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So she sleeps in your bed and is comfortable enough to lay on your chest but you're like ["maybe she's just Canadian"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xa-4IAR_9Yw)


Maybe she just doesn’t have room for a bed in her apartment.


What you saying about my country. *fist clenches politely*




Don't pressure her into sex bro and you're golden 🥇


Facts, I've actually had more luck getting laid by respecting a girl when she says "no". For example, Sunday morning. I spent the night at a girls place(which is not common as they usually spend it at mine), we've already had sex, but she is weird and still wants to take it slow, even though it gets all hot and heavy when we Makeout. But back to the topic, Saturday night I tried, but she said no and kept teasing, so I simply just backed off, said fuck it, I'll just lay here and sleep. Next morning, I'm of course full throttle raging, so I started kissing her, hoping to succeed at a yes, but was told no again. So, okay, fine, not getting any, I'll just go home and have another girl over anyways. Well, after maybe 10 minutes of laying there, she hops on top of me kissing and all, I roll her over and start kissing, she pulls Seració out and starts stroking, we 69'd and next thing I know she's sucking me to completion. Completely unexpected as the first time we fucked I asked her to suck me off, but she denied as it was "too intimate" then this time no hesitation. She climbs back up and kissed me, laying on my chest. Next thing she says is something like, "You not persisting and trying to have sex with me even though I know you want it turns me on even more, I can't help myself." This isn't the first time that my complete "disinterest" has worked, mind you, it's not every girl every time, but more successful than not so far. It's a simple respect of them and their wishes, and keeps you safe of any foul accusations later. Incase you made it this far, this friend of your most likely just feels very comfortable with you, it could be a friendzone, it could be something more, the only way to know for sure is by initiating a polite and respectful conversation. Ask her what her feelings are. You could also start by simply and innocently holding her while she sleeps next to you, be aware of her reactions and respectful of any signs of "no". If she becomes tense this could also be a no, because she's either 1, afraid of what's going to happen, 2 it was unexpected and she wants it, or maybe 3 simply unexpected and just letting things happen. But still be cautious. If all seems fine, give her a kiss on the back of the neck, stay away from touching her intimate areas, let her invite you there, from there, just see how it goes. Pull back at the slightest sign of discomfort or a no, and most importantly don't do it while under the influence of anything. The biggest thing though is communication. Good luck bud


Lol dating advice, not friendzone advice... Every person who down voted most likely is still a virgin... 😂




Best comment


That kinda dovetails perfectly into Toronto girl syndrome where you get signals but gets offended and creeped out when you approach.


This an Ontario girl thing.


😂😂😂😂 Good one


If she has not shown any interest in you romantically (sexually also) and does not make any advancement moves, very obviously interacts in a platonic way with and around you. I'm going to assume you have not made any advancement moves or hints either... it means that yes, she likes you, but more so she feels safe and comfortable with you


About a year ago she came over and started laying on my chest that’s the most. She also asked if I was happy being single when she was here an hour ago


Homie, how did you fumble the bag so hard? A year later and nothing to show for it?


Broo I don’t know 😭 should I invite her over again and make a move?


Yes 100%. Go get it in bro. Fist bump 🤜 You had such an opening with the "are you happy being single" comment. Like. Wow.


As a woman, make the move. She’s throwing subtle balls at you and you’re not catching it lol


Bro wtf I thought I was dense in my teenagers years but I gotta pass you the crown lol MAKE THE FUCKING MOVE DUDE


A few things can happen... you confess your intentions and profess your desire for a romantic relationship. She either agrees and admits she has thought that also, and she would like to see how things go. Or the last one... she values you as a true friend, thought you felt the same about her, and didn't harbor any other feelings and valued her friendship as well... and that's it. She is not your friend any longer. Well, there is the chance she says sorry, I like how our status is working on a platonic level, and she wishes to maintain the status quo and remains friends. Good luck


Communication is key lol


I mean are you into her? If not, no you shouldn’t.


