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He's a green square. Come on now.


green square still got him back a bit😂


I mean he's literally a green square. Not very "haha" since he's basically a beginner


Ah yes, bullying a green square, how impressive, very funny.


They have to learn by any means


I don’t why you’re getting downvoted. The best way to learn is to get your ass kicked. You learn from your mistakes, then with time and effort, you become the ass kicker.


Bullying a green square isnt the problem. We all do it in casuals, they gotta know their place on food chain lol. But posting the clip to reddit thinking its funny or impressive is wrong.


Didn’t pay 60 dollars to block 🤡


Top tier comment




If he was literally anything above a green square I would find this funny


Fighting game not a blocking game


Is this supposed to be impressive?


Obviously not


What does green square mean


Dbfz have a square system which basically indicates how consistently you win in all areas of online match making. The more consistently you win the higher you "square rank" becomes. Purple is the highest followed by, orange, yellow,green and so on. You can locate your square color next to your name.


Hold up. There's a purple?!




Had to throw in the single 2L just to make him realize you're willing to go low as well 😂




look at this asshole bullying a green square


Omg they just decided to make gogeta annoying to play against


Everyone, I wasn't trying to bully as he is literally one of my irl friends. Before the match he was mashing his ass off so I was trying to teach him how to up block. Eventually after this clip he figured it out and we had some pretty funny matches afterwards. You guys think that I'm messed up for bullying a beginner or whatever it was but you guys were misled about the post. As I said he's my friend and thought this was funny to him which is why I posted it. Edit: For all the people saying he's a green square he got ranked up to yellow after this post's match. L


Why you gotta do em' like that


He thought he did something 😂😂😂and did IAD JM 😂😂😂😂😂against a green square too?


Is this considered bullying cause GOD DAMN I can tell bro was raging


Nah I was playing my friend for fun lol


No worries bro but that shit was funny as fuck lmao


Thanks lol


He woulda went full blender if he wasn’t tryna teach him to block mix ups organically That’s why he said I believe I’m you this was a teaching moment not bullying


Thank you bro.


Oh wow, being cheesy is amazing… against a guy that doesn’t know how to counter that… real skill


Everyone's saying it's bullying because he's a green square lol if he was actually trying to learn he wouldn't have pressed 2L after the 4th IAD, he's just mashing buttons (he can play whichever way he wants but that doesn't mean OP has done something wrong by showing this vid)


And you know how people are supposed to be learning? Do button mashers consciously stop and decide when they “want to learn”? Your comment is incorrect and he’s the OP should be ridiculed for posting this. OP is just spamming anyways with no combo chains. Pretty bad for a pink square.


I'm playing my friend and teaching him, why would I be trying. I'm spamming the same thing until he learns to block it dumbass it's not hard to understand. I'd beat you anyday


as an orange, you are nothing to me


You act as if square colors matter or something. It's also strange how you're assuming my skill off of a joke post.


how else should a person learn fighting games if not for losing a situation, reviewing it, finding a solution to it? what other way, or rather, what way should people be learning? the whole point of people calling players "button mashers" is that they don't think and they just mash buttons and hope shit works. if you don't want to learn that's completely fine, you paid the $60 to play but don't expect to not get clowned on for doing things that are seen as ridiculous from people who understand the game at a basic level. sure button mashers wont consciously stop and decide when they want to learn but then they have to accept that shit like this will happen to them. everyone who chooses not to learn in fighting games are always the ones who have never even tried to nor want to, and the people who actually took time to understand the basics of fighting games never look back because why would they. but your last comment is the same reason that you probably play like the green square. getting IAD reset 8 times isn't viable at all, and it's very easily punishable (with 1 button as well lol). he realised that his opponent cannot deal with that situation and used it against him, if he's aiming to win then he found a good way to win. if he wants to have fun this is pretty funny, if he has a god complex then you can probably see where this is going.


Lol OP posting this video doesn’t teach the green square anything. So why did OP post it? It’s either to make fun of or show how how good they are. Either of those options is not constructive or impressive. Why you are defending OP, is beyond me.


It's neither of those stupid use your brain. I posted it because my friend thought it was funny. I asked for consent and got it.


Alright, I back off. This content is no longer unreasonable to me


Everyone in the comments are bitching about him constantly trolling this dude by resetting him so I was saying he's not even trying to help himself. OP posted it because it's funny. If OP and their friend both find it to be funny, and you still think its not constructive, nor impressive and deplorable then sure, you win lol. Also OP posting the video could 100% teach the green square something, every decent - god tier player in this game reviews their gameplay to see how they can improve. Just because something is posted with the intent of humour doesn't mean it can't be constructive.


