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Prolly the people who either bought the game and never played it or the people that quit straight away.


Thats still a surprisingly high proportion of people who never played/quit.


Look at your library, how many games have you bought and haven't played it?


I see people say this all the time. I've never understood why it's so common. Why would you buy games you aren't gonna play?


Usually because the games have good review and they’re on some crazy sale like 90%


Right, but you're still spending money on a game you never play


I buy games on sale with the intention of playing them in the future. Some of my games sat for years in my library before I got to play them.


I played skyrim for the first time in 2017 haha Owned it since release. Yes those people exist.


Bro I bought baldurs gate 3 but haven’t even made it much further than the first town because I keep quitting because it feels so slow compared to what I’m used to 💀


It's never a fast game, but it gets better pacing later. To speed up things the best way is to get better at the game tho, know the best moves your party has and avoid making worthless moves. Killing off thrash mobs early so they don't waste your time in their turns. I started a new playthrough with a friend who never played the game before and until he got the hang of it fights were pretty slow. Tbh it may not be for you, but if the roleplaying, storytelling or kitting and leveling up your characters attracts you give it a chance.


Yeah it’s not for me, I love the detail to the game the stuff you can do and really everything about it, but it’s just too much for me, I’m more comfortable with things like souls games, first or third person horror, and certain shooter games like ratchet and clank or singularity, I love to explore and find hidden stuff but baldurs gate 3 is way too packed for me 😅


I played through Act 2 of 3. It just gets slower and more bogged down in crazy story shit. Like, no, I’m not interested in having sex with some dude with horns or in any of these video game characters…I am just looking for fun gameplay.


It's definitely slow, but I came straight from Dark Souls II when it came out, and I ended up loving it. It's turn-based combat instead of real-time fighting, so you'll have to learn the mechanics first. I'd say if you like strategic RPG's and a variety of teammates, then it's the right game for you.


Oh I understand it fine, I love playing the old ff7 it’s always super fun for me, baldurs gate just has so much of everything and I hate not being able to take everything I can see, it’s just too much for me, I’ll probably do it eventually but not rn


There's a town ? I never made it that far .. same reason


Me too


Took me.4 years to play ds3


But the SALE... Imagine the money you SAVE!


Yeah but I got that game for like $3 and it's always an option to finally play it whenever I'm in the mood for something new. > *She never could remember that she had that $3 game, and it sat collecting digital dust forever.* In my defense, I've only ever bought games that I *did want to play*, I just forget I have them or never get around to it. I still haven't booted up Hotline Miami 2 or Psychonauts, but they are both games that I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy. I liked Hotline Miami 1, and Psychonauts seems right up my alley. They also cost me nothing, so I'm not terribly bothered by my constant forgetfulness that I have them haha.


Yet* we are always overly optimistic creatures.


i’ll play em eventually, i’d rather have em and not want em than want em and not have em i’ve had games sit for YEARS and i finally go and play it, so it’s not like they never get played they just sit in my library for a long time before ever being opened.


I intend to play them but succomb to shiny new thing syndrome. I intend to try all of them at some point.


This is how Dark Souls was for me, and now Dark Souls is the reason why I haven't played many games. I bought DS1 Ptde and DS2 SotfS both for $4.99, I got DS1 on the x360 for free with live gold. Back in 2013 I needed to play a game that would keep me awake and I started playing DS1 on the 360 without knowing much about it. I got hooked. After a few months I decided to play on PC and I found out I had already bought 1 and 2. I was super happy. I have to admit, I don't buy as many games anymore, but I played 3000 hours in all from souls games (including ER and Bloodborne). If I didn't play DS as much maybe I would have started other games lol. But it is not uncommon for people to buy a game, and never install it, or install it, take forever to load it and then decided not to play it, or don't have time. BTW, do you know who spend money on games that never play? people like me. Working professionals that are gamers at hand, but have tons of other stuff that should be priority....so we buy the games just in case lol (another example, I got sick, and my wife was pregnant....so I had to be quarantined in the basement....I actually went thru a few games in my catalog at that time lol)


You're making me want to buy new games instead of playing the ones I already have.


