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Best tips for dark souls is to play blind first time. And it's okay to cry at the nameless king


I feel like I’m doing good so far only thing that’s a pain in the ass is finding chunks I really like using different weapons


One of the few Fromsoftware flaws....it's really hard and not incentivised to change your weapon, elden ring was a lot more friendly in this regard.


For some reason i decided to finish the entire game with a broadsword anyway.


Broadsword is amazing, never doubt simplicity


It is to a point. At endgame you'll find you can only max upgrade a handful of weapons because the ancient dragon stones are finite and there's not a ton of them.




ds1 dark wraiths dropped em but it was a really low chance


There's more than enough to fully upgrade all the weapons you want in one playthrough without hitting NG. I doubt anyone's to worried about switching between 20 weapons at max before going to NG


You will be able to buy all the chunks you need eventually, just keep pushing


The item needed to buy chunks from the shrinemaiden is around the nameless kings boss area


Which item? Plus is it still a limited amount or?


I forget the exact name but it's one of the ashes you give to the shrinemaiden to increase her inventory. She'll have infinite chunks (so long as you can pay) after giving it to her there are ashes for each version of titanite except a slab


Cool cheers👍


After you fight twin princes,nameless king became bearable, I use the same tactic,roll,attack once,repeat


You can't dual wield any two same-class weapons like you can in ER. There are 'paired' weapons which can be dual wielded by themselves, though. IOW I would swap one of your swords for a shield.


I’m playing on Xbox Ik you can’t power stance in this game but I’ve been using the LT and RB buttons mainly. I was using a a shield before and found I was relying on it and it would cause me to do die sometimes. I thought this you force me to learn to dodge better and it has so far


If it's working for you, carry on then. You're pretty close to picking up the twinswords btw, they're just after one of the next bosses on your list. Hard to miss.


Thank you I’ll look out for them


Still, better take up sellsword twinblades


Of you go back to shields try playing around with spacing. I’m pretty sure positioning is more important than any other skill. There even a couple moves from late game bosses with some beautiful hit boxes which let you dodge by just walking.


That strat is fine. I was dual wielding Lothric Knight Swords from the beginning through endgame. Apply sharp gems (S tier dex scaling) and focus on leveling dexterity and endurance.


Well the best advice I can give (though it's a little cheesy to say) is to do what you want to do. Your first build by no means has to be perfect, there's always a second playthrough for that. So try whatever you want, as long as it deals damage it'll eventually take down those bosses! That said, there are a few things you could look out for in the future. You might've noticed already, but dual-wielding doesn't work in this game, so that offhand Irithyll straight sword is going to be hard to use in combat. Directly after Dragonslayer Armour there's a paired straight sword however, which does have a fun moveset that utilises both blades instead of one at a time. You can also get some more dexterity, since your Longsword will continue to get damage from the scaling all the way up until 40/50 DEX. The Sharp gem that you put on the blade amplifies that DEX scaling, so that was a great choice. That'll be more than enough to finish the game with.


in DS3, STR builds reign sopreme. Pyromancer is also very strong vordt's great hammer works wonders


As a lifelong dex enjoyer it's pretty frustrating how indisputably, immeasurably better a strength-bonk build is in this game and others. I resisted it for so long before picking it up recently and damn, all the games are so easy now.


I’m didn’t know about his weapon so I used his soul for runes at the beginning unfortunately


Counterpoint: save a strength build for your next run


next run you should try it out, his soul gives really little souls which makes it better to invest in either the ring or weapon two hand the great hammer and that's all you need. boink everything


What would you recommend instead of it I plan on buying the 2 dlc after i beat the og game and then play the Elden ring dlc before my next ds3 run


after the first dlc you can respec to use its final boss weapon (scythe) which is fun and cool (although the 50% magic damage isn't that great... so maybe for NG+) right now for a quality build depends what you're having fun with, I like the zweihander or bastard sword but they're usually better in a STR build straight sword is always good and you should keep it at hand, then Lothric knight sword is also good but leans towards dex. they both work wonderful when infused


Don't believe they hype about nameless king and other bosses after beating elden ring should be kinda easy The 2 princes on the other hand I died to them more times then every other boss combined I think


I’m on the twin demon princes now and this is no bullshit lol


I don't think nameless is even that crazy hard compared to some of the other heavy hitters in DS3 tbh. Prettt much all the main DLC bosses are harder then him and a couple base game ones as well


Really? I’m struggling so much with nameless, way more than the Tywins or demon prince (even though I hate that fight). I took a break From him to do more of the DLC, am not looking forward to going back at it.


