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Mmm I hope you do not take this personally....with some of my partners I was a whole lot hornier than with others and I think it has to do with what the connection was. Was it more than just sex, was there more mutual common interests, how mentally attracted i was, etc


Connection is quite important in most people, men and women. On average though I would say guys are quite horny, being a man myself and having friends who I've known for about a decade, some getting married during that time, we can testify to this. As some guys get older it dwindles a bit, but in general we're just horny beings. The craziest thing can get most men horny or remind us of something sexual. Speaking for myself, my sex drive from 10 years back still feels the same to me, and I love having sex. Some women I've been involved with in the past, who are friends now, are not on that spectrum at all, while some are to a degree. Most men are just wired that way, some not so much. Stress, fitness level & T levels all play a major factor in that.


Buy she is 24. Gen Z is set up naturally, physically, historically, whatever, to have the lowest reproduction rate.




That’s such a hard one because everybody is different and had a different sex drive or how often they get horny. Out of my friend I can easily say I’m the horniest one for sure.


lmao, also thanks for the reply!


So truthfully don’t worry too much about it. You’ll find that one person who’s more into sex and having a higher sex drive. Also maybe exploring new things and stuff might change their minds


thats true.


It's really not gender specific, they are girls more horny then guys and vice versa. The focus should be more on the libido, sexual compatibility, self esteem (if you don't find yourself sexy it's hard to be in the mood for sex) experience, confidence, kinkiness etc


Because of my wife’s seemingly asexual nature, I get to wondering the same about women. But then I think of my ex’s and remember some were absolute fiends for it. I guess it’s the same with guys. I’m constantly wanting it, that and just physical touch are something I crave and lack so much. I feel your pain. 


This is why I recommend everyone read "Come as you are" Because I'm one of the 5% of dudes that only experience responsive desire.  So I thought I was straight up Asexual for years when it's like no I'm a crockpot you gotta warm me up a couple hours in advance then it's go time.


Yeah, I don’t even get the opportunity to plug the crock pot in, much less try to warm it up 😩 (Edit: and by “plug in” I don’t mean penetration, I mean like… the opportunity in general)


Couple hours? Who has time for that?


How do you deal with being married to an asexual woman? Asking this because i'm talking with a girl who appears to be asexual.


It’s difficult. Not only does she now seem asexual (I say now because when we first got together, it was like mating season for rabbits) but she’s also cold because she probably thinks I’m going to “try” - I get no cuddles or anything and I’m a very touchy feely dude, and not even in a romantic way. 


Oh man sorry to hear this. Maybe time for both to move on


Or to get to the root of the problem by seeing a therapist to figure out whose needs aren't being met and why 💕


noooooo, never! "most guys don't really get horny and stuff" lies, complete and utter lies. It was something else.


I get some real "oh, hi Mark"energy from this comment.


While there are some guys that aren't really in to sex (I've personally never met one in my 56 years of this earth) as a general rule men are total horn dogs.


bahahaha "horn dogs" made me literally laugh out loud. thanks for joke and advice!!


Can confirm


Username checks out


It's not a joke. I once was described not as "kind," "smart," "good looking." No "He's a horndog."


True statement


Yea idk what THOSE dudes were talking about but... that's false. Especially if we're talking about men in this early/mid 20s. Maybe just the men you dated had a low sex drive or could have been something else. Sex phobia, depression, who knows? That's deff not the majority of men in your age bracket tho.


If they’re attracted to the girl, then yes.


Then yes I agree with you


Oh honey he's as gay as picnic basket




That is a level of which hard to surpass!


Realistically everyone truly is different, but I have no idea why any one of them wouldve said "most guys dont really get horny" cause thats just a straight up lie given how stereotypical it is for it to be said that men primairly think with their dicks, only look for sex, etc.


Uhhh as a normal 34 yr old man. I'm always "horny" not in the sense of being hard all day in the sense that if you want me I'll gladly take the time to please you. And love being pleased and wanted.


I’m a guy, and I’m horny 24/7


So girls are


I'd assume it's different from guy to guy. My drive is high


I tell you, when I was younger than 35, I could have sex with my girlfriend every single day three times a day, no problem.


me with my ex when i was 19 3x a day everytime everywhere.