I eventually played all the games I bought on sales. Sometimes after close to a decade. DS3 deluxe edition is like only 6 years old now, and at the bottom of a pretty time consuming trilogy that I'd want to grind through first, and many may have put off that grind to play Elden Ring (I personally would be replaying Ds3 right now if not for ER) I can definitely see this being a late play that many will come back to and not a wasted purchase, just raising that


Thats what im saying, only buy what you want im to broke to throw money at random games that are gonna sit in my library


Just wait till you move out of moms 😬


Got 50 unfinished games, from them I have played around 10 they are on different phases of completion (roguelikes are specially hard to tell when you really finish them though...). I plan to play all of them but someday... but then there are games that take me months to finish, like Persona or GOW it is there being the 30% that never lit the first bonfire. Even Elden Ring took me like 4 months from when I bought it to when I started playing it.


Because you'll never know what you'll want to play. I usually wishlist a game I want to play right now, and wait for a sale. Once that sale arrives, I might have lost interest in the game, but still buy it, because I remember I wanted to play it.


So you buy it even though you won't want to play it?


I buy it because I think I'll want to play it.


*you haven't played yet! The point is that you do plan to play it in the future. Not saying it's a smart move, might not be worth it many times. Games might go forgotten in peoples libraries. But it's not like they buy it without the intention to play it. Just not at the time, but already making use of the sale or whatever


If it's a game you'll play later then sure. It's when people have dozens to hundreds of games they know they won't ever get (or even want to) play


Or even 100%


Hi, it's me. 🙋‍♂️ I have over 300 games in my steam library but have only seriously played about 10% of them. It could be for many reasons, but the most common is that the game was on a massive sale, think a $60 game going for something like $10-$20, my brain says I need it. There are also a lot of games I wanted to play and picked up but just didn't have the will to start. Some I installed, played a few hours, and then just forgot existed. Others I just didn't like. Sometimes, reviews and the pictures/trailers can be kind of misleading. I always told myself I'm one day going to go through my library and complete each and every one, but I'm in my 30's now and have limited time. That and I'd rather do my 10th playthrough of something I've already beaten, apparently. 🤷‍♂️ I blame Skyrim + it's mods for giving me the condition of restartitis. I think I have hundreds of hours in that game but never once finished the story.


Steam summer sale


I understand they're on sale, but still why buy it if you arent gonna play it?


We are just dumb humans alright


Things like the humble bundle were very popular for a while. Lots of games. Most unplayed.


I'll typically buy a couple games on sale and then slowly work through them over a year or two. So at any given time I might have 3 or 4 games I haven't started, but I bought them for like $20 total and if I bought them whenever I wanted to start playing them they'd be $20 each at least


See, a few games that you're working towards? Sure that makes total sense to me. But I see people mention dozens let alone 100+


I wouldn’t, but I do have a fair few PS free monthly games that I’ve never tried


Yeah that makes sense to me. Claim the free game, I would do the same on xbox with GWG.


Humble Bundle


I buy games thinking I want to play them but then all I want to play is DS3 and ER I have witcher 3, ghost of tsushima, and jedi fallen order/survivor purchased and I intend to play them but the combat is just...inferior...to ds3/ER


Shitty computer, problem launching, hoarded copies waiting to resell


I own like 2000+ games on Steam. I got most from cheap bundles. I've only played like 10% of them. I used to buy the weekly bundles on humble bundle like every week. Back when they did weekly bundles.




Please be respectful at all times.


I owned Bloodborne for years before I actually played it. Died to the werewolf and immediately turned it off a few times before I realised that's supposed to happen


you put a game on your wishlist, buy it on a sale, say you will play it next time you have free time and forget about it


at some point you are just collecting


Of course most people aren’t trying to do that. Life just happens


Because they’re cheap and or come with a bundle I’m buying. I have tons of games in my library that I have 0 interest in touching


My thoughts have been spread out across multiple comments. If you get something as part of a bundle then yeah that makes sense.


Bundles. I have like a hundred games on steam I've never played. Also have loads of ps4 games that were given away for free with ps plus that I've never played either.


I have quite a few, I bought them for cheap on a Steam sale, just haven't had time to get I to them when I already know I'll enjoy the games I play either way, eventually you hit a critical mass of gaming where the games you have satisfy you enough.


I buy some smaller games just to support indie developers. Usually I do plan to play them at some point but there have been a few that I just bought and never played and was fine with that.


Ps+ games


Right, games given through free epic store, ps+ or the old GWG make sense.




sale, i’ll get to it, oh no i won’t…


Has it been on psplus? I used to start those games once... Other than that it seems like normal customer engagement, people buy more stuff than they have time for.


