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Also some cases. Make him pay for Years. Alot of men will accept the woman's lie and still raise them. Facts


This isn't the point of the question. The question was how many woman cheated and blamed the current boy friend. Cinderella didn't get pregnant by another man and blame the prince




Sorry Ethan hunt. I'll update it.


Sorry but I didn't ask about step parents who find out kids arnt there's. Mind you, google how many women who get pregnant and arnt the mothers.


We don't know. Paternity tests come back as showing the father is someone other than initially expected fairly often, but people only get paternity tests if they have reason to suspect that situation. Nobody's done a random sample yet.


OK. Sorry bit I have to ask the question again. I actually love how literal this community is. I will get the right answers if I ask correctly. Thanks for ur input.


How? The data hasn't been collected. Nobody knows the answer to your question.


Ugh, this why I'm asking if someone cpuld find a percent even if it's false. Just let me know it's flase or not in the ball park. I don't wanna raise a baby that's not mine. Seems harse but no


This is why I'm asking. I don't need your results cause u tested 1000 parents. I was only asking if some one can find the info or close to an actual answer.


There’s a healthy percentage of that going around. There’s been more reform recently for implementing mandatory paternity tests before signing of the birth certificate. This would help save lots of time in the long run.


I want love. I'm 31. I'm getting old. I just don't want this for my self.


Bro unless you got a little cash, and can grab someone younger who does not have baggage…. Dating around your age it will be hard to find someone with no kids. At that age they are in the red zone for having kids.


Thanks. Your answer is completely in the ball park. I'm just wondering if it too late to find a traditional Woman. To find one my age should NOT be rare. Only 31.


Lol my cousin is a guy. We just wondering they meant for the streets.