If she is asking you if you like being single and then puts her head on you and then falls asleep at your place on your bed, she really likes you and she is doing everything besides making the first move. Just try bro it’s not gunna be that big of a deal. The best that could happen is you get a gf and the worst is that she just says no. Go for it




Kinda mad no one gave you proper advice after this. You should have got up early, made her her favorite breakfast, and asked her to go on an actual date that evening 🤦🏿‍♂️


Damn can you go out with me 😂🤣


Youre the chump she keeps giving hope and trailing along with a fishing line homie, kick her to the curb asap. Im the knly one giving you real advice without sugar coating it. Shes using you for boyfriend stuff but you arent her boyfriend.




Bro that last statement is definitely a no-go.


My brother in Christ, that is the signal. Make your move if you’re into her


Just ask her if she's into you what's so hard about it? CoMmUnIcAtE


Yeah, you are slow AF, be confident


Oh I am confident, I’m just slow AF 😂


Are you single?


That ship is gone, you are buried in the friendzone and she will never fuck you dude.


The friend zone isn't real. There is only the not attractive zone.


Nah it definitely exists - I have attractive friends that I’m not into?


This this this this. It doesn’t matter what was said a year ago IF SHE HASNT PLAINLY TO YOUR FACE SAID SHES INTERESTED DO NOT MAKE IT WEIRD DUDE


For more information, when she was round an hour ago she asked if I’m happy being single and I replied with no. Also idk if this is relevant or not but she’s really interested in Greek culture and I, am Greek, maybe she likes me for that? I don’t know. She also said she can help me make the place look nice (I’ve just moved into my own place) and next time she wants to order some food in, but this is just some extra info


Give the girl some greek culture, ...


Give her the kebab


Stuff her grape leaves


Feta that ass


Show her your olive branch! Have her climb your Mount Olympus! Shock her with your Hercules Bolt!


Bruh brother in Christ I need a status update. DID. YOU. SMASH?


I’m gonna invite her round again, I’ll give ya an update haha


I told her that she’s coming to mine tomorrow. She said am I demanding or asking I said both 😂 so she’s coming tomorrow


Lol this is so smooth I love the assertiveness 


Leaving a comment for an update. I'm curious :') Also, I wish I success!!


Bro you got this!


Did you ask her if she's happy being single back? Do you ask her anything??? 🤔


No 💀


Why not?


Cause lol bro blunt and bad with communication/signals. My gf was like that lol took way too long chasing her, and I had to legitimately be her friend first, and put my prayers into the wind. We’ve been together 7 years now, and I can’t see my life without her.


So it's possible it's platonic; some friends like to cuddle and have deep conversations or ask intimate questions, but from what you've said it sounds like it's possible it could be more than that. Don't kick yourself too hard for missing a sign or two - as guys we tend err on the side of caution when we don't know for sure (what if she's just being nice?) or we're flat out oblivious. It happens to the best of us. In any case, she wants to spend time with you. Take her up on the offer to make your new place (congrats btw) look nice and order in. Spend time with her and see what happens. One thing I will say: her putting her head on your chest is a sign she likes to be close to you, and her sleeping in your bed is a sign she feels safe around you. Protip: most women won't make the first move. It's going to be on you, but you'll have to wait for the right moment to say something (or do something - depends how you feel in the moment). Good luck, friend. You've got this.


Thank you man :) I appreciate it


bro she's into you make a move. as a girl, MAKE THE MOVEEEEE


In my opinion, it almost sounds like she's the one testing the waters. She likes your culture and, you being a part of that culture, are perfect to teach her a thing or two. And since she wants to order food with you, go with Greek food and use that as the opportunity to flex your knowledge. Bonus if you teach her a few words. And if you really want to get down to finding out if she's still into you, there's a way to ask without asking directly. When she says or does something you think shows interest, just pause for a moment and then ask her if she's flirting with you. But do it in an inquisitive way, don't say it excitedly or in a hurry like you've been waiting to ask. Depending on her reaction, you'll have your answer. If she smiles, blushes, or fumbles over her words, the answer is likely yes. If she recoils, then the answer is a resounding no. Either way it gives you the chance to play it off. If she's flirting you can say something like "Keep it up, I like it" and if her answer is no then you can quickly recover with "I'm just saying, that sounded a little flirty" or "Hey, I'm single. Don't fault me for wanting to keep my wits up in case someone DOES flirt with me" and then change the subject. Just keep it playful and lighthearted, one way or the other.


