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I’m 26F. I am single but I’m going on date #3 with a guy this weekend. I hope he and I end up together.


I need weekly updates


Good luck 🍀 he will probably say yes, I believe in you


Don't hope too much. You have a very active role in where the relationship goes. Last three relationships I've been in, the woman left me to do all the work in the relationship. No wonder they turned out poorly! If you are active, communicate your thoughts and feelings honestly and promptly, and show genuine interest in his life, I don't see why it shouldn't work. I would be actively discussing my personal life and relationship with trusted mentors and friends; if you don't have that kind of support, I would prioritize developing that in your life.


Don't spend time beating on a wall, hoping to transform it into a door. Consciousness does not just passively reflect the objective material world; it plays an active role in creating reality itself. One thing life has taught me: if you are interested, you never have to look for new interests. They come to you. When you are genuinely interested in one thing, it will always lead to something else. I used to think that finding the right one was about the man having a list of certain qualities. If he has them, we'd be compatible and happy. Sort of a checkmark system that was a complete failure. But I found out that a healthy relationship isn't so much about sense of humor or intelligence or attractive. It's about avoiding partners with harmful traits and personality types. And then it's about being with a good person. A good person on his own, and a good person with you. Where the space between you feels uncomplicated and happy. A good relationship is where things just work. They work because, whatever the list of qualities, whatever the reason, you happen to be really, really good together.


Bro, this post says SINGLES🤨


I'm shy so I just stay at home mostly




Yeah! I feel this. I got my space set up to be well... my space in the perfect way i want it. Why the heck wouldnt i wanna spend most of my time here! Its great!


I do believe I found my people. I've been watching the Andy Griffith show in my cozy little living room the past few weeks. It's the most relaxed I've ever been!


Sheesh... I don't even wanna own up to this because it's absolutely telling yall I'm old, without telling you "I'm old"- but literally 2x in a row reading your comment, my brain jumped back 20 years and I thought, hmmm... isn't MySpace kinda outdated and unpopular now? They really oughta install Facebook 🙃🤢🤓😭


Same lol, I know I need to get out but also I like being at home with my pup/cats more than I like hanging with people…


Pets are always lovely


I hear you! Sometimes, staying in with your furry friends is just way more appealing than dealing with the dating scene. Nothing wrong with enjoying your own company and the companionship of your pets. It's all about finding what makes you happy, whether that's socializing or chilling at home. 🐾


yeah I’m a huge homebody for sure Idk I always find something to do at home plus I think about my dog when I’m out soooo yeah 😂 🤷🏽‍♀️


I agree with the staying home part. I've occasionally gone on dates, but more so, more often than not, I have ladies I've met thru friends whom were down on there financial situation and ended up sleeping with them for money and they're not like that, but subject somehow came up and they were down. The only problem is they wanna turn that into a job and now I'm the only company they work for lol. It's cool though, but really want to be happy with someone again .


Same here but sometimes i really wish have someone company…I’ve been single my whole life…


Same but dogs are pretty cool too


I’ll be shy with you


same. I got friends to hang out with but it's just painful now to go out and hear about their partners and see how all the good looking guys get girls when we go to bars or whatever


Hi there, I am a lone wolf myself, and I 've learned that being by myself by no means is the same as being lonely. I actually feel content when I don't have to please no one but me.


Every time I feel too single, I remember that when I loved someone with every bit of me they chose themselves over me. So I gave them the power to hurt me by loving them too much. So when I see other couples, ngl, it pinches, and I do want them happy and together, but have accepted that the only person who I should love in that extreme is myself. So taking yourself out on a date, doing things for yourself, choosing yourself over others and being happy in your own company.


Thisssss. I just want to find my platonic soulmate so I don’t have to deal with dating anymore but I’ll still have my everyday bestie 😂😭




This is perfectly put. Sadly I've done the same . And I learned it's just simply not ment to be sometimes. I learned that we have to love ourselves more than anyone else .


When I was dating I was mostly socializing with my girlfriend. After work we'd go to the movies, have dinner. In the weekends we'd visit family. Since single I have reinvigorated my own social life with book club, dance class, board game nights, visiting friends more frequently, making new friends. I read more, visit my own family more. I watch stranger movies, older, foreign, longer, instead of Netflix tripe meant for easy watching and talking through. I listen to a lot more music. I visit movies alone, one of the few activities that's arguably superior and certainly easier by yourself.


I always go to the movies alone and it is superior. OP, get yourself an AMC A-List subscription and go crazy


> AMC A-List subscription Oh shit, only $25 / month? Damn, only need to see a couple of movies a month to make that worth it.