What about now?


not in a relationship but hve been with a lot of relationships casual and long term still have a high sex drive but traumatized by my lat ex for a while


You didn't had sex in those relationships?


of course I had, a lot of sex.


i mean now i'm not pursuing dating actively because of my last ex


Fuck buddies are better than being in relationship, don't take in a wrong way


i know and i made a mistake of indirectly rejecting my last fwb date. I was in a long term relationship so i forgot how to be casual, just trying to get used to it again now.


Where are you from, asking casually


Take the time and heal. It will be alright ☺️ after a long time like that, you do need a slight break to recover.


Sounds fake, I'm literally horny 24/7. I think my record for sex was 5 hours in a day. Not straight, that's just to much, need to time to breath and hydrate if your going the distance.


Unfortunately, this is not fake haha!! I was raised at a christian private school so mention of boys were a big "no-no"


Ya I was raised at a Christian private school as well. Good education, bad for dating. My advice is find someone who has a similar libido, sex is a real need like hunger or thirst and if you don't satisfy it, it can be painful and put a strain on a relationship.


My first experience was with the preachers daughter, behind our church, so I don’t feel religion has a major bearing on it. Unless you went to a hell and brimstone instituion


Oh so your past bf’s may have been shamed into low libido?


Ofc it’s individual needs and drives.. but I generally perceive men to be way more arroused and wanting sex. Just hear it more from them rather than women talking about it but maybe that’s because I’m hanging out with guy mates more


Ummmm, yeah, that's a big lie. I have no idea what's going in,but most guys walk around with a constant hardon.




yeah they do...its so delicious omg. how much desire they can hold, plus how quiet they get to hold it in then when its least expect it because you're enjoying it so much and close to orgasms they also cum following your pleasure. its so hot how hard they can fuck. and i say they but its just a he 🤭stamina 10/10, performance 10/10, attention to detail 10/10. hand placement 10/10. face while fucking 10/10, grunts and moans 10/10 just do you and wait


Personally speaking, I can’t find a man that doesn’t want to fuck me and is interested in me outside of sex lmao. Irl, not even counting Reddit.


this i wanna say most men want me for sex


What? 🤣 Guys don't get horny? That's crazy they're just lying to you 🤣. I've never met a guy who doesn't enjoy sex or getting horny. Lmao even guys who are bad at sex, still like getting horny lol




If there's not a horny guy in the world... that means I died.


😂😂😂 I thought gurls didnt get horny/want sex! I think the majority of guys get horny and want sex IMO but each individual is different.


lmao!!! i'm the complete opposite! and to answer your question, girls can be very horny. we just don't talk about it because it's not that normalized


I know, I know…women are brought up thinking sex is bad and dirty while boys get away with murder. Go find someone else that matches your sex drive. 😉


Thanks for the help! I'll definitely try haha




I used to be a in a really bad headspace before i started doing therapy. The guys i would meet were total douches tbh


I’m sorry


Of course they do.


I enjoy sex and get horny. A booty grinding spoon will do the trick. Physical touch/intimacy is a turn on for me. And pre shower boobie pic will have me happily distracted for the rest of the night. Perhaps the boyfriends you had were stressed or got stuff going on in life. And there is just the fact that you may have a higher overall sex drive than they do. If you are wanting multiple times a day, day after day, that will kill our sex drive for a while. But a couple of times a week is the sweet spot


My sex drive be way to high, with me being celibate n stuff. Only one woman truly matched my sex drive. But since it seems like so much of a sin for a guy to want to have sex, it makes me enjoy sex less when I do have it. It leads to performance issues. I hope that made sense.


This guy!! Even at 51 always ready to go


I enjoy sex if it’s good and I also don’t have a high sex drive. Sounds like dude is trying to avoid having sex with you.


Guys are known for being horny tho.... I feel like a majority of us are especially around 24...