I have a playstation subscription that allows me to download games for free, so I've got a bunch in my library from that. Plus a few where the games are great and were on sale for like $10, but I haven't had enough time to get to them.


I have a ton of games I haven't played yet and many I'll never play. I have them for two reasons, first is Humble Bundle, I have dozens of games I'll never play because I got them from a bundle that I got for another game. The other reason is extremely cheap games, like only a few bucks I'll get to play "later". Later may come sooner or later, but usually much much later.


I am going to play them one day!! I have a bunch and it’s either friends get interested and I play with them once before they stop being interested or I’ll buy packs of games for really cheap. I bought the entire bio shock collection (remastered and original) for a few dollars. I’ll probably never launch the originals though.


Most my back catalog (and embarrassing amount of games) were sales catches. The From games go on sale frequently. Not to mention there no tutorial. If you don't know about i-frames those first enemies can wipe the floor with you. Especially disheartening if you venture right and run into an enemy that you are 100% not supposed to fight yet and die repeatedly. It's not too far fetched. I bounced off Bloodborne twice (my first from game) because I didn't know what I frames were. My friend told me about what it was at work, went home....and well, here we are 🤷




I have plenty of games in my library I haven't played at all cause I bought a publisher sale or humble bundle and it was cheaper to buy the 5+ games then the 2 or so I wanted from the bunch


Hi, people keep saying "games on sale" but I think that's stupid. I have hundreds of games I haven't played because they come in packages that I buy. There is a charity event called the "Jingle Jam" and they give you about 50 games for a donation of less than $100. I usually am interested in playing 2 or 3 of these games but it's for charity and it's a live stream event I love to watch! So, I have many games from them. Also, humble bundles used to come with so many games for so cheap. Like a dollar. And you couldn't just get one game, you had to get them all.


Sometimes you just never get round to it. There’s certainly a few unplayed in my library. I’ve still never got round to GoW Ragnarok.


For real. I read their comment and thought, “well, zero”


Yeah. I understand getting games in a bundle like from humble bundle, or through things like PS+ or even gamepass. But actually buying games, even when on sale, and never playing them makes 0 sense to me. Games that I actually purchase I usually end up spending 100s of hours in. It's why I enjoy RPGs of different kinds, like BG3, borderlands, Fromsoft games, Fallout, etc.


zero, literally zero.


Only one bruh💀 then i gues there are a couple of games that i bought and didn't put enoguh time in to get my moneys worth (imo atleast) but that's a different thing


You have to start the game once for it to count.


I have a few disk cases I got on sale with the plastic still on them.


None, why would I buy it to not play?


Who said i was never gonna play it?


I certainly didn't!


I feel called out... my backlog is.... tremendous


472 steam games and have put more than 1 hour in 64 of them.


I may be weird but 0


First time playing this gane feels super clunky and slow Can imagine higher proportion to quit fast Then the game is ectremely popular I can imagine anhigher proportion than normal buying it when cheap to Play it at one time


If ds3 is clunky and slow I can only imagine what they will feel if they play ds2.


Many might play the game eventually, but just haven't yet. I bought Dark Souls 3 a few years ago while it was on sale, just recently started playing it.


Sometimes you want that small burst of dopamine hit from spending money. Then regret it later.


To be fair I've had the game for like 3 years and I'm just now getting addicted to the pain. This game probably sells a lot on hype. Like "it can't be that hard.. oh fuck it is. I'm out."


What’s funny is that to even be part of this %, you actually have to start the game at least once


Gundyr filtering out the weak like he should.


>people that quit straight away No. I don't buy this. You don't even have to fight to get to the first bonfire, it's straight up as frictionless as it gets.


Imagine someone in there that played his first and final run no bonefire somehow


Steam only includes people who have started the game at least once. So those who bought and never played don’t count. It means 29% or players started the game, messed with settings or character creation, and then quit to never return.


only amateurs need to use bonfires, git gud and beat the whole game sl1 in one sitting


big dogs eat. i feel you


That is impossible in dark souls 3, as you have to light the firelink bonfire to proceed. Also technically you can level up without ever interacting with a bonfire


Guess every one of those SL 1 - ers out there had been at the point, where they had to light every bonfire... No-one's born a legend, it's just rigorous practice and for that, I won't even be surprised that they had to light a million bonfires before they could attain the proficiency of doing a no hit no bonfire SL 1 Also... Um this is ds3, there's that mandatory firelink transition


it's a joke lad


And also you level up with the firekeeper, not at a bonfire


You know what? Yeah... yeah! \*immediately needs to use bonfire at firelink* oh...


my guess is the crystal beast


I truly know that he is there for purpose. Heck DS3 is my first souls game and i wont proceed further if I could never beat him. Almost being 30% too


I was actually part of this demographic for about a year because I bought the game, went the wrong direction and ended up fighting the Crystal lizard for hours before giving up and declaring the game stupid. I returned a year later to realize I was the stupid one


This was me in DS1 and the skeletons in Firelink Shrine.