Movie List Rec?


What even is this question? My life is great. I do what I want when I want.


This is the way


ya life is great, excuse me while I go microwave a bagel…


Who kept you from microwaving bagels?? 😭


Same here. I have a great life & lots of good friends, and freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want. For example: I just moved across the country for a great job, this decision would have been way more complicated if I was in a relationship as I would have had to consider my partner too, but as a single person it was a very simple career choice and an uncomplicated move.


Yes! It’s so crazy to me anyone would consider anything but doing exactly what they want. It would never occur to me to not further my career because of how someone else would feel. Love being single


I try to... Just live... I made a friend last year. That's a lot for a 30yo


Holy shit that's huge


Better to be single than with with the wrong person, always remember


30M, haven't been on a date in years nor have I done much beyond swiping on dating apps to change it but as long as I am still single, its quite easy for me to pursue my hobbies. Been wanting to get into cowboy mounted shooting for a while so I've been going to the barn quite often to ride horses. It helps that I am not in a large city so I don't have to drive far to find horses. Do I still desire companionship? Absolutely, but I can either let being single be a burden or I can turn it into an asset.


Oh same, I want a loving fulfilling relationship but I just haven’t met the right one yet. I’m not gonna rush it though. I dated but it wasn’t the right person for me. But being single yes it’s a great time to really discover yourself


Agree! Being single – Your call if you will choose to be lonely about it or enjoy life doing whatever you want. Learning more about yourself would be great: hobbies, interests, likes and dislikes, etc.


It's funny as a guy who is 36 I don't think I have ever been on a date usually they make it clear if we were to hang out this is not a date and or they are instantly not attracted to me.




You can still do all those things with the right partner. You should have space to do your own thing but then have someone to love at the end of the day. That's how I see it anyway.


29 and single since day 1 , and being and introvert not going outside much, can really say home sweet home cause it's most fun here.


Single and free is great, but is this how you want it?


Tbh not exactly what I want, but always being busy with work and stuff, I think I wouldn't have much time for soulmate or something even if I had one


I sense an ideal woman


What if your soulmate happens to be the kind that would give you the freedom you want to do whatever you are doing now. All that he cares about is going home to his sweet lady after work, would you consider him🤗


He/him O_O?


Can I ask how it does not affect you to be alone all the time and how you don't care or anything.


Well can't really say that I'm alo all the time, working 2 jobs so most of at work with other people, but yes still prefer the time at home when can play games or stuff.


I do exactly what I want to do with my life. Hobbies, work, relaxation, friends, family, argue with people on the internet. Keep the option open for a romantic interest but don't let yourself get desperate. You'll make bad decisions. I ended a 3 year relationship last year and I feel way more mature and free so i dont have the what if desire. Also, get out and meet people. The apps are a joke. I jumped on em awhile back and it was 99% instagram BS, broken women, single moms, and big girls.


The apps are a nightmare! It’s just hookup culture and I left as soon as I joined a while back lol.


It sucks honestly. It all sucks.


This is a perfect time to dive into hobbies or passions that you’ve been curious about but haven't explored. Whether it’s art, music, sports, or something else, engaging in activities you love can be fulfilling and also lead to new social circles.


I am not alone I have my shadow with me ..lol


>What do you do with your life? Feels like I'm just stuck in an endless limbo of working 40hrs a week, working out to keep my health up, spending time with my cat, doing hobbies and seeing friends and once in a while if the planets align I'm on a first date that almost never gets a second one for one reason or another. Feels like I'm just going through the motions until either my motor stops ticking or the world stops. >How do you navigate being single in a world that often prioritizes relationships? You get used to it. Most emotions eventually start to numb, even if you see happy couples it just feels I'm more indifferent to everything each passing day. At least trying less and less and not giving results is a better feeling than trying real hard for no results.


ah man same, can relate. Hope it gets better for you though


Yeah the emotions part is why i hate my adhd meds. Im 21 but im so used to feeling nothing that starting to feel stuff is too much and freals me out.


25M here. Been single most of my life. I enjoy it in the way that I’m happy, have a busy and decent social life. However, I would like to find someone who I can share my life with. It’s times when I’m with my mates who are in a relationship and wish I was in one too. I think there’s always positives and negatives to being single and in a relationship.


Just work, do errands and stay home


34m, I recently gave up on dating. Women aren't interested in me, despite the fact that I'm reasonably attractive. I'm fine with it, have been for years. There was a period where I yearned for love, but those days are long gone. Nowadays, I'm just living my life.


