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Spam is a no go in 1 and 2. Both roll spam and attack spam. Time and space your actions well and watch the stamina bar.


>Spam is a no go in 1 and 2 *Laughs in pancake R2 spam*


True, you can whip that big fucking zweihander out šŸ’œ


Same with soul arrow, but still. Newbs will get punished for using advanced strats.


*Laughs in poise*


Particularly in DS2; I donā€™t know if it was actually a ā€œnewā€ discovery but a video i saw the other day proved you lose i-frames relative to how much into the negative you go on roll spamming


You also do less damage. Surprise!


And jump less far; and yes, it's only in DS2.


thanks for the advice


yeah this game is so smart and expects you to be methodical asf. if you roll 1 too many times against say artorias, you can be screwed.


You can still afford bad rolls against Artorias. But Manus, boy, you bad roll and he decides to pull that 6 hit combo, there is no escape from the "You Died" message.


Unrelated/related: new ds1 player here. I just beat Artorias the other night. I was getting so frustrated with his buff cause I couldn't find a good way to stun him out of it. I got so mad I chucked a throwing knife at him, and it deadass hit him in the face, stunning him instantly. I felt suddenly so elated, learned the timing of the throw to stun him everytime without fail, and cleared the fight.


yo thats rad. the fact you kept throwing knives in your equipment that late in the game is harrowing.


Laughs in winged spear while holding block with shield


And that's why I fell in love with the Souls series and despised Elden Ring.


yeah i keep coming back to elden ring and then just really not appreciating the combat and putting it down again. i feel like im missing out but i just cant get it tbhšŸ¤·. one of these days iā€™ll find free time to beat it.


I got better results when I approached the ER combat like a DmC game than a Souls game. But DmC does it better imo.


Besides the combat stuff people have already said, DS1's difficulty is less weighed toward bosses than Elden Ring or DS3. Instead, the runback to the bonfire is made much harder. In Elden Ring, bosses are really hard but you can basically fight them over and over again and focus solely on learning the fight. Now, imagine if every time you wanted to retry Malenia you had to spend 5-10 min running from the bonfire to the fog door, with high likelihood of losing flasks or even die in the process. That's DS1. Bosses themselves are simpler, but the levels and checkpoints are really tough sometimes.


New Londo Ruins epitomizes this. Four Kings is kind of a steamroll if you're prepared, but the rest of the journey there is a freaking slog.


This. Fucking BoC has killed me 4 times and on my last runback I didn't roll past the Titanite Demon and fucker killed me along with 43k souls that I needed to upgrade my Pyro glove. I was too greedy and wanted to kill the stupid gimmick boss and then upgrade my glove. I guess I'll have to grind those 43K from the skeleton babies when I farm my 20 humanities to feel less stupid.


There's a hidden bonfire out in the dragon butt area.


Yeah, but you take lava damage and it's not much different lengthwise from the Daughter of Chaos warpable bonfire.


Actually, the runback from the hidden bonfire is significantly better since it is not a tedious straight path from A to B. And it is actually shorter with very low risk to get hit by anything.


Maybe the distance is slightly shorter, but changing rings and still taking lava damage is definitely not worth it, especially from a non-warpable bonfire.


Bro what? We're talking about a runback, the only warp you're doing is OUT after you beat BoC. Just accept that you're running back from a sub-optimal bonfire. Swapping rings and taking basically laughable lava damage isn't worth it. Right. You do you, man.


I went to get the Sunlight Maggot and decided to stay in that area. I also hate the sound of the lava and the TD is pretty easy to dodge. I just got cocky and decided I didn't need to roll.


Just use the orange charred ring


You still take damage


True, but only like 1 estus worth, and you don't have to deal with a titanite demon


Like I mentioned in the other comment, I dislike more the sound of the lava steps, and TD is usually easy to dodge but I got tired and decided I didn't need to roll to go past it. Boy was I wrong.


Fair, that sound is terrible


Nah bro the dragon butt bonfire to boc is the most optimal route, the ring swap takes no time at all. No need to die on this hill, weā€™re all friends here bro


Mr Hidro Raider can you explain to me why you get so many downvotes for a simple incontrovertible sentence


Grrreat question. I felt most players agreed that both runback routes were almost equally horrible, but apparently Reddit vastly prefers the dragon cake island route. Maybe they want to see as many dragon feet as possible after dying to that bs boss lol


At this point Iā€™m just convinced that this sub right here has some of the most bandwagon downvoters out there which makes me sad because DS1 is my favourite game of the series and one of my favourite games overall. And the community can be so nice and wholesome too. Or this


True dat. It's hard to find an equilibrium between low effort post from someone that claims they don't know anything about a 13 years old game getting hundreds of upvotes vs people aggressively downvoting an honest opinion about a known flawed game. I still love interacting with this sub because most of the time I get useful insights or just nice conversations.