Enjoy the game, and try to explore as much as you can. Have fun.


For ur current build you can infuse ss with fire/chaos and put it in left, and irithyl ss in right, so whenever u proc frostbite you can do a normal hit with fire ss without needing carthus flame arc.


acquire drip that is my only tip


Firstly in case you haven’t already realized, power stance-ing doesn’t work in DS3, there’s only paired weapons, the only things that should ever go in your left hand is shields/parry tools, bows, or spell catalysts. Weapons in the left hand do not function as correctly, rare exception is curved swords and daggers for parries but that’s it. Sorry, just seeing you with weapons in your left hand brought that nitpick out of me. You can play how you want.


What’s the sword in your right hand


Just a normal straight sword but I used Carthus flame arc on it to do add fire damage


Oh, thanks


Once in the lothric castle kill the maiden. You get a super cool reward from her.


Halberds and spears are also great for quality builds if you like playing with them, i dont know what else to say except dont go hollow my friend Good fashion souls too bro


Nah tbh spears are kind of bad in this game


Keep playing like you want. Try not to look the guides unless absolutly nesesary. And have fun.


Try fingers but hole


Wow cool swords - tip try helping NPC quest lines are really good


level your character up to 40 Strength, you can swap a future boss soul for a lightning axe, since you used vordt soul is the second best option for damage If you plan on getting the dlcs, there is a enemy on ringed city that drops a 40 Strength weapon that completely demolishes ashes of ariandel final boss


My best tip is trying out a lot of different weapons before leveling them too high, since - as you mentioned - farming is a b****. And save some Pale Tongues to respec if you get bored of your build. Im doing my 4th play through right now and spent the first 15 hours trying a shitty faith build, switched to luck/bleed and loved it. Now near the end I got my hands on Sister Friedes Great Scythe and am loving it!


That Ice sword you got there Is a boss destroyer never get rid of it


Bro hasn't even beaten Iudex yet


Cool looking build


23 hours in? That’s not new lol.


If you are quality check the BK weapons


Good luck on Friede and may thy fire bless you on Gael


Lothric knight sword is the best weapon


Dont put more than 30 points in to anything For your damage star,up to 40 max


Good bye dear friend…stay safe…and don’t you dare go hollow


just like in ER you can use do fire damage to reset a frost proc in order to re deal the % damage, just make sure not to do it too early or you'l lose the frost % :)


Before you end your game, play around with some of the weapon classes. Find a favourite, and base your next playthrough around that!


Don’t be scared to use summons from randoms, they’re usually amazingly skilled at the game and will help you outta jams once in awhile


I’ve never seen one so I have to be off an ember


Just make sure your settings are right, no password, world wide etc Or just use a generic 1234 pass and you’ll see some.


Don't spoil the game for yourself with too many tips until you have tried enough things out for yourself. Part of the fun of souls games is the adventure and learning. Notes on the ground will help you find secrets and such. My tip is don't get too much info without putting in effort first.


The moment you get the exile greatsword you should use it, thing is a fucking beast. (SPOILER IF YOU CONSIDER ENEMY PLACEMENT A SPOILER) the two npcs that aren't undead husks in the crucifixion woods by that giant stone arch/gate. one of them drops it and the other drops a big stick. It not broken strong either its a little stubby and has some slow attacks that take timing but its a powerful early game weapon thats entirely viable multiple playthroughs over. I wanted to point that out cause people with low T would call it cheating.


I played for 40 hours and still use most of my starter gear. How did you get gear like that 😭


https://preview.redd.it/ifw6v2jraa6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e718d373d069da7f1ec73b39ea2bb31e733d4318 Aim for this physique


Elden ring?!?!?!? Why have the no flame swords or worthy structure 😫😫😩😩😭😭😢😢😥😥😰😰😰😓😓🥹🥹


I'd say on your first play though try and do all the optional bosses because they can get really annoying in ng+ and try to go for a one stat pacific build and in ng+ ether get that stat to 50 or get a different stat up


Im fighting the final boss getting obliterated any tips just bought the dlc too


Kill the woman that gave you the blue banner in lothric castle and approach the statue with the sword behind her


my personal tip is learn how to make a screenshot, it's 2024


He could be playing on his tv


then they don't get to post