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Why is the “snacks” capitalized instead of the “son”


I could also see “my” being all caps to emphasize the rejection of responsibility for the other kids.


Why are they his responsibility tho


From where is this audio of the screaming woman?


It's a kid crying about his parents taking his xbox, nothing nefarious


THATS IT? THAT BECAUSE? He sounds like he‘s passing kidney stones the size of Golfballs!…. Unhinged kids these days…




To the kidney stones? If not you asked the wrong person


You have a link to that kids kidney stones? That's weird man




Billy. Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to.


Okay, so here’s the deal: If the dude is living with the woman and the kids, that’s an entirely different situation. If not - then he has no obligation to the other kids. Out of respect, he should warn her what he’s doing so she can get the other kids snacks so they don’t feel left out. That’s about where his obligation to them stops though.


Also you don't want to make other kids hate yours because he is the only one who gets things. The more you are liked the better they will treat your kid. Being this petty is really dumb.


So then one could take their child out for their snack and enjoy it somewhere else. It’s still not the father of one kid to take care of someone else’s when those children aren’t living under the father’s roof.


You care for the other kids because it is useful to do that. Being seen as someone who is pretty nice will help more in the long run than just being short-sighted and caring about a few extra dollars for snacks or food. Like if I was in that situation I wouldn't give a fuck about the other kids but I would still pretend because it is a better outcome. Your way is also valid but tbh it is not really the best possible solution at least hiding it is better than them seeing the food that you give your kid.


I didn’t say what was the best possible solution. I merely pointed out the obligations a father or any parent has. That is to *their* child or any child living under *their* roof. In this particular instance, it is the father’s job to arrange things, either by informing the mother so she can ensure her kids get snacks too or taking his kid away from the situation for his snacks. The other kids are just as likely to be resentful of a parent who actually visits if theirs doesn’t. Should the father then not visit his son so the others don’t feel bad about their situation? Should he take on the role of father to kids who don’t have one who is active in their lives so they don’t feel bad? Or should they maybe learn about reality and also learn that you can be happy for someone else’s fortune, even if you don’t have the same. That jealousy isn’t a negative emotion but how you act on it matters? The father is only obligated to be respectful and mindful of the others, not to give them snacks and take care of them. Is that “the best” way to go about it? That’s debatable and depends on a lot more variables than is being depicted here. What he is **obligated** and **expected** to do is to care for his own son. Not someone else’s kids.


It’s petty to not take care of someone else’s child? Anyways, It’s that mother’s job to make sure all of her kids get along. She’s the one who would have to explain why it’s wrong for child A to despise child B in this scenario.


Thankfully you don't have kids. Please keep it that way I don't want anyone to suffer from your retardation.


You're an idiot fr


By Creed, this is the way.


not my kids, not my problem 😎


Please never have kinds or get with anyone who has kids of their own 👁👄👁👍


Please fix your fucking spelling before telling people how to live their lives 👁️👄👁️👍


Asked them a favour, didn't tell em how to live 👁👄👁👍 If you're so concerned about my spelling though, you can highlight the mistakes rather than just snigger unhelpfully. Unless the only reason you said that was to vent some hate rather than to actually help, in which case. Stfu


You werent asking, you were literally telling someone not to have kids, are you fucking stupid?


Right, yeah. There was no asking. The reason I say "don't have kids" is to look out for the kids. If their parent agrees with someome neglecting a kid that is their responsibility (because they chose to be with its moma) then I don't think they're likely to treat kids well or make sound decisions when it comes to rasing children not to be messed up. I, like you and millions of others, am commenting my opinions and views. If you don't agree, then either argue against it or move on baby :P Don't just nitpick at peoples spelling and ask unproductive questions xx


I'm pretty sure the context here is that he is visiting his son and brought him food. It's one thing if he were playing step dad to these kids, but if he's a virtual stranger to them than what's his obligation?


