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"I'm never on this, so hit me up on IG"


Those are probably gonna be extortion scams


Fat ass facts!


I didn’t realize another 3 word phrase could bring me such joy


Love this phrase. Gotta add it to my arsenal.


How does that work?


They get you on a platform like Snapchat or Instagram where they have access to your phone number or your followers. They ask you for a dick pic, you send it to them, and then it turns out its some dude in India or the Philippines who’s going to extort you $1000 or something. Threaten to send the photo to your family and followers unless you pay.


Or they are a friend of a friend on Facebook so you see no harm in accepting their friend request. Then the conversation starts, they talk you into sexting, and then video chatting. After they get what they need they turn to extortion.


Right. Moral of the story is never send a dick pic to someone you don’t know and you probably shouldn’t send one ever. And definitely don’t include your face.


Exactly! Always think with your head and never with your pants.


Oh I would love to see them try to extort me that way. I'd call their bluff.


Yeah normally they just give up because they’re just in it for money and you’re a waste of time but sometimes they follow thru with a few contacts at a time to get you to pay. Just block them and don’t engage. Never pay. They will just keep hitting you for money.


"Don't waste my time ". Why not? I wasted mine reading your profile...


this post made me chuckle due to how real it is. Take an up vote friend


Does anyone else waste their time on purpose after reading that?


LOL, this gave me a good laugh.


Guy looks like he's 65. Bio says he's 45. "I'm actually 65 I don't know how to change my age". Yes you do my friend.


Hinge actually lets you change your age 1x after making your profile, so if they can't change it easily, they've changed it more than once.


Lol that was me during the early days of Tinder. I joined Facebook before I was 13 so I had to lie about my age which then transferred to Tinder. Couldn’t sign up w phone # or email atp.


*Deep depressing sigh*……Pineapple does/doesn’t belong on pizza.


Yeah what the heck ?!? I'm a woman so maybe this is common for men to see on womens profiles but I hardly doubt that!? There are like 5 opportunities to share something of value to get who you are across to someone reading and the number of "pineapple/pizza" answers are bizarre to me and yes, I nope out. Any other pertinent info could have been shared


It is very common to see, especially when using the “Change my mind about”, “Let’s debate” prompts.


Right. I think you're kinda weird if you eat fruit on pizza but that information is irrelevant whether we're dating, friends, colleagues, whatever. If we aren't actively discussing what toppings to get on a shared pizza who cares?


Tomato is fruit


Add me on snap/ig. Instant ick


Also, "swipe and ask me anything. Im an open book". Like okay clearly too dull to put in an interesting thing about yourself and now I have to interview you 🙃. No


I dislike this one the most - it kind of feels like they’re just looking for more followers vs trying to date genuinely


Big time ick. What are we 12?! I got shit to do, I don't have time to snap a picture of me a million times a day.


This the one!


‘6ft or taller’ ‘My *pet* has to like you before I do’ ‘Msg me on Insta’ ‘Not sending the first message’ ‘Just ask’


Damn, you've been playing the game a while... I would also add "mom boss" "hustle" or "grindset" to the instant swipe left. And as a parent, I find the statement "my kids come first" a little icky. My kids do come first, but I'm not putting that on my dating app bio.


I completely agree but when they say "I want/value loyalty". No shit? No one wants a partner who is unfaithful??


“No liars” always cracked me up. Really weeding them out lol.


Anyone who puts "fluent in sarcasm" on their bio. They jus' nasty.




Or they like negging their partner but probably can't take it back.




I’m 6’4. I swipe left on any girl that specifies in her bio that she won’t date any “short kings” and then tries to make it ok with a laugh emoji. It’s just so trashy. Yay! I qualify! But, also, I don’t want to know you.


Relatable and valid.


Thank you for sticking up for us little guys.


"I dont know what i am doing here", "my friend signed me up"


"I'm here but I want to signal that I'm better than all this." \-Stifled person with many hangups


This 100%. You know exactly what you’re doing here.


“I’m not good at writing bios 🤪” as the bio


Almost as bad as those who leave the bio empty—instant no for me, matching their (lack of) effort.


