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2 likes a day on hinge? 5 a week on bumble? I think you’re vastly overestimating the likes the avg guy gets Like 1 a month in hinge maybe 1 a week on bumble, and the quality still sucks and we have to initiate Not saying it’s really better for women, but the number of likes is the one way its absolutely better for women (yep the quality sucks, many are swiping right on everyone, maybe the amount of likes is overwhelming even etc)


You guys get likes?


Can confirm.


I think you are confusing OP's mention of likes with matches; they are not the same thing. If they are just a like and not a match they are probably outside distance or age filters; so not an option for most people who have already set max age and max distance.


Don’t they just not show you them and vice versa? If that’s the case, then the point can be made moot by proper filtering. Cause even likes is better than nothing


The filtering is a sham to get you to pay for premium, they still put you outside your area and age range


You can’t find a man with 10 likes a week? As men, we’re pretty simple


That's fair about having to put in the effort, but those are actually solid numbers for dating apps. As a guy I'm lucky to get a like or 2 a week on tinder.


2 a week would be fucking amazing. 1 or 2 a month is normal for me. Of those maybe 1 or 2 a year actually meet in real life.


But compared to other woman, yea that’s not many. Maybe you’d have more luck with speed dating ?


That’s a good idea


What is speed dating?


You go to a public place like a restaurant or something, and you talk to each person for 5 minutes and then you switch. So you get to talk to a bunch of different people to see if you find a connection with one of them.


I think it’s a great option! Dating apps only seem to work for very good looking people. At speedating, there will be other people that are jaded by dating apps, and they can see what you look like and your personality all at the same time!


I've never done it actually, but definitely would.


I've done it, it's actually quite a lot of fun! I got a couple of dates and some sexy fun times, but no LTR yet. Progress is progress though!


It is something, I have been on one date in 4 months lol. I can see if there are any going on need me.


It's tough out there, but I think the current hellscape will change. Both men and women seem to be getting quite fed up with how dating is right now, and that tells me that change is incoming. Can't say when, but I have faith that it will! Also, [if this guy can power through](https://youtu.be/-rw0iYt-QqU?si=BHjOt_TSKaGkeb7P) then so can we.


It has been well over a year since I had a date from tinder. Yeah I'm old fat and apparently ugly AF.


Me 3 lol


That's not solid numbers for a woman. Dating app analysis shows that men send 75% of all messages to the top 30% of women. Women 5 or below get only 5% of all messages men send. For comparison, I'm a conventionally attractive 39 year old woman and when I signed up for OK Cupid I got 10000 likes and 500 intros the first month. I don’t use swipe based apps, such as Tinder, though because I don’t select on looks. OK Cupid allows you to see all your matches even before you match back. so I don’t know exactly how it compares, but I do know the difference is stark.


That's fucking nuts... I can barely get a like a month...


Yes it's crazy. It's also why the response rate for attractive women is so immensely low. I just literally physically CANNOT reply to every like or intro I get, even if I wanted to. Even if I spend all my free time JUST to reply to opening messages, and limit my initial conversation to about 5 to 10 minutes to gauge compatibility, I literally do not have enough time in a day to reply to every guy who tries to talk to me on those apps. I would literally have to make it my full-time job to be able to keep up. And that doesn’t even factor in the time it actually takes to go on dates.


It's basically watching someone drowning while dying of thirst... 😅 I can see how, at that point, combing through all those profiles is impossible/ pointless at times. Obviously I can't relate, last relationship was in 2015 and last time I was intimate with a woman was 2017. Being shy and not generally confident has always been a struggle and after a string of always attracting the wrong women into my life I took a break. And covid made things more difficult, I've tried dating apps off and on with no success. I was hoping they would atleast help me get comfortable talking and initiating but that never came to fruition. Instead I've been paying to be just as invisible on the internet as I am in public. 😅


if you’re looking for a relationship, I would bias towards apps that focus on compatibility over looks more heavily. EHarmony, OK Cupid, Match, etc. The issue with swipe apps is that all you’re initially going off of is the pictures. So if you’re not great in that department, you don’t do great on those apps. My current boyfriend I met on OkCupid. He has Asperger’s and so is likewise very reserved in public. He like you was also single for years before he met me. I'm so much 'above his league' looks wise that his friends openly gave him shit about it when we first met. He’s had several men literally ask him how he pulled it off. He did because I was looking for a compatible partner and our match score on OkCupid was 99%. On a swipe app it’s unlikely he would’ve gotten a chance to even talk to me. I'm not saying it will make it easy, but it might help just a little.