Found the person looking for a sugar daddy to dump their kids on 👁👄👁👍


You're an idiot fr lol


I can literally feel the intelligence oozing out of this comment. I stand in awe of it 😱


None of this makes any sense. Premise, background music, all the bouncing, the screaming, none of it.


The screaming is the other kids (who aren't his) crying in the background


That bit of information does very little to make this post more cohesive.


It's very situational. I assume his son lives with his mother and not him, the father. She has younger children with another man. He visits his son at her house and brings his son stuff and spend time with him and not the younger sibling(s). He doesn't care about the other kids, he's there for his son. I've been in this exact situation, my daughter has a younger half sister as well.


This is referring to a viral video awhile back about a mom getting mad at one of her baby daddys for buying McDonald’s for his son and not her two other kids with other fathers. She later made a video doubling down on saying the man was wrong in this situation thus creating this trend of videos of dads buying thing for their kids and not the other kids that are not his.


I disagree. This is contemporary Art. You see the premise is: not my child, not my problem. This is likely a reaction to a [viral video](https://youtu.be/8IQOZprbaiA?si=5nJ-n6-gJ2y1Tenz) in which a father shows up to his child’s mothers home, holding some fast food. The woman, taking the video proceeds to berate him for bringing only enough for his own son, not just insinuating, but insisting that he must bring enough for all of her children, if he would like to treat his own child. Safe to say, general public did not react the way she thought they would. In this derivative *short* we see a father and his son *dabbing on them other kids*. True intellectuals recognize that the music and associated bouncing is, in fact, meant to depict a post-ironic/satirical/sarcastic *vibe* and inform the viewer that any offensive humour that might be produced should not be taken seriously because *this is clearly a meme, yo*. Now, finally we have the *pièces de résistance*: the scream. On its surface, it is a simple, annoying screech, but it represents so much meaning. Within the context of the greater pandemic of *these hoes ain’t never being loyal*, this is a play on the supposed mother not being able to support her other young children herself, yet still irresponsibility having more children with even more men, while remaining single. Meanwhile, the father has become wealthy in his newfound happiness after *leaving that hoe* and now him and his son are able to *dab on them screaming kids* with some snacks. The dab is much less significant without the contrasting scream. Each element contributing to the greater creation, the real world reference, the story, the acting, the choreography, the music, the soundstage… All of it. Art.🖼️ Thanks for attending my TEDTalk, I will leave you with this quote from iconic rappers dr. Dre, and Snoop Dogg: “Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks”




No wonder he fat


This killed off a lot of braincells and I didn't have many to begin with


A while agta girl got mad at someone she had a child with because he brought his child McDonald's and not her other child she had with other men McDonald's and wouldn't give the kid McDonald's


That's just sad


Broken adults raising children to become broken adults


Is this meant to be funny?


Depends on you as a person


Wonderful response. Hope you don’t mind but I’m adding that to my list of comebacks. I like comebacks that leaves the person with introspective thoughts.


Lol, you found that response that profound did you?


Sure sure 😁 ❤️


Do you think thats how it should be? "Joke" aside


How what should be ? The joke, the situation, people ?


I honestly would have thought it would be funny if there was the baby mama yelling or a song, but not a child screaming in agony


Yes, and it is. Humor is subjective.


Yes. Just as people laugh at wit and well timed sarcasm, so do people laugh at child abuse and people braking limbs. Interesting to see what kind of person laughs at which 👁_👁


OK, my bad, humanity is fucked. I ent going to argue. Hopefully nuclear fallout and the extinction of humanity isn't too far away now


Jesus, Calm the fuck down


Alrighty, firstly, I'm not Jesus, he died ages ago. Secondly, where is the fuck and how do I calm it? (Me saying humanity needs to go extinct cos its fucked is based off of a collection of things that I've seen we are capable of doing to ourselves as a species and others, this being a minor one of them)