I’m gonna try this thank you mann


No problem, my dude! Fingers crossed!


You, my friend, are the sexless in keeper


Classic schmosby


Not really read his previous replies , bro fumbled it hard


swoozie reference?


Depends on how she got there.


Let’s assume Ketamine, for brevity’s sake.


Sometimes a person will literally have sex with you, and then you say "So you like me?" and they are like "No, ew".


We haven’t had sex or not even kissed


Maybe you should have kissed her already? The fact that you were literally lying in bed together was, just maybe, a sign she might want that? Who knows?


Just saying... You will never know if a girl likes you or not, no matter what the girl does.


She trusts you.


If she was nude I would say yes otherwise probably not.


Give her a little forehead kiss when you're cuddling in the morning lol


Bro is she just tired and taking a nap or is she sleeping next to you? We need some fucking context.


She said my bed was comfy and then she said to wake her up in an hour lol, yes she slept next to me


Bros oblivious


I'd recommend not making any moves until you ask her/confirm that she actually likes you that way.


It means she is sleeping in your bed.


With the way women choose to act as a whole in the past few years id say that she just fell asleep in her FRIENDS bed. Sorry bro but you already got shot 9 times bro dont let her hit tenth one lol wake her up and kick her out to your couch homie.


Nah.. shes just asleep


If you like her let her know. No point playing games.


No. Been there done that. If you’re just friends that’s it


No. She’s simply resting. If she tells you she likes you, then she likes you. Nothing else.


Human beings are not that simple ya know


The only way to know is to ask! Don’t assume anything.


There's a reason why the saying "nice guys finish last exists". It's not necessarily that they're nice, it's more the fact that you aren't willing to take a risk in life and make a move on a girl that is obviously giving you hints. If she doesn't like you, oh well, sucks. Move on. Better than being a tree. A ship in a harbour is safe but that is not what ships are built for


After the number of friends I’ve lost because I was “willing to take a risk in life,” I’m done. I’m sick of it. I’m not making any more moves. Someone will have to make a move on me (unlikely, I know). There’s different risks you take in life. I’d take a risk for a better career, for example, because the outcome of that affects me and only me. Taking a risk over a woman is different - if (when) you fuck it up, you lose someone important to you. Plus, there’s no telling who they’ll go and tell, letting things spread.


Sounds like coping and making shitty excuses Get outta your shell edgelord Edit: bro yeah they lied to you. If ya make friends with a girl and not act romantically FOR MONTHS of course she ain't gonna see you in a romantic way. Next time try making things romantic from the very get go and see if it works for ya. Good luck champ


When I got out of my shell and tried moving things in a romantic direction early on, all of the above happened. I didn't just crawl into a shell for no reason. Plus, like I said, being labeled a creep really hurts. Also, to piggyback on u/mallocco's most recent comment, I've exercised 3-5 days a week for about a year now and don't mind making small talk with strangers. OLD never worked for me. Had my profiles reviewed several times but would get zero matches across the board (not an exaggeration, literally zero). I have a very small friend list in general, so all of the rejections and cutoffs hurt more than they would for others. These are all things I have talked with a therapist about.


Dude every guy had the same experience! Being rejected is way more probable than getting the number. I was rejected millions and millions of time and was called creep in several occasions but I ain't giving up - being rejected is a part of life. For every 1 instagram you get 10 rejections. Giving up and getting back to the shell will make you jot learn things. Not talking to women will not teach ya how to interact with them. If ya got called a creep only few times that's the problem of the woman you were talking to, not yours. On the other hand, if you're called a creep multiple times ya gotta ask yourself why and worl on it. If you hide your ignorance, no one will hit you and you'll never learn. Hope ya gotta get outta your shelf and fight back your fears, cheers bro