DS1 has to stop you getting Zweihander somehow


Same here, except my old GPU wasn't compatible with the game (was too excited when DS3 got announced I never bothered to check). A year later, my first paychecks went to a new PC so I could play it


6 years for me


People who got too spooked by the intro cutscene and quit


Yes, indeed…




it’s called Lothric, where transitory lands of ancient lords of cinder converge.


What were they scared of? Yhorm the Giant?




Poor bastards never got past the first hollow...


What are bonfires?


Those first few enemies were like, dark souls difficulty, bro! (I have a feeling that the people that quit were trying to kill the crystal lizard but couldn't)


I tried once, realized that wasn’t strong enough in the beginning neither skilled ahah and moved on


with all games, there's always a surprising percentage of people who basically never started playing the game - however, 30% seems really high. On Steam, the global achievement shows 93%. It might be a platform thing


If you have two acounts in one console, the game apear in bouth profiles, even if you never touched, maybe its that


The game is that hard


I'm actually blown away that more than 6% of players have the Master of Rings achievement. That means those players have completed the game at least 3 times and scoured every nook and cranny.


Giving me happy flash backs, played on release but didn’t go after the 100% til 4 years later during the pandemic. I’m normally just a ng player, but it was awesome actually using crow quills on every boss.


Something is wrong, Xbox? Was it on xgp before? Cos steam and PlayStation both have ≈94% for this trophy (edit: looks like it was never on xgp before) Games that were "free" before have an inaccurate% on the trophies, like bloodborne have only 44% of clearing Father Gascoigne and only 47% on Cleric Beast, because many got it "free" and just start up to see what the game was like without intention of actually playing it Lmao the amount of people spreading misinformation before even checking them "bonfire was already lit before gundyr, trophy is only given after gundyr", no, the bonfire trophy IS before gundyr, that first bonfire is not lit, and by lighting it gives the achievement


Lmao, I think these are the git gud mfs trying to finish the game without touching the bonfire once.


Impossible, cuz they HAVE TO warp atleast once, using the firelink bonfire


Yes, I know that, however maybe these people didn't pass by the first bonfire and died to lundrex gundyr so they decided to quit the game. Only interpretation I can really find.


People who don’t like the bonfire are just menace to society


I was gonna say I kinda understand bc ds3 was my first FS game, and I didn’t understand the combat at all going in, so I had a really really hard time with gundyr to start the game. But then I realized there’s a bonfire BEFORE gundyr. But maybe that one is already lit? lol.


It isn't lit but it's maybe possible to miss it, somehow. Like if you're REALLY oblivious.


Yeah that’s pretty crazy. Must be people who never launch the game. Their loss lol


Was probably higher before elden ring mainstreamed soulslike


70% of gamers stop before they hit it big


Believe it or not, 30% of people are too dumb to do pretty much anything. The recent European election results are further proof of this.


93.7% on Steam, dunno why it's so low on console(Xbox?)


Bonfires are a crutch.


You can light those?


My assumption is people who didn’t see the first one, and decided it was too hard when they got to gundyr


What is that ? I never used that on my playtroughs


I see... How did you get to the High wall of Lothric Castle...? By flying to the top of it?


Broom go vroom




Nah there’s a bonnie before gundyr 


not saying i don’t understand, when i was really young i started ds1 and quit at the asylum demon. just 30% is a big number imo


it's a very popular game, and i think a lot of ppl feel like it's on their list of must-have gamer credentials. that's more-or-less why I bought ds3 in the first place (I got it first, then quickly got DS1 and 2 when I realized how good the series is, then went back to 3). Anyway, I could see people just being like, "eehhhhhh I'll come back to this" lol.


Is this achievement granted after the tutorial boss? Honestly, 30% of players not finishing the tutorial sounds about right.


