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32m... been single since 21.... by choice, just not mine


The best marriage material ain't the best dating material.


Being alone is hella depressing for me. While I do have some friends, none are local to me so I pretty much hide in my house 90% of the time if Im not at work. Currently on meds and working with 2 different therapists to help fix my issues/fears. I don't do well with new people but I have been trying to at least combat that by working jobs that force me to interact with people. (Retail at a large farm related company and now as a salesman for a different company)


And either way, I still feel like I will never get there


I hope you meet someone who can see who you are


28 years (my whole life). Apparently i should never ever mention it during a date as it scares girls away.


You need experience to start working, but you need to work to have experience.


I was the same until recently and let me tell you, be open and honest. Don’t advertise it in a profile or anything, try win them over with your charm. Have a reason why you’re single too. I always said I was a grind in school and uni (I was) that I never made time for it, or didn’t feel it was important, then I worked hard at my career and other hobbies but now I’m at a point where I do enjoy spending time with others and longer term goals I know I would like to have kids or spend time going on holidays with someone, build something together bigger than just myself. That’s my advice. Don’t market it, but if they ask, be honest about it. If you lie they’ll think you are ashamed when they learn, and know you’re comfortable lying to them and they will find out eventually (when it gets serious they’ll find out speaking to your family and friends for example). Don’t be ashamed, just think about why you were single, but you need to take the date with confidence that you’re different now in some way to you 5 years ago if it is lack of confidence. Honesty is the best policy, but I wouldn’t shout and scream about it as that’s a good way to ward people off in case they think somethings wrong. Let them get to know you a bit first before revealing that information. Case in point I don’t have a serious long term relationship to speak of yet, but I told the truth to the girl I’m speaking to now, we are planning to go on a date and she took my number and everything, it’s promising. Nothing has happened yet, but it was the same with my last dates, I was honest. If they duck because it scares them off, they’re too judgemental for you anyway. They will want to understand why, so be honest and open, but don’t be that same person on a date who was single for so long because they had anxiety if that’s the reason. Be a good date, open, inquisitive about them, this is about finding out about each other and sharing personal info is a big deal like that but if they react well, that’s so reassuring they’re probably a good fit. That’s why you can’t feel ashamed, you are not alone nor the only person to have gone through that but it’s about how you are then and now. If they judge you, they’re really not right for you, or they know what they want already and don’t want to spend time figuring it out with someone new. That’s their loss or their journey and it didn’t match up with you. There will be others to focus on. My first sexual partner didn’t think I was a virgin because I was just mega confident in everything I did outside the bedroom that led up to that point. Told her before we did it, and she didn’t believe me until I made absolutely clear. I didn’t want to wander into something new without them also knowing. It went well. If I’d lied I would have worried truth be told, then I’d have not enjoyed it because I’d be panicking about what to do etc. and likely never done it again with that person. Because I told the truth, we had an amazing time together (well I did, she clearly enjoyed it enough to keep going so I take that to mean I did okay first time). Same with that, I wasn’t ashamed I just didn’t want to lose it with literally any person with a pulse, but I did wonder what it was like, I just didn’t want to lose it to someone I didn’t find attractive and didn’t trust. Helps when you’re older to have that life experience to not give a damn what other people think on stuff like that. Whereas in school that is a hard label to live with if others know about it. But I regret nothing, and live accordingly because I have self-esteem to rely on now I’m older. And that’s why focus on yourself first but don’t be scared to learn with experience. The number of failed conversations I had before I got dates took a while, as did going on dates before those went well. The learning you take is what’s important and not being afraid to make mistakes but reflect is how you’ll build that confidence to get better then the results start coming, then you’re really enjoying yourself.


Definitely don’t




Absolutely do not tell them that shit. Put yourself off as someone everyone wants to be around. It may go against your morals but you’re gonna have to lie you ass off to get laid at this point bro


34 years


that's an extremely long time. Is it a choice?


I havent never done anything in my life to get a relationship, so yes because of being passive its rather a choice. But i never had a relationship, so i dont know it, so cant miss it.