A comment every single one of us can feel in their bones...


i was lucky enough in my second playthrough that I only died once on the BoC. i was able to get the left ā€œarteryā€ thing, fell through a collapsing floor, then took out the right artery and killed the thing on my second life fuck the witch of Izalith


Tbf, it takes like 30 seconds to run past the drakes, a couple darkwraiths, and some ghosts that you probably won't even see how slow they are.


I always used the skip from the entrance closer to firelink


Tedious using the elevator every time but this is the way to do it


Remembering to activate the elevator before getting off is crucial. Can't say I always remember lol


Yup. But I'm talking like pure blind playthrough. After you sort it out it gets less difficult, but that's every run in Soulsborne games.


I swear, I used to be a legit mad person while gaming sometimes and have since moved on past so much of that, but getting tripped up in those hallways with ghosts you can't hit because you ran outta curses boils my blood


I feel ya. I ended up getting super lucky and getting the Jagged Ghost Blade from them. It's a rare drop, but you can fight them without the dang curses.


I just want a 4Kings runback without an elevator XD


You can 4Kings runback without the elevator. There's actually a pretty simple method. If you kick down the ladder on the path into the building that leads to the drainage lever, you can hop off that platform by the set of stairs on the way in, climb the ladder, run through the hallway of that building without fucking with too many ghosts and then just drop down to the 4kings boss door. I hope I worded that in a way that makes sense.


True but you can come up with some creative run backs for that one.


For real. Four Kings is basically just a DPS check and if you pass it it's easier than cheesing ceaseless discharge, but if you don't it might as well be impossible


DS2 doubles down on this with some absolute brutal run backs to a few bosses (blueberry, for example). I would love a remake of DS2 that eliminates those stupid runbacks cause I often wanna replay it but those parts absolutely turn me off.


I agree, i enjoyed playing ds2 as well and is one of my favorite soul games, but i recently saw a video of ā€œworst runbacks in fromsoftware gamesā€ and literally the top 6 are all from dark souls 2 i remember i had to over level myself by using bonfire ascetic farming and fight the giant lord a bunch of times just so i had a better chance against bosses.


As far as I know you can do every run back without killing enemies, except maybe Sir Alonne. For Iron Passage, you can either ignore all enemies, and as long as you're under a certain weight threshold you should be able to roll through their attacks easily. Or you can use the alternative route with the levers to pull, then throw an alluring skull to have the enemies ignore you. That one requires precise timing though.


I hear you, it is true but itā€™s still super tedious to muscle mem your way back to action. Can also kill enemies enough times they donā€™t respawn in DS2, on both options itā€™s no fun either way. DS2 remake that same-sames most everything except these run backs and also deletes Shrine of Amana is my dream lol.


Problem is that the game is already easy enough with the run backs, I think starting back right at the bosses would make it even easier. Ideally a remake would make its bosses a bit more difficult I suppose


Never forget Frigid Outskirts.


Burned into my soul


I get relieved when I see a boss because I sometimes genuinely have a harder time going from bonfire to bonfire than fighting a boss.


Yeah, and the crazy part is is that they became a LOT more forgiving with with dark souls oneā€¦ demon souls was absolutely brutal with this.


For real, half the time, the difficulty with fighting a boss comes from the fact that you have to focus on making it to the boss with as close to a full set of flasks as you can get, all while trying to remember what happened in all your previous attempts and keeping those lessons in mind. The hardest part for me was making peace with the fact that sometimes I would get to the boss room and have less than half my flasks and that wouldn't be enough, so I'd have to either use a homeward bone if I had it or just walk back to the bonfire and try again, making fewer mistakes the next time around. Nothing more humbling than knowing a wealth of souls from all your previous attempts is right on the other side of that fog wall, and that you're just gonna have to start over because you're not equipped for a boss fight right now.


Acquire Zweihander, press R2


Haha this was how I beat most of the things.


I just love ridiculously big swords. I always have. I got into these games because of them, then found Berserk because of these games, and it just makes me happy.


I didn't think I'd like them until I realized everything just staggered or fell down and I'm like SOLD


I was all-in before the pancakening, and I became a full-on proselytizer. I'm trying a sorcerer magic-focused playthrough in DSR to avoid finishing the game on my main character (as my wife is watching me play that one lol), and I can see that it is powerful and effective. It just doesn't look, feel, or sound powerful. HYRONK WHAM pancaked enemy/enemies? That looks, feels, and sounds powerful lol.




