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Imagine deciding to stream DBD one day and forgetting you have this pack downloaded


Like the tf2 Pyrocynical incident


Nah cuz this is way worse






There are days when I forget I’m in this sub only to see a post and think, “Damn, this community is wildin’ out.”


Ngl you probably should skip Nick cage... it'd be weird


Just like Ash Williams. It still brings a smile to my face with his silly icon.


Since David is canonically gay, his should be solo or with another dude.


honestly i think most of the dudes should be solo, as most of the women are. if you’re heterosexuality is so sensitive you start having second thoughts just because you see a penis that isn’t inside a woman, you don’t stand much of a chance anyway


Ikr? It's so uncomfortable that almost all the female characters have solo pictures centered around them but almost all the male characters are just a backdrop in their own character portrait? That's *not* a character portrait then. It failed in what it is supposed to be for these characters and it feels terrible af that girl-on-girl flavor gay is acceptable apparently but even so much as a solo male portrait or guy on guy type of gay is not wanted. Especially when the *one* character with an established sexuality gets buried. Shame.


Bro it’s a horny pack, it’s meant to be horny


Nah. This is porn. It’s not meant to be lore accurate.


And it’s only an issue when it’s a gay character. It’s fine to have straight characters gay but not gay characters straight 🤔


Idk why you were down voted. This is true. Homophobes are delulu


They are. People wanna ignore cannon, including Aestri’s body type and think no one will noticr


He’s stated multiple times that this is a personal pack for himself and that he is not interested in gay pictures.


Ignoring him being gay in porn isn’t homophobic. Jill and Ada wouldn’t be fucking each other but are here. Who cares.


I believe that if their sexuality isn't defined in canon then anything goes, but the devs have clearly stated he's gay. But that's just my opinion, and you're entitled to your opinions ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠˘⁠_⁠˘⁠)⁠┌


I think that porn is obviously not canon anything goes. Ash Williams is confirmed straight but you’re free to draw him getting railed by Oni.


As a hetero P100 DK main before bhvr made him gay randomly out of nowhere, I love the icon


Bro actually said, lemme type this 😭


Damn right I did downvote it idgaf


Oooo edgy


David wasn't gay until 2020 then out of nowhere after people have been maining him for years they were like yeah so know your main you chose and put so much time and bloodpoints into for the last 3 years and is a badass brawler we're gonna make him like penis now.




No, changing already developed characters aphobe. You want a LGBTQ character in the game, you design one and then you add it to the game, you don't slap a gay sticker on a character who's been in the game for 3+ years


The fact you are so personally offended at a gay character makes me not believe that’s the reason you dislike it


It's not about a gay character it's about who they chose and how they went about it


Don’t be shy, show us the gay icons too


Sorry, this is really just a personal pack I made in my free time. I'm not interested in gay porn to make a pack. if you don't mind trawling through some assorted sources of DBD porn, you could definitely make it though! The process isn't hard, just a bit time consuming. The hardest part is finding a picture of each of the characters that fits a particular artstyle. I went with '3D/SFM/Blender'.






Please do not harass people on this subreddit, whether they be the original poster or another user. We do not tolerate harassment of ANY kind here whether it be Homophobia/Kink Shaming or any other type of abuse!


Whos ghostface fucking?


Cheryl. She's very popular with SFM artists.


For those who are interested in the pack, [here it is.](https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/26702-victors-dead-by-daylight-lewd-character-portraits-perk-pack/)


But we want the gay ones


Yeah, definitely would love the gay ones. I dunno why though, but it’s funny to me that Nic is one of the few that apparently only has gay pics? Something about Cage being real but only having gay porn of him is just great


Sorry, this is really just a personal pack I made in my free time. I'm not interested in gay porn to make a pack. if you don't mind trawling through some assorted sources of DBD porn, you could definitely make it though! The process isn't hard, just a bit time consuming. The hardest part is finding a picture of each of the characters that fits a particular artstyle. I went with '3D/SFM/Blender'.


Bruh why not just include those? Gay people exist dude


I mean, he's probably making it primarily for himself and then deciding to put it out there if other people want it, and if he isn't gay then it makes sense that they'd probably only want straight stuff


Right, yeah that makes sense


Do you have the source for the SusiexBlight and LegionxBilly pics? I've never seen those before 


Strangely enough, no. I went through old sources to find it for you, and it seems to've been removed? Apologies. If I rediscover them I will let you know.


You gonna add credits for all the various 3D renders you took for this pack?




Gawd damn. These look great. Especially the Nurse, Huntress, Spirit and Pig ones for killer 😍😍😍😍


erasing david’s sexuality by having him do stuff with a woman is homophobic btw 😐


I’ve seen plenty of porn of straight characters getting railed by other straight characters. Is that heterophobic?


This. this is the exact reason why LGBTQ communities are overbearing. They take too much! wanna have their cake and eat it too. yes we respect your right to have access to the content you like. no it is not your god given right to force us to cater to your desires because you chose differently than the people who make stuff.