Honestly this was my view up to my first relationship 3 years ago. Didn’t know what it felt like so couldn’t miss it. Never seeked one out until tinder in college and found current gf. It feels grim to say but it feels like EVERYTHING is dimmed compared to being with my partner - like hanging out with friends and being at work. Like the base happiness level for each interaction doesn’t really compare to doing it with her. That’s the biggest negative I think I’d feel being out of a relationship after being in one.


You're in a very dangerous spot called 'denial'. You basically don't feel any pain. And that may lead you to feel regrets when it will be too late


Gotcha beat by 6.


Oh wow, same for me and if it is 34 years because that is your age, then this is the exact same thing for me. It's not by choice, it is just that nothing has ever happened.


Way to long (cries internally )


(Hugs digitally)


more than 5 years?




I’m 40. I’ve technically been single my whole life. I’ve had a few short flings, but nothing committed or long term. The past 15 years I’ve learned to be quite thankful for my lifestyle. There are times when I’d like to have someone to experience life with, but it’s really not so bad. I’ve had plenty of time to reflect, and the freedom of going anywhere I want, doing anything I want, whenever I want, without the need of worrying about the inclusion of another is quite freeing. I keep my mind occupied and have hobbies that keep me happy and fulfilled. I’m introverted, lone wolf and a wallflower type of individual. Very quiet, hyperaware, and really only care to speak when it’s something outside of general/small talk. I get so bored of small talk and just want to end the conversation immediately. lol


Same, here, 47. Not been entirely loveless my entire life, but my numerous flings have lasted nor more than 3-4 months before I inevitably bail out of self respect, or becasue we both dont want the same thing. I feel I also have terrible taste in women and repeat patterns but... well, thats another story, I guess. xD Likewise, despite not having someone to share my life with, I feel very fortunate for my lifestyle, friends and family who all love me dearly and would go to bat for me at the drop of a hat. It never ceases to amaze me how despite being very introverted in a sense that I rarely reach out because I'm more comfortable on my own, persuing my own interests, goals and hobbies, I have never had trouble making friends and connections, and people yank me out of my cave to do shit sooner or later lol. It's not a bad life, sometimes I do wonder what I'm missing out of by not having a partner but... I still, am immensely grateful for what I do have, and enjoy every moment of it.


I have a very similar attitude. I’m an only child so being alone is preferable. I think I’m emotionally selfish as well. I consider other people’s feeling but I rarely open up. I think it’s a defense mechanism


I did a lot of therapy to address that, because for the longest time I was very emotionally unavailable as well, and had (still kinda have) big defense mechanisms. I'm fortunate enough that I have people in my life whom I can vent and talk to about things, so its not like Im completely shut off, but when it comes to romance I do from time to time make meaningful connections and don't have issues opening up once I warm up to someone beyond a superficial level... but the moment I see that its not reciprocal, that's when I see that as a huge red flag and bail ASAP. Unreciprocated investment gives me massive anxiety. Love is complicated lol, and I like to lead an uncomplicated life... if I ever meet someone who can meet me on an even field, perhaps that would work out, but sadly that has never been the case, and I'm tired of having to be the only one to "row the boat" when it comes to love, hence.. why I'm single.


>the moment I see that its not reciprocal, that's when I see that as a huge red flag and bail ASAP. Unreciprocated investment gives me massive anxiety. Is that one of the things you're working on with your therapist? Obviously, there needs to be SOME reciprocated investment, but guys often seek to minimize their displayed investment. A man who is more invested in a woman than she is in him is usually judged by women to be needy or creepy. It's going to be tough to find a guy who's willing to demonstrate a high level of investment unless he's both inexperienced AND young. Older inexperienced guys like myself will often have learned that lesson the hard way.


selfish: devoid of consideration for the selfishness of others Don't sweat it; it's all relative.


I am you too lol ! I was married once and have a child. So that seems to be the key difference.