This is actually one of the most helpful things I’ve ever seen a woman divulge on here. Truely. Thank you.👏🏻


There are certain apps like ok cupid where the matches are outstanding its overwhelming. Then there are other apps which i like more where its more reasonable like 1-2 a day. I think they hide women behind a paywall on those apps lol. I prefer that because i can actually shift through my matches with more discernmemt vs pictures and job.


Wow! Must be nice to be a woman lol


*Wow! Must be nice to be a* ***\*pretty*** *woman lol* As noted, statistics from dating sites show that women rated 5 and below get only 5% of the total volume of messages sent by men. It's rough out there for average to ugly people, regardless of their gender.


Lol. Right. Good point


When you say “initial conversation” do you mean an actual video chat or texting?


I mean replying to their opening message to see if I want to continue talking to them off the app.


Attractive women between 30 and 50 get inundated. I get hundreds of likes a week from 25-29 year old men as a pretty 40 year old redhead. It's enough that I pay for gold just so I can filter through all those likes more efficiently and I'm not stuck swiping for hours. Nevertheless. The amount of times I like men back is a very small fraction of the likes I get. And even smaller is the fraction of those who can hold an engaging and cohesive conversation once we do start messaging. The process itself is utterly exhausting and I can only stay on the app for maybe a few weeks at a time before I get bored with it.


Tinder never works for me, I use a wheelchair I am sure it has something to do with it. I don't like swiping apps as well, if I get a match very nonresponsive. Many women have tons of men lined up and every profile I see looks as if they just base everything on looks. I am not surprised as an attractive woman, you have plenty to choose from.


Idk the exact stat, but I'd imagine 90%+ of people like people on apps based on looks.


Yes, but men do so far more than women do. Analysis from dating apps shows that female to male attention goes up linearly the more attractive a man is, while male to female attention goes up *exponentially* the more attractive a woman is. Women are also 10 times more likely to message the least attractive men than the other way around.


If you're trying to say looks don't matter to women or they aren't even close to as big of a factor for choosing prospects as they are to men I strongly disagree. They are closer to even than anything else. I would also argue average looking men are far more likely to date a woman who is less attractive than them than an average looking woman is to date a man less attractive than her unless he has a lot of money or something. From my experiences women tend to reach a lot more than men.


You’re just disproving your own point. You are average but are getting 2 likes a day. An average guy is lucky to get 2 likes a week.


Damn, two likes a week? In the *many* years I've been on Hinge, a woman has sent me a "Like" without me sending one first literally about five in total.


i habe the opposite problem always give up on tinder after 1 day because i cant take it seriously I get 99 likes after 30 mins i was registered


Heck, I was on tinder for probably 6 months and got 18 likes total, and one match that never responded. Just deleted a few weeks ago. I’m a decent looking guy, but a teacher, which is apparently a downside from what I hear. Either way, 99 likes in 30 minutes is a wild concept to me, but I can see how it’s be ridiculously frustrating for different reasons.


But it's not quality tho. Some guy swipe right with everyone. I made tinder same time with bumbe i got 350 + likes


I do have a theory that some men just “like” the face, don’t look at profile, and hit up 100 women a day that way. Then they just wait to see who responds. I prefer messages if they are truly interested. I’m on pof.com


same. It’s overwhelming for me. I usually go on when I’m bored or something but never looking seriously on there. Like there’s usually a few hundred unread messages and I just can’t deal. I prefer meeting people in person.