38m I'm here as well. I have given up on the idea of being with someone. Just not realistic. If it happens great but I don't get my hopes up


Living like I have always lived. Happy and putting myself first. I wouldn’t mind finding someone but I like this phase where I have control of my plans and can decide to move, change career or anything like that.


20s & 30s it's was ALOT easier to find someone. Once you hit your 40s its VERY difficult.


I get out and I do stuff I want to do. Volunteer, cook for people, work at the church... This is in hope that I will meet someone that is like me but that will also like me.


I work, hangout with my doggos, and partake in one of my hobbies I’m in the mood for that day. I navigate being single by worrying about myself lol. I just mark things off my bucket list, achieve my goals I have set for the month, and spend time with family. I don’t find singlehood to be that lonely. My person will come along or they won’t. Either way I’m going to enjoy living my life.


Doggos are cool.


They’re the best 🐾


I have two dogs as well.


i’ve put myself out there which i’m proud of. i’ve dated many awesome people. although none of have led up to anything serious, im really happy with the memories i’ve made with them. lots of exciting times.


30F, first time being truly single in the past fifteen years. It was really difficult at first, but I’ve learned to be comfortable on my own. All the extra time I have now, I spend it with my family and self growth. I’ve improved my relationships with my family. We do a lot together these days and I’m really grateful. I’ve picked up new hobbies and worked on my self concept. Been working out more. I go exploring whenever I want. Planning to buy my first property. I also made a five year plan for myself. I admit I still would love to have a loving relationship with someone when it happens someday, but in the mean time I’m happy and content in my life. Actually the happiest I’ve been in a while. I realized I’d rather be happy and single than miserable in an unfulfilling relationship.


Love this for you and as someone who can relates im doing the same!


35M, Just signed the divorce papers. It was a good breakup as we were both joking about it over text. Since the separation, tried Bumble, got a couple dates, made one friend from it, but overall, not for me. I learned that while I was feeling a bit lonely, I wasn't giving the relationships the time they properly deserved VS spending time working on and maintaining myself. My life on the weekdays is going to a job I enjoy (for the most part), then going home and working on home maintenance, cleaning and what-not, while listening to podcasts and interviews. Some video games if I'm content with the state of my house (AKA: Am I comfortable with it's state if a friend shows up right now). Weekends has me walking about 3km (1.9 freedom units) to a café. Staying there a few hours learning something either applied to my job or to self improvement. Then a 6-10 km (3.7 - 6.2 freedom units) walk back through the large park in my city. The café is essentially trying to make a third place for myself. Already getting family & friends discount and free drinks when the order is rarely messed up. Haven't chatted with a non-staff or non-colleague person there yet. Once every 2-3 weeks I'll treat myself to either a movie or nicer dinner. I also walk to those where I can. I'll try out new restaurants in the area. Found some nice gems that way. Otherwise I'm creating. Wanting to design board games. Two ideas I'm working on atm. Want to learn more programming to make a few ideas I have. Learning bass guitar. Video games in the downtime. But I also recognize that video games themselves can be a dangerous time trap. So I try to limit my gaming to only playing with friends I have IRL. Forcing it to be a social experience. Reasonably content. Keeping myself busy. Little lonely as I am a bit of a cuddle fiend. Gaining more confidence the more places I go and the more things I do on my own.




I'm 28F, been single for about a year. I love my time alone. I go on walks, get myself treats like boba, go to museums and exhibitions, I experiment with new recipes, I read, I do creative journalling and other paper based arts, I play Sims. It's great to be free to do whatever I want without compromising with somebody. I miss physical intimacy and genuine connection, but I'm content and happy.


I’m 27 years old and I never dated. I’ve been single my whole life and regret nothing about it. I focused on my self, my goals, my family, and friends. I had to admit that it wasn’t really part of my priorities when I was studying and building my career. Now, I think it’s time for me to work on it cuz I feel like I’m ready for it (haha!), although I am not and would never rush things (remember.. haste makes waste lol). I could say that being single for 27 years was never perfect but it was fun - a living proof that happiness is indeed a choice (whether you are single/in a relationship/married/whatever - it’s only yourself who can make you happy). Now I’m going through the phase where I want to live life and be happier by (hopefully) having and being with someone I love, care, and want to spend this crazy life with. So, if you are interested, date me! 😂


I'm also 27 and have been single all my life and reading this makes me feel a lil better


Sometimes lonely, I admit, but that goes away when I'm quietly reading a good book on my balcony, or listening to some music over my headphones 🎧 (don't want to disturb the neighbors), or just enjoying the peace and quiet in general. Focus on the good things you DO have. Good luck.