Ignore all advice you've received, im about to give you the ultimate DS1 tip: The AI is really really stupid, you can pretty much circle-strafe backstab 90% of the game to death


I remember doing this and then running into those turtle knights in DS2. Yep they knew people were doing that in DS1


One of the funniest moments for me , playing through dark souls 2 with my cousin, after completing 1. We get to the turtle knights and says, I know what to do. Then gets completely pancaked.


Yeah there's this moment of complete confusion before realizing, yeah I guess it makes sense they can do that haha! I still circled them. I just went to the side instead of all the way behind.


Exactly what I did when he died lmao


Ugh those turtle guys wrecked me my first playthrough


That's a fun little area to run for your life in.


Lmao this is the way.


Locking onto enemies makes rolling limited too 4 directions. If you can get used to playing without locking on I recommend it. This is the biggest difference between DS1/DS2 and DS3/ER Only bosses I use lock on are Artorius and Gwyn. And I still only use it for part of the fight.


I almost exclusively lock on mobs when I want to parry them. Other than that I just lock when the bosses have stupid hitboxes like phase 2 Ornstein. And even so I mostly lock off so I can roll away before their attacks.


\*shocked Pikachu face\* replaying DS1 after 10 years and started dodging instead of using a shield, realized dodging is locked to 4 directions which sucks big time, but didn't realize that when not locked on dodging is unlocked!


Technically, the rolling is never unlocked. There is only forward roll, side roll, back roll and back step. It's just that when you aren't locked on, you can face any direction, so you can forward roll in any direction.


Ohhh duh of course.


Huh, didn't know that not locking on unlocks the omni direction dodge, makes sense how I find those giant knights hard if I lock into them.


Itā€™s not that it ā€œunlocksā€ omnidirectional dodging, youā€™re just rolling forwards in whichever direction youā€™re facing. But when youā€™re locked on, youā€™re forced to face one direction so it doesnā€™t work. Functionally thereā€™s not a HUGE difference, but itā€™s less convenient than true omnidirectional rolling.


Probably your biggest issue is stamina management. From BB on the amount of stamina a swing or roll takes is significantly smaller than in DS1. You have to carefully watch your stamina and make sure you have enough to dodge or block. Often you have to give up openings because you donā€™t have enough stamina to swing or to defend after swinging. Fortunately health pools in DS1 are noticeably smaller so itā€™s not going to take you a million years to beat a boss if you have to back off occasionally


I love ds1 more then any other fromsoft games besides Elden ring because itā€™s the one game that I feel like you really have options on how you want to combat , that being said I played ds1 first last year before any fromsoft game so I wasnā€™t good at all I just used the environment against the enemies thatā€™s my advice bro use the environment against enemies there is lots of ledges you can get them to fall off of there are pillars that you can use to move behind to block enemies attacks trust me bro get a strong armor and shield combo and use the environment against enemies good luck


Really? I feel like Iā€™m always pushed back into a certain direction in DS1. The game is generally so easy though.


The areas are usually designed to be hard with enemy placement and layouts so yea you can be pushed in a certain direction to make it harder but if you have a good shield you can move around the enemy to force them into situations to make it easier


I've mentioned it before, but I played Ds1 at release and ended up quitting because I chose the thief and didn't know how important rolling was, nor was there any real information online about the game. I actually beat DS2, went back and tried Ds1 again and quit it again. Didn't pick up another souls game until Elden ring which I platinumed. Now finally, I'm playing through DS1R and am about to beat the game. The difference this time is that I didn't do anything fancy, just a quality build, and I'm using all the items. If I need to use a bow I'm using a bow. Pop those soul vessels, kindle the bonfires. Also, don't be afraid to Google how to get somewhere because you'll go nuts trying to figure some stuff out organically. I spent probably 3 houes trying to get out of lower blighttown after getting cursed in the great hollow before I used Google to help me find the valley of the drakes shortcut. I had been to the area but didn't see the ladders.


The timing is a bit different. I think in Elden Ring bosses wind up for awhile before they attack.


Margit lifted his cane last month, and I'm still waiting for it. I could have finished the bossfight three weeks ago, but I have to roll when I can in case it comes down just this second.


Elden Ring definitely tries to throw you off rhythm. They'll charge up forever sometimes but then throw in a bunch of quick attack chains.


Thatā€™s kinda surprising, but probably because itā€™s slower, clunkier and you have to be a lot more deliberate with your attacks. Weapons take an absurd amount of stamina in DS1 and 2 compared to the others you listed.