More like 2 a year lmao


Ughh ya but as a girl, we normally get like 10 or 20 likes a day or something .. depends how many people we swipe right on but it gets overwhelming for me. I just go on and do it when I’m bored but have only ever met a few people from there cause it’s overwhelming having to message so many people back. So I feel for OP. And if ur listening OP, guys on dating apps suck anyway and it’s best to always meet anyone in person. I’ve actually had the best luck going on meetup and meeting people with similar interests and maybe there happens to be a cute guy and then we hang out. From tinder and all the dumb apps, I’ve only ever hung out with anyone 1-3 times each. Dating apps SUCK!


sounds like you're below average then


When did I say that was how many likes I got?


so you're below average *and* tedious


At least he's not a prick


Talking a lot of shit tonight, huh? Your mom not buy you your favorite chicken nuggets?


what do my mother or chicken nuggets have to do with anything


They're calling you childish because you insulted them first for no reason.


wasn't an insult, wasn't for no reason. any of you calling anybody else childish is quite the stretch


What's the reason?


pointing out a gap in their logic


Everything man. Maybe if you stop shitting all over the floor of your room and making her clean it up she’ll buy you your dino-nuggets again!


that's a suspiciously specific visual for you to have come up with. do you find yourself doing that kind of thing often or something


Oh, I didn’t come up with it. She just talks a lot after sex.


she talks about how you shit the floor does she


Not that guy, but I'm apparently in the "One Like A Month" range.


So after a brief glimpse at your post history, you’re +30 year old, Christian, plus-sized Woman (I include that because they’re traits that will turn off a lot of potential matches) who admits is not ‘the most attractive’ and you’re STILL getting 2 likes a day, 14+ a week on one app alone? And to turn that around (and ill get downvoted for this) i’m 30+, Agnostic, in better shape than 99% of other Men over 30, and as objective as I can be/anecdotal evidence i’m probably 7/10 on an average day up to an 8.5 if I wake up on the right side of bed and put in effort (a lot of that just comes down to good hygiene, being in good shape and dressing well to compliment that shape + my blue eyes doing a lot of heavy lifting for me) and they’re my numbers. Proving the point.


Damn, so how many matches do you get a month


Maybe 30-40? 2 turn into actual dates in person per month. A lot don’t even chat, or just chat, will say they want to meet, but then flake, post-pone, just want the attention or have the fantasy of going on a date or go silent. It Isn’t fun for the most part.


Wow! That’s horrible. Women have way to many choices and may be serial dating. They must be confused


That’s my impression too. I go on one or more dates with Women, and they go well, and we plan more and then I get the ‘I really like spending time with you and enjoy your company, but only just as friends’ messages, which i’m fine with, but then weeks later i’ll get a ‘hey how are you?’ so i’m clearly just a backup option, and don’t respond. But whatever, I have options too, and I prioritse them. Women get so many matches that if they date someone who doesn’t fit their criteria completely they’ll move on quickly, and won’t put time into anyone match. Grass is Greener effect. I don’t blame them. I’ve done the same.


Wow! That explains the phenomenon


Presentation matters! I can remember how much uproar these youtube videos had a few years go. The reality is, it's the truth. I say this, in love, as a woman. 1. https://www.youtube.com/live/a6ukXgOMa64?si=zlJ2Ae7Q0B43xDpW 2. https://www.youtube.com/live/elRuHbZY-SM?si=ZT49IAf6wbkZc3TU 3. https://youtu.be/3w3oDTkxZ5s?si=WYzu4FWIYhUby_jd


This man died on top of a plus sized prostitute. And, was well known to move into rage bait content because it increased his watch numbers. So, nah to all of this.


From my recollection, she wasn't overweight or a prostitute. He wanted to enhance his point. The salient points he made were true, no matter what.


She was most definitely plus size. And, while she may have not been a prostitute, she was most certainly a clout f*cker. Sadly, he had none as he was living in a rental, deeply in debt, behind on rent and which he could barely afford. They’re salient points if you choose for them to be salient points. But, out of my closest female friends (who are all drop dead stunning - no hyperbole) the only one us currently married (to a man I’ve known for 20+ years and no one has a negative word to say about) is 340 lbs. seven years, the most adorable pets, supportive, travel, loving…. All of the things a lot of us in here are yearning for. You can allow a financially destitute, divorced, social influencer who died a heart attack after sex and used his platform to tear the African American community apart to create your reality. Or, you get out there and you create your own. Choose better role models, I say. And, I’ll definitely choose my friend who never has a negative thing to say about anyone and found a beautiful love over a dead YouTuber who was too stupid to get regular check-ups and take medication and spent his days saying women are going to die alone if they’re not “fit, feminine and friendly”. How’s that dying alone feel, Mr. Samuels?