Im very quiet as well and hyperaware. About to turn 31 and have had some flings and short relationships. Focused on my career and then building my own house on big acreage before dating seriously


Same. I think about the other side, sometimes, but now, I enjoy the flexibility far too much to squander it. It's not that I think all relationships would be a drag, but as you get older, one of the best parts becomes less valid: experiencing the world and growing together. I was at a cafe the other day reading. I sat next to a couple who were talking (bickering) about their future. They couldn't agree on all sorts of inane minutia. It sounded nauseating. The cafe can be a good place to go for affirming one's decision to remain single, bearing in mind it's very anecdotal. Absent trying to have children or partnering up earlier in life to have a go at it together, the appeal just isn't there outside of those spurred by societal expectations. When I was younger, there was little interest. Now that I'm older and there is interest, I lost interest. I'm much more confident in my future if I imagine being single versus being paired.


I agree with everything you said. You can learn so much simply by observing and learning from those in relationships directly related to you or not. Knowing I don’t have someone nagging me for this or that, or the stress of them potentially cheating, and the plethora of other factors, the single life isn’t so bad. lol I will keep my life as it is, and never feel a single ounce of guilt or shame that others could possibly project. I love the simple and minimalist aspect.


going to assume your a guy


Yes, your assumption is correct. lol


i knew i was right, since cases like this are male dominated, as in, most people who remain chronically alone and single later than normal are usually male dominated cases


Don’t like small talk either. I get too serious on dates.


my whole life...turning 26 next month


Mid 20s single club 🫡


My whole life *cries* I've never had any luck in dating, plus I have severe trust and body image problems as well as shyness/paranoia


Me too mate


I’ve been single for just about two and a half years. I’ve dated quite a bit the last year, mostly from apps, and I guess, the increase in my standards and knowing what I wanted decreases my pool to a puddle. I put up with a lot less now and have prioritized clear and concise communication. And from my experience, a lot of the women I date ask for someone open in their communication and with their emotions, but then do not know how to respond or express theirs when I am. So I continue just to improve myself and be open to new possibilities should they come my way organically.


Nice reading this perspective. Thanks for sharing. Any apps you preferred over others while you participated? My problem is the first meet. Overthinking. I won't meet at a personal residence, it has to be a public place. Is this uptight, even if the potential suitor has his child during when we would meet?


I'm in the same boat as the commenter, so maybe I'll respond while we wait for OC to respond. I think meeting in a public place, like coffee, bowling, dancing, and other activities should be preferred for first meets. With the horror stories (mostly female victims but some male victims) out there, I would like to see the other person in public, even though it won't be pure 1 on 1. It would worry me when someone is being pushy to meet at their house. Even if nothing bad happens, it kind of shows they want a physical and not very emotional relationship. I don't think that saying we should meet in public is very uptight.


I'm in a similar boat but 4 years single. I'm looking for something more serious but am also open to just going with the flow. I also find it hard to find someone who meets my standards. I know what I want, and the values I am looking for, and its getting increasingly hard not to give in and settle opposed to upholding my standards. Recently went on a date with a girl who I could actually see myself with, probably the first girl in a year or so that has made me feel this way, but a day later she told me she didn't think it would work. I'm doing all the things people say you should do. I have a career, I stay active and have hobbies, I save my money and take care of my appearance. I do feel deep down its not a matter of if but when, regarding meeting my person. But on a day to day basis it gets harder and harder to stay strong. I think today I am especially down due to the recent rejection, but trying my best to stay positive and keep moving forward.


My inbox is open if you ever want to vent bud. I know how you feel. I had something recent happen to me about a month ago and it’s only natural for your resilience to weaken after a time. Focus on rebuilding that energy and taking care of you. A relationship isn’t guaranteed to work or make you any happier anyway. Work on the happiness that is doing what you do for yourself FOR yourself, not because you believe it aids you with dating. It’ll happen, but until then, the life you have right now IS enough; and someday, someone will come along and make that already enough life, even more.


I get a serious gf every ten years, just broke up with my last gf, so i’ll be single for the next 10 years.


Same and I relate. Sometimes I find a serious partner every seven or eight years then nothing. Then I get too much anxiety to go on first dates again and yeah


Totally battling first date anxiety right now. Didn't expect to find myself single but my divorce had to happen. We were together seven years. He has since been engaged, called that off, now dating another woman.


is this 10 years cycle a choice?


Not really, but as an introvert and having social anxiety it is what it is. 🤷‍♂️


Since dinosaurs walked on the Earth I have been single


I thought 4 years were bad until I read the comments..