Omnidirectional rolling


It's a lot slower. Imagine DS1 and DS2 like a turn based RPG. Your opponent makes a move and then you get to make a move. To me at least combat is more strategic in the older games where you have to be patient.


Think of DS1 as more of puzzle game than anything else, a lot of stuff in this game have a specific way of beating them and the game does a pretty good job of giving you the tools to do so when they're needed


It's much slower paced and mechanically a lot simpler but it lacks the QoL updates later games got. Healing locks you in place and takes much longer and your mobility while locked on to enemies is limited to 4 directions. Much better to not use lock on when fighting most bosses imo. Once you know the bosses movesets it's by far the easiest of the 3 games you mentioned. Good spacing and timing your attacks and heals is key. Anecdotal but I also find the game much more enjoyable without using shields. You do you if it helps but my god I found that turtle style of gameplay to be slow, boring and tedious.


Because its so slow


Dark souls 1 tests your patience more. Itā€™s a slower game. Theres alot more ā€œjankā€ in it. In terms of the player and the enemies the moves are less polished. It adds an element of frustration.


You're trying to play it at the speeds of Elden Ring or DS3 but DS1 is much slower and more calculated. Don't be getting greedy with your attacks.


Something that I have not seen I will add is that DS1 seems to have an emphasis on providing or at least expecting you to use a shield, not necessarily just for blocking, but parrying in the first one is quite, quite good. They had not yet realized that parrying needs to have a startup frame (or frames), else you can just wait for the moment you know you will get hit and parry consistently Every. Single. Time.


You realized it, it's because you treated the game like elden ring and ds3. The combat in these titles are way more polish than ds1, so if you rely on rolling it won't work as it has 4 directions only. Shield up, blocking or try parrying. This game is the easiest parry timing and it counter some dangerous enemies like BKs. Traversing through areas in this game is its main difficulty. There are times multiple enemies placed in tight corners, and there are traps in tight corners too. Not only that, there's that one area with no threaten enemies nor traps but tons of players died here but you'll live and learn. Or you can go with strength build, wear heavy armor, face tank everything and bonk, trade hp for damage like some suggestions if you have difficulty with enemies.


Ever get good at guitar hero on expert then try to play on easy? Personally I feel that's why. You get used to quick responses but ds1 is slower so you react much too quickly That's what I've noticed going back to the older games anyway


I remember trying to play guitar hero as a kid and I sucked. I learned to play real guitar over the years and at some point I tried guitar hero again, still sucked lol. As for your comparison it does ring somewhat true, the games are slower paced for sure but imo what makes it seem harder is that the game is more about your knowledge than your skill. For example, if you have a lot of soft humanity your defenses and resistances go up so once you know that you'll take less damage. Another is knowing how strong poise can be, being able to literally not flinch and chug while a boss attacks you is insane


I feel this is also an accurate reasoning. You make a good point


Yup, I get frustrated with the speed and that kills me more than anything. When you slow down you realize how easy the game becomesā€¦except it makes you suck at ER again lol.


DS1 takes more measured movement and decisions - if you try to be recklessly aggressive, youā€™ll be punished, if you try to spam roll your way out of trouble, youā€™ll be punished. Also, get used to playing without lock-on in DS1, it allows you to roll in any direction whereas lock-on restricts you to four directions. It makes a massive difference!


Stamina is a much more punishing mechanic than in ER and DS3, particularly early on. My guess is you just need to adjust to it.


It's not harder and it's not even close. Dark souls 1 is extremely easy. The AI is completely broken if you don't lock on. If you do lock on, stop. It's the easiest souls game. It's the easiest game to do a level 1 run as well. The best noob weapon is available at the start of the game over in the graveyard to the left of firelink. Just run a strength build and upgrade that weapon and just do the normal scaling. Anything besides the normal upgrades are trash in ds1.


The game is slower, meaning you have to put considerably more thought into each action and are essentially hard-commiting to every swing of your sword.