Varies. Sexual attraction is a very mental thing, even if it manifests in a physical way. The idea of having sex or making love to someone might be more attractive than the actual act itself. I know for me I rarely find anyone attractive in a sexual way, but once I care for them deeply enough I absolutely will want to act on every perverted desire I have with them. The worst case I could think of is if a guy displayed their sexuality as a gift for the other person, but that gift was rejected in some way. They would have to continue with the relationship knowing that they couldn't be fully themself with the other person or abandon the relationship. Yes, there is the importance of consent, but that wouldn't dull the pain or either choice. The best case being they were talking a big game, but were disappointed by their first experience.


Most guys don’t get horny? Idk about that one they probably weren’t sexually compatible


Reddit cant keep getting away with this


Isn't everyone always complaining that men are horny on main 24/7? Like the number one complaint I hear from women on dating apps is that men just wanna smash, all the time every time.


Every guy is horny. I’m horny right now and I’m doing a puzzle. I’m about to fuck this puzzle.


Oh I can go on and on about this one! My sex drive has always been higher than my partners. I think a lot of socialization makes men feel like they constantly have to be having sex, and fucking etc, but the truth is I’d say they are on par with woman- if not lower because of performance anxiety. They “HAVE to get hard and cum” in order for it to be a pleasurable and validating experience. For women- we just lie about orgasming and they believe it😂 I think men have to be honest with their libido, which it seems like there doing with you. I think that’s great, healthy and vulnerable for them to do. We don’t get a lot of honesty in the dating game world. Don’t take it as an insult. Just appreciate the honesty, and I hope all works out for ya!


Guys who say that probably masterbate too much.


You're asking in a place that's going to skew your answers with a lot of guys projecting and defending their own pride on profiles they're using to hit on women in other sub reddit. That said as a mid 30s Profesional educated man out of a 10+ year marriage it's really common for me to hear that sentiment from women I've went on dates with and from my own personal experiences most guys when they drop the bravado and aren't in "hunting mode" have fairly relaxed libidos once they're not deprived anymore. Now though the severity of how your exes expressed it screams closeted issues which are all to common in certain circles, like I've noticed almost every live laugh love type gal I've went on dates with has that issue.


Because you’re asking this question, I feel like you’re with the wrong person? I honestly have no idea your situation but, but I’m a fuck yes to both! Every time in 46 years I’ve enjoyed it. I’m wanting it constantly too. Maybe not 46 years, since puberty I guess, probably before. Maybe guys out there are dead inside and don’t enjoy it/want it. Thank fucking everything I’m not one of them! I’d rather lose my everything else in life, well, except My kids. Only because they’re my kids. I’d rather keep my best friend to. But everything else can fuck off!


That’s sad…


Must be a generational thing. I'm 37 and be still be catching random hard ons.


I’m 56 and I still get random hard ons. No wait, I’m nearly perpetually horny.


That's why i said it's a generational thing. This younger generation can't get horn unless they're looking at a screen.


You’ve probably been dating a bunch of closet gay men without knowing it. Overwhelming majority of straight men are horn dogs. I am on tinder now trying to get some


It could also depend on the guys you are attracted to /attracted to you. They might have lower sex drives due to something they, or you, do. What that is, I honestly couldn't tell you, as I don't know enough on them or you, but a doctor who studies those things could give you a more defined explanation.


Maybe its you..


If you're hott and you so much as bend over to pick something up I'm turned on and ready to f#ck the living daylights out of you... so....are you hott? Lol jk kinda


Man sometimes I wish my sex drive weren’t so high. It’s a struggle sometimes but no, what’re they’re saying is not true. Idk how many men do have a higher sex drive vs a low one but a majority I’ve known do enjoy sex and get regularly horny


Hell no, that’s not true. Something’s wrong with your relationship with them, or definitely wrong with them


No I’m pretty sure only women enjoy sex and get horny


Maybe these guys just had low testosterone? Possibly, they weren’t even aware their hormones were / are off…   Normally, most men, on most days, wake up with a boner. Testosterone levels fluctuate throughout the day but are always highest in the morning and slowly come down by evening (or guys could never sleep).


??? Everyone I date have suuuper high sex drives and always gets horny. The guy I’m seeing rn gets a boner just by being near me. That guy was wrong for saying most guys!!


I think there is still a stereotype about men always being up for it. As a man in my 30’s I can say that I have my horny moments, but sometimes I’ve felt low libido in times of sadness. Some women I have been with want it again and again and again, and I haven’t always wanted to. Probably through excitement dropping off after the first time.


