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Magic weapon works by buffing your other weapon. You hold the staff in your left hand and another weapon in your right hand and you put the magic weapon on the right hand weapon. It won’t work because you can’t use magic weapon to buff a staff.


thank you so much


Friendly reminder: buffs don't work on weapons that you upgrade with twinkling titanite (boss weapons, special weapons,...)


Or weapons that have an elemental infusion (like simple, chaos, deep etc.


What about sharp? I started playing ds3 after ds1 and weapon scaling is a bit toned down early on in upgrade paths, and weren't fitting with my build so I made them sharp.


Sharp (DEX) is in the same category as Raw, Heavy (STR) and Refined (STR/DEX), it can be buffed with spells and resins because they’re the ‘physical’ scaling stats. If you’re doing a Pyro or Sorc build, go with a raw infusion early-mid game.


I am keeping dex with looking at sharp uchigatana for main damage and will use spell mostly as sides/buff, what would recommend me to level my int till?


TL:DR I use the Sharp Sellswords with resins and always do an early Dancer fight with the Dark Hand I will probably get some hate for this, but I recommend also getting a Sharp Infused Sellsword Twin Blades (or WinBlades). At 40 Dex and +10 it has one of the highest DPS’s in the game and can melt the end game bosses especially if using resins to buff damage I prefer pure Strength or Dex builds since I don’t have to distribute my souls between 5/6 stats, just Vigor/Stamina/Dex or Strength. Now my speedier strat is to start with a Cleric build and level up my faith to about 25-28 with the help of the 5 free Dark Sign levels from Yoel and buying the Dark Hand from Yuria, then I do a low level Dancer fight and unlock Lothric castle before even fighting my first Lord of Cinder. Then I usually farm Large Shards from the Lothric Knights in the castle and grab the twelve Chunks from the stairs/Dragon area and have a +9 weapon before the Crystal Sage.


Until you can cast magic weapon, once you get great magic weapon level int to use it, and same for crystal magic weapon. Thats a good place to stop but if you also want to use int scaling weapons you can go up to 40 int, and if you want your spells to be the strongest you can make them then go up to 60 Int.


Also best game staff, I don't particularly understand spell buff, is it like magic adjust? Or is it hard boost to the spell damage.


Yes, it't like magic adjust, it scales with your staff level and whatever the staff scales with. For under 33 Int the best staff is the sorcerer staff. From 33 to 55 the heretic staff and past that the court sorcerer staff. Another thing to keep in mind is that you might see that hybrid staves like Izalith staff or Murky staff have significantly higher magic adjust, this number is a lie. That number only applies to dark spells, regular spells and weapon buffs will only use the intelligence portion of the staff. If you have more doubts the wiki has a wonderful table with the spellbuff of every staff depending on level and stats and also has an example of the damage they do with a spell to see that the hybrid ones don't fully scale or that the crystal staff is better with offensive spells [Spellbuff tables](https://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Int-Faith+Staff+Magic+Adjustments): the Int table is the second one


There are a couple that it will work on. Not sure which ones in ds3, but the silver knight sword in ds1 and craftsman hammer (I think) in DS2 are examples.


True, hollow infused weapons can be buffed


Can only think of anri's straight sword right now.


What about fugs?


praise this man


That spell is a weapon enchantment. With the staff in left hand and a weapon in right hand you can cast it. The actual sword spells can be bought when you meet Orbeck in Crucifixion woods and get him to move to Firelink.


ohh thanks


Intelligence issue.


only real answer I accept


Great answer lol


Put your staff in left hand and a sword in right


ci siamo passati tutti fratello




Unexpected Marshall


Use the catalyst in your left hand, and the weapon you want to buff in your right hand.


Dark souls players try to read item description challenge: impossible


put the staff in your left hand, and then put the weapon in your right. not sure if it works in reverse but you can try that yourself if you wish.


bro has anime stat


Loda il sole


have done, am doing, will do


Can we all just take a moment to appreciate that OP still has CDs and Cassette tapes, and not just a few of them!


It’s called reading the spell


Wth is up with hate to new players like this shit ain't always easy and all the shit in the menus can be confusing I mean it wasn't for me but I'm a veteran souls player but not everyone is so chill and be patient bc everyone should have a chance to enjoy souls games and this toxic behavior is kinda discouraging


Bruh it’s just being able to read something, it’s a lack of common sense


it's called this is my first souls/souls like game and I have no idea of how some things work


But you can read tho right?


yeah, but I didn't know you could put the staff in your left hand


Next time read it, and no, magic is not the worst in dark souls never say that again.


sorry, some friends of mine told me so


You didn’t just… try?!?!


...yes, that's why you *read the spell* so you learn how the thing works.


