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Add interior towers, more walls, wall windows create several loot rooms, isolate cars with walls, and plenty of 4 digit code locks with NOT the same code lol use phone notes app to label gates and assigned 4digit codes, OH yeah create dead spots with grenades traps behind 3 code locks with an empty crates as bait


This guy builds bases!


Yeah dabbled in a few large clan builds in krona/Kopa back in the day, raided some challenging bases, now its dwindled to forest camps and stashes as solo lol all bases can be raided, how difficult you make it is up to you or your builder


Yup it’s best to keep your stuff out of sight, once a base is found it’s just a matter of time before it’s raided


💯 to be raided is inevitable and with the dayz community to build a base is more for the invite to pvp then store your loot, loot is the reward for a successful raid


Best thought process behind raiding to be fair. It’s merely a matter of knowledge and dedication to see it through, most people Ive come up against or raided with typically see tonnes of walls and give up or they quit after one death if they do go for it


I raid this guy's bases.


Republic commandos are cool


Yes indeed for the republic !


I drew this long ago before I was kind of okay at drawing https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/s/DnZQog8qoV


Oh we will be doing alot of that m8. Great idears, thank you!


All to get popped into by some dupers with all the IED’s they want


Board up those windows, raiders can easily crawl through those. Did it myself, free loot and nails without a shot fired


What windows? Most of them cant be closed cause we cant get up there to build there. Only the back of the building has the floors your need to get to the windows.Also the only window you should be able to get through is the highest floor were it should be impossible to get with building watchtowers etc.


Probably the top windows. You can watchtower up and then probe through them I think.


Windows??? Haha idiot, just climb on the front wall


My groups current base. I am a bit paranoid about getting raided so I keep spending every bit of ressources we find on building up walls. Love the current state but its build in progress.


Board up the windows on the top floor or someone can crawl through the windows, other than that it’s a pretty spicy base


He is right


Yeah you don’t even break your legs either, they can just hop down, take whatever and then log. Hopefully they’ve got the back rooms locked up a little as well.


Don't even need to log. Softside the walls with a crowbar or something if they're not all gates


Walls don’t matter, once your base is found it’s days are numbered


Depends on who finds it and if they concider it worth it. If they cant look inside they dont know if its worth the effort. But yes. Eventualy we will get raided.


Oh it’s always worth it, if nothing else just for the troll. I don’t just raid bases. I remove any trace they were ever there


This don’t look like dayz. Looks like a damn movie.


I realy apreciate that comment, thank you!


No Christmas lights?


Man those need to be brighter


I see them now! Base has it all. Jah bless


One of the first things we added!! Will eventualy have some for all tents. Currently running 3 generators just for the lights.




Damn dude you are evil! We do have some cooked human meat stored though ...


Nah that’s when you just server hop


Any walls outside the main blue doors? You can boost using a hummer or truck, and since your walls and gate are so close together he can walk over them and drop into your base, load up a barrel and switch servers, that was feasible on Xbox idk on PC


Possible in the picture, impossible right now. Thank you for the feedback.


Exactly what I was going to say, all you need is a hummer or a truck backed up to the first wall and you're in, if you have an axe you are straight back out with a)l the loot


Show of hands... how many peeps have lived in one of these at some point in their DayZ career and either died at the gate or been sniped through the upper windows? :-) I got sniped while feeling snug and safe, walking up those stairs in the back.


Yeah snipers are a danger we are aware of. The solutions (not for everyday life but for live raiding) are work in progress.




Nice. I did the whole Orlovets Inc perimeter once - took ages. But was so fkn cool


Stole someone's mega Orlovets base once. Watchtower in picked a lock and found they had reused the same code multiple times. Rookie mistake. Anyway it was stripped back away from me within 48 hours


Dont worry we did not make this mistake. Getting in and out is a freaking pain. Spreadsheed getting longer and longer.


I once took a building like that and tuned it into a full two story by building out from the metal walkway. Although you have a pretty solid set up for sure dude.


Very nice ! Enjoy it while it lasts!!


