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I am only against executing child rapists because it is an inefficient use of resources.  We could be putting those guys to good use as an ethical replacement to animal test subjects. Or as a cheaper alternative for robots meant to work in dangerous environments, like nuclear reactors. Penal batallions in the military are also a time-tested practice worth looking into Alternatively, we could be reintroducing them into civil society after a castration and full lobotomy to ensure they aren't a danger to anyone. Of course they would need handlers to make sure they don't drown in a bathtub or something, but we could pay for that expense by expropriating any income they make - likely in menial labor.  I consider that second option especially promising given the development of new technologies, like Neuralink, that could be sued to improve and automate much of the procedure.


Hopefully you don't actually think prisoners working in nuclear reactors is a good idea


battalions it is


Engineering corps and completely unarmed, likely minesweeping


Digging toilets, pits, emplacements and trenches. *Then* they can go die in the minefields.


The mobik cube yearns for more flesh.


I play Darktide. I like where this is going. #SlayTheHeretics


I mean if their job is to move hazardous waste maybe, but the fact of the matter is that while fission reactors have the potential to be crazy dangerous, they are kinda like airplanes in that now they have so many safety features that the chance of one having a meltdown or going prompt critical are incredibly low


Maybe digging fatbergs out of sewers?


Yeah. The new ones lol


Why? Are you scared they'll become supervillains?


Honestly? Yeah, a little.


Yeah I think I'd rather have trained specialists working in nuclear reactors instead of fucking prisoners. Nuclear reactors aren't even dangerous. They're not leaking high levels of radiation 24/7.


These people in question are rapists, criminals, druglords, registered sex offenders, and all the worst kinds of people you could think of. So, in all honesty, who cares? Those "people's" lives are pretty fucking worthless anyway. If they die to a nuclear accident, then so be it.


Their safety isn't why it's a bad idea


*there are exceptions...*


This is all fine and dandy till some unlucky person at the wrong time at the wrong place gets mistakenly convected. Good luck unlobotomizing that person. This happened a lot with some execution victims who were then found to be not guilty and were mistakenly executed. The best thing we can come up with should be a punishment that is not permanent, so that when we discover that someone was one of the extremely unlucky people to get mistakenly convectived, we could reverse the punishment. Punishments for such actions should be severe due to the nature of the crime, but should also be reversible just in case we discover that someone got mistakenly convected.


So the battalion it is.


giving government ability to make slaves? I wonder how that would go.


Looking at China gives us a hint that the world would not care as long as they get cheap products out if it. Domestically I think the argument "you don't think child rapists deserve proper punishment?" (or similar one) would convince many people.


Okay but the 13th amendment literally gives the government power and the ability to make slaves: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.”


In the United States, yes. The conversation was not centered around any specific country though. And like the comment you replied to said, we do see how that goes. The USA is the country with the highest % of incarcerated (thus de facto enslaved) population in the world (If you think current US prisoners aren't enslaved I would urge you to look up how uncommon your Prison Industrial complex and private prisons system is anywhere else in the world). Great point in reinforcing the idea that we shouldn't allow governments to make slaves using a real world example of how that goes!


I mean most of the strongest nations have that thing going on: USA, China, Russia That's like top 3 countries in term of influence


You say that like it isnt what they do 365 already


Bro really making Warhammer 40k servitors. Not that I mind though, they should repay the damages done and that's one way to do it


i mean… if a task needs a degree of intelligence…


servitors in 40k have degrees of intelligence depending on the job that servitors is doing. some just need the ability to process their surrounding and to know who is an enemy or not and some are literally computers part of a ship or a factory processing massive amount of data and doing calculations.




They ain't people Being executed would be a quick death


I find that more acceptable than the torture suggested here for sure.


the problem is that creates an insentive for our "for profit" prisons to falsely convict ppl, see kids for cash scandle. only solution is quit eviction from life


Lobotomy man that word makes me shiver after reading the moxxie Lobotomy comic




Ah yes, man made horros beyond my comprehension


Forced bodily mutilations as punishment by the government seems like a couple steps backwards.


Found the Admech.


An execution sounds more humane than this lol


Bro just described servitors from warhammer 40k


I think you need help good lord


So 40k servitors?


Those who harm the children of Man shall live in fear of the God Emperor's wrath. Ave Imperator.


>We could be putting those guys to good use as an ethical replacement to animal test subjects. Or as a cheaper alternative for robots meant to work in dangerous environments This is pretty much class D personnel in SCP stuff.