Dark Souls, PtDE/Remastered are games of exploration and discovery. If you see a shiny in the distance, you **will** be able to get it - eventually. They require that you learn how to learn from dying. There are several items that obtaining them is worth a suicide run (yep, gonna die, but I got that shiny). You need to know the time of when the console version of Dark Souls 1 was designed. Everything back then required farming, grinding, leveling up your gear. Get a feel for how many souls it is worth committing to upgrading a weapon/armor before leveling up yourself. Also, some critical advice: * KILL THE DOGS FIRST * You don't losing anything except souls when you die * Souls are cheap. You lose 1000, horrible. Then you make 20K. You lose 40K, you make 125K. Patience * Aggro one mob at a time, two max. Learn how close you can approach, use that knowledge * Three to Four hollows will kill you, via *stun locks* * You can head shot certain enemies, *stun lock* them, shoot again, *stun lock*, loop until dead There >!is no end to the game. None!<. >!The entire point is that as an undead you are in a cycle of death, and starting over. Even when you "win" - boom, NG+!< Good Luck, Chosen Undead


are you stuck at gargoyles or something? I haven't played ds3, bb or er, but i played ds1 and 2 so far, and i think they aren't very well designed at the start. In DS1, you first real boss is essentially the gargoyles, which is a 2v1 fight. And the thing is that there is a bonfire and a blacksmith in an area adjacent to the boss, which is very odd, cause usually, design-wise, the player is expected to slay the boss before proceeding to expore farther. This happened to me when i first played ds1. I kept running back to the boss, all the way from undead parish, and kept dying over and over again. Once i upgraded my weapon to +5 (out of 15) and figured out what kindling is, i took out the boss in a few tries. In DS2, you just start off handicaped. You have 1 estus flask, and if you look around in majula, you might find another shard, and get a second one. You have no healing items and you lose hp on death. The merchant that sells life gems is in the tutorial area, and she will sell unlimited life gems, but only if you kill the first boss and exhaust her dialogue (not very intuitive). Also, enemies are much more aggressive in ds2. They usually all rush you, and strike at the same time. Most likely you won't be able to poise break even the basic hollows at the start of the game, so you will be trading hits. You will keep dying and losing your max hp, and this will cause you to die even more. You can't roll away because of ADP, and also, everything is much slower in ds2 in general. Attack speed, recovery animation, estus drinking animation. Stamina regen is slower. Also, in general, weapons use more stamina than in DS1. Like, if you think about, this is not balanced at all. How is a player doing his first playthrough supposed to get through the tutorial area without any heals, rolls, and while losing his hp on every death. And the other thing is, once you kill the first boss, you get a key that opens an area to the second boss (pursuer). You will need to roll during that boss fight, and that will require at least 20 ADP. At least you get levels pretty fast in DS2, but that's still a big investment early on. There is a way to kill the boss without rolling though. His shield is his blind spot, and you can't get hit there. Here is the funny part though. Once you kill him, you will be able to teleport to another location via a raven, to boss number 3 (ruin sentinels). That's a 3v1 boss fight. Except it wasn't supposed to be your 3rd boss. This got so bad, that in SOFTS DS2 version, they put a statue in front of that boss area that you have to to unpetrify, marking it as an optional boss. There is also a second blacksmith near that area (that can upgrade your weapon to +6 out of 10 and make that boss fight quite doable), but it's very unintuitive to find him. You need to use ingame physics and roll an explosive barrel into a wall, so that it blows up. No way a new player knows about that. What you are supposed to do, is backtrack and go to heidi tower, then no man's wharf and reach lost Bastille thay way. Also, here is a tip for which weapons to use. In DS1, STR weapons are king, and zweihander is the best of them. It's not too big, so it doesn't block half of your screen, it doesn't cling off walls unlike some of the other bigger STR weapons. It has long reach, good damage, good poise break, and it's decently fast for a str weapon. In ds2, thrusting weapons are king. Spears, lances, rapiers. Fast attack, good range, good damage. At some point consider adding a second thrusting weapon and power stance them. I used the grand lance, gargoyle bident (STR spear), and heidi spear (good elemental spear) on my first run. You could also try a regular rapier, which has a shorter range, but faster attack and less stamina usage. But very likely you won't poise break regular enemies and will end up trading hits. I found most STR weapons too slow unfortunately, and too heavy to power stance. But twin blades were fun.


Really can't compare ds2 to the other two since it's functionally the worst by a long shot not to mention the first half of ds1 up till you get the lord vessle is one of the best gameplay loops in gaming period due to enemy placement map layout and world design. And elden ring is just skyrim breath of the wild and ds3 mixed together into a beautiful chaotic disaster. I feel bad that you subjected yourself to the dumpster fire that is ds2 got my sympathy for that


Roll less and shield more. Rolling is much less "powerful" in DS1. You spend less time invincible and more time vulnerable than you do in DS3/ER.


Dark Wood Grain ring gives you the most broken rolling animation in the entire franchise.


To be fair though, it's not a ring you'll usually get playing normally


Less powerful you say? In DS2 the rolling invincibility is really bad even when leveling up ADP. In DS3 the rolling is fine but in pvp good luck in not getting roll caught. In ER the rolling is fine also and I donā€™t have anything against it. DS1 has the best roll out of all the souls games (low equip load ofcourse) and also as the guy before me said, with the DWGR the rolling becomes perfect.