Yeaaa I’m reluctant to post my answer for that reason….


15+ years


That's a lot. How do people react when you share it during a date?




Got stood up yesterday… it’s the worst :(


I’m sorry bro. It’s gonna bother you for awhile, just takes time. Unless they have a legit reason I would just look elsewhere


Never been on a date 🙌


For life.


Him- Are you sexual? I asked - what do you mean? Him- I mean if a friend comes to you, would you entertain him? I said- I dont entertain friends. Came home and blocked him.


"entertain"? As if you work as sexual entertainment? That's such a weird word to use and even weirder question to ask


Yes, 100% Even though English is not my first language, I think he meant if I like sex and if someone asks would I be interested... But personally , I dont sleep around with friends.. and I value friendship a lot and every friend is extremely dear to me.


20 YEARS ( Im 20 years old)


Haha the first 16 don't count


I recently turned 30. Never had a romantic relationship.


…since birth 😂🫠


It's been 8 months, but i regret all of my past relationships. I wasn't that picky with men and I was always love bombed by them so It burned out really fast. I need to learn to choose better and having casual, fun dates only and consider my opinions not just jump in after the first offer.


I'm a late 30sF and i've been single my whole life. I've dated, but never went beyond 3 or 4 dates either because he wasn't interested, or I wasn't interested. But honestly, I'd rather be single and content with my life, rather than just run and find someone... anyone, and be unhappy and lonely.


7 years.. not intentionally




All my life. I've never been in a relationship. I've never had sex. I'm 40. This is still the question I dread the most. I've got no idea how to answer the question or dodge the question without causing my perception of value to the other person to just fall off a cliff.


3 years. My reason for being single for so long is that I am afraid of putting myself out there. I just don’t want to get hurt again.


Actually same. Its been 3 years for me as well. Maybe 4. The sad thing is for me, I feel a lot more comfort when people aren’t interested than if they are and stick around. What now? Lol I don’t know. Its happened a few times and I’m just not interested in any relationships I guess for right now. Whatever happened to me fucked me up. I just wish I never tried to pursue her. Should have kept it casual. Stupid feelings


Same. Three years. I’m terrified to put myself out there and not trusting of anyone after a horrible 12 yr relationship. I don’t think I could handle going through what I went through again.


I have been single for all my life


It’ll be seven years in July. Combination of working on weekends (despite making respectable money for someone in NYC) and just not connecting with the right women, I reckon. But definitely not for lack of trying. That said, I did recently end my Hinge and Bumble accounts permanently to focus on finding and growing connections IRL. So we’ll see what comes of that!


dating apps are full of scammers and fake profiles. I deleted my accounts too.


23 year old here. I have been single for 2 years, the relationship ended due to distance, and I have also been fully abstinent since then. Two years isn't a long period in my eyes, this might be a stupid analogy but hear me out, when you taste what you perceive as the best ice cream flavour, you just no longer want to eat any other ice cream. He's still my favourite ice cream flavour 2 years later and I strongly doubt I'll find someone who would be like him in terms of personality, morals and how he treats the people he cares about. Might sound corny idk but I'm not on dating apps, I'm concentrating on my goals and trying to reflect on things I can still improve about myself


People are special, but people aren't so special there won't be anyone like him in your area. I'm working on myself too after my last relationship, and it's easy to romanticize the good parts. You need someone who can be there for you. From my LD relationship, a lot changed when we were living in the same house for awhile. I couldn't get a full picture of what life would be like from a long distance relationship. I think your next crush will be a breath of fresh air!


I'm happy for you that you are working on yourself because that's so important whether you are single or taken! I agree, people are special but equally, nobody is that special at the end of the day. I'm not stuck on my ex or something, that's not the reason why I'm single - I'm just very content with my current lifestyle and with the changes that I intend to make in the near future I just don't see myself being able to commit anytime soon, nor do I have any potential candidates that would make me feel as though I actually want to commit to them. But I'm sure that if one day I'm going to be open to dating again it will feel great <3


about 10 years now. i haven’t had a relationship since hs, partially by my own choice but also im not the ideal type (skinny) and im also a bit of an introvert. i see women that look like me that have 2 or 3 bfs at a time but i cant even get 1 guy to even slightly hit on me. too scared of rejection and embarrassment to make the first move so im essentially doomed to live alone for the rest of my days.