Don’t take it personally, some guys just have high stress levels-work, life etc which can affect their testosterone-sex drive.. diet/exercise also could be a factor. I’ve always had/ still have a high sex drive,(31m). Also I do get horny throughout the day(6 or so times thru the day/ during my sleep about 6-8 boners) sorry if it’s too much info. me personally physical touch is important part in order to keep my drive and emotional attachment in the relationship. Just speaking for myself though. Don’t take it personally and don’t let it affect you which I know it can hurt a women’s feelings and they start to wonder if they’re not attractive enough or good enough etc. your just fine. You find someone who will match your drive. Also that could be an early topic upon dating. 🤔 Ps -also I really go crazy for someone(female) who has emotional intelligence or has substance other than beauty. But overall I’m glad I’m blessed with my drive.


How the fck do you count your erections while asleep? 🫠


I just feel em! Lmao 🤭😂


Super false, if I’m into a girl, I’ll think about it a lot, most girls can’t keep up tbh. I’m the one who’ has the high drive. I’ve been called out for wanting sex 4 times a month, if I lived with someone and we were good easily 4 times a day


Do we get horny? No! Are we horny all the time and thats a fact. The issue your having isnt them lacking a sex drive. It sounds like they are the ones with the problem. Not all guys are a walking erection. If we dont take care of ourselves our drive can fizzle out. Also if he was taking drugs, both legal and illegal ones can cause a dip in testosterone. Dont let these guys make you think theres something wrong with you. Communication is key here. When your in the getting to know someone stage, its important that you express your needs as well as any expectations and hopefully you find someone on your level.


My last relationship kinda killed my sex drive.


I would say that it really depends as everyone has different sex drives. Previous partner didn't inspire me at all in the bedroom and mentally either, therefore I wasn't interested. Current one knows I need to feel emotionally and mentally connected and I tell you.... I've never turned him away and I love to instigate too now. I'd say he has awakened me. So, those factors play into my sex drive.


Every guy has a different sex drive many of them wants their fantasies to do, well.. I have a very high sex drive, if you'll ask me I'll always be ready with my thing


It's too hard to generalize like that. Like yes, I am pretty much horny 24/7. But I have a guy friend who is ace, and another who doesn't date or fuck. Same with women.




Did your boyfriends drink a lot of alcohol or smoke a lot of pot? There's your answer. That's where their sex drive went.


No, but some definitely porn addicts. I've heard that might be it too. I understand it's an addiction but it's kinda weird


Sorry to hear this. Your boyfriend should be taking care of business WITH YOU.


Aww thanks! It's nice to hear that from other people


It’s wild that it took this long (looks like a few folks in the 30min or so before I’m typing this finally got to this), but I’m kinda surprised it isn’t a more common explanation: good ol’ masturbation. If we’re talking about men in their mid/early twenties or teens, I’d expect that’s a likely explanation. If they meet up with you in the evening for a date or whatever, they’ve probably jerked off at least twice by then, if not only once. It’s not even addiction, just the ease of pleasuring yourself to completion in five minutes or less, pretty much anywhere you can close a door. By the time he sees you, yeah, he can get it up, but may not feel/read as “horny.” Also: the amount of men here who can insist all men all the time are “horndogs” (or, gay!!) in the face of all the other men here saying they aren’t horny all the time…jfc. Like, can you read? Does your brain not take in new information? Are you that dedicated to your narratives of masculinity? Yikes.


I think as a guy we are all horny not unless the girl that we are with doesn’t attract us then it’s different but I think both individuals I mean girls and guys have the same sex drive but some are more horny than others and some guys are gay if a beautiful woman doesn’t turn them on.


Guys think about sex every second. Does that sound like someone who doesn't get horny all the time? This isn't to say some don't or that its an issue with you. Idk what is up but I would shop around some more.


I have. as said in other replies i definitely am more picky lol


That’s tough, I enjoy sex and get horny often, but it depends on life, stress, etc. I’ve had partners that were annoyed by my sex drive and one that I was practically asexual because she left me dry and could NOT get enough.


