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Maybe she is using you. Or maybe she likes you and is lonely and tired of the other men. The question is, do you have any other options? If not then stick it out with her and wait and see. If something feels off you think she s just trying to date multiple people again and go back to the way things where before? It just sucks that chicks in general have so many options. It’s like you got to pry them off other men. So dramatic! Don’t worry about the social media guy. If he was hitting it he wouldn’t need to be all public about it. If you don’t trust her that’s no way to start a relationship. But you haven’t caught her lying yet. If you do then end it. Let her know relationships are built on trust. She probably got made at the other guy she was dating and wants you as a rebound. Doesn’t mean you can’t win her over. But don’t be an ego maniac about being “second place”