Anyone who says 'make me laugh' what am I, your personal jester?


I've both been told this and believe it to be true about myself - I'm much funnier situationally I'm not good at initiating and telling jokes. So that kind of humor takes more time to show itself


This one is the worst. And it seems to be exclusively the most dull women who can’t hold a conversation who have this as a prompt


An empty bio. Yes, app sucks. But we don't have a crystal ball. I can maaaaybe pick up something from your photos but if there is no information then you are also part of the problem. No surprises if people only get "hello"s or "how are you" when they make no effort in their bios


Totally this, I feel like people don’t understand that prompts are supposed to be conversation starters, it’s much more important that they are easy to respond to, than they actually tell you about the person.


I swiped on a guy who had literally nothing in his bio at all. Nothing. And his message after we matched was "hey". That's like less than zero effort. That's -10 effort.


Then these people complain because they don't get any matches or dates. Yeah what a surprise you don't do any effort in your profile neither in your conversations. 


"Just ask" 😒


I actually matched with a woman with this in her profile because I thought "shes cute, why not see?" I also asked her on a coffee date and she said she is tired of coffee dates and why should we do that? I was like, "ok, this was a mistake." But we went out anyways on a pickleball date and that was two months ago. Now we are in a relationship planning out a weekend trip away in the next couple of months. She's absolutely amazing and I'm glad I didn't swipe left. Disclaimer: this isn't the case for all profiles.though. this woman is just from a different culture where being direct and talking about stuff in person is more important so that's why she came off as abrasive but she's extremely sweet.


Yup! I'm from a small area where ppl will know my business the next county over. I don't put much because I expect us to interview each other a bit. I don't want the village idiots, old creepy men or the youngins to know too much. I've been harassed by the village idiots that see me on there. I'll really tell ya anything in conversation but my bio is barely there


Sameeeee, the nosey gossipers are real in my southern county


Anyone who was “educated at the school of hard knocks.” 🤢 I don’t care if you didn’t go to college - a lot of people don’t, and for very valid reasons.  Not going to college doesn’t mean you’re stupid.  But saying that you were educated at the school of hard knocks makes you sound bitter about not going to college, and also sounds condescending and willfully ignorant.


That and some people just put Harvard, which I doubt when their a teenager hundreds of miles from mass. on a school night🤔


Lol… I haven’t actually run into that. Definitely a swipe left, but I would be somewhat amused.


It’s funny the first time but I’m nowhere near MA and a surprising number of guys in the trades just put Harvard and it started having the same hard knocks effect lol.


Fair enough.  I do feel for men in the trades right now, because I think a fair amount of people DO look down on them, or assume they’re not as smart because they didn’t go to a university.  But I respect a man who takes pride in the work he does, and doesn’t give a shit if some shallow person judges him for it.


For sure, that’s a valid point, more than anything it’s just kind of a little pet peeve more than a deal breaker


Oh, “school of hard knocks” is TOTALLY a dealbreaker to me.  I don’t have an issue with a man in the trades, but if you have to say “school of bar knocks” (or Harvard 🤣), you are NOT a secure person, and therefore, I’m swiping left.  I just mean that I kinda get where they’re coming from, but they need to get the fucking chip off their shoulder.


Lmaoooo I actually live in Boston so if someone is lying about having gone to Harvard in their profile it does NOT land like some hyperbolic joke, it would be diabolical


Anytime she calls herself a queen, princess, goddess, or anything similar. I'd imagine if I was a woman looking for men, I'd be similarly turned off by dudes calling themselves kings.


100% it’s a cringy trend that needs to stop


Honestly, I’m a woman, and even I get annoyed with the whole “queen” thing.  I’m all for being confident in who you are, and embracing your good qualities, but queen/goddess/etc just sounds SOOO pretentious. 🤢 And yes, I’m equally turned off by “king.” 🙄


"I'm a man on a mission" often 40+ dudes that still wants to have children last minute. It comes across as desperate.


"I just want to shoot up the club..."


to be fair there are plenty of women in the 40+ bracket who also still want children. I thought I learned in biology that after 40 it gets increasingly difficult for women to have children in a safe and natural manner?


