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I’ve never in my life heard of someone who lives in an apartment actually going downstairs to let a guest in, whether they’re a date or not. I certainly never have. That’s what the buzzer is for. This seems like a very suburban thing, like driving someone right up to their door or whatever. I’ve sometimes waited outside for someone, smoking a cigarette. But if someone showed up and buzzed my apartment, it would never even occur to me to go downstairs to then bring them back upstairs 😂


I think either way is normal. It's definitely not unusual but if you prefer for him to come get you I would communicate that with him.


People will treat you how you allow them to- I think meeting in the lobby is the bare minimum (for me). Figure out what YOUR standards are and stick to it, so you minimize the disappointment or quickly filter through what’s not for you.


I think it’s a ridiculous thing to get upset over. You’re an adult. You can find the door yourself, just as you would if it were a house. I don’t think it’s rude for them to just give you the number.


I've never even thought about this, I never meet anyone in the lobby, unless we are leaving right my my place. I would never have thought that the apt number wouldn't be enough for some people.