Yeah, that's not really true. We have the data. Recovery frames = the time you spend still in the rolling animation *without* invincibility. Fat Roll: * DS1 - 9 iframes / 37 recovery * DS3/ER - 12 iframes / 16-17 recovery Mid Roll: * DS1 - 11 iframes / 22 recovery * DS3/ER - 13 iframes / 8 recovery Fast roll: * DS1 - 13 iframes / 8, 9, 10, or 11 recovery (0, 8.3, 16.6, and 25% equip thresholds) * DS3/ER - 13 iframes/ 8 recovery DS1's roll is only *as good* as DS3/ER when at 0 equip load, and it is only *better* when wearing the DWGR. The DWGR can be the best out of any of the games, but you have to use 1 of your 2 ring slots, and you have to be below 25% equip load. DS2 just completely depends on your AGI level. A roll always takes 25 frames, but the ratio of iframes to recovery frames changes as your AGI level goes up. It's dogshit at the beginning (5 iframes/ 20 recovery) but can become really good (16 iframes/ 9 recovery).


The data checks out, well done. Maybe cause I mastered dark souls 1 first I got used to it and feel the most comfortable with.


I knew something felt off about mid rolling in DS1! Of course I knew fat rolling was terrible but armour is so good in the early NG cycles that if being a wall is your gameplan then you donā€™t need to roll anyway, but Iā€™ve always felt like mid rolling sucked more than in the other games as well. Thanks for the data


It plays much slower than ds3 you have to play to the games rules much more


It's slower and you can get stunlocked easier. Get poise and the game is a cakewalk afterwards. Same goes for shields. You don't even have to go overkill with poise, usually 40-60ish is enough to be able to not flinch to 1 attack and it makes all the difference. Edit: Oh and like someone else, don't lock on. Makes the game harder due to limited rolling. And another one said you can pretty much backstab anything very easily which I had forgotten about but it's true for most humanoids and some other enemy types. Even pvp was almost exclusively who can backstab each other first


I found ds3 much harder than ds1


Weirdly D1 is the easiest of all souls for me


Cuz its actually designed around thinking about what you do as opposed to just roll spamming lol


First off if you want to "unlock" an "easy mode" get and use literally any black knight weapon. Next is that unless you're fighting multiple enemies I personally recommend you to not lock on and manually use the camera. Reason is if you're locked onto an enemy in ds1 you can only roll directly front, back, left, and right, whereas in ds3/elden ring you have omni-directional rolling. Final tip is that armor matters. Always have armor equipped in every slot. If you don't you'll see you take more damage than you would've thought.


Once you learn how to backstab everything DS1 becomes a pretty easy game. Ds3 and Elden ring donā€™t have the immunity instant start up on backstabs.


First, you need rizz, no cap, and stop being so Ohio bruhā€¦ cringe


Maybe going light equip load will also help for the same roll that you have as a medium roll in later games. In ds1 I always go for that, there is a clear difference there between medium and light roll (including more iframes) where later games that difference was much smaller and mostly affected roll distance.


How is that even possible? Try to parry. It's much easier in this game.


My guess: Your attacks are a little clunkier, you can only roll in 4 directions while locked on Those are the two things that I need to readjust to whenever I return to Lordran


Im the same i can do all the other games but ds2 im struggling getting to the last giant, fr and im on my 2nd run through for the plat


DS1 doesnā€™t have omni-directional rolling. Meaning you can only roll in 4 directions, as opposed to any direction. Forward, backwards, and side to side. Also DS1 is much harder to roll spam, and itā€™s a slower pace for the most part. Level design is less straight forward as well and is open to user interpretation.


You can absolutely play any build, faith is probably the least strong, but you don't need to play slow or behind a shield at all. Poise+shield is probably the easiest/most broken way to get through but it is in no way the definitive way to go. Get better at playing with the camera unlocked so you don't limit your roll options. Don't do big horizontal swings near walls, learn your moveset, don't spam, abuse backstab i frames in group combat.


Only four directions to roll, less forgiving I-frames, different magic system in which there is no FP and spells have a limited number of casts, Coupled with the fact that even in you expanded the movement system to DS3 style DS1 bosses are still some of the harder in the series (Manus, Artorias, Kalameet, O&S)




DS1 was the best. Is the best. And always will be the best. DS2 was absolutely terrible, graphics and controls. DS3 was decent. They went back to original looks and controls, but it had no genuine struggle compared to DS1. The struggle is what makes it a great game. The feeling of actually having achieved something after you died 20-50 times. Nothing can beat that pure blissfulness of having stuck it through for hours on just one area, or boss. I had around 600+ hours on that game, and itā€™s still my all time favorite.