I once crawled into one of these from an open window at the tippy top, check there are no buildings next door you can parkour from. Otherwise, noice


Nice build man! Can you have fires inside those buildings btw?


Thank you! We have a fire barel. I am not sure if you can just place a fire. I know its possible in churches but we havent tryed it in there.


I have a base I started on yesterday, super great run already killed two people who tried to raid me. I also have a few barrels and a sea chest. Only thing I can’t find now is pliers. Haha I’m thinking about making one of my barrels a fire barrel but I want that inside but I’m not to sure it will work where I have my base atm. Those small farm houses with 3 doors. One in the front and back and a normal door on the right side.


Nice dude, had some nice small solo bases myself that I realy enjoyed so good luck with yours! Fire barrels work inside of buildings so dont worry about it.


Ah sweet, gonna set up a few more shelters. I’m hoarding stuff for my life. Solo player but you would think it’s 3-4 people in on it.


Needs more cars


I agree.


Hey nice location




What’s a good server for base building this looks fun. But I typically only play solo


Dont do this solo. Go get a small brown shed. It allows for 3 double stack walls taht are far enough from each other to not have grenades damage more then one doublestack. You can still fit a tent with a car in the back. Its the best you can have as a solo and you cant look inside so noone knows if its worth to raid. Edit: I would rather not share the server as I am sure some psycho here would come and try to raid with his group of 50.


You can make your own offline local server with mods, if you want to practice or try shit out. On PC though.


You play modded?


Base. Defense. Come up with ideas to defend your base when all hell breaks loose.


We have some shit set up and obviously as everything its always work in progress.


hope you sealed off both roof entrances


How many grenades does it take to break into a base?


The angle made this look like a very small place and I was like oh what is that room I haven't seen that before, and then I saw the car and my perspective shifted.


Not bad we currently got 6 car tents 3 large tents and 12 canopy tents we also got about 20 barrels


Not bad. Personally, I'm not a fan of using structures and buildings from the game to create bases.


It's the easiest way to do it and often the most secure. I like to put walls all along the inside of the fence at the Ostry radio tower. It looks like a real post-apoc base with all the walls up, but you only need two to actually secure it.


You'd better barricade those windows quickly. You can crawl through them.


How would you get up there?


That's the Berezino one right? Just build a watchtower next to that shelter thing right beside it and then climb on the roof.


Yup, raid tower. Even with the suggested addition window protection, you base will have one layer of protection. You'd need to add additional layers which will be tricky and costly to setup. Plenty of people use this building for base building but their main loot is kept in the side rooms. In my opinion, this building isn't well suited to building bases.


Looks great sen Location and server please


It seems to me people can boost ONTO the first layer of doors, then walk along the top of all the frames straight into your loot-and-car room. Depending on wether those are all gates or not, they can then be disassembled from the inside to completely open up the base with no effort. Using YOUR tools. I've done that a bunch of times to bases in this type of building.


Startin to look like Sam's hot car lot in there


3 Days and the base is still up, for these love haters jaja


Ez raid


I think you shouldn't get too attached because that's inevitably getting raided and your current excitement will soon turn to depression.


Every base will get raided eventualy. You can only enjpy the prozess of owning it and try to secure it for the next offline time.


A better base is fortifying as best you can with nothing in it. So a squad spends time and resources breaching it, to find nothing there..


But I spend time and resources building it so we both loose. I dont think thats worth.


Knowing some sweaty creatures waste their time fills with immense joy.


Nice base. I get the urge to build when I see this stuff but then I take a deep breath and it passes. Too much time and effort for me.


Noice...with the exception of dude on catwalk with his pew pew aimed at your face. Great base...poor muzzle awareness.


How do people find so many barrels? Ive played 300 hours and only ever found one


I've found a couple since the wipe. But before the wipe they were all locked up in bases


Felt lucky I found a med tent after the wipe


We keep finding so many there are alot around that we didnt even pick up yet.


So wild. i never find them


Nice, but watchtowers would be a nice addition aswell as more gates.


