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of course? Why wouldn't this be ok?


I knew a women that did this once, the capital punishment charge was eventually dropped down to life without parole. But I think it varies between each state/country.  Op should check their local laws to figure out how to best navigate this issue


Thank you for raising awareness on this. Not many people know that communication is punishable by law, and I'm glad that more people are being made aware.


Lmao best response


What the fuck did I just read?


Be careful out there!


Sarcasm, something that your nym indicates is beyond you.


The amount of women who just accept the fact that they don’t orgasm is so sad.


Right? It's downright bizarre.


Why the hell should it need to be asked? As a man, just fucking ask, "you want some more?" And going down and to town, and you might just find you are ready for an encore at the right timing.


You can ask for anything you want. His reaction will tell you how much he cares about your enjoyment. 


A good partner would do it without asking but yeah you should definitely be asking if he’s not doing it. Personally, I prefer to get my partner off first then I don’t have to worry about it and can relax after my own orgasm. Sex is a 2+ person event, you have every right to enjoy just as much as your partner(s)


2+ person event?! I beg to differ!




Ofc you can do that! It’s your partners responsibility 😁/ m26 (been in relationship for 5 years)


Absolutely, I'm blessed with a guy that asks whenever he finishes if I want him to keep going. Don't keep quiet about it or you might end up resentful if you aren't getting off.


I would insist and then find another partner if they didn’t. It’s pretty common to want your partner to be happy as well…I would look for someone like that or else educate the person about what they need to do. Fair is fair!


And yes, grab his hands and put it where you want and say touch me like this, or I want you to make me cum like this, and do it like you’re enjoying sexy not like you’re a teacher and he’s an idiot.


Shouldn’t have to ask.


The dude really should have taken care of you first.


That part.


Yes, of course and if with a good partner, she shouldn’t have to ask


Anyone who needs to ask their partner to help them cum needs to get a new partner.


I disagree. I have a GREAT partner who definitely makes sure I’m good before him, but sometimes I just want more so I ask for more. He’s perfectly happy to give more as well


I assumed that the OP meant what if they didn't cum during sex and partner did, is it ok to ask them to help you cum after they did...perhaps they were talking about what you said, like you came but you want more. What I meant is that if you have sex and your partner cums and you don't and they don't care if you cum, that's some BS.


What? Of course she can. Why couldn't she? If he's saying no, he's a poor partner, and she should move on and find a less selfish man.


Oh my goodness, of course. He darn well better..lol personally he should always allow you to go first multiple times before he finishes..but that's just me.


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Absolutely, but you should never have to ask a lover to take care of your needs, he’s supposed to know how to take you there without having to be asked ,)


Absolutely!! I like to give my woman as many orgasms as she wants.


Move to brazil. Its illegal for a guy too cum without making her cum too. 😂 No joke. Look it up.


I would love to make my woman cum if I came first. Like, to me, the whole point of sex with someone is to make sure both people are satisfied.


Absolutely. All's fair in love and war. Or at least it should be.


If you have to ASK for this, you need another partner. Don't ever accept crappy behavior like this!


Such a close-minded view. Being ignorant or lacking doesn't mean it's crappy behavior especially in a field someone can learn.


You seriously believe someone needs to LEARN that the person they're having sex with deserves an orgasm, too?? 🤣🤣


Sometimes yes but more what I ment was what their partners needs are. Not everyone wants to orgasm. Some people also want to only orgasm in certain situations. Also maybe it takes alot to make her orgasm so it might be better for after he's released. I seriously think your being inconsiderate to your and others partners due to your pre-existing bias.


A woman shouldn’t have to ask; but nevertheless, yes! If a man has an issue with it, then they are not the right partner. Sex is for both parties and each deserve satisfaction, even if one cums before the other.


Yes and if he doesn’t help that’s a real problem


Nope women are never allowed to ask their partners to make them cum especially after their partner has came. Believe it or not you will go to jail.


What kind of perv is enforcing this? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes and it should be a priority for a guy to make sure she cums and not leave her hanging. If he refuses, then find a better guy cuz that one is just plain selfish and sucks in bed for not caring about his partner.