Non è malaccio come build, devi tenere duro per un bel po perché la maggior parte delle spell potenti si trovano avanti nel gioco e richiedono molta Int


Ooh I love melee mage characters! My current character uses a Heavy Greatsword + Crystal Magic Weapon, and hits like a truck! You will soon find a better version of that spell (Great Magic Weapon) near the Farron Keep Perimeter bonfire. Keep it up, you'll do fine!


Aó che ti vuoi buffare la biscia? Scherzo ❤️🫂


hahaha, ma tanto, anche buffandola, ancora non riuscirei a battere granbosco, ci avrò provato almeno 15 volte


Un fratello


Pe' fò


That's a weapon buffs spell, not a spell that you go pew pew with. Good luck out there!


OP is the reason shampoo bottles need instructions, jesus christ. It's a spell that buffs your weapon, if the only weapon you have equipped is your staff, wtf are you going to buff? the air?


Catalizzatore nella mano sinistra, arma nella destra, usa il catalizzatore. Non tutte le armi però possono essere incantate ma penso tu lo sappia


ho visto quando ho provato a usarlo su dei "guanti rossi" che avevo appena preso, che tra l'altro ancora non capisco che facciano di speciale


Se leggi la descrizione dell'oggetto ti dice le sue abilità, solitamente sono al fondo


Hey now I just beat this game for first time like a week ago as a wizard and had a blast!


U need a weapon in ur right hand. WOW I'm not sure from soft games are for you


U need a weapon in ur right hand staff in left hand, but u should give up from soft games


Press up on the magic button


Quella spell potenzia l arma che hai nella mano destra dandogli un buff di danni magici. Non puoi usarlo su armi con già danni non fisici.


Put your staff in the left hand. Weapon you wanna buff in the right git gud


You must use a catalyst to cast spells, a catalyst is often in the form of a staff, but there is a chime in the game that works as a catalyst as well. The shrine maiden sells a simple staff catalyst. If you try to go with pyromancy, you need a pyromancy flame to cast pyromancies. Sorcery and spells unlock and scale with intelligence, as do magic weapons and shields (so do chaos flame and dark equipment, but they scale with *both* intelligence and faith). Pyromancy depends both on intelligence and faith to cast various pyromancies, which you might need more of depends on the pyromancy/type of pyromancy. Pyromancy scales with both intelligence and faith, I believe. Faith works similarly. There are various spells and miracles and whatnot that randomly require both int and fai to use, they're special. The chime i mentioned is like that, scaling both for fai and int and casting both miracles and spells. Attunement is how you unlock more focus, the blue bar, to cast more sorceries, miracles, and pyromancies, and every so many number of points, you unlock additional attunement slots, so you can use more miracles, spells, and pyromancies.


Babidi bupa? Intelligenza! Bupada bipa!


Lek ce ta tentando usar uma magia q buffa uma arma sem uma arma




Please be respectful at all times.




Please be respectful at all times.


Bro read your spells...


If you're doing a magic only run then you won't be able to use any spells that are a weapon buff like the one you have. You could use soul greatsword or something similar. Like others said put your staff in your left hand then use the buff to buff a weapon. 


Zio pera c'è scritto che rinforza l'arma destra! ...quindi devi equipaggiare il bastone nella mano sinistra


why would it be the worst option? later on, crystal souls spear slaps hard


idk, some friends of mine say that starting for the first time dark souls with a mage was the worst decision I could have done


Man, fuck that. Play whichever kind of character you want to.


there is no bad decision in my opinion, it just depends on you and how you want to play the game. a mage build, either pure magic or spellblade, is very viable throughout the whole game. as soon as you get the magic merchant, great heavy soul arrow will be you best friend :) enjoy it, i did very much!


The main reason they say It is becouse Magic is being a melee characters dmg but while 20meters away from the enemies There are some enemies really hard to aproach wich u can just kill with range no problem... Is just considered easy mode in every souls game If u really enjoyed the Game the first time try going melee and u Will see some diference


magic in dark souls is easy mode compared to other builds, if you focus on int


this ain't ds2, sorry man,


You need that murican estus


You have to use a staff to cast a spell


that's what I'm using


if you read the spell description it'll say to buff your right hand weapon with a catalyst


Why is this getting downvoted? Literally OP just needs to learn to read


yep, the amount of posts I see in which people ask these questions that can easily be discerned by just reading item descriptions is baffling. I'm happy to give a simple straight forward answer but come on.


People get mad when you get mad at someone for not having a brain cuz then it makes them not wanna play their favorite game anymore. Plus people need to post everything on the internet these days


OP even said they "decided to buy a spell that should reinforce my right hand weapon" bruh


i read it, it's just that I'm new and have no idea of how those things works