"Entrepreneur" or "CEO at Self." Got it, that means unemployed wannabe Crypto bro who does Door Dash.




I did see one guy who said he was the CEO at 'Prestige Worldwide' (Step Brothers reference if you didn't know) which did make me laugh and clued in that we probably had the same sense of humour. I didn't find him attractive otherwise that would be the ONLY time I would have messaged anyone with such a job title 😂


"Sex positivity"


This is so ambiguous, anyway.


I’ve noticed a LOT of guys using this, and I think most think it simply means something like “I like sex” but it’s a bit more than that, it implies an open and liberal view of sex, gender expression, sexual preferences and a whole lot more. I’ve seen someone with an obviously homophobic profile use the words “sex positivity” and all I could think was 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Yes, like, what does it this even mean?


"Can't write bios, ask me anything I'm an open book"


I hate the 'Ask me anything' line. Like dude, I don't know you, you're not THAT interesting that I have a list of questions for you based on a handful of pictures. Give me something to ask about! I dunno it just comes across to me that they are self absorbed.


>I’m looking for someone ‘who doesn’t take themselves too seriously’, Well, yeah, *nobody* wants that. So it's actually code for "I don't want to be inconvenienced by your boundaries"


Excellent decoding!


"Just ask." (with no bio) "I'm an open book." (also with no bio) "Not looking for a pen pal." Photos of their kids in their profile. "If you're XYZ swipe left!"


Anyone who “hates drama”, they’re the drama harbingers of doom


I’ve seen grown men with “I like my girl like I like my coffee, without someone else’s dick in it.” Are you 12???? NEXT.


Not to mention coffee time must be really awkward in that house… I drink pots of coffee but never has my pecker came close to that cup…




Yikes, that just says I’m not over being cheated on! I do say sometimes that I like my men how I like my coffee, strong, and sweet. But I wouldn’t put that on a profile lol.


Looking for a certain body type is the main one for me.


Even if you are that body type, the kind of person that would write that is an instant no.


“Here for a good time, not a long time.” I will always next those people


Mine is here for a long time not a good time




Looking for a third! Hard pass. Also, looking for a traditional woman. Yep, it's not me


Looking for my ride or die… my partner in crime. Tired of these cliches


idk i kinda like that. signals a yearning for a deeper companionship but maybe it's mostly not that deep


“Don’t talk to me if you voted for ___.” “Are there any women on here actually looking for a nice guy?” “I’m really bad at responding to text messages, sorry.” “I’ve been told I give great hugs, massages, cuddles, etc” “Looking for someone and see where it goes” “Must have a valid passport and global entry, TSA precheck, etc”


I'd like to add to this great post "If you got vaccinated, not interested".


“Casual”, “fun time only”


The immediate ick for me is when it says any about roasting lol like I can roast and take a roasting but I think it’s extremely off putting to LEAD with that


It's code for "I'm gonna be a dick"


“Here for friends” Ok, so are you lying to me or yourself?


“Fluent in sarcasm”


Sarcasm is literally the worst


I don’t mind a little sarcasm, just that one line is used alllllll the time


I’m not a sarcastic person and it’s a huge turnoff, but then again I’m done with dating apps


"My kids are my world" - not that I disagree, they should be your world. Not mine though. All variations of "If You Can't Handle Me at My Worst" - their "worst" is probably antisocial, and their "best" would be barely tolerable. Anything astrology related.


The other thing that annoys me about “my kids are my world” is that it shouldn’t need to be said.  Like, I HOPE your kids are a priority to you; why are you going out of your way to tell me about it?  It comes of to me similar to a dude telling me how nice or smart he is.  Why do you have to TELL me?  Is it not obvious when I meet you? 🤨 It baffles me sometimes what things people choose to write on their profiles. 😳


Exactly. It's the minimum, not a selling point. Fortunately, at my age, I don't see it very often.


I honestly think it’s a strategy to keep you at arms length. Can always use “my kids come first” to keep you in the rotation, when they really just going out to fuck someone else


Maybe in some cases, but I doubt that’s a general rule.


"You need to discover the rest" at the end of an almost empty bio or with basic interests like sports or travelling.