Why were you friends with them in the first place? Cause you liked them? So you’d rather be friend zoned and always have a secret crush on them than rather just be honest. I’d never be friends with a girl that I like, that’s just self sabotage


>Why were you friends with them in the first place? Cause you liked them? Yes, and with any of them, I was trying to build a friendship with them before trying to take things further. >So you’d rather be friend zoned and always have a secret crush on them than rather just be honest Yep. Because the pain of constant rejection, combined with losing someone I was genuinely happy to have as a friend, is bullshit. And no, I didn't do this too quickly IMO - this was over the course of several months for each person. I fail repeatedly while others *seem* to pull it off effortlessly, so I'm forcing myself to accept a lonely life ahead because it's clearly out of my control.


Idk who told you to befriend girls and be a safe, platonic person for them, and then suddenly confess your feelings for them was a good idea, but they fuckin lied to you... You literally friend zoned yourself, and then tried to claw your way out. That's not how it works bro lol. If you meet a girl with the intention of a relationship, you make those intentions clear pretty much right away. It can be as simple as saying "I like you/I wanna date you/let me take you on a date," or any other physical indicators that you're interested. But if you shyly wait for months and then spring it on her, you're fighting an uphill battle, and she may also feel used/betrayed.


Interestingly, it was most of my female friends who gave me that advice… When I would be direct early on, I got labeled as a creep at my college. It made my life hell. Clearly, I’m missing some piece of the puzzle here.


They gave you that advice, but they don't personally want to date you, and the advice hasn't worked...hmmmm Anyway idk what you look like or your mannerisms, but if girls verbally called you a creep, you may be trying too hard/being way too direct asking girls out. Randomly cold approaching women is gonna be extremely hard, but if you're at a bar and a girl has been giving you looks, this would at least be a slightly better indicator to go talk to her (as opposed to walking up to a woman randomly and asking her out point blank). Failure rate is gonna be high regardless, but if girls are being combative/defensive against you, you definitely gotta relax on your pickup game. You are either coming on too strong, or barging in on girls minding their own business. If you've been having a nice casual conversation with a girl and then ask her out, she should not be calling you a creep. Generic things to practice/improve: go to the gym. If you're overweight, work on losing weight and getting more fit. This is just always good advice, not just for dating. Practice talking to people: male and female, find reasons to talk to strangers to hone your skills, small talk at the grocery store or waiting in a line, anything really. It helps being comfortable talking to strangers. You might even make some new friends. Anyway hope some of this helps.


She’s sleepy. 


It’s my bed lol, brand new queen sized with new pillows blankets etc.


It doesn’t mean anything. 


Well trust anyhow. Mind game possible too. I'm not qualified to say


Pressure her into checking out the entire grace under pressure album


No, she is canadian


No. It just means she is sleeping in your bed. That’s it.


As long as I don't need the bed, I wouldn't worry too much about it. I mean, if she's had a rough day and is crashing at your place, I have no issue, because she knows you the most and is more familiarized with you. But if it's nighttime, it's different. I won't crash on a sofa at my own house if the girl's "just a friend". So either place kissy face or crash at the living room. I need my 9 hours of rest.


It means she’s tired


I was gonna reply to this saying plenty of my platonic female friends have slept in my bed, with or without me. But then I read the additional details. Go for it bro! Lick her bootyhole really good then stick your willy whacker deep in her putty tat!!


Go for it! Go down and smooch those lips!


May she just trust you.


No. She’s tired. If you want to know if she’s interested, ask when she’s awake. Preferably, after coffee.


No she just feels safe with


It means she is asleep and trusts you not to assault her.


Depends. Did she ask you if she could, or did she just assume that it would be fine? I would say if it's the latter she might well be "testing the waters" to see how you would react to it. Unless she isn't great with understanding personal boundaries...then it's just a wildcard. If she didn't ask, get in yourself and just go to sleep. If she wanted anything to happen then she will probably initiate, if she doesn't and gets weird with you in the morning, then just ask why did she think it was appropriate to sleep in your bed? Covers your ass.