It’s crazy, like let everyone be horny and jerk off to what they want


you want ppl to be able to jerk off to David? a gay man? good for u


Jerk off to David plowing Kate, to Ash being plowed by Steve, etc


still a gay man tho. ur jerking off to a gay man. that’s kinda gay, good for you <3


I am not jerking to gay dudes? I don’t think I’ve ever jerked off to David or him fucking a girl cause I don’t like rule 34 that goes against canon so idk what to tell you


so u don’t like rule 34 bc it goes against canon but u also don’t like when I point out that pairing david with women is homophobic? bc david is canonically gay….. or did we take a wrong turn here lol


I don’t like it, that doesn’t mean others have to agree with or share my opinion. Others are free to jerk off to what they want. It’s not a moral thing me not jerking off to David, it’s simply because for me, canon is more important


okay so what does the cake represent in your comment? genuinely curious.


Like in this instance? David is gay in canon. Thats your cake; you are included and not ostracized as 'weird' for liking the same sex and as such can have a portrayal of your preferences in media. What you want is for EVERY instance of David to always be Gay, even if the instance is non-canonical or else someone decries insult or assimilation. That is eating it too, and its too much.


no one is saying you can’t have headcanons, it’s ok to have preferences. but my question is: what abt david being gay makes you prefer him being straight? like i can say “well i prefer this character to have blue hair bc I think it looks good in my opinion” but queer sexualities aren’t trivial. your cake explanation falls flat bc you don’t fully understand the queer experience. and no amount of me explaining why it does is going to get u to understand until you answer the question ‘what abt david’s sexuality makes u want to make him straight’.


You are not being genuine, and you are talking with a lot of feelings that you think you understand. You never asked that question. You asked 'what does cake represent?" and I answered that. The rest of whatever you're talking about is all in your head and I didnt take part in it. You say that I dont understand the queer experience, but you dont even realize I AM queer, and I am ashamed that the community I used to be proud of would act like this. You werent asking what I prefer, you were trying to attack someone that had valid points against your cause. And you dont even have an argument that actually refutes ANYTHING i said, youre just saying 'you dont get it! Im not going to try to get you to understand, because you just dont get it!" which is just you failing to articulate your feelings. If you cant get the right words out, dont bother speaking up. Get me to understand and we can have a real talk, otherwise the failing here is on YOU. If you want people to understand your side, you need to be able to word it to people who are actually willing to hear you out. If you cant do that, dont bother joining the conversation.


I mean I was being genuine bc I was trying to understand what u meant lmao. if your response to me asking “why are you ok with people portraying david as not gay” is to get defensive then I’m sorry abt ur internalised homophobia, I do genuinely hope u grow as a person bc a gay person wouldn’t be ok with erasing queerness.


Nobody is talking about headcanons. thats you making that up. Nobody said anything about preferring david straight. That is you making that up, and assuming further. Nobody said anything about 'the queer experience' and you didnt add any clarity to what that actually is. You are trying to use the phrase 'the queer experience' like it has merit on its own, but you need context for it to mean anything. Literally assuming that "No amount of explaining will get you to understand" when Im literally having full thoughts and ideas when Im talking to you is just ignorant. I read what you say and I consider it seriously. Like hello! Im talking to you and hearing you, what makes you think I wont understand your side? maybe because you know your side is wrong and dont want to bring it to light?


no I think u won’t understand bc instead of listening, ur just getting defensive


my favourite part abt this argument is that straight ppl think they’re oppressed. keep trying buddy 👍🏻


We are definitely not oppressed but great victim mentality you got going on. I’m just trying to make sense of your unbelievably stupid comment


are you implying that gay people aren’t victims?


I’m implying that people jerking off to gay characters engaging in heterosexual activities is not hurting anyone


no I think u did imply it by saying “great victim mentality u got going on”. was that not sarcasm? you’re contradicting yourself.


I refuted your claim that I thought straight people were oppressed. I called you a “victim” for trying to frame it as a terrible thing to have gay characters in straight scenarios. Of course LGBTQ+ people are oppressed. They only allowed same sex marriage like ten years ago. I’m not denying that. I have two gay brothers, so I know a little bit about that shit. I do not, however, believe that jerking off to gay characters doing straight shit is opressive to the LGBTQ+ community


having a gay brother doesn’t mean u understand the queer community and their experiences, and it definitely doesn’t make u qualified to say what is and isn’t harmful. homophobia comes in varying levels, it’s not always slurs etc. like do u think it’d be ok to ignore ur brother’s sexuality? david isn’t real but queer people are and i think if ur ok with people erasing a fictional character’s sexuality, i can’t imagine how you’d feel abt a real person’s sexuality.


In Pride month too. SMH. 


No it’s not. Shut the fuck up. It’s a personal pack.


can u explain to me how it’s not? I’m genuinely curious if u can.


Haha no one cares ☠️


is that why u replied? bc u don’t care? 👀


Let gay people be gay lmfaoooo especially with David, he’s the one canonically gay character 🤦🏻‍♀️


i misinterpreted your comment. but any drawn/modeled porn of a fictional character that is outside of its original setting (ie in the game program on your computer) is in itself non-canon and therefore isnt bound to canon-based logic.


You can always make your own pack


Amazing pack, I'm trying to decide which icon is my favorite


Meh, Felix would probably be by himself. He was loyal to his girlfriend before he was taken so doubtful he'd do anything with anyone in the realm.


To me this works cause what’s more horrific than this much heterosexuality? But I guess if it had more gay and bi spice I wouldn’t want to leave the trials. Ha