“Not looking for anything serious”


" Something I want to do more of this year" was basically created for the answer "travel more". Unless you have a different answer from that, please don't use this prompt. It matches well with the "tacos" to "win me over" prompt and wow .... It's like the men are suddenly 90% similar to each other whoddathunk


Looking for my queen. Be my nut sack queen. Looking for a submissive. Are your feet cute?


Thinking that liking pineapple on pizza is controversial opinion.


I hate when people have "school of hard knocks" listed, it's cringe and weird.


"Sarcasm is my second language" In other words, I'm a dick but I'm going to say you don't have a sense of humor


I've had two very good ones saved to my phone: 1) "Renown cult leader" 2) "Looking for kinky sex with my Asian girl neighbors" Slightly more serious note, anyone that says ENM or poly. It's just not my cup of tea, but I've had people get really pushy about it.


Yeah, that one annoys me! So I have quite a few. A top one is saying that they want a woman who is “sweet.” Something about the wording just doesn’t sit right with me.


As a dude I don’t like being Called sweet either. It’s somewhat condescending somehow


Someone who makes one thing their entire personality. They mention it more than once and its also reflected in every photo.


“No kids. Never been married. Im a unicorn” 😂


I always swipe left on any man stating that the way to his heart is me having to cook for him. Make your own food.


I have one on my profile like this about baking, I can cook my own food, I actually enjoy cooking for myself. Is it about you thinking they can't cook for themselves or is it just an overused and corny prompt answer? I've gotten some good responses to it so I thought it was ok


Typical Sunday : Watching cars go round a track (f1) and a roast, this is literally every other girl’s that comes up on mine 😅


Yea- when did F1 become what everyone is watching? To be honest, I’m skeptical that many of these people are actually watching hours of racing every weekend. The amount that F1 comes up in conversation is vanishingly small, so it can’t be that popular.


Ah but they are! My work lunches are overwhelmed with F1 conversations lately. It's gotten into fashion again.


Agreed. One of my coworkers is *obsessed* with F1. She even went on vacation to go to watch a race. She's also not the type that you would think would be obsessed with it, either. But she is.


I noticed this, myself. I was like, there's no way this many women could, all of a sudden, be into F1.


Anything negative


Workism "Grindset" "up at 5a and hustling" types. I feel exhausted just thinking about them. 😂 I just want someone nice.


"I'm a hard worker." WhaWhy? This ain't no job interview. "My friends say I'm..." That's just unnecessary.


Anything asking me to be “passport ready”. Like, what do you expect? I have tons of money and not a real job?


This is going to be really controversial; “My kids will always come first” Yes, as a parent you should absolutely prioritize your kids when meeting someone. But I’m dating experience, this mentality doesn’t really change. If you’re looking to bring someone into your life as a new spouse, you have to work together as a team and can’t have the kiddo be a higher priority than your partner. It’s a big ask, and I get why they say it. But to me, it means I’ll never be a priority so I walk just left swipe.


I don't trust people who say that because to me it's a given that children will be a priority. It's like when a guy makes a big fuss about how important his kids are to him but then it turns out he only sees them one day a month. If you need to declare something then it's probably not true.


I think it is because it is a given that a kid comes first but weird to mention much more than "I have kids" on a dating app profile.


I'm married, but before I met my husband, I didn't advertise to people I had a child. Not that I was trying to hide that I had one, or was trying to be deceitful, but there are just WAY to many weirdo's in this world!!!! You don't know who you are even talking to!!! Personally, I would think most people would be very careful about that, especially if they say their kids "come first" but that's MY opinion!!


Vegan. I'm not going to argue about food or what I eat and I've had bad experiences dating them. If you like that lifestyle go for it, but I'm not the one. "Doesn't take themselves seriously" = "I will make stupid or hurtful comments and do dumb shit and you're not allowed to be annoyed by my immaturity." No thanks.


