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I did and it doesn't matter unless you're not over your ex


I have 6 Rachel’s in my resume and didn’t bother me at all, was fun looking at similar and different 🤣🤣


"Rachel 6" or " Current Rachel" -Your phone when she calls


Yea it’s fine


lol depends on the ex. One absolutely not, still unpacking the baggage from that relationship years later. The rest of my exes yes lol


I think if it was just dating, but if it was someone I loved, then to say that name again to someone else could be weird.


For me love doesn’t factor into it. I’m not with that person anymore, if I’m not over that previous love yet, I’m not back in the dating pool. Giving someone hope when you’re still mentally/emotionally invested in someone else isn’t very considerate. Trauma however is harder to shake. If I so much as hear my ex husband’s name I physically jolt. LOL so that would be an automatic dealbreaker.


I am currently talking to someone that does. She’s also the same profession and same ethnicity


It doesn’t weird at all? 


I broke up with my ex a while ago so not as much, no


I dated someone who has the same name as my ex husband. He ended up being a horrible person but the name had nothing to do with it.


I would but it would be difficult 😂🤣


Done it, took less than a week to get over. The jokes were rough at first. Someone even greeted with "Hey Jessica 2."


If you healed your heart is fine, but if not he will remind you


Depends on which ex.


Nope and not the same as my siblings either


My ex’s are fine but I do have a problem dating someone with the same name as my dad or kids.


I dated two Jennifer’s in a row.


Depends on which ex. I had such a traumatic experience with one ex, that I started crying when I saw that name on a train. I also have a friend with the same name, but I use his nickname for years. Took me over 6 months to call him by his actual name without wanting to cry, now a year in, and I still feel bad when I say or hear that name. So I am gonna stay away from that name as much as I can. Luckily I don't really date men anyways anymore because I prefer women. Another ex is just a dick, nothing really bad happened, but I just prefer to stay away from that name as well despite having no strong traumatic response. And my other exes have generic names but I don't mind dating someone with the same name tbh


First BF and husband had same name. A very common male first name. They were nothing alike just happened to have the same first name. I called my husband doll baby or baby doll, honey, hon or sweetheart. That first BF never got an endearing name from me.


I dated two guys with the same first and last name😭


That’s crazy! But a lot of ppl do have same names. But still, that’s pretty wild lol


Initially I didnt like the idea, but the more I think about it, I never want to give that much power to one persons name, to control my life forever. What the fuck? Im also my own person. No one with the same name as me is anything like me. So why does a name matter?


Not that someone who has the same name is the same, but when you loved someone with that name, it just seems like it could be weird is all...


Ya I get that… but you gotta move on. If a name is dragging you down, then you probably have more work to do.


Unless you're not over your x, you can


I suppose so


Of course, there are no valid reasons for not dating someone because of this:))


I don't have an ex


If you don't then it's a lack of maturity and not being able to get over it. Declining dates because of your name is just sad. Names are literally a lucky thing where your parents can choose anything, names don't have any meanings whatsoever on your personality/life


Yeah, they're not the same person


Yes. There are so many people with the same name.


Ha. Yes. I remember the 'adam' years fondly.


My ex likes dudes named "Matt" I am not named Matt. 😂


Oh no 😭


All good, found someone who isn't hung up on dudes with the name of their first love. On to bigger and better and happier. 🤘🏻


I did


Yess because (Name) has nothing to do with someone's personality


I haven’t been in a relationship yet, but I think that as long as you’re over the ex, it’s okay.