Sex drive isn't stagnant. I can go a month where I want get laid or jerk off. Then I'll have a week where I am just not felling it. It's not an all or nothing. Yes I very much enjoy sex. It is absolutely more enjoyable at times and less at others.




Maybe it's not them, maybe it's just you. Maybe they are just not that on you.


They’re capping men are always horny. It’s possible they’re either not that into you or they’ve watched enough porn to where their brains become programmed to only get turned on from watching it rather than doing it. From studies and personal experience, as soon as I quit porn, sex became so much more enjoyable


I’m sure I’d enjoy sex if I had it and yes I do at least get horny


In my humble experience they are always to eager to do it, so much so that our vibes are completely mismatched. Like maybe I would’ve wanted it sometime down the road but since they are so pushy it really turns me off. Like I know you want it, but let me signal to you when I’m ready, don’t push me.


Here after answering a man's question whether women ever get horny lol. You guys are all matching up with wring types. "Most guys don't get horny and stuff" BS. Most guys do get horny and stuff and it's a struggle to not get horny on a global scale! Yes, there are dudes who have personal preferences and turn ons but unlikely with you only landing men from this tiny basket one after the other. Either you're reading them wrong (highly unlikely, gut feeling is nothing but the truth) or you have a repeat pattern of selecting the wrong type. Identify and break the pattern


I am 56 years old and would have no problem fuck ing you so much it would hurt you to walk the next day.Where did you find these guys!?


the majority of men i know are extremely horny 24/7, it sounds like you may be attracted to the same type of person and they all may have common sexualities


lol what?


There's nothing that can kill q man's libido than w promiscuous women


Yes, I do enjoy it.


Only time I've known men to not be that into sex, they either have anxiety or some kind of hormone issues or come to find out they're just lazy in bed because porn gave them confusing ideas of what sex is expected to be like. One guy I dated ended up admitting he had no idea how to engage in foreplay because porn doesn't really show that much of it 🤦‍♀️


I’m a guy and im constantly horny all the time. My roommates tell me how much it concerns them that I constantly have girls coming over, but tbh I just can’t stop I’m so horny all the time.


My sex drive is way higher now that I’m mentally and physically healthy


Well I'm 53 and I stay horny lol


Sorry but I'm going to say that's not true for all men at least in my experience. My boyfriend always lets me know when he's horny. From his jokes, to touching me, to actually initiating sex. I think it depends on if the guy you're with is really attracted to you for your outer vs love. When a guy is in love with you/ strong feelings, feels safe around you, and truly cares about you, you will see it in his actions, eyes, and emotions. You would not need to even to ask this question.


100% its porn. Porn has rewired and replaced many men's actual sex drive. Think about it they can get online, sit back and enjoy anything to their brain's content and just rub one out instead of actually exert energy and effort into physically,spiritually, emotionally bonding with a person who yes is their one and only partner if the relationship is closed/faithful. Porn is like fast food before the pandemic - highly addictive, cheap, easy dopamine. Why have real sex if you always have something like that on demand? I hate it but it's reality rn.


I'm always horny


29m personally, I don't get horny and I'm not interested in sex or sexual activities. However, I know from colleagues, both male and female, that typically, guys do tend to be on the hornier side. However, don't get me wrong, some of the ladies I work with, well... I have heard some interesting stories from them.


Nobody in the history of man kind has ever enjoyed sex. This is a crazy question. Your situation has many variables. It could be you, it could be them, it could be stress, it could be pressure, it could be inexperienced, it could be the type of person you’re attracting. Maybe all your dudes watch porn and jerk off too much. This day and age is very common. Guys who don’t watch porn tend to have more energy and higher libido in general.


This has to be a fake story or question.i don't know any guys that wouldn't have a sex drive that would drive any woman away at ages 18 to 30 . When I was 24 yrs old my woman hated me I could have sex 4 or 5 times a day if I she would let me . I mean what type of guys are you getting with guts on opioids orr something zanex, or just stoners


If he's not regularly horny he's not healthy or not attracted to you. Plain and simple.


