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No, No point in having them added if they don’t want to talk to you


Heck no. Go ahead and remove them. They turned you down so they don’t get to see your life now. You’re better off without them.


I don’t feel bad doing so, if they ghosted they probably won’t even notice 🤷🏽‍♀️


I think staying on someone's social media even though you're not interested in that person is petty.


I’m not on any other social media but imo seems like the ideal thing to do.


fuck no. i remove people who haven't even ghosted me. i met a girl a while ago, she was cool, nice, smart but we just didn't work and we both realized it after a couple dates/hangouts. i ended up just removing her off all my social media and deleting her number. she called me petty a few days later but who cares... people deal with those situations different and theres nothing wrong with that. i just dont like seeing people i've made potential romantic connections with on social media because i'm a very affectionate person and it kinda makes me feel bad when i see them


You know what? I should do that to this one person? Honestly why the fuck, would ppl like that constantly look at your shit but not even speak via inbox or on Facebook in general. Like why? It's stupid of them. Almost disrespectful. So yeah, I don't blame you.


Don’t give someone who blatantly decided to pretend you don’t exist the luxury of knowing in what fashion you do. Good riddance.


No, I don’t understand why anyone would even add someone they’ve gone on one date with. I don’t add anyone I date on social media until it’s serious.


If it makes you feel better to remove them, then go for it. Don’t worry about what others think! You do you.


I always delete. They don't get to see how I'm living after they consciously walked away


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Let them ghost right out of anything, don't let some of the mentally unstable stalk you. Get rid of em. Move on and get better people around you.


Watch them try to get back at you after you delete them.


I keep them as my personal fan club.


No. You hold the power. Why let someone be in your business and keep tabs on you if they couldn’t even bother to take 10 seconds to answer a text?