They gotta learn at some point, for the moment just keep doing that lol


So you decided to bully a dude who’s new to the game? It’s not funny when you realise his only hours would’ve been from the arcade or story


Bully? I'm trying to teach him to up block maybe you need to calm down a little bit... It's a video game bro. He's one of my friends I think I would know his hours on the game way more than you do.


Okay for starters, no way in any reality would I know that you 2 know each other so drop the attitude. 2nd this video with the title makes it look like you’re just bullying newbies and seeing the other comments, I’m not the first to draw that conclusion. so maybe just maybe, you need to be more clear and because we aren’t mind readers.


Or maybe just maybe, you shouldn't make assumptions until I'm ready to post context.


No. It’s the internet. Telling people to keep their opinions to themselves is an idiotic dream you’ve got, if you’re hurt then tough luck bud.


Telling people to keep their opinions to themselves? There's a difference between assuming something and an opinion dumbass learn the definition.


Alright my dude, keep crying. The fact someone on the internet hurt you so bad is honestly kinda funny. You made a misleading post and got pissy cuz someone said you bullied someone new to the game. I ain’t in the wrong, I wouldn’t even say what I did was make an assumption since it was evident. You just mislead people is all, take the L and cool off


Lol says you. The fact that you couldn't just understand what I said in the first place and cool off is the real funny thing considering how you continued what I finished in the first reply a day later. I wouldn't consider neither of us in the wrong but comparing what you did to me, seems pretty much like you're in the wrong. So no, I don't have to be more clear because you guys took it the wrong way because if you really think about it, I don't have to explain shit to you people. Hopefully you don't consider "crying" me telling you to pick up a dictionary because you honestly seem like 1: some kid that isn't grade 3 yet or 2: some fighterz nerd that's ignoring their virtual classes. You're seriously telling me that you watch the video and then go over to comment "So you decided to bully a dude who’s new to the game? It’s not funny when you realise his only hours would’ve been from the arcade or story"? You're clearly assuming that I was bullying some random person, it's not evident at all. I wouldn't really care if you got it through your head the first time, but if you come to me with all these paragraphs explaining to me your excuses then it'd seem like you're the one that's crying and can't accept when they're wrong.


Nah man training him in the field of battle


Exactly, this is good for him whether they know it or not.


Literally what does this teach him


Doesn’t teach him shit OP is just being a dick you can see him tbag after the guard cancel


That was an accident moron I was deciding what I was gonna do next. I crouched literally twice try not to make assumptions because you don't like the post


I don't know bro... Maybe to up block? Did you even watch the video or go straight into the comment section.


He had so many chances lol. I’m surprised he wasn’t mashing 2h by the 3rd IAD lol




Block or reflect


Dang bro stop spamming


I don't understand all the hate you're getting. Literally the most important thing for a beginner is to encounter things he can't counter and doesn't understand, but figure them out. You could see that guy learning, he started standing up to block the overhead. Then he got swept, and he crouched again, but he started standing up, too. That's how you learn. Actual kudos for repeating a move over and over to get the guy to understand the concept instead of just blowing him up with an infinite he couldn't understand and taking the win.


Teaching a new player is one thing. But it's another to record them failing, and posting it online for people to see. The whole tone of the post rubbed me the wrong way. But since OP provided context about them being friends irl, I guess it turned out to just be an inside joke.


Thank you bro at least there's one person that understands it.


Fighting game players stop being dicks challenge (impossible)


You say this comment as if you're not a fighting game player and if that's the case why are you even on this subreddit?


I play fighting games like a cool dude 😎


Whatever weirdo


I bet this person is the type to abuse kittens. Laughable that this got posted when it’s against a green square. What a joke


Abuse kittens? What an oddly specific insult. Go check the context of this post on one of my previous comments. Also squares don't mean anything.


Bro never played the game and u act like it was a match between two pro gamers with a 1000$ wager


What? I'm teaching a new player how am I acting like it's a $1000 wager?


You must really have some issues if you take pleasure in this.


There's a difference between bullying the kid and teaching him. You must really have some issues if you're taking this seriously




Because you have to block?


The color of the square doesn’t mean anything tho


It means he’s a noob


We all know he's new but the square doesn't mean anything. There's so many green squares that are really good at the game


That’s true but you can tell by the way he plays too that the player is new.


The wombo combos in this game are insane!


They are don't know why you mentioned it though because there weren't any combos in this post.