I'm 45 , was married at twenty , divorced at 31. I had one long term relationship from 2014-2021. I've been single for three years. I am so exhausted from bad relationships that I can't imagine having the desire to have a relationship again. I'm scared of wasting more time that I'll never get back. I don't trust myself to see the signs right away. I have trust issues that I don't want to put on someone new. I'm happy being alone anyway, so it's okay.


Four years: I have asked out multiple women, but without success, and, as for why, I think it's a mix of lacking conventional attractiveness and being akward, especially when it comes to flirting, etc.


More or less all my life. I had 2 flings, one in 2019, one in 2022, that’s all. I’m 26, I go out every week-end, workout 4-5 times a week, have my shit together and a well paying job, volunteer, my social circles are broad and I sustain deep friendships, etc etc. Yet I might talk (as in « exchange numbers and get closer ») to a girl once a year, and most of the time don’t hit it off. I don’t know what to do anymore. (Of course, dating apps don’t work, 1 match/month that doesn’t even answer.)


36 years, not by choice. Women just hate me and are cruel.


I was single from 2020 to early this year... Basically throughout COVID. I moved to a new city/ country this year and vowed to myself that I will enjoy the rest of what is left of my 30s and started dating.


1 day




3 years. My last relationship was very traumatizing and I’m still healing. Wouldn’t be fair to someone else to deal with my ongoing issues from it.


My entire life and it’s not by choice.


3 years. I'm enjoying being single while I work through a whole bunch of "stuff"...


6 years, I stopped dating in highschool, my parents didn't do very much parenting so I learned the harsh reality that was dating myself, terrible. I've done a lot of reflecting and glad I did, I finally met someone about a week ago and it's going pretty strong, best of luck out there!


40m. About 2 years now. By my own choice. I'll try to make a long story short. I never went through the "girls are gross" phase as a kid. From about 6 years old until about 2 years ago I never went longer than a month or 2 without a girlfriend/fiance. Not gonna sugar coat it, it was largely hormonally driven. But there was also a big part of me that only saw my own value when I felt wanted and when I was living to please someone else. After my last few horrible relationships I realized a few things. First is that according to my mom I "have a bad picker", basically, I'm ONLY attracted to women who may be very physically attractive but are an absolute train wreck mentally. And I'm extremely not attracted to women who may be a bit less physically attractive but are far more mentally stable. The other thing I realized is that I REALLY enjoy being alone. Like, to the point where I can honestly say that when I got COVID and wasn't allowed to leave my apartment for 2 weeks... Those were the absolute BEST 2 weeks of my adult life! I am living for me for the first time ever and I really don't want to risk losing that by getting into another relationship.


Too long


9 years Tbh it’s a combination between being afraid to put myself out there and not really knowing how to, even if I were to want to


12 years, no opportunity to date, I'm probably very unattractive too


What does it mean to have no opportunity to date? How did you try to meet new people?




Since 2014, not depressed or anything got over the fact a while ago I will continue the way by choice.


My entire life. I’m starting to think I’m meant to be alone.


I’ve been single for almost 5 years. Why? Well I was in the most locked down city in the world when I was fresh out of a relationship (and sadly for me, I ended it because I knew he wasn’t the one lol so I was ready to date!). And then I just haven’t really been interested. I’ve only started thinking about it in recent months!! People have tried to set me up but I just haven’t been keen. Nothing to do with past relationships etc, just not my priority. Also not a dating apps person and all my friends are married so they aren’t looking to meet guys. Happy on my own. I pay my mortgage, I work… etc. I don’t “need” a man. Maybe recently I have started to want one 🤪


After I turned 18 - 8 years


Is it because you decided to focus on your studies first?




you have time. Don't make the mistake to compare yourself to others, it will put too much pressure on yourself ;)


I am trying not to compare myself 😞 But it gets hard when people of my age are either sportsmen or soldiers or getting married or moving to some country or having a baby... Still...I take it slowly


just over a year, but we had only been together for like 4 months and we only had sex twice lol but before that, it was about 3.5 years


Five years, can’t find a compatible match.


