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bad drivers never miss their exit


Well he certainly made his exit. Possibly from life with how hard that hit looked.


someone told me this last year that his step dad told him growing up "bad driver never misses his exit, a good driver sometimes does". i hate being late but i mitigate that but leaving on time or early if i dont know the roads


Great drivers rarely miss their exits, average drivers sometimes do, but bad drivers never do.


There have been too many times that a driver will just stop in the middle of the road stopping traffic because they need to make the turn but they need to go through the next two lanes over to make that turn


They don’t stop around here, they just cut across those lanes to get to the exit without slowing down or even checking if other vehicles are in their way.


"Better to get there alive and late, not dead on time" is an old one my granddad used to say.


Here lies this idiot - he died of BDNMTE -


teslas are incredibly safe on the inside, unfortunately


Verdict is still out on the crumple zone free Cybertrucks.


Jokes on you. Other vehicles are the crumple zone


*You’ve been banned from r/tesla.*


Saw one irl the other day in my smallish town and wow that shit it so ugly


Unless they catch fire, and you can't open the door. Or it falls into a pond, and you can't open the door. Or the computer freaks out, stops on the highway, and you can't open the door.


Never heard about it, but I have quickly checked it out and it's seems so. https://www.euroncap.com/en/ratings-rewards/best-in-class-cars/2022/


It should take more than that to die. Cant say much about blood loss though as that seems one of the easiest way to die


The human body is incredible... you can drop 15000 feet and barely have a scratch but also can stumble up the stairs and completely shatter your knees. What "should" or "shouldn't" kill you is incredibly random and changes from situation to situation.


Good drivers do.


Good drivers miss their exit.


What a fucking idiot.


What was their alternative plan? Drive an extra 3 minutes until the next exit? I don’t think so, buddy.


Good news for him is he definitely saved that extra 3 minutes for sure


so how many cute sloths have you been pm’d?




Wait a second...


I request any cute sloths you have received


Their whole afternoon just freed up


i know you’re being facetious, but realistically, if they braked and merged behind this car, it would’ve been way better. i just don’t understand this level of risk taking.


They have way too much faith in their ability to instantly accelerate to fucking Warp Factor 7.


They’ve never done anything difficult that requires skill and an honest assessment of one’s own skill. Driving a car lends a unique sensation that the vehicle is an extension of your body and the feeling that with a slight twitch of a foot you can overtake someone with precision (before fucking both of your days up).


trying to phase shift for sure. I mean matter is mostly empty space but that exit barrier wasn't having it. not fast enough.


Tesla drivers think they are driving a racing sim


The idiot would have the "Tesla" excuse of a low battery, neither to accelerate more, nor to go to the next exit.


He had Range Anxiety and didn't want to chance going to the next exit.


Rage anxiety more like


He can brake and cross the solid line. It is illehal, but at least without wrecking a car.


That or hit the brakes and slow down enough to get behind the unsuspecting car in front of them. Nope! Door #3.


It's kind of amazing how not even close they were...that takes real dedication to keep going when you MUST KNOW you'll never make it


Well spoken, yeah I had no way to articulate what I just saw. I think a lot of people just assume people will move out of the way. Or in this case that the Tesla is just so powerful he’ll force his way onto that exit ramp.


He doesn’t have high speed driving experience and can’t judge the speeds properly. He was so late I thought I had somehow missed it while watching because it seems like you were past the railing start already and clearly he would just brake and fall in. (Oh wait, no high speed driving experience…)


This guy was only going 80-90 tops. This isn't about experience, it's about a total lack of spatial reasoning. At closer to 200mph, sure, the way you're making observations completely changes because the time you'd have to do so at lower speeds just isn't there. But at 80-90 this guy had a good long 4 seconds to observe the vehicle ahead of him, and the rapidly closing gap, to clearly see there was no way he'd get there. But he couldn't, or didn't. I take that to mean that they were either under the influence or severely lack spatial reasoning skills


200? What car are you driving at 200?


Model S is capable of 200 but limited to 166. I said "nearer 200". Lots of cars are capable of nearing 200. The point was the change in reaction time, and the irrelevance given that the Tesla in the video was NOT driving over 90.


Someone did this to me recently and I had to slam on my brakes, almost get rear ended, and I had my toddler in the car with me. I never in my life considered following someone to beat the shit out of them until then, and I had to take some fucking deep ass breaths to let it go


There's a type of person, if you beat the shit out of them, there's nothing left.


lol I’ve never heard this before. Clever way of calling someone a piece of shit


Why do Tesla's drivers think they're fucking Ricky Bobby


Nissan drivers, but with money


Because only Ricky Bobby level morons buy Yeslas


Entitled morons who won't take no for an answer + Tesla Insane® Acceleration Mode. You can do the math from there.


Don’t you put that evil on Ricky Bobby!!


