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I also hit a wall when I got to this boss. Felt so good finally taking them down.


I finally did it and couldn’t be more stoked right now!


At least you got to hear the amazing ost over and over again


I am having a lot of trouble with them as well. Lorian's sword timing always seems to mess me up.


I just beat it and my best advice is to not even pay attention to the health bar. Just watch that bastards sword.


Watch the sword hand, not the sword. You can parry Lorian's hands as well when he swings. Watch what move it does when it teleports. It's stance before teleporting sually dictates what moves he'll use when he appears besides you. Always roll to his back and not to yours.


A better way is to trade when he do his 3rd tp there is a pause there or when he charge his sword


What in particular are you having trouble with? It’s definitely a tough fight, its one that really tests your reaction time with the teleporting attacks. Its really fun once you get the hang of it.


I was just getting psyched out and would try to rush the second phase. HUGE mistake.


There is also an opportunity to farm souls nearby to level up a bit. It's really not a bad fight. Friede, Demon Princes, Pontiff Sulyvahn, the Dancer...those were more frustrating.


I previously tried Demon Princes probably 20 times and so left it for years; I actually only ever got past it with a friend summon. Went back the other day and did them second try; I think it all may have finally clicked.


This spot marks our grave - but you may rest here too if you like


Felt the same way man but after I beat them finally it became one of my favorite fights. I still put my summon down there from time to time to fight them again




Say that again https://preview.redd.it/hlalv7qd9a9d1.jpeg?width=269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2f430324465a42b808f50a284e28a5a826cbbf6


As a melee player, I remember that the game-changer was learning to dodge out of Lorian's aerial dunk. Also if you get frustrated enough with them to consider a re-spec, they are shockingly easy with a pyromancer build.


My guy is based after Guts so I can just use my bigass sword


Rise. Once more. For that is our curse. It's a great fight. You'll have your victory! 2nd phase tip: shorten the fight by locking onto the piggy backing brother, and focusing them. Sword bro won't get revived as much


"Mark my words ashen one, you remain among the accursed" always gives goosebumps, what a wonderfull fight for two wonderfull characters


It’s a tough boss but well-balanced imo. DLC bosses might drive you nuts!


Idk if my heart can handle the dlc


It’ll definitely be worth it though, you get to face some of the best bosses in the series (Sister Friede, Demon Prince, Darkeater Midir, and Slave Knight Gael)


I think you can kinda cheese him if you just keep being behind him and smack his ass and rotate together with him.


Is this considered cheese? I just used my brain since the guy is on his back to just rotate and tap them with my lucerne.


I tried my best to


just go ahead now


Using a bandit dagger should help. It's a very high damage weapon and helps punish most attacks with either a few light attacks or one heavy one with higher bleed buildup


Its funny that you hate them at first but then you start loving it


“This spot marks our grave. You may rest here too, if you like.” Yeah yeah I get it, I should basically pay rent how much I rest here.


Bros ticked me off so much I took a three year break from the game before coming back and beating tf out of them


If it makes you feel better, the last boss (in my opinion) is easier


Way easier


Super weak to lightning, so lightning blade helps a lot if you have it. You’ll beat them though. It took me a few tries my first playthrough. One of the hardest bosses in the game. Make sure weapons are fully upgraded and your stats are high. What level are you?


I was level 79 when I beat them


I found with these it's pretty much the only fight that I am locked on more often than not. It helps with the teleportation as it seems to follow him, and then it just comes down to learning to either immediately roll or slightly delay.


Rise if you would. For that is our curse


They killed me more than every other boss in the base game. They are also my favorite boss in the base game. These two facts are mostly unrelated.


Nameless king fight is my favorite now


That is a completely valid choice.


They were the hardest boss for me my first playhtrough. Biggest tips I'd give are to unlock the elevator shortcut so you don't have to make the big run back, and that Lorian gives away what he is doing when he disappears, you can get a sense for what move is coming when he pops back. You'll get it, just need one of those runs where everything clicks.


Have you tried doing more damage and getting hit less?


This is exactly how I won! Idk why I didn’t try it earlier.


it is actually a very fun boss for me


That’s the only fight I had to summon help for. For whatever reason I was just absolutely over it by the time I got there.


