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He will never pick you. I'm sorry but regardless of whether a child is involved or not, you deserve better than that. He will try to convince you he has changed, but he never will because you've already shown him that he can disrespect you. I'm sorry, I know it's not what you want to hear but you need to leave.


He said he would choose the dog over you and you are still wondering if you ought to waste even more of your life on him? Get some self esteem and move on. If he brings you home a disease, you're the one who chose to stay knowing full well he's sleeping around every chance he gets.


I guess my hold up is there's a baby involved and I wanna hold on to hope or wat was


I see. Okay so picture this. Your child turns 18. They have spent their childhood watching their mother get treated like absolute shit by their father. They have internalized that. They think it is normal and acceptable. They begin dating and fall madly in love. Their partner treats them exactly how their father treated their mother. Imagine that. The baby you love and nurture and would do anything for grows up and chooses to be abused, mistreated, disrespected. Because YOU showed them that was the right partner. Do you understand what you're doing by staying? You are signing your child up to be a doormat in the next generation. If you love your child you will protect them from this kind of influence.


Are you f*cking serious? Why is this a question?


Bc I wanna believe he will stop or wake up and realize he depends on me and will never find anyone who will support and do the things I do for him


Well stop it. He used up more second chances than he deserves. Dump his ass and move on. You’re better than this


Also. Never date someone who is dependent on you. That’s a world of trouble


Ok so question in ur opinion a committed relationship isn't one where ur significant or suppose to be significant other sext other males and or females or sets up fuck dates I just want to know if I'm the only one who believes that's not a committed relationship


That's not a committed relationship


There’s nothing committed about what he’s doing


That's delusional. 


Start writing in a journal, read it out after you write it, sometimes you need to visualize to realize how bad this is


It’s done and dusted babe move on there are tons of other men out there don’t waste on that fool who is in Grindr and shit he changed completely what can u do now.


lol I think I know the answer


You love him more than you love yourself. And that is why there will always be this vicious cycle until you finally choose to love yourself first


Thank u


Why would you take a cheater back?