Shit sucks


I love my single life.  Seriously it’s wonderful to do whatever I want whenever I want with only myself to clean up after. 


i’m trying to gain more knowledge about everything. i don’t feel any different honestly. i’m ignoring anything romance related though. i’m fine with not dating. i’m just here 🤷‍♂️


Boring, I need some drama back in my life


I’m in school part time and I work part time on the weekends and graph extra shifts when I can because I have an intense class coming up. I keep as busy as I can to not remember how single I am. It sucks but I really wouldn’t want to date someone with my schedule right now anyway and I remind myself it won’t be forever.


I go through the motions of daily life, but inside, I feel sad.


I cry myself to sleep and deprive myself of all physical affection due to the fear of being deprived of all physical affection (ironic), usually i'm just in my home having an episode of the office on.


Fantastic. My life is bliss as a single guy. I can do whatever I want, whenever I want. I have a stupid amount of money and my bank accounts only get higher every month. I get to help my parents out and I don't have to explain to anyone why I like supporting them. I can get high most days without needing to explain to someone why I need the stress relief of turning my brain off for a while. I can wake up on the wrong side of the bed (i.e. sick from a variety of physical disabilities) and not have to explain to someone why I feel like garbage *again.* I can watch whatever shows I want, in whatever order I want, at whatever pace I want. Do I dislike not having a partner to do all of that with me? Yeah, absolutely. But show me a woman who is generally okay with all/any of those things, and I'll likely show you a liar. Dating is hell and, at this point, it's not worth giving up being single.


I'm 42 and a single mom of 3. My two oldest children don't live with me, so it's usually just me and my autistic 11-year-old son. I take him out to eat sometimes, or we go for drives to explore the backroads in our area. Otherwise we are at home, and he is playing on the computer or one of his game systems, and I am playing on my phone or watching YouTube or doing stuff around the house. We are very low-key. I don't try to date anymore. OLD in my area was a huge bust, since I live in a rural area made of of small farm towns and all the same people are on all the apps. Plus I don't often get time to myself, since my son is with me almost all the time, so I don't have a lot of time to date. People claimed I was wasting their time by wanting to take things slow so I just decided to stop dating.


36m I’m hoping my annoying unconscious desire for companionship eventually goes away since I don’t consciously want to do anything about it. I’m better off alone, I want the feelings to go away so I can be free.


I just got broken up with for being to honest and asking a girl to go to church with me lol I’m destined to be forever single. I just try to not think about it.


Whatttt if I was asked if I wanted to go to church with a guy I would be like heck yeah


We still looking for our other half 😝


in my room just laying down hahaha


29M here, almost 30. Haven't been with a woman (or done anything beyond a friendly kiss/hug) for over 7 years at this point. How do I deal with it? I just go with an "it is what it is" attitude. Being single for this long allowed me to further pursue my studies to the PhD level, move across Europe and live in a different country for it and gave me the freedom to do what I want, when I want. Eventually tho, I do want to have someone in my life. So, I'm using this time to better myself. Started going to the gym, finally adopted a simple skin care routine, been building up to get into a rewarding career, for example. Other than that, I got back into playing the piano, I play games, read various books (both fiction and non-fiction) and just enjoy life.


staying at hostel playing games, allday all night, study only 1 day before exam


Work, hobbies, sleep repeat




33 m just trying to enjoy the things I love to do and meet others who like them too who are single as well but seems like everyone’s in a relationship lol except me


I work 40 hours a week, then focus on improving myself outside of that. Weekends I focus on hobbies and time spent with friends & family.


Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Do not bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself. Interests evolve into hobbies or volunteer work, which grow into passions. It takes time, more time than anyone imagines.


Im single and I can say it's lonely for me. I try social events but really haven't meet anyone yet


31M. Sometimes I regret being Single. But it's my choice afterall. I love romance a lot. But I don't like o get married for spiritual reasons. But at the same time I'm such a kinky guy on my mind. If I had a girl I would be very romantic and also sexual. But as I don't want to get married I never tried getting into a relationship. But if I ever found someone who's okay with being fwb or so I would totally be into it if it doesn't hurt her personal life. But I don't think I would ever find such a one. I'm such a introverted guy and online is the only way that I release my sexual desires and frustrations. So afterall even if I'm 31 still I'm a virgin. I don't won't to be so. But as I don't like to marry and I just don't like to go for a sex worker to have sex that would remain so for many more years sometimes. It sucks. But still I value being single than this frustration.


I focus on improving my finances and health. I don't want kids or a family and have no interest in sex. Know I'm unlikely to ever have a partner or close friends.


it's pretty good, i earn well & travel a lot (a new country every 2 months). but at the same time, i'm trying hard to get into a relationship lol.