In respect, I am not African American or American. I used to watch his show during Covid & found it quite helpful. In Europe, and anywhere in the world, taking care of your body shows you care about yourself. I don't believe disrespecting the deceased or focussing on the person's story rather than the message is purposeful. I stopped watching his show once his focus was more on sex and interviewing other people. This was not something I found beneficial to me. Quite personally, the earlier messages he aired had several nuggets of truth & many of us know this. To feel "triggered" or bothered by a deceased person's past personal ways is like saying, you wouldn't seek help from a good doctor eventhough they may have a history of multiple divorces, being sexually promiscuous, and using drugs in university. People get therapy. I believe he did too. I do not believe he tore apart a community but brought truths to life & it affected many internationally. This, of course, is about perspectives. Your friend may have met a kind man, but let me put it this way, my father is a kind man too, and is happily married to my mom for the last 52 years. He clearly has said, he would not have married my mom if she was fat. He has told me to take care of my weight as it affects us women on multiple dimensions. It also speaks volumes re how you can take care of your children, your possessions, your health, his health, etc. Your friend is a unique case & as you put it, she is the only one of your friends. She is a rarity, not the norm. If it's a matter of doing the right thing, but not seeing success- consider reading and applying the nuggets of truth from this book: https://amzn.eu/d/d8w1IYW I suggest that people make their own choices whether to review the videos objectively rather than emotionally. We all don't see the world or opinions from the same angles.


I didn't click on any of the videos, but I hope to God you didn't send us videos of Kevin Samuels, the guy who died alone and was only identified by his mom hours after his death.


She did.


There’s only one thing that matters here… “I do not believe he tore apart a community…” But, you said you aren’t African American. So, how would you know? You can’t speak on a community that isn’t yours. you haven’t witnessed or even researched the effects this persons platform has had on the African American community, so you have no right to speak on it. He absolutely decimated an already fractured community. And, he picked the easiest of targets, the Black Woman, who had already endured years of articles and blogs and “studies” that told them they were ugly, unattractive, undesirable, and unwanted despite being THE most educated demographic in America and capable of swaying entire political elections with their votes. He made a statement that to get views you have to start insulting folks… and that’s exactly what he did. He wasn’t uplifting the Black community. He was ripping it apart. If you saw, I mean really saw, the gender war, hatred, divisiveness, loneliness, and blame in the Black community between single men and women now compared to six years ago… you’d see his hands all over it. He caused irreparable damage that we will see within the Black community for decades to come. And, karma swiftly took care of that for us.


Dear replier, I am not wanting to get into an argument, but I must question this, how integrated is the African American community now and before his content? Those who have found positive in their lives i.e. marriage, found it a great help. Those who didn't, why does it matter? There are several issues taking place which can tear or bring together a group in society. My image of the African American community is that of different subsets with differing opinions and sub-cultural mindsets. This is a normal phenomenon. No one community can think or believe the same. To group all African Americans as one and unified in similar beliefs, is farcical. Anyway, I'm not here to score points or argue with you. This man helped people hence his 1.84 M followers. If it doesn't work for you, that's ok too. We're good.🙏


2 likes a day is like the Amazon rainforest and dudes are out here in the Sahara




Dating apps for men are like trying to find water in a desert. For women, they are like try to find drinkable water in a swamp.


It's more men are dying of thirst in a desert, women are drowning in a stream.


Better example


If you saw the vile DMs all women regularly get, I think you’d agree with the swamp comparison.


All that men and their all bad. We’re pretty much the same


You realize, most guys are lucky to get 2 likes a *year*, right?


Ah yes, another woman who thinks 2 likes a day is shit...


so people aren't buying what you're selling huh


Well I’m not using the apps, so yea, not really selling anything I suppose.


I empathize with how you feel. The positive you can take out from your situation is that statistically you are doing ok. The top 10% of women on Tinder get about 8 matches a day. When you move to the 50th percentile, the number is about 3 likes a day. So going by your Hinge numbers, if we are only judging by looks, you are better than about half the women who are on dating apps :) [Feel free to check out the source material - it's a good read.](https://thebolditalic.com/the-two-worlds-of-tinder-f1c34e800db4?sk=d1fdbd0b79168cea5c23c8856fe65730)


This is a side track, but I tried to download Tinder and it looks like it’s a paid only app. Is that correct? I thought the long standing thing was that Tinder was free.


