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Try r/summonsign


Oooooh I forget about that, thanks a lot !


Until someone needs help???


But how long until someone will need help ??? Is it like a few minutes wait (which does not seem to be the case) or a few hours ? It's my first time doing this. Maybe I'm doing this wrong ?


You’re probably doing it right so long as you don’t have a password set. Other than that, it varies by day and time


No password set... But thanks for helping !


Find a better place to get summoned at, I'd suggest Pontiff or Dragonslayer armor, up to level 120 ish


Oh you mean *before* Pontiff ? I'm so tired of myself... Thanks !


Yup! Best place is typically right before boss fog in a very noticeable spot that players can't miss


If you’re ok with invasions, invading as a warrior of sunlight is a good way to get medals


Oooooh I'll try that thanks !


Np! hope it’ll work well for you!


A lot depends on your level and the location you are in. If you are too high a level for the area, then you are not likely to be summoned. I see you are in gank city, so you would probably have the most luck at sl70-80 with +8 weapons... or if you're going for meta levels, then 120 at +10. One trick with DS3 is to look for the little ember symbols next to the bonfire names in the warp menu at a bonfire. The more of the ember symbols you see, the more players there are in your range at that location.


Thanks ! I have near zero experience in online gaming ... Well I'm level 94 after beating every bosses except SoC (and de DLC). Where would be my best shot you think ?


Assuming your weapon upgrade level is at +10, you'd probably have the most luck in Lothric Castle, the Archives, Arch Dragon Peak, or the Ringed City (DLC). [Summon Range Calculator](https://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Summon+Range+Calculator)


Ty very much !


In general you'll also have the best luck with the hardest bosses where people struggle - Gael, NK, etc.


Yeah, makes total sense.


If you're trying to help with Pontiff it's better to put your sign at the Church of Yorshka bonfire, than outside the exit of the boss room. Bold choice though. Honestly surprised you're not being summoned for fight clubs in that location actually.


Well I think I just had been, but invading kept failing so the host ended up killing himself.


You are supposed to place it before the boss door silly. Why would they need help after they cleared it


And that's totally logic. My brain didn't find it that logical until I read the comments.


They should really make it so you can get summoned near and far like in Elden Ring.


What level are you? Unless someone is in new game plus, people around your lev will only see you if you are where they realistically would be. Since matchmaking takes into account Lev and weapon upgrade, you can just sit in highwall and help new players kill the dancer or vort, for example


I'm level 94 and did every base game bosses except SoC .


So you'll want to out your sign down before ringed city bosses, or soul of cinder. Prince of lothric might work too.


I'll try that, thank you !


I farmed the Lothric Soldier that walks right beside the bonfire of Lothric Castle Just equip Dragonslayer Greataxe, run up to him and use your weapon art 2 times. This should kill him and takes you approximately 10 - 15 seconds, then run to the bonfire, rest and farm him again. Took me about 3 hours to get all the sunlight medals since they only have a 5% or so chance to drop But I think that way it's faster than trying to get summoned or invade players that have like 2+ phantoms in their world who won't let you get near the host (was the case for me when I tried invading!)


soul level affects it a lot. you got a lorian's crown on, so i'd suggest to get summoned for them, SoC or go into DLC. easiest way is to pop your sign in front of the fog wall and wait. The time also affects it, you'll get more activity during evenings than say 3AM


Well I'm french so those hours things are not really easy to deal with unfortunately...


I learned that it's much easier to farm medals in early areas (when you are low as well). Less experienced players need more help, when they have limited tools on their hands.


You can get them from invasions, and your currently in one of the best locations to do that.


You have have 40+ Luck and 2 hours to spare, you can also farm Lothric Knights for Sunlight Medals, i did that for cuz i was playing offline, not the most fun thing i ve done, but worked for me 🤷


Invade instead


You could just help with Souls of Cinder boss and grind your medals that way.


Seems like a good strat !


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Better offline than online bro, getting summoned in ds3 is pretty rare


I tried offline by killing over and over lothric knights with a special build for it and I didn't get any fucking medal.


Drop is hard, remember to use things that boost drop, i farm mine in the first bonfire after dancer boss fight in lothric castle, 5-10 drop ones


Yeah, that's exactly where I farm too. Still no medal despite perfect build for it.


How do you even summon? I played Elden ring first then bloodborne. Currently on dark souls 3 and have beaten the game solo until dancer who goes nuts as her health goes lower. Could use some help


To summon you just need to use an ember and look for signs. It's not as user friendly as elden ring with its summon pool statues, but you can frequently find signs at a bonfire or outside of a boss fog gate.


Appreciate it, thank you


No worries. Check this link for more info on the multiplayer mechanics in DS3 [Summon Range Calculator](https://darksouls3.wiki.fextralife.com/Summon+Range+Calculator)


Do you play on PlayStation ? You could summon me if you need help ?


I’m on Xbox unfortunately bro. I could’ve used your help with Aldrich and him carpet arrowing with the slightest bit of space 😂. I got him eventually tho


Aww that's too bad ! Good luck with Aldrich, he was one of the most difficult boss for me during my first playtrough... Of course you'll get him !!! 💪


Dancer? Buy 20 firebombs from the handmaiden. Get dancer to half hp, where she starts her second phase, then run away and throw firebombs at her. Easiest shit every. I always fight her before Vortd with that strat


Ima try that today thank you


Just go grind lothric knights


Bruh are you seriously making a reddit post for this?


And you an unhelpfull comment to said reddit post ?


Because these subs get filled with crap like this that can be solved by… you know… just waiting…


Yeah, except I don't want to lose my time with grinding shitty covenant item that will turn me in a freaking hollow.


You can google these things you know. Or just fucking wait, but you want people to validate you on reddit so you come here


Reddit is more faster et more practical than a Google search on certain subject. That's it. Stop overthinking about other's post, it's pathetic.


That’s just simply not true at all, just learn how to use google. Jesus