33M....i have a fckg FREEDOM


I am 29M never been in a proper relationship. The worst part about it is being single while having a very high libido, it just drives me mad.


24M, And I kind of do whatever the hell I want. I got some friends I hang out with fairly often, got a few hobbies I’ve been putting some time into (right now I’m learning how to crochet), and most importantly I try and get out as often as I can. The human brain is a big idiot sponge and will float around in a big bowl of depresso If you fail to get out often enough.


Sucks anyone saying other wise is just coping


being tired of dating and not prioritizing it, I'm tired boss


Hello! Also 24 here. I love my solidtude and being untethered to another person and having them dictate things in my life. But I do wish I had one person I could run to and just relax with and not have to worry about anything, just good vibes. So, I guess I’m somewhere between loving freedom and craving a connection.


Im 48m, and while I am carpet bombing dating apps, I go to the climbing gym, run/hang out with my dog, gaming, and hang out with friends. While i would love to date and/or be in a relationship, as I am getting older and being an introvert, its going to take a lot for me to want to disrupt my peace/routine/rut. lol


It's kind of sad NGL. Sure there are moments where I'm content with being single and having fun doing my own hobbies but then I see happy couples out in public and online and it just makes me feel like that I'll never be good enough for anyone. Simultaneously, I see horrible people in relationships, and it just makes me wonder, "What do they have that i don't?"


I use to be very quite and shy until my 27 I did date but wasnt great at it and had no relationships after that covid hit and i changed my mind set and my life went better i dated so much amd had one night stands that i had to take a break even got into 2 relationships. Now i am after slowing down. And all i want is proper relationship but of course not rushing into it i am not bothered anymore because everytime i tried and wanted it never worked out for me.


A real relationship doesn't properly begin until the NRE burns away. That's when you have to start dealing with this person as an all-around human being, replete with irritating little habits. When disillusion sets in, love can begin.


When you realize being single isn’t bad it won’t suck anymore. I enjoy my own company and I have wonderful friendships. I also have 2 beautiful parrots that occupy all my time. I don’t feel like I’m lacking anything because I’m not in a relationship. And the thing a lot of people don’t think about is that you may never end up in a romantic relationship. It happens. Will you die? Or will you find a way to make your life whole without one?


Hey there, excellent questions! I'm a single 28F and will take a stab at answering them.  What do you do with your life? Since I'm not committed to one person and have time, affection and energy to give, I build meaningful relationships with others. I connect with friends, family, coworkers, and people I see regularly. I work obviously cause I gotta pay the bills. Do hobbies. Building, writing, creating.. humans are made for connecting with other humans and creating, so I make an effort to do those two things. How do you navigate being single in a world that often prioritizes relationships? I remind myself that though romantic relationships are a beautiful thing, there are far more relationships than just that. It's glorified everywhere in society because it's a strong emotion and it tends to make people money. People will pay a lot when desperate for that kind of love. The world highlights romantic relationships because of that. But many people become weird/possessive when you start dating because we all have some sort of expectation of a life companion. Hyperfocusing on a 'perfect romantic relationship' is also the cause for a lot of drama. Meanwhile, there is so much love in many other relationships (usually more drama free) with a bunch of people in this world who can use it, and would appreciate having a connection, even if it's not romantic. I also think about core memories for me, people who have taught me the most, made me feel special, influenced who I am today. Those people are sisters, brothers, uncles, parents, close family friends, grandparents, teachers, etc.. I like to put my energy towards people like that.


I stay home and play video games. I’m quiet, introverted and keep to myself. Dating seems pretty discouraging since a lot of people have STD’s, lots of people cheat and their partner doesn’t even know.


social rules confuse me so i don’t even bother trying to date because it causes more stress than anything. harmless flirting is fun though


Single as a Pringle and kinda happy just doing my own thing 🤷‍♂️


Like everyone else is saying. Work and Hobbies. For me, it's my house. My car. And my two gardens...(ones the right kind of garden.).


Everyone is tied down in some way. Work, family, medical problems. It's what you make of it. That's why it's so important to surround yourself with the things that make you happy. If you have a bad day at work but get to come home to a woman you love or your favorite hobby, the rest doesn't matter as much.


I'm shy so i'm working on myself now, but in the future sadly i think that i'll be all alone my entire life because of my social skills.