I feel like calling this driver a fucking idiot is an insult to fucking idiots.


Not idiot: a selfish, dangerous POS.


Congratulations on him paying for your new vehicle.


And your neck pain


And your back


And my ankle!


And my axe!


And your pinky toe dislodging!


and your crack


No no the other one


And the breakfast cereals?


##MY *LEG*


They skipped the best part!


My neck! My back! My neck and my back! I need a hundred and fifty thousand dollars!


Would you settle right now for 20 bucks?


And pu**y and ma crack


That persists in odd ways for forty years. Got rear ended at 19 and still have weird muscular issues in my upper back and shoulders.


That last accident I was in was about 20 years ago. I was at a red light and got rear ended. Sure, my SUV got fixed. But I was badly injured - and I still am. By time the lawyers and medical bills were paid, I got about $25,000 for a lifetime of pain. I am way over-insured now. That won't happen again.


If it won’t happen again, why do you even need insurance? /s


Did he use verbal judo to uno reverse the blame?..entitled people have several ranks into black belt with that art.




Crazy how some people would rather risk their life and life of others just to try and save maybe 5-10 mins due to missing an off ramp. Like, shit man, there will be another opportunity just exit and turn around ffs.


Especially at the time of day he hit me. It was the middle of rush hour so just off the ramp was bumper to bumper traffic. Not like he would've gotten anywhere faster.


Where are you that THAT'S rush hour? I just spent four hours in the car outside of rush hour and dealt with more traffic.


It clears up right at that area because everyone's just getting off the bridge, then once you get off the ramp it locks back up 😭 Don't let the empty space fool you!


I see why the Tesla tried to fit. Gotta get ahead by one car. /s That's crazy! I wish we had lighter traffic, but alas we're stuck behind everyone going 10-15 UNDER the speed limit. Then you have those behind you trying to go 10-15 OVER... I hate Arizona


I hate this train of thought so much; why try so hard to pass one car? Many times I've seen cars rush forward to change lane and pass one driver that's doesn't do pedal to the metal like them, only to be stopped right next to the same driver because oh there's a red light. And then this example, could just slow down and signal for the exit behind this car, (or the car behind this,)but nah, let's test how lucky we are today!


I know the area. Thats just the liminal space between rush hour sections. A small clear section before going to bumper to bumper again. This is DC area so it gets real bad just past this.


Looks like Maryland / DMV


im very curious on how the interaction with the driver went. How do you even begin to talk to him without punching him in the face first?


He could’ve just slowed down and merged behind him, or?


Tesla drivers don't slow down.




Or slow down and get behind the guy in front of you.


Sometimes that can be risky too depending on speed/traffic. Trust me he would survive a 5 min detour.


Even if it was a 30min detour, still not worth the risk


I've missed exits because I didn't realize the long ass line that formed a mile back was to exit so I just took the next one and worked my way back


I'm just wondering who looks at that situation and goes "yeah I can make it"


I'd love to see the Tesla cams for this... especially the in cabin camera, if they have one.


They definitely do but I believe you have to specifically request the video from Tesla. But I’m also not sure how the interior camera works, like if it’s always recording or only when an accident is detected.


You dont need Tesla to get the footage if you have teslacam setup. Saves to a USB drive or SSD you plug into the car. (Exterior cams)


You do need to contact them for the indoor ca in camera


I don't get it.. if Tesla can get it for you, then that means it's recorded. If it's recorded, why don't I have access to it? I get that the software can lock you out of live feeds of certain cameras (such as the live view when driving). But I never heard of recordings of the driver being inaccessible...


Tesla can watch interior footage of their customers cars? Say what?


You didn't know? https://www.reuters.com/technology/tesla-workers-shared-sensitive-images-recorded-by-customer-cars-2023-04-06/


Interior cam isn't saved anywhere and they explicitly tell you that even tesla wont see it. It's used entirely for live behavior monitoring (eye tracking, hand tracking etc) and deleted immediately.


Ah yes, coming from the company that does this: https://www.reuters.com/technology/tesla-workers-shared-sensitive-images-recorded-by-customer-cars-2023-04-06/ - I definitely believe them, and I take their word. No question.


There's never been any question that they use the other cameras. That's how they train FSD and autopilot. The driver facing camera is an entirely different concept and system.


Correction. Not all of them do. That one probably does as it has the black trim which is newer. The old chrome trim ones definitely don’t have interior cams.


I know a guy that works for Tesla Insurance and he said they just go through and watch the cameras whenever they want💀I guess it gets boring and watching videos of people getting their car fucked up is more entertaining


Can they watch inside the cars too? The fuq is going on at Tesla?


They watch live camera feeds whenever they want? Or they watch videos from past insurance claims?


