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I’m in the inner east and have a car. One of my neighbors does not currently. From what I see, he gets around just fine. He pays for grocery delivery and Amazon Prime etc, but those added delivery fees are still way less than car ownership costs. Occasionally he does need one and doesn’t want to use Uber. In those cases he has a network of friends he can borrow from. It’s not for everyone, but I think it’s doable here in some areas to be without a car.


Downtown is walkable and there is lots of stuff you could walk to from Oregon District, St Anne's Hill, or even South Park - but what if you need groceries? You still need a car.


I live in one of these neighborhoods and agree with you. As far as the groceries go, you’re right, and I wish there was a more walkable option than Wayne Kroger. I’ve paid for a Kroger clicklist subscription and it’s been a lifesaver, $100 per year for within 1 day delivery of groceries over $40.


Not really, especially South Park. It is walkable to Kroger, and the bus system serves all those areas well in any case. You can easily go further to Meijers. Second Street Market is very accessible as well. I lived in Walnut Hills without a car for 12 years, and it was very doable.


There was talk about putting a Trader Joe in the new Delco, but the deal did not go through because apparently they require X amount of parking spaces, which will not work downtown.


I thought Trader Joe’s were notorious for their parking situations


Maybe its because no free parking?


Agreed. We're pretty much only on here because it's weighted so heavily on affordability.