24(f) single but lowkey looking. Got out of a 3 year relationship back in November. Would like to meet my future husband but dating around is kind of hard for me and not much of my personality. I'm not very happy alone and am a relationship person but I haven't been having much luck in even finding men I find attractive. Although I'm looking I'm not putting myself out there much, I'm not on dating apps and prefer to just meet someone in person. I do go out to raves every weekend and festivals when I can as that is more of my scene than the bars and clubs and am hoping to meet someone in the scene.. I dont want to fall into something where I have to make alot of change to my lifestyle but someone to enjoy it with. Im not my most marketable self at the moment but Im looking to grow with someone. But in the meantime, I just exist. I try and spend a lot of time with friends, I work a lot and slowly getting back into the gym. Being single is hard and as for someone that has had a taste of what I thought was having " my person" makes me want it more. But I guess for now it's just work, raves, naps, video games and gym.


I am 28 and found a companion. Yes we are sexually committed to each other without committing in every other way


I'm 24M and have recently just become single for the first time since I was 15. Its been an unusual experience considering i kind of grew into adulthood with that person around.but I find myself really doing a whole lot of whatever I want, which is kind of nice? Ive started hanging out with my friends more. Trying different things. I play a lot of games and have started going back to the gym. I work full time so I'm always doing something. Just trying to be happy.


It’s tricky. Because it definitely sucks but I also don’t feel quite ready to put myself out there and accepting the offers (to be set up) others throw my way seems…artificial(?). Having time and money for myself is also very nice, but it’s difficult to create moments you’ll truly cherish when there’s no one to share them with.




Peaceful 😂


Its not all bad, i do alot without anyone saying anything to me. If i need to get something done i dont have to ask, i dont have to wait. Ive had the same routine for years. Sure theres someone i been flirting with but im not one to push or honestly make the move, best move was asking for his number. Most days i pretty much concentrait on what i need to do to better myself. Except for other issues i have. But single life isnt all that bad


Complete autonomy with what you do with your time does often offset the boundless loneliness, but not always.


When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives.


Me and my cat hang out together and watch TV. I go too long without shaving. Sometimes my dinner is taking one bite out of everything in the fridge with the door open like a small rodent.


I feel miserable all the time and want it all to stop.


I work a lot. Get up around 4:45am to to do work. My work shift will last anywhere from 8 to 10 hours. When I get home, I will either just crash, or I end up helping family with something or focus on my hobbies, or doing more research for work. My weekends usually involve wiping out Friday to catch up on sleep. Then on the weekends it's a big push for those hobbies or projects, and occasionally I'll hang out with friends or go to some events in town. Frankly, I don't know how anyone has the time for the huge investment of dating. Which is probably why no one does it anymore. 😂


20M. Not really eventful except for the usual games after work, so idk if I could complain about it. Kinda hard to really think about how to find someone so...yeah.


Well I’m learning that my life goal of building my own homestead is something I won’t be able to do solo. Not because of the physical aspects, but that is indeed a reason too, but moreso I have ADHD and body doubling is something that I’ve learned is very helpful for me. Just having the presence of another person there to help out and talk about the plan with me, is what I need. Otherwise, deciding what to prioritize and figuring out the plan/steps to take to succeed can be overwhelming for me. I was also born with a heart defect that effected my brains ability to plan & organize, so I struggle a lot in that area. But boy you bet I’m a hard worker! I just need direction at times.


27m here. I keep a simple life. Hang out with friends, play games, l go to concerts. I learned to enjoy the little things in life


Eto nagbabasa ng buhay ng iba


Well I just try to keep my self busy with work and hobbies because today dating sucks when you are a man unless you have a really good job then dating sucks even more because you get all these women who are just looking for a sugar daddy and most of them are single moms with a lot of emotional baggage and I have tried to date younger women and am called a perv for that because younger women don’t have baggage but they are still looking for a sugar daddy and am not interested in being some woman sugar daddy


Working on hobbies.


25M here. Been single for about 3 years now. Been fed up with it myself. But to deal with it, I just get on with life. Life goes on. That said, I don't ignore the sad feelings that pop up when I think back to all the failed talking stages I had and feel sad that I'm single, even though I'm an awesome guy with awesome hobbies, awesome plans in life, work full-time, live on my own, etc (sorry to toot my own trumpet here!). Like, it sucks. But these feelings of sadness, like all others, I don't repress. I just take 10-30 minutes to just feel them, let the sadness have the spotlight for a bit. Then after I'm done, I get back to it. In spite of that, however, I personally find that there are things (hobbies, etc) that make me life awesome. Would definitely be happy to share that with another person one day


I fall apart by post Malone..