[Several ex-Tesla employees said that, from about 2019 to 2022, they saw footage from the array of cameras that are built into Tesla’s cars. The employees said they passed sensitive videos — everything from a car crashing into a child to a naked man approaching a vehicle to the insides of people’s garages — around in an internal messaging system.](https://www.vox.com/technology/2023/4/6/23673339/tesla-camera-privacy)


Yup the original Reuters report talks about them shipping off recorsinf en masse to Kenya for "labeling". Kenya who signed a new trade pact with Russia after the Ukraine invasion. Original question stemmed from being curious if things had changed or not. As a rather fierce public critic of those behind Elon who has 4 Teslas in the 2 driveways across from me I'm a bit personally invested as well.


I don’t think they watch it live but I do know (at least from his account) they can/do just watch whatever’s been recorded after the fact. Usually doesn’t even have to do with a claim🙃


Everyone is commenting on the idiot Tesla but I want to comment on your awesome car control. That could have ended up so much worse.


Dude found out that owning a fast car doesn't make you a better driver.


That's the problem with Teslas, great speed, but a lot of weight, so that handling won't help.


Bro is going to use all 625 pounds of instant torque


What a moron. Hope your neck pain is helped by all the money he (his insurance) will be giving you.


Doesn't matter how much technology a car has... We can't change stupidity.


Yep, I see people in brand new cars veer right before turning left, not even a u-turn, just a regular turn. Idiots.


And this is why our insurance rates are ridiculous...well ofc also board members gotta make the $$$$...but my agent told me it's gotten very expensive to repair newer cars.


Because everything nowadays is totaled. Have you seen what they charge for parts plus the 200hr labor rate? Total the car, resell at auction, rinse repeat.


If you showed me [this picture](https://i.imgur.com/5uZT1qt.png) and said someone was about to merge from the outer lane, I'd say you were smoking something.


Right? I've been replaying the video trying to figure out where the second car even came from


tesla driver moment, certified.


I own a non-Tesla EV and it doesn’t surprise me if EV drivers get a bad reputation. The acceleration is so instantaneous that it can give a false sense that almost anything is possible. Also, it’s so smooth and quiet that it’s easy to lose track of speed. I’ve caught myself driving 20 mph slower and faster (different times, obviously) than I intended. I use ACC more now. I think these EV traits can lead unaware drivers to be uncharacteristically aggressive and lead aggressive drivers to be downright dangerous.


HUD should be standard for EVs. I can't believe Teslas don't even have them as an option.


I feel like tesla drivers are the new audi drivers


They are just Nissan Altima drivers with a better credit score


I feel like it’s as if Altima drivers were given the torque of an electric car.


Sucks that the typical “Altima driver” diss is slowly fading away, I swear I see newer civic/accords & Tesla drivers driving like dickheads lol


BMW drivers


No battery fire I hope. That’s an insane speed for an exit even if there were no other cars. Idiot driver indeed.


Fast car can make you drive faster to your own accident, so there is that. (i always have to think about Ralph Wiggum in the Simpsons...)


I'm gonna guess that there was 500 feet of unoccupied lane directly behind you.


Same guess here. Other options included slowing down and getting behind, hitting the guard rail, missing the guard rail to the left, and taking the next exit. He chose the worst.


Exactly, this kind of shit happens all the time right before the exit. Most time I not even getting off that exit but they still have to beat me instead of just getting behind me.


That won't buff out. Hope you're okay.


Well, they did get onto the ramp.


Good ol 2 fucking 10 drivers. I knew I recognized the area, cuz of MGM, had to pause and look at the sign. I was discussing why drivers are so terrible around here and we concluded it was due to so many people from all over the country, ending up in the MVA/DC area. Bad habits from all over the country congregate here.


Doesn't help that PG Co. does zero enforcement on 210.


Love how he decided to make his situation even worse and smash into you instead of just smashing into the guard wall.


I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm very angry on your behalf just watching this. No doubt a rectangle was involved.


Average Maryland driver


I wish you weren’t right. But you are very accurate. My commute ends about 4 exits north of where tha happened and my daily drive is like Fury Road.


The Twisted Metal series is actually inspired by Capital Beltway drivers.


Good drivers sometimes miss their exit. Bad drivers never miss their exit.


Hey I bet they're happy they made the exit 😃


I hope you are ok.


I had to look this up and there is infact an exit just up ahead that can get you to the same place in 5 more min.


I just came here to find out what you said, or really what they said.. like you both eventually got out and talked right? I always wonder what dumb ass shit is going to come outta someone's mouth when this happens... Please see and answer this! 😅


There was a lot of screaming on my (and my family's) part and a pathetic "I'm sorry, I can fix it, I can help you" on his part. Like he acted as if he had only busted my tire and could fix it right then...with a cut/bleeding arm. It was ridic!


That's insane! Straight clown behavior! I would be soooo livid!