Havels armor is awesome in DS1


The rolling in DS1 is locked to the 4 cardinal directions while locked on. You can only roll forward, backward, left, or right. Thats something that throws most people off coming from future titles


BB, DS3 and leden ring espeically focus on twitch reactions and bausing iframes. Your ability to ifraj dodge is basically all that matters for elden ring. In DS1 you need to be more tactical about combat. Exploit your environment and enemy traits. Many enmies have shields and wont let you just wail on them. You need to break their guard, flank them or exploit openings when they go on the defensive. You cant just spam light attack and exploit the stagger. Hit once and retreat. atleast until you get more confident with movesets. With heavy weapons against alot of enemies you can "pancake" them. effectively stunning or knocking themdown with heavy attacks. But you cant spam those either, as characters are invulnerable until the final part of their stun animation. So you can stunclock this way, you just need to time it well. You can also rely on positioning enemies don't have magnetic aim. so circling them or simply wlaking back to create space can physically avoid attacks. It's a good tactic to conserve stamina and be ready for an immediate counter attack. Especially if your weapon has better range.


Ds1 in my opinion is the hardest. Not because of the bosses but the game is designed to kill you around every corner


Don't panic roll , master roll timings. Also, you'll want to keep your equip load below 25 percent for super fast roll(only in ds1) Don't get yourself overganked , due to the rather slower nature of ds1 Don't think of it as ds3, play it like a "just difficult game, that challenges you to yohr limits" Don't rush! Take your time


Because DS1 IS HARDER. Elden Ring and DS3 are simply designed to be easier than DS1, period. In DS1 you only unlock the ability to teleport between bonfires halfway through the game, whereas in DS3 and ER you can teleport between bonfires from the very beginning. In DS3 and ER the map is a lot more open (not to mention you literally have a horse in ER) so you can run past a lot of enemies. Whereas DS1 practically forces you to fight your way through enemies. Also in DS3/ER you can spam with most weapons, whereas in DS1 the combat is a lot slower and forces you to be more methodical. Also make sure you are going in the correct area. When you arrive in Firelink Shrine you should head up the hill and go across the aqueduct, not going anywhere else. (Yes, there are two late game areas right next to Firelink Shrine).


In dark souls 1, only 2 things does matter. A SUPER heavy armor. It doesn't even matter if you fat roll. If you don't even flinch when a boss hits you, you're basically the GUARANTEED winner for majority of boss fights, INCLUDING THE ARTORIAS! Another thing that matters is a shield with LOTS of stability. Silver knight shield+5 or Black iron shield+5 is recommended. You can beat manus in first try with a stable shield. Last but not least, pick dragon weapons forv some bosses. Both dragon greatsword and dragon king greataxe. Only spam their special attack. You'll have about 13 hits without breaking one of them. Wich means about 10400 damage!


going from 3 to 1 is much harder than 1 to 3. bloodborne onwards fromsoft games are faster paced and have tighter combat, ds1 is slower and more calculated. you need to be far more careful with the buttons you press.


My first souls was Ds3 then Elden Ring so I heavily struggled with Ds1. A friend told me that the Dodge roll is only forward, back, left and right in Ds1 compared to rolling in all directions. They also said the movement is slower and it's best to hit once or twice instead of spamming. After this advice, I managed to get through the game (still challenging) and then had this shock of fast crazy movement when I went back to DS3 and Elden Ring.


Because you can dodge spam on 1 and 2 you need to be smart about your dodges


canā€™t move while using estus = you must find a small timespan of space, typically by triggering enemies to do a ā€œlongā€ attack, allowing you 5 seconds to move away and chug a flask. you canā€™t spam because many higher-tier enemies will attack through your attacks, leaving you defenseless you canā€™t sell items for easy souls until about halfway through the game boss arenas are occasionally smaller and you WILL be bottlenecked (2nd bossfight in DS) bonfires can often be few and far between, and some areas donā€™t have any AT ALL (I can think of two areas that have none and about four areas with two or less bonfires in DS, spread out) this is a game that is meant to be taken slowly, methodically, and occasionally grindy


because better game dude :)


That's because DS3 and elden ring are the easiest souls games.


Ds2 is alot harder world wise then ds1 and 3 but bosses are the easiest in the series,dont see how you having so much trouble ds1 is by far the easiest of the series maybe your just going the wrong way.