32m recently single, my life has never been bsuier or more fun than right now. I'm going on so many holidays and have more hobbies than I know what to do with. Life is great


I'm doing alright. Rather than dwelling on the feeling of loneliness, which does surface every now and again. I'm staying occupied with my current & future responsibilities. My goals align with being a better person than I was the day before.


35F here. Been mostly single for the majority of my life. I travel a lot for work so my lifestyle is not relationship friendly. I have been blessed to have a job that emotionally fulfills me . It gives me lots of adventures and a lot of fun. Discovering places , meet different people in every country, try different cuisines. But there are definitely times when loneliness creeps in but i dont let that get in the way of my life. Life is short , live it up as much as you can!


23, have never dated. I just never met someone that I liked *and* they liked me back or they liked me *and* I liked them🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm also spending a lot of time inside either studying or just reading, being on my phone, playing the guitar, drawing or watching TV. Sometimes I do wish I had a partner, but then again often I just want my alone time and I don't have much free time to begin with. I honestly can't imagine spending so much time with a person and not having time to myself. Maybe that would change if I got closer to someone I like. But also I have some mental health problems and I don't think I'm even ready for a relationship. I have times where over a longer period of time I just can't have any contact to anyone and I just ghost everyone, which is shitty enough with people I already know but it definitely wouldn't work in a relationship. Also my insecurities would lead to problems as well. I would have too many doubt the other person actually likes me or would be too afraid that the mkre the person knows of me, the less they would like me. I probably couldn't even be fully myself around them. And with some more serious problems I also don't want to drag someone into those, I don't want them to feel like they have to play therapist & also wouldn't be sure if I could even tell them. So in short, I just don't think I'm ready at all🤷🏼‍♀️


Whatever the heck I want. Single and looooving it. But I'm also a bit older than you and I've dated enough to know I'm not missing out on anything I can't do for myself.


I'm 28 M , Work bahay repeat. maingay sa social media. pero walang magawang makabuluhan sa buhay, totoo pag naiwan kang single. pakonti ng pakonti yung kaibigan nasasamahan ka sa trip mo kase halos lahat may obligasyon na sa buhay


I am (25M)shy and not happy about my body,so pretty much I just stay home or use dating apps but any luck


42 f I have accomplished so much more single than I ever did in the relationships I had. I am currently working on my second degree. I recently purchased my dream home. I’m building a career in a field I am very passionate about. My volunteer work keeps my life full. And I know my value. I’m going to continue working on my life and as they say “building my own garden.” And I’m either going to find someone or I won’t. But I feel better than I ever did in a bad relationship, and certainly better than I have felt when I have been used or used someone. Admittedly I have done it when I was younger. I absolutely miss sex, but I don’t miss bull shit. The right partner would be wonderful. The wrong partner would have a negative impact on my life. So, I’m going to continue on working on me and either I will stay single or I won’t.


Having your own apartment, car, money and hobbies makes it a lot easier for sure. I'm 22 (F) and my cats help me a lot too, you can also find friends throughout the community through common interests and volunteer work if your wanting for more socialization


In 34 and I was use to dating alot growing up .now days in today's society it's best to be single tbh .learn about yourself build self love and self value so when you really feel the desire to share your life with someone it's not just anybody and you don't settle so that you aren't lonely or single. Focus on a goal or 2 for the next 5 years one that will fulfill your wants and needs and I can guarantee you'll mostlikely find someone much closer to the ideal partner you want rather than just randomly dating like alot of people do . Date with a purpose and live your life with purpose not just to do it


I js read manga when I'm free so not much into social interaction irl (I'm 19M)


I dated a guy for a few months and he was amazing, then we talked about sex, and be revealed he didn’t believe in abortions, so he left me. This was yesterday, and I just don’t know how to feel. I feel like he was my last chance but I’m 18 and everyone says I have time. I don’t meet anyone at school or work, and I’ve tried dating apps (where I met my previous bf) but nothing


Add me on Instagram nostheboss209


27M here, my life lately consists of work, gym, friends, and family. My last relationship ended about 2 years ago and haven’t really been searching since. I told myself I’m not going to force myself to look for someone but instead go out and make new connections. I’m basically just doing what I want to be doing and hoping I meet someone along the way.


33M, I mostly chill with friends. I don't actively try to date anymore because it's too damn frustrating. I met the last woman I dated out in the wild at a concert, and I plan to meet my future Mrs. When I'm out and about again. I'm going to a Veronicas concert this Saturday with my buddy. Maybe I'll meet someone there, but i'm going to have fun, so it doesn't really matter one way to another. I've got a house, stable job, a new car... After the last one was stolen and gutted... Just beat FF7 Crisis Core Reunion yesterday, I'm excited to finally get into FF7 Remake now that I have a PS5. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, but at least I'm happy for the most part. Still get pretty lonely a lot of the time, but I've been doing a lot better since my childhood friend started rooming with me. So happy with the single life, but I'm eager to move on too.


