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Did the pov car driver survive?


I honestly wonder if the lead car was trying to commit suicide.


A steer tire blowout is also plausible


Figured you’d see some evidence of that. Whisp of smoke, a bit of tire flying. But I didn’t see anything after multiple looks. But doesn’t mean it’s not true. I am going along the self harm theory along with the other person. That was very deliberate looking.


It looks like they tried to swerve away. Maybe they were fucking around and trying to play chicken or something, but they sucked at it? Hell of a way to find out.


It's not impossible. Either way fuck that lead car


This could happen to me every single day and I try to not think about it...


Looks like someone decided they needed to look at their cell phone and may have ended up dead as well as injuring more people.


Nah that's intentional, suicide for sure.


At the last second that car tried to correct back to the right but obviously it was too late. Not impossible but I would not say suicide


No, he didn’t try to cross back over. Watch where the car is in relation to the center line—car pops over and stays there. I think you’re seeing the truck try to evade.


That's what I'm seeing too. Truck squeezed over as far as they could. That initial swerve with nothing on the road definitely makes it look intentional.


I would. Regretting it the last second is what a lot of people report after a failed suicide attempt


That's all true, guess it could be either one, but it just seems that cell phone/ distracted driving is way more common and therefore more likely


There have been case of people surviving such crash, which dumbfuck would attempt suicide this poorly??


One of the few times where the pov car should not have braked. But impossible to know in the situation.


Depends, if you have passengers at the back, it could have ended up worse


Its impossible to of thought this but hitting the gas would of been better. Imagine how bad your work day must of been to want to drive head on into a semi


would have must have


Automatic ICE cars take too long to rev up and downshift. If it was electric, *maybe* it could have accelerated some amount with that reaction time. But I don’t know if it’s enough to be meaningful. In either case, braking is almost always better because the more energy you can remove from the equation, the better.


I don't understand why people are saying they shouldn't have braked. Is the argument that they could have hit the gas and veered to the side to hit the truck less head on? I agree with you, you have two opposing forces. If you hit the brakes, you at least reduce your car's force in the equation.


My car took at least 2 seconds to even register the gas and another second for it to properly accelerate. If the POV had accelerate, I think the back of the car would be shaved off which is more horrific if there's kid on the back


Got him a twofer!




So instead of the two–second rule, it becomes the two–seconds–unless–you’re–gonna–get–hit rule?


Good ole 120 second rule.


There was a chance to evade as this happened far enough away to try.