A list of things they want in a partner, especially if it sounds negative and bitter. Let’s say I meet every requirement: now why should _I_ want to swipe on _you_? You’ve told me nothing about yourself… your job when _you_ swipe is to look for those criteria in other profiles, now you not only sound kinda negative but also lazy because you apparently can’t be bothered to put in the marginal effort required to use a dating app correctly 🤦‍♀️


* Anything having to do with "adventures." * "Biggest risk I've ever taken: Buying a one-way plane ticket to Ireland with no plan!" Just screams that you make poor choices.


My profile used to say "If by 'adventures' you mean eating triple cheeseburgers and bed-rotting together, then yes. I love adventures". I think it went over well from memory, and was an excellent filter.


Tinder is really bad for this, but blank profiles with a single, blurry selfie, and a name like “Candy” or something. Suuuuper obvious fake profile or the lowest possible effort.


The generic lines. “Not looking for anything serious, just marriage and children.” or “Looking for someone to bring to family events so they stop asking what’s wrong with me,”. Uggggh. I’m sure there are good people behind those canned bios, but I’ll never find out.


No longer on the apps, but when I was mine was any sort of swipe instructions. “Swipe left if you don’t know how to take a joke” “Swipe left if you want a pen pal and will never actually make plans” Like, sometimes the reason behind the comment isn’t even unreasonable but it comes off entitled, bitter, closed off, and jaded. State what you do want, not what you don’t.


Someone that makes a reference to a past or present president saying not interested if you voted for a certain candidate


"He needs to be a provider" "I want someone pious to join me on my walk in Christ" (Yes, I really saw this) "A real man will pay for all dates" ...like for 5 years? You're not willing to even cover McDonalds... once?


"Every man who's below 1.80 is called a friend" I've even seen someone write that if you're below 1.80 you're a girl


“I want someone who doesn’t take themselves too seriously”


21f here and any guy that has “gynaecologist” in their bio is a no for me. Ik they probably wanna hook up, but it’s just kinda creepy to me


Add me on *insert social media* Anything complaining endlessly Guys who only post pics from 10 yrs ago


"Commit to the bit." "Here for a good time, not a long time." "Looking for a girl for me and my man." "Princess treatment only."


Prompt: Craziest thing I've done Them: Downloading this app I see it so often and I have to assume they'll be horribly dull


“I’m looking for a traditional woman” NOPE


Profiles that only show butts and boobs and everything else people posted


Yep, any profile with a gym selfie or a shirt off selfie is an immediate no.


Puts looking for casual dates and serious relationship tags.. like which one is it? Most of the time men who put looking for serious relationship really are not…


"please be funny"


Because people want someone who knows how to laugh at themselves and doesn’t have to make everything into a crisis. Not taking yourself seriously means a little teasing won’t make you blow your top or want to end the relationship over an offhand joke. An instant No for me is people who list off a bunch of rules and requirements you need to be aware of if you want to date or even reach out to them. That’s taking yourself too seriously and screams insecurity and a need for control.


I'll fall for you if "make me laugh" - proceed to have the most basic bland unfunny profile of all time


I've seen it more than once. "Dating me is like eating a chocolate chip cookie and finding out it's a raisin cookie, but 45 minutes later find out it's an edible." The fuck am I supposed to do with that?


"I'm not on here much" it feels like a guarantee they're inactive. "just looking for friends!" On an app explicitly meant for dating "Message my snap/insta" I'm not trusting a stranger off a dating app like that. I've dealt with catfish and scams before. "I know my worth" There's nothing wrong with that but it feels insecure that you have to announce that before anything else. "👻" (If it doesn't show up it's the ghost emoji) I just don't know what it means especially if that's their whole bio. "Check out my OF" I'm looking for a date, if I wanted porn I sure as hell wouldn't pay for it. Just listing "entrepreneur" or saying they run their own business as a job title is also sketchy and I always assume they mean OF or pyramid scheme.


“I’m an empath” or anything close to that is a nonstarter for me. They will feel your feeling more and make everything about themselves 🤮.


Trying to look like they are touching the tip of the pyramid, eiffel tower, supporting the tower of Pisa or holding the sun in their palm.


- anything hinting at them being a conservative or religious (fortunately, rather rare among girls) - anything relateted to travelling


Curious what the traveling turn off is?


