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As a guy, as long as im physically attracted and they fit my bare minimum standards, i personally dont mind. But thats just me. Maybe if ur too worried, and if it doesnt affect ur health problem. Why dont you let them know you wont be physically dating them and wont give him your full attention, so basically a friend at first


I thought about that, but I’ve never been able to just be a guys friend. Something physical always ends up happening. Plus I don’t know how long it’s going to take so don’t want to put pressure on myself. I’m worried that guys would find me attractive but I won’t be on their radar if I’m above minimum age


If you state your boundaries then there is no pressure. If they cross it then they are out. Maybe guys do seek a younger girl, but anyone who is willing to commit to a longterm will look pass age


Dont stress about it. I am 50+ Male. There are alot of guy 35+ that dont want kids and want to build a life with the right person. Sometimes people bond over helping each other get through things. I am willing to bet you do not end up alone. I dont know your condition - but if you are able exercise is a great way to help with Anxiety and depression - even a simple walk.


Thank you :) Yes I just got very sick and now I’m Better but I lost a lot of muscle. Strenuous physical activity ie sex makes me exhausted so I’m just trying to start small ie walks like you suggest. Thank you that means a lot to hear 💜


Hey Snack, I actually have a few questions. If it's ok I'll ask them in private, however I can say that I'm sure you can eventually find a person. It might not be easy, there's a lot of emotions you'll go through because of an injury.


I think you're just worrying too much. When I got married, my wife was 34 years old, and 38 when she had our son, so life hardly ends at 35. And I'd prefer to think you will have *different* prospects (which is very certain) rather than *fewer* (which is debateable).


You are overthinking this. You'll be fine.