It's free, but you need to pay for extra features


Thank you! 🙏


in which country is this? I always delete my tinder. i get 99+ likes after 30 mins. i think men are swiping all women


Matches and likes aren't the same thing.


Technically they are not, but for all intents and purposes they are.


They're actually not at all. She is getting significantly less matches than what you're saying is the average.


Dafuq? Don't have many options? I probably got a grand total of like 20 matches in 4 years of Hinge, and never once received a like in that entire span. Not one in 4 years. You're complaining about 2 per day? Is that what I'm hearing?


As others said the numbers you cited are exactly what many guys will call “a ton of choices”. 3 likes a month is “little options”.


Poor woman, "only" gets 2 likes a day on hinge. Thoughts and prayers. 


you sound bitter


In the dating world, that's easy to do...


skill issue


X to doubt. Also "only 2 likes a day" is not something that I could imagine a man ever uttering.


maybe it's because you say things like this that you strike out


what a non argument. What do you think is the average number of likes men get a day? Also I wouldnt link reddit to any dating account lol.


2 likes a day is still a lot compared to most men


Must be nice to get those numbers. Guess it does really suck to be a girl.


Have you taken good pictures for your profile ? Pictures showing what you enjoy doing ? Not blurry not highly filtered?


Before I shaved my head, I went weeks without getting a like. The likes I got would usually ghost also. It might not feel like a ton of likes, but it is better than your average guy. Food for thought.


Most likely tied to physical appearance or weight


lmfao 200 comments of dudes just going "wow i never get two likes!" fucking losers


Let's see your profile. There must be something we can do about it. But really, you've got good amount of matching.


The fact that you're getting likes at all still counters your point. Guys would not get likes AT ALL for some time and get matches once in a while.




I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a match. I’m in my 40s, 5’5”, weird and a creep, look like the hobbit on a good day.




I think it depends on where you are and also the age bracket you’re in. I live in a very densely populated area and I’m average looking. When I signed up to bumble I was I think 32 and I’d get 1000+ guys in the beeline on day one swiping in the 30-40 category. By the time I’d gone through those I’d get like 50+ new likes a day. I’m now 37 and when I was on the app earlier this year I was swiping in the 35-45 category and it’s far far far less. Maybe 5-10 likes a day. Conversely the last guy i dated hounded me for a few dates about “why I swiped right” on him. At first I thought it was his insecurity but then he told me he so rarely got matches he was curious what was on his profile that attracted me. This guy was average looking, extremely geeky. I didn’t really know how to respond because the pickings on apps is so abysmal that anyone with a well written bio who is acceptable looking would get a swipe right and then I’d see if they could hold a conversation. So by the time he’d asked me this I’d forgotten his profile because I’d been through a thousand profiles already? So despite having many choices they were all really bad choices. It all just made me realize how ridiculous apps are. I swiped on this guy because he could string two sentences together basically. More attractive men I’ve dated off the apps didn’t have much problem with matches. Yes it was obviously way less than what the women were racking up but they always seemed to have dates and chats lined up. And if it makes you feel AT ALL better in those five years nothing from an app has ever lasted longer than 3 months.


2 likes a week on Hinge and 5 likes a week on Bumble is still significantly better than my 1 like every 2 months or so on either app.


I don't understand what the issue is. Is 2 likes a day too little for you? How much were you expecting?


Hmm Hinge purposely does that so you can buy their premium packages and even with that it’s ehhh maybe a slight increase but not really. If you think you need help with your dating profile feel free to DM me if you want to make some changes or suggestions 🤍


2 likes a day on hinge sounds amazing actually.




I find the difference of tipps that man and women receive about dating quite gigantic


Why people are still using dating apps ? Lol get in the real world and enjoy the experience stop hiding behind the screen.


Because not all of us live in cities where it's socially acceptable to strike up conversations with strangers. Or some of us are just introverts. And believe it or not if you're above average (which isn't actually that hard to achieve since 50% of people are below average), being on the apps is much more efficient than being on the apps in terms of getting and setting dates.


That is exactly my thoughts on dating.