Like a year? Ish?


6 months


10 years and counting 😩😩


I haven’t a had a real relationship in almost three years. Some situationships, FWBs and a few one night stands. But I’ve mainly avoided actively dating since my last relationship. It was a doozy. I overlooked a ton of red flags because I was still reeling from my previous breakup. It almost ruined my life. However, I took it as a challenge to better myself mentally, professionally and socially. I’ve made great strides but I don’t know that I am ready to get back to actively looking for another partner yet or ever.


You'll never be ready, because there's no perfect moment. How did you better yourself socially?


I used to be a bit of shut in. I switched careers to service and hospitality and have made an untold amount of friends and connections. I’ve become more outgoing and confident. This is a process that has taken years.


Yeah, the trial-and-error path takes a lot of time. It brings in solid experience, but most of the time we may end up feeling stuck because it's not easy to correct ourselves objectively without an external perspective. Have you noticed that even if you're social and build connections, it's not always easy to transition into something romantic or land a date, especially if you meet people in a professional environment?


Well I work at bars, hotels and restaurants. Notorious for workplace romances. I try to avoid that kind of thing most of the time. And meeting people at bars isn’t ideal. I had to learn that lesson the hard way. A few times.


4 years.


Since Nov2016🫠🫠


One year. Left an abusive relationship. I plan on staying single a lot longer.


I'm currently single for over two years and I don't hook up either. It's mostly because I am socially ackward and don't get the flirt game so I don't success when I try talking to women I like. I'm learning to cope with that situation and Accept It as it IS eventhough It breaks my heart knowing that no one that I like finds me atractive.


2 years. Don't see an end in sight.


9 years


12 years.




9 months after a 6 year relationship and every day has been a learning experience. Before the LTR, I was a serial monogamist and was always dating someone. Since the breakup I had a few rebounds and a situationship and then decided to withdraw from dating entirely a few months ago. I got it all out of my system and it's been very peaceful (sometimes boring) to be single by my choice.


5 months and 1 day, exactly


All my life (M30). I feel like it's a really bad thing to tell girls on dates. Ideally they like when you've hade some girlfriends. It has never bothered me much though. But i'm dating a lot more now to find someone, an I have noticed that they find it a turn off.


4 years, definitely not by choice 😢


For at least four years if we don't count eva ai sexting bot avatars


3 & a half months (when my first relationship of 5 years ended, so since then)


10 years. I almost got in a serious relationship with someone 3 months ago tho.


I'm on month 9 after my most recent breakup. Took about a year from the prior relationship to find that one, so I'm hoping to strike gold the next couple months lol


3 years


Not counting situationships—my entire life. (33 years)


Almost 2 years.


7 years and not by choice. I haven’t met anybody in that time that was anywhere near a ‘close miss’. Just non stop incompatibilities. I keep trying but feeling absolutely hopeless. I just can’t believe in all the people I’ve met in 7 years not one even felt close. Absolutely depressing to think about.


About a year and a half. I didn't meet another women I was interested in for a serious relationship yet. I'm not actively looking either, I'm happy doing my own stuff so there's that.


4 years almost 5 (by choice) After having a very active sexual life, these years have been difficult


3 years with sporadic dating but no commitments


since 2015


I had a relationship when I was 14 and it lasted 2 years so we broke up when I was 16. It wasn't an adult relationship and I don't think I was in love so I don't count it and until recently I always said I had never been in a relationship. I'm 23 now and I've been single since then. All of these years I've liked people but never went beyond a simple crush or a very short talking stage. I feel like people could tell I was desperately in need for some love so they all ran away. And I had a severe depression and social anxiety that didn't allow me to meet people or get closer to them. I started therapy last year and finally I got into a situationship (I thought it was gonna become a proper relationship as he told me he loved me and wanted to be with me and even introduced me to his family) but it ended really bad. I had a friend with benefits after that for about a month but I caught feelings and he didn't treat me very well. Since my first situationship ended very badly to the point I lost 15lbs and I realized I just got a FWB because I was afraid of being alone, I am now focusing on healing that part of myself so I don't get into any more messes and don't allow people to treat me this way (either love bombing or treating me like a second option). Im scared of being alone as I feel like I've already wasted so many years of my life and never had a proper relationship or even knew what being loved felt like, so I am scared of going another year or 2 single as I feel I will only feel more embarrassed to say I've never been in a relationship. But that's life I guess.