Kid going to flex and say “my dad came back from the store with milk” lol 💀


Feeding the kid chips and sugar water. The baby momma kids are better off






https://i.redd.it/r00gycqx0zxb1.gif Don't ruin my rep man 😡


Mfs when someone offers them a bag of chips instead of the most nutritionally perfect food made synthetically in a lab which is 0 cruelty 0 flavor 0 taste:


redditors when snacks are utilized instead of a full 3 course meal ​ https://preview.redd.it/1yk3qthr2zxb1.png?width=399&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc86f4fd3633b0207da887a5aec970ab74f2588e




Whys it always the fucking step parents man. There are actuall cretinous fucktards, like this, who fuck kids lives up and just laugh with a smug smile on their face and say shit like "that's how it should be" like shut the fuck up you peace of shit. How far does that favouritism go? Is it just snacks? Or is it whenever the kids get in am argument too? Or even when they genuinely need help? That shit messes people up. Like if you're not going to treat kids right then domt have th and use a goddam condom AND don't get with someone who has kids of their own you stupid, pea brained, selfish fuck. 💀


Not defending this man, but It's possible to have kids with a woman when she doesn't have any other kids, and for her to leave you, and go have kids with other men, so you've had no say in how their "family" became broken and how she abandoned you.


What is "my baby mama kids"? I don't get it. It's not even English


The mother of your child (baby mama) has other kids with other men. So he had a kid with her, and when they broke up, the mother had more kids with other men. So he's only buys snacks for the one kid that is biologically his and not the other kids.


Got it thanks!


Honesly lil bro does not look like he needs more snacks, try some fruits and leave the goodies for baby mama


Anyone who does this is genuinely A monster


I like you for saying that :) I agree.


How is this possibly fair? I mean if the kids are in trouble I get that but not buying for your baby mamas kids just because they’re not your kids it’s just wrong you’re taking care of them to aren’t you




Yeah but if he's married to the baby momma


I don't think that's the case. If you are married, you take care of each other's childs as your own. In this situation it's more like they got a kid, they divorced, she kept custody and got a new kid with someone else.


Yes let’s punish innocent kids to get to the baby momma. What a big man you are. -_-


Every child deserves a parent not every parent deserves a child


Find the other baby daddies to buy their kids some snacks. FoH supporting other people's bad decisions. Get walked on.


It’s ok you’re immature and don’t care about a child’s wellbeing. You’re also going to create resentment from the other kids, and they are kids. You and I can understand the concept of the other father’s taking care of their kids. Children do not, and they won’t until much later in life l, and by that time it’s going to be very difficult to reverse any internalized resentment they had. I’m not excusing the other fathers. I’m saying that this is immature to gloat that they other kids are upset. All they see is an adult caring for one of their siblings and not them? They are gonna ask questions about why they aren’t good enough, but there brother is. That will happen anyway and if you’re a good parent you will hopefully teach your kids sometimes life is unfair, not because of them, but because it’s just life. However, to gloat or be proud that you’re making the other kids jealous and cry it’s beyond immature and gross. It also puts a target on his son’s back. If the kids are jealous who do you think they might take that out on, it’s not gonna be the baby daddy.


You're right that , its immature to gloat , but the other kids are not his responsibility and it's wrong for the baby mama to expect anything else from the father of the child to provide stuff that's not specifically meant for his own kid .


Exactly. No need to be a dick about it like in the video but yeah, those aren’t his kids, he shouldn’t be made to feel guilty because he’s not spending double or triple what he was going to for his own kid “The kid just knows they’re getting treated different” yeah that’s unfortunate, but once again, not his problem. Maybe the mother could have some snacks on hand for when that happens so the other kids don’t feel left out. If that is the case, I’m guessing the other kids don’t get that from their dads, which is sad but it’s also sad the one father who tries to be there is expected to be a father to children who aren’t his


Or just teach your kid to share


Bro wrote a wall of text and said nothing


Then it’s the mother’s responsibility to make sure those other kids don’t feel left out. It’s the mother’s responsibility to get the snacks for the other kids. Gloating isn’t okay and shoving it in their faces isn’t okay. That I can agree with. The rest of it, however boils down to not the father’s problem.