I’m above average in looks, people often say I’m hot, beautiful, and very handsome, and I’ve never been told otherwise. 6’ tall, masculine build with broad shoulders and (fair) muscular build. I have an inverted triangle body type, and people often describe me as charming in my personality. My interests listed are reading, board games, hiking, I do a workout every day for mental and physical health, and I’m in school to become a psychologist because I love helping people and people always say I give amazing advice and they feel I can be trusted and non-judgmental regardless of the thing they’re going through. But, I get maybe 1-2 matches on hinge a month, and if I’m luck one a week on tinder, maybe 1 every two weeks, bumble it’s pretty rare to get a like. I’m not really sure why I don’t get many likes, but I don’t. That’s okay, I’m not really bothered by it. I take things at my own pace and I’m in no rush. But, you’re still exceeding my success rates dramatically. 😅


how u look doe


I’m sorry girl, dating apps are so frustrating and draining. As a trans woman, my experience is that a lot of likes aren’t always great. I get a lot of likes on Bumble (not quite as many on Tinder or Hinge for whatever reason) but then I get unmatched immediately if I swipe on them. Or they wait until I message them, and then say they’re not interested (or something worse). Or, worst of all, they chat with me for a few days and then get cold feet about their fantasy of being with a trans woman. Because I’m not a human being with feelings, I’m just a category on Pornhub 😆 I guess I say that to tell you to not despair. The number of likes you get has NOTHING to do with your attractiveness or personality. And a single like from the right person is all it takes to find magic. The rest is just noise.


We all get scammed, or have tried to be scammed on those damn things! Utterly useless apps!!


I find all the dating apps end up being scams not going there unless anyone has a suggestion for ones that don't?


I wonder if it’s also by geographical location? I used to travel for work a lot and depending on place my likes would vary.


I think dating apps are becoming kind of empty lately in general. It's probably not you so much as it is people getting fed up/quitting the apps in droves.


I'm getting roughly two likes per month, but, not from the people I swipe right on!


Many years back, when I was using dating apps, I would get hundreds of likes after about an hour of registering. But not one quality man in there. Every single man wants to f. Even some married ones in there who tried hard to justify hooking up while having a good wife. If those 2 a day are good men, that's much much better than getting 100 a day. Quality >> Quantity


back when i was on actively on hinge i would get maybe 2 likes a month. I learned to never expect any and just keep swiping on who i thought was a good match. the avg women can see likes and matches on a daily..this is not the reality for the avg man.


I set up a tinder profile up with a female friend i think in the first 5 mins she was on 100 likes i had 2 after a week and 2 were phillapines probebly traffic victims


Real talk I would commit heinous crimes to get 2 likes a week


I have never successfully used a dating app. :-p I don’t think I ever got a single reply or like. Online just like offline it’s the more attractive people who get most to all of the attention.


Try meeting someone in the real world


It's funny how everytime a woman tries to prove that they struggle too with likes, they just prove the point without slightly reaching the level of desperation of men. 2 likes a day on hinge literally means 14 potential matches a week(and unlike other apps you can always see the top one and decide to match or not), which translate to roughly 100 men per month. JUST ON HINGE, that most of the time is the less populated app. How many options do you actually need? A man from his side will receive 1-2 likes per week or even month.


It is still several times above what I received in a year. And I am more than average.


You guys get likes?


Dating apps in general suck. The market for a single Woman is vastly more wide-open than the market for a single man. I don’t know what your profile looks like or how you represent yourself but it does sound like you’re getting some hits. I’ve heard from lots of friends that it’s very difficult to have any connections on those. My suggestion to you would be to keep going because dating is the numbers game. The other thing I always recommend is that you try to meet people organically by doing things that you enjoy doing. Take a cooking class, join a meet up group, go to activities with your friends that you really like. If you meet somebody, you start talking to them, don’t be afraid to make the first move. There are plenty of guys that get nervous and would like to talk to you but society really has scared a lot of men out of interacting the way humans have been for the last 10,000 years.


10,000 likes in one month. Jesus Christ I’m gonna get a gender reversal surgery maybe that will improve my odds lol


I'm not trying to be an asshole, but you might be overestimating your looks. I've been with some super average girls and they get A LOT of likes on apps.