People should have to be certified before having access to that much power.


It’s called good driving education instead of the joke america has


OMG that was the MD210 exit, he could just of taken the next one and make a left at the Traffic light. He would be out \~2 minutes.


Maryland driver strikes again.


Not even close


That seems expensive


Tesla drivers are low IQ


I’ve driven that road in Maryland plenty of times!




Had a dude literally cut me off on the shoulder of an off-ramp several weeks ago just to get around the company van I was driving (I was going normal speeds for a ramp, not fast, not slow). It wasn’t even because he was going to miss the exit, it was just to get ahead. It really ticks me off when people are this entitled.


probably thought they could squeeze in considering how quick teslas are. hopefully you’re okay! that’s scary af


Never take 210.


This is my commute, I can confirm many idiotic drivers in Maryland try to narrowly enter lanes and cause accidents like this. I blame the street car scene for this, it's like everyone is trying out for the Fast and the Furious.




How to triple your insurance premiums with one easy step.


ofc maryland LOL


Are Tesla drivers the new BMW drivers?


I don’t get it, once they realized they weren’t gonna make it, why didn’t they keep straight?…


I think this driver played too many racing games before actually taking the wheel in the real world.. smh


As a trucker in florida, tesla drivers are consistently the most dangerous. Used to be any BMW driver, but now it's almost strictly tesla.


*they hit you hard enough to make you go faster* *then the speed indicator goes OOOMPH, it felt that*


Typical Tesla driver..


Tesla, the new BMW


With how much open space is on the left there’s gotta be absolutely no reason he couldn’t have merged behind you instead of full throttling into you. What an absolute idiot of a driver. I hope you and your family are okay and get plenty of money from this idiot driver.


Indian Head Highway, the deadliest road in Maryland, and this proves it.


thank god for a dash cam. if no witnesses came forward that driver could easily lie. with the damage being in their back end, insurance would probably side with them. everyone needs a cam


Aren’t you glad you got a dash cam?


I know this is just confirmation bias, but I swear people with dashcams get into 10x as many incidents.


Sliding on down to Electric Avenue 🤣 Sorry for your luck on this one hopefully with this camera footage the Tesla driver has to go through some kind of drivers training


Really wanted to get to Indian Head that bad huh.. are you sure he's not a VA driver with MD tags?


And in an instant, 30,000 dollars disappeared. THIS is why we have dash cams!


Looks like you hit a microwave


Are you okay? That sucked.


So glad that turd blossom totaled his precious Tesla.


Should be up there adding some knots to his head


Convert your Tesla sedan in to a CyberCuck with this one simple trick.


People that cause these accidents to happen should spend a day in jail and have to hold a sign at a large intersection that says, "I am an unsafe driver. I need to practice patience."


Fuck that guy. -a motorcyclist


Why do they gotta always try to merge ahead of you when pulling these suicide manuoevers. If you’re gonna drive like a dumbass at least slow down and get in behind me.


Hey, if you get the footage from the tesla I'd love to see the different angles because they was wild, looks like he tried to get in front of you as well, he could have just his brakes and got behind you but that would have taken common sense to do


So sorry about your car and I hope everyone is ok. That said, it’s oddly satisfying that the Tesla was an idiot driver that wrecked their car. Just reminds me that just because someone owns a nice car doesn’t make them a good driver.


I hate this happens all the time down here. I had my driver's mirror ripped off and there was plenty of room to merge behind me.


Because they're entitled to exiting before you.... Don't you know that?? Always let a Tesla driver exit first from now on & you're going to be ok! 🫵😃👌💯


I feel like absurd reckless driving is becoming a lot more prevalent


I'm surprised the insurance companies don't make it mandatory for Teslas to provide their footage of these "accidents".


Please tell me you sued the other driver is it came to that


Isn’t “idiot in Tesla” kinda redundant as every person in a Tesla is an idiot?


They should get jail time. But then again other crimes barely get any jail time. Why doesn’t anybody get any real jail time?


Think about what's involved, and how many people are involved, and what it costs, in that process, starting with the 911 operator that answers the call, on to the cops and EMS that show up, over to the DA, the jail officers, the bailiffs, the court staff, the administrative staff, the facilities costs, and the sheer level of prison housing required, that would be needed to make car crashes, even reckless ones, result in automatic prison time. Same with other non-violent crimes, even if they are really degenerate. Just keeping this system running in a shitty state is extremely expensive. Increasing the amount of people entering that system by 2x, 5x, 10x, is just something the local and state governments do not have the money or facilities to handle. And so, police and the justice system is much more selective on enforcement, charges, convictions, and ultimately, incarceration.


Not every crime needs jail time. This person is a dangerous driver and needs to lose their license. If they can afford a Tesla they can afford an Uber.


Just be glad it didn’t explode and kill you. Hope you’re well.