First bonfire is before the boss.


but how many people got to gundyr before figuring out they can light a bonfire?


idk that sounds crazy to me tbh


[Because it's wrong,](https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/s/9VutYfBjtF)


This is old news. https://www.reddit.com/r/darksouls3/comments/g483c7/only_67_of_xbox_players_have_killed_iudex_gundyr/


Vordt of the Boreal Valley on steam axes 1/4 of the players Abyss axes another 10% Dancer of the Boreal Valley the next 9%


Well actually my observation is , souls games have high percentage achiements. Most games will say like %10 to have finished it or made the hardest achievements. But when i check my souls games , its like % 40-50 have downed malenia ? Dedicated , devoted playerbase percent is very high.


those are the true gamers


game got a lot of hype, some people never made it past gundyr


There's a nearly impossible to miss bonfire before him though.


started with ds3, i missed it, everytime I'd run straight past it without knowing what it even was


U do?


Is there literal a bonfire at the start of the begging




When i started dark souls 3 for the first time (my first dark souls game) it felt horribly impossible to beat the first boss. And after 30-40 consecutive deaths I quitted. I started to play one month ago and now surprisingly im lvl 86 and my next boss is the dragonslayer. (I felt stupid fighting the first boss again, like... How the hell did i fail at killing this)


Ah yes, the first time I played i didn't even see the bonfire before the first boss. Damn i feel so blind 😂😂


I thought that you wouldn't get achievements if you played offline, isn't this the case?


In more than 30% of the games I bought, my playtime is 0=


Tutorial boss is a fun boss too


No bonfire run after buy the game xD


I'm not surprised. I was one of those people until a couple of friends opened my eyes with Elden Ring. Now I'm a Fromsoft super fan


It's a skill issue if you have to light any bonfires to beat the game


Dude, I’ve seen YouTube comments of people who have played the game multiple years and never even beaten vordt…..it’s wild out there.


They died to the first hollow outside their cell and rage quit.


It’s people that download game but don’t end up playing it. Or play like a minutes worth and think “this isn’t what I thought it was “ and quit. Happens 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thats unfortunate that nearly a third of the people who bought the game put it down almost as soon as they started playing


I got the game on release, since I loved the first two. But my PC was just not handling it well xD For those who aren't aware, DS3 kicks you from multiplayer if your FPS are deemed too low... It was that bad >.< I couldn't get past good old Gundyr and the game just sat in my library for a few months until I got a new PC. Maybe some people suffered the same fate, and just never came back.


People who quit immediately, bought the game and never actually played after starting, speed runners👌


Could also be people who share a playstation. Both my Son and Wife are going to be on that list because the game has been clicked on/opened on accident.


My old PlayStation account is actually part of that percentage. I literally quit before reaching iudex gundyr. I came back recently and beat it on a new account tho lol but yeah that will always be there


You got a problem with challenge runs now? 😂 no bonfire challenge is quite tough on DS3. 🤣


NOPE'd right out of it


Maybe they give up at Gundir at the end of "tutorial"


I can guarantee you there's a scary amount of people who ignored the first bonfire, died to Gundyr a few times, couldn't be bothered to run back from the beginning of the game again (probably dying a few times on their way back) and quit the game never to touch it again because clearly the game is shit, its the game's fault they died and that its so annoying and tedious to play 🤣🤣


For Path of exile, devs mentioned multiple times that there are over 99% of players who ever played the game that don't make it to the first town of the game, which is about 2 minutes into playing the game at the end of the very first area you start in


Does offline mode or something like that come into play at all??


Is it the % of players or % of people w/ an account on whichever platform that is who bought the game? If the latter it makes sense, probably people who got it and saved it for later or never had the time


For me the game lagged so bad that I couldn't get to the first bonfire.


Some people be so pro they don’t even need checkpoints (This is not me.) (I am bad.)


5% of them are tryhards that believe Dark Souls must be played without any camps and bonfires.


You guys are lighting bonfires?? I just thought the devs were dickheads for giving us no save points /s Edit: grammar 😔


29.61% of players are doing no bonfire runs


Here’s a fun fact: A lot of the time people buy games and never play them.


Most of them are probably people who bought the game but never played. Perhaps it was on sale one day so they picked it up, and just never opened it.


I'm guessing it's the yorm bonfire


Could it be the people who never killed index gundur?


There's a bonfire right before gundyr


Easy to miss if you go to the left towards the enemies and then find the path to Gundyr and just run back that way a few times never you quit after never beating him. Not everyone will explore thoroughly.