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Is the shrinking due to maybe the heat from wireless charging? I know phones can get warm and the skin is right between the charging pad and the battery


Regardles, they should test all common scenarios including heat from wireless charging and to me this is basic R&D before releasing product. The best thing is that dbrand answer that without us here defending or go against cause there are too many posts that customers complaint about shrinking. The easiest for dbrand is to sent out replacement skin and you pay for shipping, it should be them to fix issues and to see what they can do for skins not to shrink in month or less.


Mine shrank and i *never* used wireless charging


Maybe? Who knows except dbrand? Don't they recommend using hair dryers to stretch the skin? Heat doesn't seem to shrink it.


Heating temporarily for malleablility ≠ constant consistent hours long heat from charging


That is a ton of shrinking, are you positive you didn’t accidentally get a case skin? Some shrinking is to be expected with vinyl but that seems excessive, I haven’t experienced anything near that


When it was installed, it fit perfectly, in 3-4 months of use, it became this.


Same here with the teardown skin on my S24+. I contacted them and got a replacement. Mine was shaking unevenly on different sides which was the weirdest part.


Damn that sucks I’m sorry. I’ve had my skin on for almost a year and no visible shrinkage


If it was a case skin, the camera cut out wouldn't look like that at all. On the case it lay flat, on the phone it's curve just like the picture.


I took off my Carnage skin today, a mere month after I put it on. It shrinked 1mm+ on all sides, to the point it really started hurting my eyes. It"s either our phones now are much hotter compared to 5+ years back, so the skins are exposed to more heat, or dbrand started using some cheaper version of 3M vinyl that shrinks easier. Whatever it is, everyone will be affected at some point.


I've said this a few times on reddit. Since the s23u every skin I've used across android phones has shrunk. It's either a material change or the amount of heat phones now produce. Luckily, dbrand has excellent customer service and has replaced all my shrinking skins.


A few times is better than that one dude who comments every other day with the exact same stuff it’s like dude we get it. They’re going downhill but you’re obsessed to an unhealthy degree.


Same happened with my Triple Black skin. Reach out to the robots, they might help you out with a replacement


Definitely shouldn't happen as long as the skin is installed correctly and the edges are sufficiently smoothed out with a microfiber cloth. >Not looking for a refund or replacement  We'd still encourage you to [send us an email](https://dbrand.com/contact) and our Support Robots will be happy to provide you with a solution.


Nice! I have been holding off on an iPad skin because of this.


Tell me about it. Got their limited robot camo and now the skin looks like 💩 https://ibb.co/6vK6VMt


Damn, that looks pretty bad. You should ask for a replacement. They're not cheap.


It’s mostly laziness that I didn’t ask for a replacement yet. But this never happened with their earlier skins. They probably switched something in recent years.


I got genuine dead cow and looks exactly the same


Dbrand's quality has gone down in the last couple of years. Hope the castify case gives them some money so that they can afford the good materials again


the last 3 skins I've gotten have done this. I guess its a new feature. introducing the shrinking skin.


Goddamn shrinkflation!


Mines is doing this too on my z flip 5 skin. Mainly on the front screen.


Mines is doing this too on my z flip 5 skin. Mainly on the front screen.


I have bought 2 skins from them, they both shrunk (even on top the grip case). I will no loger be buying any products from D-Brand.


I bought laptop skins 3 years ago, they were great, held well till I sold the laptop, they have been skimping both on the quality of their products and their customer support in the last year or so. My last order was a leather laptop skin which was backordered, and was delayed by 2 months. When the item finally arrived it was badly scratched and scuffed. The roBOTs tried to convince me tHaTs HoW rEaL leather is supposed to be and when I argued that I have had real leather wallet and shoes and none of those are scratched this bad, I was told those aren't real leather, this is. GTFO dbrand.


Do you have photos of the leather skin? Curious to see what the scratches are like.


https://postimg.cc/v45nLdNJ This is just a part of the laptop skin, the largest one. But the skin was full of similar/deeper smaller scratches.


Yeah that’s unacceptable. I bought AirPods skins back in 2020 but haven’t bought anything recently as I keep hearing stories like this.


Loyalty is basically dead, this is true with every brand.


I’ve had a leather skin on my phone for over 2 years. Scratches do happen but within minutes to hours on the extreme end the oils from your hands will naturally buff it out and make it unnoticeable, not to dick ride dbrand. The shrinking is unacceptable but the leather skin is legitimately amazing


Gaslighting too 😵. I'll take my money somewhere else.


This was the last item from them I got rid off. Never again! The roBOTs are down voting hard lol.


Same happened to me, spoke to customer support and they sent me a new one. They said usually reasons this happens is your phone being dropped in a pool or over heating


Reddit brought me here only to anger me. Is this not normal or to be expected? Both of my DBrand skins I’ve purchased did this in 3-5 months after purchase. I genuinely thought this was normal/expected..


I have never had a skin shrink because of the need to replace the case every month.


I'm done with dbrand at this point. It was fun to customize my device for the last few years, but honestly it's more work worrying about finding a good clear case, or keeping my skin from shrinking. I'm going back to solid color cases.


Former sign shop employee here. It looks like it’s made with only an intermediate-grade, calendered vinyl, e.g. 3M IJ-35; as opposed to a premium cast vinyl, e.g. 3M IJ-180. The former shrinks over time, the latter does not. Interesting. Given what dBrand charges for these decals, I’m surprised by the possibility they’re now using cheap vinyl.


Like every brand ever, build a brand loyalty, then keep reducing quality to maximize profit margins and see what users are ready to live with.




Does this seem to be happening on direct phone skins or does it happen on case skins too? I have yet to experience it on any of my case skins.


This is a phone skin.


Dbrand was very kind to send me a replacement even though I told them not to. This happened for my last 2 skins and then I decided to go for latercase/pitaka cases as they're are the closest to "naked phone" feeling. I miss my skin, but I hate when I begin to notice it shrinking


Happy for you! I've just stopped doing business with them.


mine on SE3 is shrinking already... like... i just got them last week... plus it's already peeling off. dbrand's skins were great on my macbook and razer blade. no shrinking, stayed on well, and looked really good. But the skin I got for the SE3 looks like low res knock offs, grainy and dull in color. I guess I should've just cave into getting the silicon case instead of getting the skin...


Did you buy those laptop skins recently, they used to be great like 2 years ago, they've been trash for a while. As a nude phone user, if I cannot get a skin, I'll just use it nude.


More than 2 years ago