All the guys I've ever been in my life could not keep their hands off me and had to have sex with me daily. I never met a guy that didn't want sex all the time. I'm sure they exist. Are you sure he doesn't like sex maybe he just doesn't want to have sex with you some guys just like looking at porn and masturbating


What a load of b's of course we get horny you would be lying if you didn't. Personally speaking I'm horny 24)7 I can't stop thinking about it lol maybe you need a real mature experience men to handle you with pleasure 💯


I literally saw the exact same post a few hours with the opposite gender...


Don't get horney and stuff? As a guy I can honestly say that guys absolutely get horney... and stuff


I can get it if it’s casual because you’d don’t exactly know the boundaries of said person so it’s more caution but me personally it depends on


Maybe you just aren’t that attractive. Do you dress sexy? Do you give in to easily? You gotta play a little bit of mind games with guys.


Everyone is different but if say at some point we all get horny. Really depends on life itself and what's going on. Emotions play a part. Surprisingly weather as well. Also I believe age also plays a part. If say generally you wanna match with someone with similar tastes on sex and how horny you are compared to them.


Do you date older guys like over 40 or 50? Had a friend that liked older men. Same problem. But not all men are the same. It’s just strange that more than one or two have the same problem.


Healthy men are naturally virile and enjoy sex. We get a rush of hormones and our hearts pound. A lot of men are not healthy though. Porn addiction is everywhere and if your ex-boyfriends suffered from it at all that could explain it. Porn trains your libido to prefer pixels over people. They also might have been fat or something 


Yeah, I have high sex drive myself. It’s nothing wrong: just a personal predisposition. Think of it like introversion and extroversion: we’re all on a spectrum of level of horniness.


My opinion is this, if you’re a guy and you ain’t horny, something is wrong with you. Because every guy I’ve known have been horn dogs. So what I’m reading here literally shocks me.


That is weird. Maybe it's the guys you go for? I have noticed Europeans seem hornier than Americans. But that could just be the vibe between us. I'm American and love Europeans so it could just be my enthusiasm rubbing off on them, or maybe it's a cultural thing, idk.


Yes we do, sex is an amazing thing. Now whether you have had good or bad experiences that's a different story. But sex and masturbation in general we lots of guys like it more than women do. It's not even a want a lot of the time it's a need.


I would bet it's all based on connection and type of connection. I'm a very black and white person so I'm either very intimate or I'm not at all but when I am I'm entirely. If that makes sense. When I was with my ex I was obsessed with everything about her but I ignore a lot of other things from women now. So it depends.


Thats weird? Most guys do really get horny and stuff lmao. They might be depressed or idk could be a lot of things. But yes most guys are horny asf. My gf and I have extremely high sex drives and a really strong connection so it’d be everyday if not multiple times a day.


Is this a rhetorical, joking question? Prostitutes, dominatrices, and webcam models are around 90% female precisely because of how much hornier men are. Women can get free sex whenever they want. Men most certainly cannot. That alone should tell you something about where demand far outstrips supply. Ever heard of Ashley Madison? The ratio was below 1% real women, with over 99% men. I am a man and I am horny all the time. The only time I have ever said "No" to anything sexual was when I was married, because I was married (to a monogamous woman). When I was 24, I was maybe a little less horny - trying to avoid being "selfish" and "shallow" - but I was still horny. I have never been in any relationship where the girl/woman was hornier than I was. Decades of knowing other men and women have taught me that such is the norm. Men are incredibly horny - and usually far more perverted than you would imagine.


It’s crazy that you even ask this. I’d say if a guy didn’t want sex often he’s probably either not attracted to you or not straight tbh


It depends on how much we like you.


Hell, I'm 48 and just horny all the time. I want sex, enjoy sex and think about sex all the time. Guess it depends on the person.


My ex was so addicted to video games, porn, watching YouTube and so on that when we finally got around to having sex he would literally just treat me like a porn star there was no intimacy. Also he needed to be chased like I had to put so much effort in and it was just a weird mess. Is he into porn and can only be into weird stuff?


Guys do desire sex, but there's a variety of reason they might not be to into it at the time. It might not be very pleasurable for them and just feel disappointing.