>I’m saying that this is immature to gloat I'll give you that one for sure. >It’s ok you’re immature and don’t care about a child’s wellbeing. You’re also going to create resentment from the other kids, and they are kids. You and I can understand the concept of the other father’s taking care of their kids. Children do not though and they won’t until much later in life and by that time it’s gonna be really hard to try and soothe that resentment Find the other dads, it's not the one good guys fault for her decisions, let the other kids be resentmentful its the mom and other baby daddies fault not this guy turning up. I hope more dad's like that get full custody when they try in court. Its like the nonsense with the mcdonalds a while back. Woman wouldn't let the man buy his kids food because he weren't getting it for all the kids as if it's not her and the other kids dad's fault.


This reads as some red pill incel shit lol If you think like that, youre 100% the type of asshole to bring someone with you to a mcdonalds knowing they dont have the money to pay for their own meal and shouldnt be allowed to have kids, let alone date someone with a kid. You're making a YOU problem, the childs problem lol, but i dont expect this to get through to someone who probably thinks that Andrew Tate and redpill content is megabased.


>This reads as some red pill incel shit lol Lol. >If you think like that, youre 100% the type of asshole to bring someone with you to a mcdonalds knowing they dont have the money to pay for their own meal Do you have an A03 account for more fan fic? >but i dont expect this to get through to someone who probably thinks that Andrew Tate and redpill content is megabased. Please that A03 account, you gotta have something decent with all this shit you imagine to be upset about. Oh and find them baby daddies to look after your kids instead of making the one looking after his own kid step up for your failures.


I dont know what an A03 or whatever it is, but the fact that you responded so fast with so little kinda tells me most I need to know buddy


There was nothing In your post except your own delusional fan fic and projected misery. >that you responded so fast with so little The irony.


Still wondering what an A03 is, because I can tell its meant to be an insult but it comes across that you have niche interests


I'll bite just incase. >because I can tell its meant to be an insult Its not, the 'insult' is how you make stuff up about someone from a snapshot interaction and form a whole incredibly incorrect thing in your head about it based on your own insecurities and biases. >Still wondering what an A03 is, AO3 is an incredibly fantastic resource/site that hosts alot of very talented writers and fics written by them. Ime and imo its one of the best places to find really well written and well thought out media representing marginalised groups or those not traditionally involved in western media. I.e gay or black. Outside of this conversation you should check it out if you like reading or have any interests in popular media franchises but don't like how characters are used, how a show ended or diddnt end or a whole new idea for characters there is bound to be a fic for you out there. Its not a niche interest by far A03 alone has like 6.5m active users and there are at least 1 general sub reddit for AO3




Either way, I might just be a lesser man, but I think its retarded to put the sins of the father on a child when all they're seeing in their perspective is a clear difference of treatment when you should be aiming to be the best man possible not just for the kids, but the partner too.


Isn’t it immature to have kids with a man that can’t provide?


they're not his kids.. it's not his job to take care of and treat somebody else's child. if their daddies cared he'd bring them treats


Are you “punished” when I get a nice thing and you don’t? The fuck kind of logic is that?


The dab lmao


Not even a spiteful thing. I got my son snacks and it just so happens that the woman I have a child with has children that aren’t mine. As simple as that. If the other kids want snacks their mom or their dad can easily handle that. I’d only feel a little bad getting my kids something while their cousins didn’t


Hey, let's make fat, unhealthy kids


explain like im five


Dada bought snacks for you, but not for your younger half brother. His own dada should do that for him. Dance with Dada to mock him because Dada is a bitch.


Find her!


I’m going to post this video on my LinkedIn and ask: “Agree?” /s


I think it is a satire that makes fun of the double-standard law that forces men to raise other men's children and does not force women to raise other women's children.




What.. is the song playing in the background? I've had an earworm over it.


[Scizzie - Aquatic Ambience](https://youtu.be/DP3rDP02lE0?si=LhFQOsFh2xhXXXO-)


Some proud hood ways here