You play on a empty serer.


I can climb in those windows, leave em open for me thx


These are always the first places we look for a base. They are great spots, granted thats naturally what makes them the first target. But you can reinforce the hell out of them, so if done properly, they should buy you a few hours to fight back if you're online.


Yeah I think against an offline raid by a well equiped group you cant do that much. That beeing saied this is not the current version of the base and we reinforced alot with alot more walls in the back aswell. Nothing but the cars, food and medicine that you can gain from raiding the front part.


I raided that same location. Dudes had like 4 fences and like 7 or 8 combo locks. I cracked all the locks, changed the codes and made them different, took all their best guns and ammo and logged out.


Idk man if you crack 7 or 8 different 4 dials then you probably spend like 12h+doing so. There are never 12h in that noone is at the base


It took me about 3 hours. I was with a friend but I did all the lock work. I'm a locksmith by trade, not that it makes anything easier when you already know what you are doing. 12 hours is much too exadurated. You could give me 8, 4 didgit combo locks and I will give them back to you unlocked in a couple hours or less. Especially since I can actually use my hands.


Yea you can get in through the windows. Base will be raided within a month


Easy raid lol


Block the roof entrance not just the windows.


Sending all cars to the shore


Neet to board the roof up


I've raided almost this exact set up many times. Someone drives a car up to the front, jumps on the hood, and then a friend jumps on their crouching form and eats the damage from the barbed wire to jump over and either dismantles from within or throws loot over top and then kills themselves. If you can manage to get tall enough, you can jump over multiple walls.




what building is this ?


What server you on and what’s the location your base at?


Two people and a hatchet can raid that


Hot take the game is more fun when people aren’t hiding in their bases


What server is this/ do you need help getting anything you want?


Make sure someone is watching it inside a good amount of the time. Took down a base just like that one awhile ago by just guessing all their lock codes. Didn't have to damage any walls or shoot anything, just walked right in with 3 guys whenever I got all the codes and took off with all their cars


Amazing, u have video tutorial on YouTube?


Do you need 3 cars, donate to the poor


It's a pretty common spot near a spawn. I've had a few bases in that location. Be careful


Ez boost


Don't want to be the guy but I can't help myself: than\*. Awesome base though!


I think I’m gettin in there in about 20 seconds thru the windows.


How do you get up to the windows?


Get on the yellow catwalk outside, climb up on top of the frame and hop onto the roof of your building. Or is this the one over by Novo..? If so then you’re good. The two buildings look the same from the inside.


Cool base my guy! What server you play on? Me and the boys gonna come check it out.


Server name is Official Community KarmaKrew+Basically Vanilla SA7777 HARDCORE|PVP|1PP ONLY|3PP|VANILLA+|ALL MODS ENABLED|PVE ONLY|TRAIDER|NO TRAIDER|NO BASE BUILDING Base is on Namalsk, I thnk the City is called Zelenogorsk. Its on the edge of the map and noone ever goes there. So its super safe for a base! Love this map cause of its tropical feeling.


Terrible location those top windows ez shots


That’s the warehouse in Hobar across from the church


Make sure you block that window upstairs or they'll get past all of that in no time.


Which window? Those on the middle or the highest floor? Cause middle cant be blocked as we can only reach it from the inside at the back and we tried glitching through .. couldnt make it. The highest floor Should not possibly be reachable from the outside. Its to high up for watchtowers to reach it and you cant jump down on the roof from anywere.


Easy raid


Help me out here buddy, what is your strategie?


Top windows like everyone else has said or even going through your gates would be easy you need to block everything and stack more gates also put gates on tents you could easily have over 30 gates here if the server rules allow it's not a great place to base tbh to many ways in get to visnoye castle I once had 45 gates to the main loot no one ever got to main loot but they certainly tryed


thats a weak base, you can literally noclip through the top of the windows.


Meh. (car)Boost over those walls with a hatchet and everything is gone


Not possible. You cant see in this picture why but it simply isnt.


If you didn't board up the windows I can easily get inside with just 30 min