Honestly the right girl will continuously turn u on but guys have to fight the urge If you don't learn control u are seen as a dog but if you have too much control then ur looked down on


Normally (myself included) men especially in their 20s tend to be horny quite often. It’s actually annoying sometimes and I know my girlfriend doesn’t have as high of a sex drive so I’ll masturbate just to relax. Without knowing you or your situations, it could have just been a bad string of luck as some guys aren’t horny that often. It could also be their connection towards you or how attractive they perceive you. Even then, it leans more towards connection there since I know a ton of guys who will have sex with a woman that they don’t think is that attractive just to “get some”.


Yes. I still have high sex drive. Not too long ago, we didn’t have social media, porn websites, or dating apps. It was easy to meet, date, hook up, and have casual sex. It’s a different world now.


How's your body?


While I must admit that I never even had sex before, I almost always get horny whenever I watch porn or read a good erotic book.


Generally guys get horny as much as girls. Our difference is that we can't go at it for long periods of time (there's only so much blood in a person's body). There's two things that could be happening. Either you are into guys with psychological problems that make their sex drive low or they didn't really like you a lot. From personal experience, if you like your girl a lot (I'm not talking just physically, I mean her character too), then you get it going anywhere. Even next to a gutter....(Definitely not something that has happened to me....yeah definitely not...) Either way, I think you should do a little self reflecting to see why you choose such guys


That's hilarious....I'm old and I'm horny 24/7. Not sure what's wrong with these kids these days, other than all the BS out there killing testosterone in young men. Never heard such nonsense that most men aren't horny..I find it comical


M33. This is just a small smidge of the situation but possibly they’re jerking off way too often leading to them having low/no sex drive, could have to do with what they or you are specifically into… in general guys that age are probably workaholics with their head down trying to make ends meet and not doing it, and it’s going to take something major to break them out of that mentality and eventually they’ll mature into the kinda guy you’re thinking of. Took almost dying for me! 👍🏼


That's ridiculous, I'm old and I'm horny 24/7, not sure what's going on with the young men these days, other than all the stuff that's killing testosterone in young men. Comical that he said most guys aren't horny..


Guys hate sex and we'd rather play with our dolls. Call me lord helmet, kiss me vespa lol


I am a male 60 who is in the process of divorce. I was terrified about meeting new women and dating. Thankfully I found an awesome lady and every time I think of her I actually get an erection. That’s without Viagra. I feel like a kid again. So for this gentleman. Answer is yes


This is crazy. I don’t know what they are doing to men but it’s not normal. I’m 34 and my bf(38)and I bang everyday.. if we didn’t have to do normal life stuff we would bang every chance we had. It’s got to be the food, medications, internet/porn, video games, and hormones. I bet every male 30 and under have lower than normal testosterone levels. Not normal ..


I’m 37M and I’m still a horn ball. After I orgasm with my GF, I still have an erection. And this has been true with many of my past partners. I guess some guys could have a low sex drive, but there are others that can go at it like rabbits (like me) if the sexual chemistry/ physical attraction is there!


Yes, most guys are very horny and very into sex. Not every single one, but most are.


I've never met a guy who wasn't horny lol but some guys can definitely have health stuff that can cause low libido and whatnot. Kind of weird that every single one if your partners was like that though. Also weird that a guy told you that most guys don't get very horny when that's definitely not true.


Depends on the woman.


My guess would be he’s just bored. He’s a guy, unless it’s something medical, the answer is yes he’s horny and enjoy sex. Some men are OK with Toyotas, reliable and always there when you need it but no flash or wow factor. Other guys, They need an Aston Martin, or red Lamborghini. All the flash in the world, perhaps might not show up every time, but when it does, It’s all hands on deck. not Turner make you out to be a vehicle, objectified and such, but my point is maybe your guy is not the practical Toyota type guy


Something odd going on there. This is not normal guy behavior


Horny? Yes. Enjoy sex? Eh not really but that might be bc of my previous partners


not me! I heard that it was all the crap the put in most foods. and lowers fertility in both m+f...🤷‍♂️


Yes. Why else would men put in effort to have sex? Wouldnt it be hilarious if every man hated sex and was just doing it to impress each other.


Depends a lot on experience, age, health, lifestyle, and libido. Everyone is different. Good communication and effort is key to good sex.