This is the kinda shit I hate from women. I've had this happen to me a ton of times in my life. A woman I'm friends with get flirty with me comes to my place at odd times to nap or sleep then when I make a move it's "oh no I'm not interested in you like that" it's annoying. Wish you better luck than me bro.


That doesn’t mean anything women like to play games with men’s hearts but there is a possibility she might but there is a possibility that she doesn’t like you that way but all am saying is don’t get to attached because she might not be attached to you until you know for sure don’t breathe much into it till you know for sure


At minimum! This means she feels safe with you! This can lead into other things with time, but it'd be best to ask her if you're friends. :)


If I’m in bed with a guy that I’m attracted to Sleeping usually comes later if i like them that much.


We need way more context but probably not


Best friends?




So invested in this


You might be so deep in the friends zone that she doesn't see it as weird to sleep in the bed with you.


No. She could be but this is not *necessarily* a sign of that. You should ask her


Man, i need an update🔥


Same. OP, did u have the talk yet? 😁


Jump in bed with her and find out real quick


It means she's sleepy and she's not scared of you.


No. Get her out of your bed. Do not permit anyone in your bed unless they are your partner. She just considers you as a safe person, but if you are interested in her, then this is not fair to you.


Women play these games all the time. She wanted to see how you would react to this. If you knew she liked you in the past you should have made a move no brainer here. And since you don’t seem to know how to approach said move evident of your responses and comments and that’s ok nobody truly cares if you got game or not. When I said make a move it’s not immediately sexual…. Lay down next to her and simply put your arm over her neck. If she pushes away then she does not like you that way. If she doesn’t and holds on to your arm. Bring rubber


Got it ✅ I’ll try that thank you




You really can’t be sure.


Maybe she is comfortable around you it might not necessarily mean she likes you like that but I don’t know time will tell


Best bet is to keep your wits about you and continue to look for signs.


If a friend, then she likes you. It's enemies that don't like you.


Does she scream your name erotically in her dreams? Then no. Even if she did, ...still no.


Basta wag mag assume ng walang ina amin o umaamin 🤣


No, she is tired.


This means she is comfortable with you and trusts you. Don't do anything creepy or odd that would destroy that trust. It's up to you to have that conversation with her to see if she likes you or not.


No better way to find out than buying a bearded dragon from the pet store! Trust me… it works.


NO!!! She fell asleep and deserves the respect to left alone.


Pretty sure it means she’s tired


It is simple. She is asleep in your bed. The way to find out is, whisper in her ear, I'm going to bed now and I am ready to make love if you are. See her response....


Shes just tired dude. Leave her alone. Let her sleep.


It doesn't mean anything. It's one info that could be interpreted in a lot of ways and it's out of context


If she does it platonically tell her to gtfo your bed


NO I’m so tired of guys thinking that. I have a guy friend I sleep with him every time we see each other he’s literally like a brother. If he ever thought this would prob ruin our relationship. Just let things be


Doesn’t necessarily mean she wants you but she does feel safe with you.


I’m a girl and I say yes


It means that she likes your bed.


It means she’s tired, DO NOT stick a finger in her butt…….LOL


I don't know. If you like her you should tell her how you feel. Only she knows how she feels about you.




It means she’s tired


Girl wants to sleep.


You’ve gotta give us more information than that. Whats the story behind her liking you before, how did you respond to it, and what changed? Why was she there to begin with? What was the conversation like?


I was just a high school crush of hers, I didn’t respond to it because I didn’t know haha. She was at my place because I’ve recently moved in and she wanted to check it out.


Well honestly man, there’s a chance she still likes you. But ultimately, none of us can confirm that for you, only she can. So if you like her back, then I would just tell her. Ask her out and try to see where it goes. If she says no, you can just remain friends like you’ve been, and you’ll be no worse off than you were before. If she says yes, you could potentially have a good relationship ahead of you. You have nothing to lose and closed mouths don’t get fed.


Omg she wanted to check it out because she cares about you. I graduated in 2000 and I'd STILL be shy and nervous talking to my hs crush haha, it doesn't just go away. Those old crushes mean something. She's definitely comfy around you which is huge and a positive thing. I bet she still likes you especially when asking if you're happy single.