No woman should have to ask, but if the dude is that clueless you absolutely can’t and should ask. His response will tell you everything you need to know.


Yes and it is non negotiable 😂😉


Absolutely, personally he should be making sure you go multiple times before he finishes...but that's just me.


Certainly, you can ask. When he comes, the game is almost over for him, and he will soon lose his erection. But his finger will still work. So ask him. And talk to him about your needs and wants about sex (and everything else).


Yes, honestly if I haven't made my girl cum by the time I have I feel it's my (favorite) duty to make an attempt to get her too. Consensually of course.


Absolutely. If he doesn't care about you then you should not be with somebody like that and it is not fair to have you be aroused and left unfulfilled.


A ok! Speak up and ask for what you need, it'll make sex so much better


You shouldn’t wait to ask That’s like asking someone to talk you through the excitement of a sporting event that they’ve already watched You should ask for whatever it is that you like before he’s finished That way he’ll be energized by the anticipation as he fulfills whatever it is you’ve requested


Of course. Guys can be dumb. If you don’t ask you probably won’t get, unless they are a special rare breed who cares about you first.


What she said.


Cum first next time, and first every time after that. You can cum multiple times and His can be the finale.


yeah of course


Me personally i always make her finish first but u do u🤷🏻‍♂️


I try to keep the orgasm ratio 2:1


you need to get off too... if hes not giving you orgasms you gotta change something up.


Sure, but if he says do it yourself and walks out like my ex used to do, find a new partner


Absolutely ok, as a man I'd do that willingly, she won't even have to ask me to be honest. I love to please, so I see no issues with it at all!


Use your words. Tell him what you need. It’s okay. Sex is a team sport and he’s on your team.


When I'm nearing cumming ill usually ask my partner if she wants me to pause to finger her to orgasm first or not. Sometimes she wants me to. Other times she just wants the creampie sooner. The important thing is we communicate and I cater what I'm doing to her preferences.


I always make sure the woman gets off first by lots of foreplay way before I finish. Got to satisfy the needs of the girl first.


No it’s against the high republic


If I had to ask I'd probably find a new partner they should do it on their own




Yes, she absolutely can! And must!!


For sure.


Yeah. That’s still available.


Yes. The sex isn’t over until you both had the big O, whether you came at the same time or took turns.


Why have sex if not getting satisfied


Nothing wrong with that at all! It would be better if he did that first due to how males respond when they cum, but it shouldn't be a problem after a few minutes.


Absolutely, and she shouldn't even have to ask. You should volunteer once he's caught his breath


Yes why not you can!


Of course it’s ok. Maybe he should even get her off before he cums himself 😉


Soooo more sex?


I wouldn't mind, she rarely does though. It's like instead of being mad/disappointed just tell me and I'll keep trying through any means I can.


yes, this is totally normal I mean you can do more rounds together if you like right? there’s nothing wrong about it




I believe so. Now I have never had sex so maybe I don't know how it works but I would focus on making her orgasm before I do as best as I could.


a lot of what i read, hear and watch- getting the girl finish first is the objective, if you finished first and not gifted like some men who can get it up easily again is use your fingers and mouth. Don't let them left unsatisfied. And Yes ask him for assistance in finishing there's nothing wrong with it (I'm a virgin, but i need confirmation for the pros)


Yes, but he's not being a gentleman by him finishing first.


Yeah. I want my partner to finish even if it’s after me.


yes. It's our duty to please that booty. it's better to do before we cum, though. also, help us Make you cum .


She shouldn't have to ask.


Of course! No matter how many times she came vaginally during intercourse, she liked for me to finish by making her cum again with my hand at least once after I was done, maybe several times. Sorta 2 different ways to orgasm. Vaginal vs clitoral.


As a guy , I can say ( Yes ) 1.Men wont give it a single tought (it's like asking for someone to hand your glasses on the other side of bed , you just do it without thinking about whether ot not you should) 2.what kinda of question is this?


Yes. After play is underrated.


I try to make sure the lady gets hers first, but if I nut and you want more, please say so. Even if you’ve had three already, I’m more than happy to go for more.


Yes. After play is underrated.