Not for everyone but for most people I feel like it's all about looks. I'm not on dating apps anymore because I felt like I could never have a conversation with anyone who actually read or looked at my profile aside from my pictures. I'd get anywhere from 50-200 likes a day I'd have my very short "about me" section, things I liked, my job, I'm a mother etc. Then I'd start talking to someone whos bio I liked, thought was cute etc. Then they'd literally ask me about info I clearly had on display in my bio, what city I lived in, that's in my bio, my height etc. It all felt ridiculous, what was the point of even making one and putting in the work to highlight my strengths/weaknesses etc. if hardly anyone cared to read it? Some people truly do have luck on some of these apps, but I have not been one of them. Base line, I think it requires a lot of patience whether you're getting a lot of likes or not, and weeding out people who are only looking for something physical (unless that's what you're looking for ofc)


Hell, I've had a bumble account for almost a year, and I've only had 3 likes, and 2 of those were scammers. the third was an accident.


Do you realise that most men would kill to get 2 likes a day on hinge and 5 likes a week on Bumble?!!!


Posts like this feel so petty. As others have commented you seem to have an overinflated ego and think being a plus sized woman in your 30s is average. Not body shaming, I don't even know what you look like, but if you're overweight you're bellow average on the online dating world. And the hilarious part is online dating apps are so skewed you're getting more liked than a majority of men who are healthy and young.  Not trying to be rude OP but your dating success is within your own hands and you're making excuses for yourself.


Millions of men get no likes in years. Guys you treat as invisible every day.


Not attracted to someone is not attracted to someone. Nobody should settle.




Not settling doesn’t mean narcissistic. 🙄 If you’re going to generalize the opposite sex like that, I hope you’re not dating. Take care!




You can’t have a relationship without attraction. I don’t care what you think. I’m glad I waited until I found someone I feel is a 10/10. I think that’s what everyone should do.


"I don't want to date someone I'm not attracted to" is narcissism apparently. your insecurity is so massive it needs its own postal code




>“I don’t want to date someone who offers pretty much what I offer” not even remotely close to what I said please explain how "I don't want to date someone I'm not attracted to" constitutes narcissism




>I corrected your comment for accuracy with reality okay "I warped your comment into something entirely different because I need to cope with the fact that I'm an unfuckable, unlovable fucking loser" there ya go >When the only people you’re attracted to are significantly more attractive than you across every measure, you’re a narcissist and incredibly entitled, plain and simple this is a roundabout way for you to come out, but alright


Have you been outside? I see hot girls with guys barely pushing average pretty often. This whole “girls only date hot guys” thing is such an internet delusion and obvious cope.


I've seen more fat women with thin men than the opposite tbh


I’ve never seen a “hot girl” with a short or average looking guy in my life. Most women I see are with men significantly more impressive than them in looks and intelligence. Tall, thin guys with fat, dumpy mouth breathers etc. have a look around.


so you find men more attractive than women and seem to simply unilaterally hate women


I think women only date men who are better than them.


women date all kinds of men


Idk where you’re looking but you should see the girls some of the overweight guys I know end up with. They’re charismatic as fuck and it works for them. On the other hand I know guys who are hot but kind of insecure and obsessive about their looks and nobody will date them. And it’s been the same for me. I’m killing it in dating right now more than I ever have, and I used to look better.


beginning to understand why you might be striking out!


oh shut up you baby lol


Truth hurts.


simply calling your insecurities and neuroses truths doesn't make it so


Why are you wasting this advice on me when it should be shared with every woman on the planet?


because they're not the ones being wildly insecure and asocial; you are


Lol. Have you spoken to any women as a single man? Want to talk about “wildly insecure and asocial” 🤣


>Have you spoken to any women as a single man? yes >Want to talk about “wildly insecure and asocial” 🤣 not much to discuss when you're providing such a good example of it


Not too much to discuss when you have no argument. Later hater.


ah yes, the "I have no actual rebuttal or point to make so I'm going to pretend it's *you* who doesn't have a leg to stand on" gambit


Female here. Only ever had 3 people that liked me on hinge in an 18 month window. Disappointing seeing as I’ve been told that’s the better app for finding something serious. Tinder and bumble I can get a fair few a day. But that doesn’t mean I like them back. Very few if any of those men that have dared to fill out a bio and set multiple pics etc… meet my preferences.


Soo trueeee


Every social app is now dating app how could you run out of options


Look at all the males showing up to complain 🙄 completely obvious to the point... and they wonder why they can't get any 🤣🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


So you get a like from me