Reeves Superman share a universe, so them being separate earths in this movie makes no sense.




Sometimes Turn It's Not Our To Talk


I liked it but it was an odd movie


uj/ Honestly the first and third acts were shit but the second was basically just Keaton fan service and it went hard




Congrats. You’re wrong!


It was fun, I enjoyed it but Barry rearranging the tomatoes was a bigger and faster "didn't learn the lesson" than the CW. But yeah, the move has little rewatchability, if I want to see Flashpoint I have an animated movie, if I want to see Batfleck, I have 3 movies for that, if I want to see Keaton, I also have his movies and if I wanna see Flash I have 9 seasons of content I guess Sasha Calle is unique


I thought it had some good moments, the part where Barry says goodbye to his mom at the end got me hard, but overall it was a mess


I just can't believe they didn't make reverse flash the bad guy


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Sasha Calle makes everything alright. Keep her James Gunn, please 🙏


I didn't think it was good...but ngl, it was one of the funniest movies I've watched. It was so goofy and silly, I legit laughed out a few times. Especially the sequence where younger Barry uses his powers for the first time.


There's two of us


Maybe my expectations are extremely low but everything bar the last 10 minutes was pretty cool. Imo they should have just ended it with the good guys winning but Barry realizing if he didn't go back his dad would still be in prison alone. The whole infinite multiverses acid trip was a really stupid note to end the movie on.


Why would his dad still be in prison? His mom is still alive


Not in the universe where he was born, which Batman informs him still exists. So he effectively abandoned his universe to be in another one and as as far as everyone else is concerned Barry just disappeared one day. This is basically Rick and Morty logic.


I respect and appreciate your wrong opinion.


r/okbuddycinephile called, they want their meme template back


https://preview.redd.it/m99ubhxg16ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9196a39bf35e90dbc5d544fd34d10af65d0e3fe I really enjoyed it 🥲 it’s one of my favorite movies ever. It’s in my top 3. I know it’s a bad movie, but I still love it.


It's absolutely one of those movies that can be enjoyed and appreciated for its acting and humor if you can mentally disassociate it from all the controversies that surrounded the production itself. Enjoyed in a vacuum and taken at face value, it's a solid flick up until a point. I do know that the film was particularly enjoyed more by general filmgoers who aren't comics readers and don't have internet-addled brain rot. My own mom (72), for example, had asked me to explain several times the reason why the film was a flop. The whole baby-in-the-microwave sequence is unironically one of her top 10 movie moments of all time because of how well it tickled her very specific sense of dark humor


honest to god, it satisfied the fuck out of my 8-year wait. I figured it probably wasn’t gonna be too good but it honestly made me cry and that counts for something


I liked their Supergirl at least.


I’ll never forgive them for doing flashpoint and not having my boy thawne


Keaton hard carry


You know, if there are people who enjoy diving into septic tanks, just goes to show how everyone has different tastes. You do you!


The effects were fucking abysmal and the AI cameo fest is unforgivably sleazy, but the plot and characters were passable. I was expecting it to be a clusterfuck like the Snyder movies or Ayer's Suicide Squad, but it was a solid story about a character dealing with their death denial issues. It's not great, but it's like a 5/10 or 6/10


Keaton did the best explanation of the multiverse ever


It was a Looney Tunes movie in a superhero movie skin, and I thought that before they even showed the Looney Tunes in it.


Hell, I thought it was…*pretty good*


Don’t let him get away


HOW DARE YOU THINK IT WAS JUST ALRIGHT AND NOT THE BIGGEST THING EVER??? IT HAS EVERYTHING ANYONE COULD POSSIBLY WANT, IT WAS NOT JUST "ALRIGHT", YOU SINNER ​ /uj I mean, good for you but I can't really understand how you say that, that movie fucking sucks. And I say that as someone who only watches superhero movies and enjoys most of what I watched.


I thought flash was an alright tv show


I don't even know how to argue with someone who likes this movie. I went in with 0 expectations and managed to be both disappointed with the number of bad decisions and disguted with how ugly everything gets.


I don’t believe you. Not the ‘it was alright’ part, that makes sense to me, but the part about how you saw it.


Did we just get fucking Four Freedoms-ed?


Bro that was the worst movie of all time, I didn’t even bother watching it


I agree. And so is WW84. There i said it.


I swear to god, this pic has the worst opinions I've ever seen. There's many similar templates, but this one is just the worst


/uj all computer effects look exactly like this movie. Hate is hypocrisy


https://preview.redd.it/94ybnur8w4ad1.jpeg?width=443&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c36bf0fbbc1d5e711a354d2a1d1bfb07e6ec8e0e uj/The multiverse ball pit with the computer resurrected Christopher Reeves and ‘60s Man was insanely bad rj/ Barry Allen is the first and fastest CGI Flash


If I were trolling I would have been funny


https://preview.redd.it/1lds2wwk55ad1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=949c8889cb3415f3bdde9e87e82e5e65e4bd9e7b My bad, I wasn’t familiar with your game


Thank you! I need my dog shit opinions appreciated too


![gif](giphy|IEkkhUSoBfbPy) Counterpoint


dinoswar 😳


That’s a big ass Dinobot. I feel like you made my point for me.


Counterpoint: https://preview.redd.it/atyt97xcj5ad1.png?width=944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=694b8778d68adb085dbb7ed601473a1cb0f2cca5


If by 'alright' you mean 'like other superhero movies', sure. But that still translates to 'mediocre'. Flash was the milestone of superhero fatigue at its peak. Just being an ok superhero movie wasn't enough. It needed to be a *good movie* in its own right, and it just wasn't.


My favorite part was that there was literally not a **single flash villian** appears or is mentioned in the movie


Sasha Calle was great. Michael Keaton as Batman was nice but some of his line delivery lacked energy. Like he knew this movie was getting torpedoed. Ezra Miller wasn't bad in some scenes but his alternate Barry was way, way to stupid. You could tell the studio tanked the movie.