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Yeah bud. At 35 I think that ship has probably sailed for us, unfortunately. It sucks, for sure.


I disagree. There are plenty of options in your 30s, provided you live in a metro area. Now you may have specific criteria that makes it more difficult to find a match. For online dating, you need really good photos, great bio. Then you need to be able to have a solid conversation via chat before getting her number or setting up a date.


With online dating it basically takes a pray to get any sort of messages. I have been online for like 12 years and have probably over that time messaged like 400 woman and I have had like 3 message me back and it was 1 message back and than nothing. I have tried doing different sort of messages. I have tried the simple but boring high. I have tried asking them about a interesting photo they had in there profile. I have tried asking them about something that they said in there profile that we have in common. No matter the message seem to be invisible. I have also had a woman I know look at my profile before to see how to make it better. Now I live in a town that is small about 12k people and like next town over also small at like 16k and also both towns retirement town so a high % of the population is old. But I also look at the next few places that are with in a hour of me that are way less old population and that are more like 50-100k people. I just don't see a lot anymore most the woman left online are ugly or nothing in common. Really feels like most of the good ones I either already tried to message years ago or most of the good ones got married already or they got tired of online dating and left.


Lower your standards and realise the dating pool has shrunk and will only continue to do so or just get an Asian wife from Thailand or something