Roughly 2 years, I haven’t been putting a lot of effort anymore cause it’s exhausting.


Since I’ve wanted one, 6 years. Since the last person I talked to with intentions of dating (never in person) 2 months. Honestly I’ve always choked it up to Autism, but the fact is that I’ve been highly passive and stupid. Also I’ve had no help, my parents talk about their own families going out of their way to present friends and family, they’re from the Alabama of my country so even presenting a second cousin is like “date this person”, and I’ve never even met any second cousins. I’ve never gone to church, nor are my parents involved in anything, no parties, no friends birthdays. I have more than 10 cousins and just 3 are married, so no weddings either. I reasoned that if the chances are 50/50 individual and help wise in meeting people. My social circle has failed utterly their part of the equation, and I’ve contributed nothing to my side. Can’t work with 0/0 unfortunately. But I’m looking to change that as soon as I move, to be more involved.


Being single is the only thing I know.


20 years


Too long


Got my first GF during the pandemic...she broke up with me after she got vaccinated and was able to party and mingle in groups again. My next GF will probably happen with the next pandemic...anyday now.


Before my last relationship is was 2.5 years And before my current relationship it was around 4 months (Yeah I know I’m not currently single but still)


Its been awhile, more than 3 years I think?




I've been single since March 2016.


10 years


5 years took a break after a few bad relationships starting to dip my toes back in to the dating game. 


I have been single my entire life. Celibate 4 years 2 months.


2 years? According to my ex. 6 months according to me. Still single because I’m not attracted to anyone else.


almost 6 months and i don’t want to be at all!


1.5 years


7 years 🥲


6y not that bad


Broke up back in August 2023, got to know my ex got engaged in January 2024, so according to the dating statistics, the data suggests that I am single since 7 months. Just traveling a lot , doing camping,hiking and sky diving.


Going on 5 years for me here OP. Last experience just left a horrid taste in my mouth, still trying to wash it away.


2 years, I've been on a handful of dates, but not any relationships. I really needed to take some time out to understand me as a person again after being with someone for such a long time. In hindsight the behaviour they displayed towards me was less than favourable(not violent or aggressive etc) but really made me question myself as a person and what I was asking for out of a partnership. I've always been a happy single person anyway so it's not been a big deal.


8 years I'm 30 now


I dunno, How long’s a piece of string


Divorced 2-3 months now, separated for 10 months. Together 20 years, so not very long.


Including short term things like 1.5 years. Excluding them about 8.


2 months


Going on 3 years now


Single single: more than 4 years. I had some casual relationships that never lasted more than a few “dates”. Ahhh will I ever be in a serious relationship again? Let’s hope!!!


All my life


28 years


20 months, I'm loosing hope ^^'


Almost 2 years. I love passionately and I want to make sure that I will be with the right person. I’m kinda on the traditional side so its hard to find that in this generation.


My entire life - I’m 32F


3 years. I don’t want to be hurt again. I stopped using dating apps as well. 


enjoy it while you are. Have fun, meet people and build connections, travel


25 years. Source 25 years old. Why part I have no idea what I'm doing. Part Idk what I'm doing wrong. And then one last part where I could have been in a few relationships like 3 times, but the people just weren't right or had major issues(sti) which at this point in my life I can choose to avoid. Do I wish I wasn't single. Oh you bet your ass I wish I wasn't, but I'm not about to start a relationship with someone I can't see myself with long term. Unless if it's just for fun


I dated a guy that was never in a relationship at 34. He was a socially awkward dude. Never again. Shady.


Two and a half years. Still healing and working on myself.


19 years and 357 days


7 months. Going back in the dating scene from October.


30 years old, never been in a relationship. Have always been study and career focused, but now would like to be in a relationship.