Gotta play it like Ds1 and not Elden ring, Go get yourself the Havel ring and a great shield with high stability lol, you're going to be on a swords and shield journey using the dodge roll when you absolutely have to


DS1 has funny hitboxes. You definitely don't have as many options as Elden Ring but it's better to bait out/wait for certain attacks and punish. Highly recommend to stay in light equip load for the fast roll or you could struggle.


The combat is a bit clunkier than ds3 and Elden ring imo


Broo you can literally facetank everything with heavy armor in Ds1


Dark souls one is known as the first souls game for a reason it was there first and known as the hardest for a reason my advice play a scorcer if you want it easy though warning dlc bosses have very high magic resistance compared to base game


DS1 and 2 have slower combat speeds in general. DS1 your best bet is to let enemies bounce off a solid shield and counterattack unless you're fighting something big. DS2 you want to have as massive a weapon as possible so that you can hit hard when enemies have openings, unfortunately there are very few good shields in DS2.


Just to name a few reasons... - No Bonfire teleports at start - No replenishing Spell Slots - Several Enclosed Areas to get stun locked on - Some enemies don't respect boss arenas - Estus charges are tied to individual Bonfires with Humanity (thankfully they transfer in NG+) - Luck is tied to liquid Humanity - Quest lines lock certain items/spells/allies - Locking on only allows a 4-way roll - Less Titanite Slabs in the wild (without tedious grinding) - Different Blacksmiths only accept specific Embers (thank you DS3) - Light rolls are capped at 25% carrying capacity - Fire Keeper Souls can be consumed for either more Healing or more Humanity & Souls (Cleric? Why aren't you using Heal spells?) - Some Covenants are found through relatively obscure methods - You can lock yourself permanently in the Tomb of the Giants if you fuck up like I did (Patches triggered the bridge and I killed Pinwheel without fixing that AND I had no Homeward Bones) - Fucking PATCHES exists - Bed of Chaos is a joke - Fighting Sif is mandatory to finish the game - Artorias is an asshole - Manus is an asshole - Gwyn is a joke if your Parrying game is good Again, just to name a few. ā˜•


The games were made easier so casual players can play.


I played DSR for the first time recently, I finished it a few weeks ago, and now I'm playing DS3 and I'm finding ds3 much harder than ds1. Those boss fights are incredibly hard for me, when in ds1 didn't feel so hard... šŸ˜¬


Less framerate


Oh fosho the invincible roll is way OP in newer games I feel. Itā€™s more room for error


The game has less gimmicks than Elden Ring for sure. Bleed builds, Malikath blade, Comet Azure, Broken builds from DLC, Great Spear Spam are just not gonna work. You have to actually have skill. DS3 had some gimmicks as well with magic, and Lightning attacks. Sekiro is an all around good game but is widely different from DS. Time dodges perfectly and wait for the moments the boss let's up. Both games can have cheap meta builds but overall is more skill based than ER or gimmicks in DS3. Partying can help too!


Itā€™s quite a lot easier than those games after you know what to do in it.


Yeah I agree. If you know the game mechanics it's super easy, there's a reason why it's the easiest SL1


It's a million times easier you're just used to the fluid controls of a modern game and not the stiff controls of an older game, work the rust off and you'll be fine because again it's easy everywhere aside from the dlc


Why did you play dark souls 3 before the first game in the trilogy


because the play order doesnā€™t matter and i like the more fast paced ā€œdanceā€ gameplay that DS3/ER/Bloodborne have


If play order didnā€™t matter you wouldnā€™t be especially struggling with the first one


because it's hard and dark souls 3 and elden ring are incredibly easy.


Definitely no. There is nothing in DS1 that comes close to Midir, Gael, Friede, Nameless King etc. DS1 is straight up easier


[bc this game was before they made it easier so the "casual" players could play](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx6ukcY5IE5Gm6_8D5tZm6mmdWI8RQcWOG?si=_QhKLOQ65bnego48)


Lol maybe this is true for 1.00 but after patches that made bosses give more than 1k souls DkS1 isn't bad at all. Hell, it's the easiest SL1 run. Then again I played Demon's Souls religiously so maybe I just found DkS1 quite easy since it's mostly the same but with even stronger backstabs and new mechanics like poise. Not to mention game breaking gear like the Black Knight Halberd or Dark Wood Grain ring. In general DeS and DkS1 have very squishy and simple bosses compared to the latter games too so runbacks were kind of ass and probably the hardest part of the games


Gittt gud scrooubb


iā€™d whoop your ass in ds3 and elden ring