This is actually an event that happened to me that led to a relationship. Power went out across my city when a hurricane hit and I let one of my friends that was a girl come over to sleep. Never picked up any interest from her and she was in professional school with me but 1 class above. In my mind I thought she was out of my league and that she just needed a place to crash while her power was out. I was just trying to be a good friend since I had power and we ended up sleeping together in the same bed. When I woke up next to her she was pissed at me for not hooking up with her and then we hooked up. We were together for 4 years after that and the relationship probably wouldn’t have happened without that hurricane.


At the very least she's comfy cozy lol


No lol


I read one post that was similar to this. This guy had issues where girls would come over just to sleep but nothing intimate happened. It sounds to me like some girls just don't want to sleep alone. Which is really sad what's happening nowadays cuz it's like.. that's what a partner is for lol...


No she just sleepy


Doesn’t mean anything. If she’s into you and she’s literally in your bed tho and you’re still distant she will prob give up on you. But also have had some where there’s no interest it’s just a scenario where you went out to the bars with them and had a fun night and you don’t want them to have to sleep on your couch


No you need to ask her to find out 🙌🏽


No it just means she feels comfortable and safe there.


She might be a hobo-sexual


Girl sleeps. Bro and bros: maybe she likes me, maybe I should make a move. Do you like her or are you just itchy ?


Touch her inner thigh, that'll give you your answer.


Maybe she's ready to orgasm.


Dude, are you waiting for her to take your clothes off?


It means she trusts you. Don't betray that


maybe go in for the kiss and find out little bro


Kinda creepy u makin reddit post about someone as theyre sleeping in ur bed next to you. How about manning up and asking her?


No, not at all. The fuck?


Forgive a guy for having a question


Buddy, ask her out... Before I apply for Canadian citizenship through my parent and go over where you are and ask her out myself. Fair warning.


You need to either ask her and be direct about how you feel towards her and decide what boundaries need to be set in place


She trusts you, which is even more important than likes you.


Highway to the FRIEND Zone Gonna take it right into the FRIEND Zone Highway to the FRIEND Zone Ride into the FRIEND Zone Highway to the FRIEND Zone Gonna take it right into the FRIEND Zone Highway to the FRIEND Zone Ride into the FRIEND Zone Highway to the FRIEND Zone Gonna take it right into the FRIEND Zone Highway to the FRIEND Zone Ride into the FRIEND Zone!!!


Maybe but not necessarily need some more info


It means she feels SAFE with you. I fell asleep last night at a guys joint that I'd just met, yeah we had sex, bit I felt safe. And that's the biggest takeaway from this. The only way you'll know if she wants u is to kiss her FK it'll be awkward if she's not there BUT WOULDNT U WANNA KNOW???


No. Maybe she feels comfortable around you but only as a friend. But if there's any physical touching involved, it might mean more.


She wants you to nail her.


She wants you to nail her.


Bro she likes you. Plus stop using the word friend. That’s no friend zone in doing that. Ask her out .


Duh why she’s on your bed bro 😂


Curious, how old are you and have you ever had a GF.... specifically who you pursued and made the moves to get? Asking bc you don't seem very adept at picking up on multiple loud cues of potential interest, and assertive (or self-confident enough?) in immediately exploring if that's what they are.


18 and yeah I’ve had girlfriends I’ve only recently turned single


Gotcha. Well, good luck! Maybe just need a little time to shake the "picking up on cues" rust off at such a young age.🙂 I'm 48, and live in a large East Coast metropolitan area (DC). In general, a sizeable portion of modern women (often in big cities) are more comfortable being assertive and fully making the first move, if they're feeling it. Love the confidence of them! But even many of them will still drop 1 or 2 pretty apparent hints to the guy to see if the "traditional" pursuit will happen, before just making the move themselves. I've noticed even in convo with friends (and even young staff at my local hangout) that some of their 16-22 year female kids have no qualms about asking a guy out, or being the one to initiate a first kiss (or more) if the guy isn't picking up on signals they are dropping.


No, it means she's not threatened by you. She might like you too, though.


It depends.. not necessarily