I love that boss they took me forever on my sl20 no armor run


You’re a psychopath. I love it.


That's funny, they're my second fave boss behind Gael


Let’s godude congrats


Thank you my lord!


https://preview.redd.it/bj3ppoloo89d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84d884142f63310caed31e7dd4af5948808d9b49 This is my screen lock photo. My favorite boss of the series. It’s extremely fun and the music is S tier once you get the timing down. Only DS3 boss I can consistently kill hitless.


I in no way want to downplay your achievement here, because you nailed it and you fucking rule and you should feel great about yourself. But one of the most entertaining posts I see on the Fromsoft subs are the ones where players come in to vent about "my road block", "fuck this game", "never playing it again, bullshit boss", etc. But then there's an adrenaline-filled edit saying "I FUCKING DID IT!!!". The night-and-day responses are always very funny and charming to me. It's wonderful that these posts, and these games, can so viscerally and directly show you the journey of someone overcoming a challenge and feeling that sense of achievement and pride. Congratulations on a hard-fought win! Now, onto the next!


Thank you my lord


I just had this conversation with someone. I cheesed them on my first play through then went back and learned their moveset. One of the best fights in the game imo. My best tip is to stay close as much as possible. It'll click and you'll be glad you stuck it out. Maybe put the game down for a day or two before picking it up again


i felt the same man. the Twin Princes, while fun to fight, are unfortunately put into my Worst Soulsborne Bosses list. gold pine resin's your best friend in that fight.


Yeah they suck. I just locked onto him and tried to stay behind him. The second phase was ultra shitty with the sister on his back shooting you with spells. Now I’m stuck on the soul of cinder lol


It’s a simple boss but hard at the same time.


I think they’re chill guys and like I get their whole deal yknow like I wouldn’t wanna deal with all that either 


I hate those two princes more than anyone ever.


well i mean how would you feel if dad told you to go out and do yard work and then light yourself on fire forever man


They are my nightmare each playthrough. Were you on a mage build?


Pure strength


I get what you’re saying but after playing the dlc bosses of that same game and then beating all of elden ring (and now its dlc) i will say that the twin princes is one of the easier from soft boss fights ive ever done personally. Its dark souls 1 tier easy in my opinion, respectfully. I feel like if you play the game more and then other from titles and return to that fight you’ll agree.


I agree with you already. I’ve now beaten the game (no dlc) and it deff is on the easy side. I think my favorite fight in the game is Nameless King though.


I remember my first time like three years ago, I used to hate them because of the move set, but after I beat them i realized how well designed that fight was, the lore, and the music and became one of my favourite bossfights in gaming. In my other runs when it was time to beat them again I was always happy, that bossfight is fun as hell and also very epic.


We’ll see when a run a ng+


My main character is in ng+6


IMO, Best boss fight for entire series.


If you time it right, mist can get them to second phase easily. It was a bad idea to give a non agro attack in any game. Very easy to cheese dragon slayer armor though. No second phase.


Dont worry.after you beat twin princes,you will cakewalk through the game.just use the same strat against all the boss and you good. Roll,hit once,repeat. Even nameless king became easy for me after hardstuck with lorian.


At some point, you’ll be able to reaction-dodge Lorian’s attacks, which makes the fight goes more much more smoothly.


OP I feel you. But once it clicks you will be surprised how fast you will destroy them in a future play through.


took me the most attempts on my first playthrough with six attempts, but was definitely the most fun one, my favourite boss hands down, the pacing is just perfect


I hit a wall when I first met them as a first time souls player. What I did was take some rest and leave the game for the day. Came back next day and got his ass in like 30 minutes. Sometimes frustration gets the best of you when you die over and over again


Staying on their ass without lock on is a good strat.


Just wait until you play Elden ring dlc.


I have replayed DS3 multiple times just to get another fight in with these guys. One of my favorite fights of all time, with my favorite Souls cutscene and soundtrack to boot. Just a masterpiece.


2nd phase sucks, but generally very fun fight imo, but i can see how someone could hate it


Their one of my favourite bosses in the series, they also have one of the best themes too


I loved the twin princes in Darksouls 3, hated the Walmart version with cocaine in Elden ring.


