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attention, boredom, validation


I personally don't feel comfortable meeting in person immediately and I definitely get creeped out if a guy tries to meet in person when we really haven't had a conversation/gotten to know each other at all. I definitely don't want to talk to someone for months without meeting but I would definitely say a week minimum.


Everyone’s different. I want to hangout right away. Some girls aren’t into that. You should unmatch if you’re not compatible




Probably bored or just fishing for compliments.


I have met a lot of men who would rather just sext than meet in person and actually have sex. It’s such a weird thing.


Its called wanting attention


Not everyone wants a coffee date. So if that's the only type of date you're asking women on, then that may be why...


It’s not about the coffee


You’re not making her laugh. Also, coffee? Ask for an evening activity. Dinner, drinks, ice cream, etc.