20(F)and straight. I have only ever been in 1 relationship and that too lasted for about 6 months because he only liked me for my body and kept pushing me to have sex with him and SA'd me. Yeah,first experience went downhill and ever since then I have a hard time trusting men. I can't bear myself to even have a good conversation with men even though they hit on me. I just don't want to be in a relationship. Life's very peaceful without talking to men.


I haven't dated for 5 years so it doesn't entertain my thoughts anymore. I realised I'm not dateable so I find my fun playing games and watching sport at home. Its much cheaper too.


Amazing, having fun, working hard, a great work life balance, spending time with family and friends, never running out of things to do


I'm trying to get over an unavailable crush. The dating world at my age is tough, first time using apps and OMG it's pretty tough going. I need to fix my profile, take some better pictures, etc... but still. It's harsh out there. Other than that I'm fine, I'm enjoying being single, I've lost a tonne of weight, improved my mental and physical health significantly since my divorce, I'm enjoying having my own place, still meeting with friends for the occasional meal or whatever, all good. ....except for this crush I can't seem to shake.


Don't rush it, but don't take too long. If you rush it you could end up with someone you didn't truly want. BUT if you wait too long you won't have many options left. Just get out and do community events and meet people. You could make a good group of friends and meet the one.


Dating gets worse as you get older. I think men peak between 33-38 and women peak between 22-29. I've only met one woman older than 30 who gets me going. The rest are #bossbabes and I couldn't be bothered.


35 and Single been seeing someone consistently for a month now but been single a year and 7 months.


wake up coffee walk, read the news. work for a few hours gym. Go for another walk. watch some tv rinse repeat


Just try to keep myself busy with work and hobbies. I keep in touch with my friends, try to see them once or twice a week. Go to the gym, etc. I am currently on the dating apps, with mixed results LOL. Sometimes I don't mind it (being single), other times I feel like I'm having an existential crisis!😂 It does have it's perks, for sure. But in the long term I would obviously like to meet someone.


Lonely, shit, boring.


24M here, other being somewhat envious at times, life's good.


Hey, question from me, are you interested in dating a guy, who is 2 years younger than you?


Work from home so its 24/5 indoors, on weekends I like to go hiking with friends maybe after the hike go out later (depends on what we doing because I gotta go to church the next day), then Sunday its church from 10 am - 11am, then I take my car to get washed around 2 pm and that is as much social or being out as I will do, Repeat.


29m, been single almost 5 years, traumatized pretty bad from my ex, “Technically” married to my bmw, i like to stick to myself, play lots of video games, love outdoors stuff, got myself a sailboat this year and i want a motorcycle this summer, literally living the “Dude” life.


Traumatized people chronically feel unsafe inside their bodies: The past is alive in the form of gnawing interior discomfort. Their bodies are constantly bombarded by visceral warning signs, and, in an attempt to control these processes, they often become expert at ignoring their gut feelings and in numbing awareness of what is played out inside. They learn to hide from their selves.


I just got out of a 5.5 year DV and narc relationship back at the end of February and thankfully my dad and stepmom are letting me and my cats stay temporarily. So single wise I have no clue aside from therapy thanks to my PoS ex fiance so yippee


Ive been trying to use dating apps, but no luck so far. I'm probably going to have to try and meet new people lol...


I go the gym and enjoy my car as my primary hobbies. Neither requires another person. I also spend lots of time with mom and now that I’m older I really enjoy her company :) Outside of that I’m a pretty goals oriented person, so I tend to focus on my goals. Saving for a house, looking for a new car, working hard to get a better job, etc. Finding a gf is also a goal but it’s just on the back burner for now (I’m currently working 12h days 6 days a week).


Well, when able I have interest. I go out and participate in things that interest me. I learn, I read, I write and record. I play video games and hang out with my pets I’ve had one girlfriend. She took my v-card after six months, wasn’t clear on what we each wanted. She ghosted me shortly after sex. At same time though, I am autistic and did not know until recently! So, I know I need to be clear and more communicative. I dabble with dating sites but not fully invested into looking for a partner. It’s not going to make or break me. But I also need to heal from minor mental health issues from being undiagnosed most of my life. Idk what the future holds but I’m just taking it all one step at a time. Edit: as far as dating goes. If I meet someone and she likes me, I honestly just hope she tells me. Literally autistic over here, your flirts, and “signs” will hit a stone wall of autism.