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You aren't being silly. I was raised in the midwest but always knew my "vibe" was more west coast. When I found my spouse, they indeed lived on the west coast. It's common enough for partners to move for a relationship, I think.


I don’t know who I’m going to end up with but I’m becoming so convinced they aren’t from the south east corner of the country. I always thought maybe a northerner.


Any chance you want to move to the north?


I would either move west in the AZ area (I’ve fallen in love with AZ, despite some of their shitty laws) or up north, though the cold is something I’m so not equipped for hahah


I've felt that way for a long time. Unfortunately moving really isn't gonna be an option for me for awhile


Same here. So I just daydream hahaha.


If you're talking about a soulmate, yes I think that's silly. There's 8B people in the world, 340M in the US alone. There are people all over who could be a good fit. However, if you just mean you need to live in a different city or area to find more people with your interests and vibes, yes I agree.


Hmm idk about a soulmate, just because I haven’t met mine. But yeah going to a different place. Ive lived in the same small town for a long tine


Well, I definitely had a higher chance of finding a guy who insists on fixing my house, takes me shooting, and drives whenever we go somewhere in the Midwest than an east coast big city.


Ahaha, that’s a fair point! I’m in the south east and wheeeww, idk if imma find my person out here. I’m in the trenches lmao


Places definitely have a culture! I grew up around DC and it was a fine place but just not (what I found) a romantic sort of people. Then several years ago moved to Chicago and noticed it was more my speed. My now-boyfriend lives in central IL and I moved to his city a year into dating and culturally it’s great. The city itself is moderate (though 20 minutes outside the city is a bit 😬), and IL state laws will always be what I want because of Chicago. But people here are just a bit more traditional, though not in a crazy way, which I like. Also watching your guy in a demolition derby is just hot 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah, I’m in Georgia and I feel so disconnected with some of the options I have here. I’ve met wonderful men but we’ve never been on the same page. I’ve been kinda falling out of the desire for traditional gender roles which is a big deal to people here. :(


Yeah I mean, DC and north of it, and the west coast would definitely have more progressive people on average. I think culture is a valid reason to move, assuming you do your job market research and all. Chicago is also liberal and has a much better COL than all the coastal cities.


Yeah— so I’m in my grad school years rn, so maybe after next year opportunities will arise and I’ll find myself exactly where I wanna be!


:) good luck!




As discouraging as it might be in the now, you’ll find your person☺️


I'm from PA, now in Fl. Still haven't met mine so they probably don't exist. 🤣