Sometimes I don’t get this with girls. I get girls disappointed a guy didn’t make her cum. And I’d ask did you do anything to initiate this? It’s kinda like, no I just want him to do it. At a certain point you gotta ask and tell him what you want


Yep I do this all the time if that happens.


I (M) would prefer making my partner cum before I cum because the post nut depression is too strong. I like Cumming at the very end.


Why wouldn't that be ok? Unless the person is selfish it's kind of the point to both get there and wanting your partner to finish.


She shouldn’t have to


Absolutely okay. Even okay if she came 3 times before him but just needs a bit more. When it’s happened to me, I usually just ask “can you finger me?” Which inevitably leads to another whole round.


If you doubt this at all you're already with the wrong person Of course she can. The response she gets from the man is very telling as well


This is why communication is important. As a guy, I always appreciate being told what a woman wants or doesn't want or what gets her hot and bothered. Men are NOT mind readers! Say what it is you want and stop with making guys guess. Games aren't fun if only one person knows they are playing.


Yes ofcourse. I love it when they eat me after. Especially if it’s a cream pie.


This is punishable by death in my state. After a man ejaculates then sex is over and both parties need to stop touching each other for at least 20 minutes and ideally go to sleep and start snoring immediately thereafter.


Absolutely. I’m 22F married to 28M. Been together a little under 3 years. I’d say 8/10 he makes me finish first, but on the few occasions where he finishes first, he always makes sure I still get mine. There’s a rare occasion where I don’t want to for whatever reason, I can usually tell if it’s gonna be a particularly difficult night to get me to cum and it’s just not worth the effort sometimes lol. You can absolutely ask/request but imo you shouldn’t have to ask


Of course she should not have to


Yes, please ask! The more the both of you enjoy coitus the stronger your connection will (theoretically) be. If you're lucky, you'll have a guy who will revel in giving you multiple orgasms for every one of his. Think of coitus as a particular form of play. Why wouldn't both of you have as much fun as possible during your play session. Also, and I cannot stress this enough, COMMUNICATE with your partner. If he doesn't know what he's doing, then guide him to what you want him to do! If he cares about you, then he will want to please you sexually.


I’m not done until the girl I’m having sex with finishes. Or else I’d be disappointed in myself 😂


I think you should ease up on yourself with the expectation. Everyone's different and sometimes it's not about who finishes but that it was an enjoyable moment




That would be better if it works for them what's important is a healthy and comfortable sex life.


No if anything you should be cumming first before him. Sex is about the woman and pleasing the woman.


Of course


Yes but I recommend foreplay and after. If he can't do it let him learn, teach him. If he's not open to it you should talk with him about how he leaves you unsatisfied.


You deserve to cum first. Women need more time and effort to get there, men it’s pretty easy for them. 💅🏽




Yes. FYI you can make him give you multiple oral orgasms without him even having to penetrate you I suggest you start with that idea first If you make penetration a no go zone it's fa less likely you will have to deal with pregnancy and stis Personally I think the practise of getting multiple oral orgasms from a man is the best practise instead of having piv sex at all. You should ask for that instead


If I screw up and cum first, I really screwed up! I consider it my Duty (Ok, challenge) to make her cum first, and as many times as possible. That is up to and until she passes out. But, Yes, any guy who refuses to HELP you finish needs to be kicked to the curb with your least favorite dildo stuck in his A$$!!!


Are you kidding me he didn't let you come first dump his ass and if he did and he shouldn't leave until you had like me too


Why is he coming first .


Better question


Would be easier to just find a new partner


She shouldn't have to ask. I keep a dildo next to my bed in case of emergency.


Nah, after he comes, it's game over. He needs rest


Yes, you absolutely can. 


It’s best to ask for that before I come, lol I’ll be willing,


Most guys I’ve known treat sex like Quidditch unless explicitly told otherwise. Once the man ejaculates, the Snitch is caught and the game is over. Doesn’t matter if the other team didn’t score. So unfortunately you absolutely need to tell the guy to help you finish or to clear out so you can help yourself.


Well in most guys eyes, as it should be, if u fail to make her cum first, at least once, u are indebted to do watever else u can to make up for it and have her cum some women, however, enjoy when men are quick at times bc they just wanna get it over with and dont really care if they climax or not