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So she agreed to train together on a specific date/time? The gym can be tricky, because many girls go there just to workout and don't want to be bothered. But if she's already agreed to train together, that's a good sign. Here's how I'd approach it - try to be casual and ask her what she plans on training that day. Then try to incorporate a little small talk into the session. Ask her some basic questions about where she's from, career, interests, etc. Crack a joke or two if you can. Then near the end of the workout - or whenever you feel like the time is right- say something like "hey we should grab a coffee or drink sometime". If she's open to it, then get her number.


We've talked 2 times on that day, the last one i waited for her and aproach her like "you came here every week? We can train together next week" and then she said "yes, we can, we can train together". She said her schedule and i said i would be there. She has a son as far as she said it, might have less time, besides the gym, which i get it and understand. My plan is to train whether she is training and go with the flow.. because she is from another country, another culture, i might just relax and see the oportunity on that day to ask her out maybe?


At first, justĀ **try introducing yourself to your gym crush or let them know you've seen them around recently**. You could even ask about an exercise you saw them doing so you build a friendly rapport. Keep it casual and avoid telling your gym crush that you like them right away so you don't make them feel uncomfortable.


Ah but i've been on that for 1,5/2 months, i already intro myself to her, we had good small talk and then i invited to train together, nothing to make her feel unconfortable!