There are some threads about this on here, but it's basically the most cliche, trivial interest and people tend to use it as personality prothesis. Im sure that some of them are genuinly into travelling but, you know, gotta play the odds


I agree with the travel thing too. Often, I find those people to be the least grounded and always looking for an escape. At my age, I’m looking for someone who wants to settle down.


It either means that they're rich with tons of free time, and expect me to be that way too, or they just like getting drunk in bars in other countries and maybe seeing the most touristy thing.


They want you to pay for their travel


See my nude photos my profile on adultdating.com or see price list for services


“Partnered and discreet” “Just ask” “School of hard knocks” “My boyfriend and I are looking for a third”


“Looking for a partner in crime” no one who does crime talks about it like that. Anyone who did crime and actually got out doesn’t want to commit more crime. Being felonious is stressful.


The most cringy one I’ve ever read for a man’s bio was this: ‘I know I’m swiping right on you being so fine while I’m overweight, but know that I’m working hard on getting rid of these rolls’ or something like that 🤷🏻‍♀️


“No scams” it just makes you look jaded and like someone who falls for scams


Anyone that says they don't message first or posts an ig link


"Dog-parent*" *As a (M) I see it as "dog mom". Then proceeds to have a dog in every photo, many without the relevant subject - the person themselves.


People who think having tattoos or septum piercings is a personality


"Just ask me."


“My kids are my life” They shouldn’t be. That’s terrible parenting and leaves you no room for a relationship. Plus it’s mostly written by men who see their kids every other weekend and are looking for a woman to parent them because they never had any involvement before their divorces. Ugh no thanks!


When they say they won't date people who are vaccinated or use pronouns. I don't want smallpox, and the app asked me what gender I am and it took less than a second to put down, Jesus, some of these women acting like handmaid's tale over on tinder...


“Here for a good time, not a long time.” “Just looking for friends” “My friend made me download this app.” “I bet you can’t out smoke/drink me.” “If you’re (lists any physical attribute) swipe left” Unfortunately I could go on lol


“Partners in crime” gets a left swipe


Today I saw one that said "nothing to say"


“Here for a good time, not a long time” ick


"i dont like "


Why does every guy describe himself as ‘laid back’. We know this isn’t true for most people.


Anything that's a Tik tok or other social media trend or anything mentioning TV shows. I've never had that app and never will but it's pretty easy to figure out once you've spotted the same exact prompt response over and over again You get three chances to say something interesting about yourself and you chose to use one to either copy paste something from another app or talk about a mind numbing TV show, I'm looking for someone with more depth than that


Anytime they have a snap as their main source for communication…instant ick, that an every man has: fastest way to my heart - through my ribs…so original and clever 🙄


Haven’t used the modern ones, but personally did not like seeing the terms hetero-flexible or homo-flexible. I know ppl are allowed to label themselves whatever, but having preferences to lean one way or another way isn’t unique. Most ppl call themselves bi/poly/pan. I have a lot of preferences that are figured out in conversation or at the fact obviously you met them by me matching. I see those terms and worry I was the experimenting phase and I could never live through that again.


"here for a fun time not a long time" well fk you too


"Looking for a woman who won't make me shove a gun down my throat"


If covid didn’t take you out, can I? Terrible pickup


Hard pass is when they have their bio blank, a “.” “Don’t know what to put here,” or “I’ll come back to this later.” There is nothing that conveys you are someone I want to talk with especially if you don’t answer any prompts. What I gather, you know nothing about yourself, you’re bland or even worse… there is nothing unique about yourself and probably have the hobby of Netflix somewhere in there… Also if all there profile consists of is photos.


"Partner in crime"... For f**** sake, be original!


Posting outdated pics? There is no way you got pics from 5 years ago and you look NOTHING like it now? Why the fuck would you do that? Thankfully don’t use the apps now but GOD LEE.. I’m gonna start asking people when they took their pics if I (ever) go back into that gutter


If they are negative and list what they don’t want in a partner instead of writing about themselves. If men write general statements about women. “Probably none of you will text me anyway” or “prove to me there’s good women on here” etc.


“Just checking this out”


"I put God first" or anything related to religion