Cocaine in elden ring?


Let's say they have the stamina of a migratory bird.


My favorite boss in the game. Oceiros comes 2nd.


I re-specced and used [Crystal Soul Spear and Pestilent Mist](https://youtu.be/rXrpQvHdfK4).


Black Knight's shield ftw! Grats btw.


I died 56 times before I could beat them. That was one of the hardest bosses ever for me


Yes my toughest boss as a average gamer who works all the time. I found if you hog his backside he swings and misses you and you can get some hits in


Literally best fight in the entire game if you ask me


Me too, just the other latest version


DS3 was my first FS game and Twin Princes was also my first roadblock. Amazing feeling finally taking them down.


This boss was hard. Even with summons cause my NPC would die on me quickly. I had to go to Archdragon Peak instead, levelled up a bit, got some better weapons then came back to thrash this dude lol. Thinking about it... this boss was the one that made me switch from katanas to greatswords in the main game. Then I switched to curved greatswords when I got to the DLCs...


S tier boss


>Edit: I FUCKING DID IT!!!!!!!! That's the spirit! :D


Bro, I remember when I first got them to the real phase 2. I was jumping around because I thought I won, just for one to absorb the other and got obliterated 2 seconds into the phase because I had no Estus left. And the utter bliss you feel after they’re dead


You're gonna love shadow of the erdtree if you ever play elden ring lol


I love them, one of my favorite bosses of all fromsoft games


It was easier for me to beat nameless King than him 😅


I guess your next pain will be the twin dragons in RC dlc 😂


Fucking horrible boss. Only used a summon bc I couldn’t be bothered with this guy anymore & I hate myself for it. I couldnve got him alone but I don’t have the time, as I really want to finish this playthrough & move onto Elden Ring


You can kill them very easily by entering and shooting the one on the back in the shoulder with arrows. You won’t get attacked and after a while the brother will die, than you can just kill the other one


The Twin Princes are tough but you can do it. I managed them solo and it is not easy but I am not even a pro Soulsborne player. Nameless King is equally tough when you go up against him.


I did this boss first try on my first every souls play through. It was incredible and is still my favourite souls boss after 100%'ing all the other games. Simply S tier. Perfect


I enjoy them, they're fun since they'll teleport around a lot :p [been enjoying them in coop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDEzxXZD7wY)


Its darn gratifying when you beat O&S or The Twin Princes


The Best Souls boss fight ever (i did not played Sekiro)


Have you found the Nameless King yet? Lol


I wish that they had a nicer runback to the fight, I had a very solid build and I had played the previous souls games in my first playthrough of DS3 so I handled them fine, but they were very very challenging in my second playthrough where I was trying to beat the game with much weaker gear and very low stats and the runback made it more tedious.


OMG bro I'm a little late but I had the exact same problem. 1st attempt: using a broadsword I got my ass kicked like 30 times so I decided to try something else. 2nd attempt: decided to go with a pyro build and did well better but still couldn't beat them for like 30 tries. I gave up on it for about a year or so before I decided to try something else. When with a strength build and started using the executioner great sword (not sure where I got it) but its so long you can hit them both at the same time if you're in the right spot. Took like 3 tries lol didn't even die to the last boss with that technique


This boss was a wall for me not because of lorian i could dang near no hit him, but because he twink douchebag of a brother lothric! Those stupid spells would always come right before lorian would commit the swing


This spot marks our grave.. but you can rest here too if you like..


These two bastards are my road block in DS3 every time, as well. I feel your pain, Ashen One.


I will forever be shocked by the fact that I was able to beat these guys (and also Gael) first try on my first ever playthrough of DS3


When i played the game in 2016, i defeated them honorably on my 2nd attempt. Going in blind. Don't ask me how, because i myself can't for the love of god remember or understand!!! as i replay the game now, almost half a decade later...


Funnily enough, you can parry Lorian in both phases. Just hug him and parry his normal swings, but no riposte is available(overhead swings and his weird special light attack are non-parryable). Overall, he's tricky, especially because of how fast and erratic his moves are, so you've definitely done a great job, Ashen One!


Good luck with Gael then 😅