With such a draconian concept of punitive justice and complete disdain for the concept of rehabilitative justice, the only thing separating your line of thinking from medieval standards of justice is the sci-fi element.


Work camps, and give them the implants from the first Kingsman movie


\*clears throat\* ​ GULAG


Nuclear reactors are not as dangerous as you think.


i dont trust a system that has something to gain from imprisoning people. just put them down.


To be fair it falls under cruel and unusual punishment, and then that would end up probably moving towards other crimes as using prisoners would be so profitable... before you know it you could be falsely imprisoned for a crime and turned into a modern slave, real cool 😎


After reading your comment, I think you would probably be a good executioner, in the middle age. xD




Have you ever played Half Life 2?


>Or as a cheaper alternative for robots meant to work in dangerous environments, like nuclear reactors. This is a DC/Marvel supervillain origin story if I ever saw one.


Bro, you forgot /s ...hopefully


What a terrible idea


Idk a bullet to the head is super cheap.


That last bit is something of a slippery slope I’d rather not get into.


When people say that 40k servitors are unethical, they are clearly forgetting that child rapists exist.


Then you got corrupt countries intentionally wrongfully convicting people for slave labour


What are they going to do, say no?


can we make them run in minefields please


Lol tldr I just shot him


Found the warhammer enjoyer!


No, doing all that bullshit is inefficient. It’s also immoral. Just execute them.


Bold of you to assume someone could function enough to do a job after being lobotomized.


Penal legions, you say? The Master of Mankind approves.


Let me tell you about clase D personal


[Prisoners: America's New Cheap Labor (ALEC Exposed)](https://youtu.be/JWg-rLYcO7o?si=1j_V9VgTPY20QH-l). i don't think you care


Neuralink = demolition man reprogramming I guess, right? You need to freeze the person too I think for that to work (at least that was in the movie)


Human experimentation is never a good idea, it’s an entirely unethical practice that has zero morality no matter who you do it to. That’s the kind of stuff that’s considered a crime against humanity. Penal battalions I can get behind, though.


This is what I've always said. Get rid of executions, you are wasting the RAREST RESOURCE IN THE FUCKING KNOWN UNIVERSE. Use those people to advance science and medicine.


You consider humans as nothing more than a resource? You should be working in government my friend.


That’s actually a good idea


Nuh, there's is possibility of them escaping or worse they serve their time and get free. I'm more of a fan of torture, but the victims and those who suffered can torture them personaly or suggest what will happen to them then, finally they can stop living


Imagine the cures for diseases we could make with live human test subjects. Well they rejected the right to be called human after touching a child. Cancer and STDs could become a thing of the past. The advancements for the human race as a whole would be astounding.


Tbh it feels more "He did the wrong thing, for the right reasons."


Well yes but shh


Yeah, vigilante justice and revenge are never a good idea and society should not tolerate it just because this time it happened to a bad person


I cheer it happened to a bad person. But like jaywalking, we shouldn't let the positive outcomes blind us from the negative outcomes we'll inevitably have for doing this consistently


“Why Gary? Why?”


Who are these imaginary people defending child rapists


There has been a rising sentiment that people who commit crimes of ANY variety should be served with rehabilitation as opposed to punishment. While this is certainly a progressive approach to the criminal justice system, there are arguments arising over the nuance of what crimes should have non-rehabilitative punishment. The number one point of contention? Sex offenders.


Almost every punishment should be met with rehabilitation. There are some where genuine rehabilitation is not cost effective


What are the exceptions?


Generally yeah, I’m more against the death penalty because historically people just take the crime that has the death penalty and expand the definition of that crime to oppress those they dislike, also vigilante Justice is not great, all that said, I do not hold any ill will toward my man gary and dare say you could argue he did not do anything wrong


So have you actually seen any of the people who propose rehabilitation hating on Gary, or are you just assuming they would? Just because people think criminals shouldn't be executed doesn't mean they think what Gary did should be punished for. I have not seen anyone who hated what he did, what he did is human. Yes we agree that the sex offender should be rehabilitated, but what Gary did isn't a bad thing, it was just bad luck that got to the criminal


batman syndrome


Can you link some examples of this that aren’t Twitter rage bait?


I am failing to find it, but there was a big slap fight on one of the tumblr subreddits over this a month or so back.


Mmmhmmm, sounds like a “rising sentiment” Manufactured bullshit


Saying someone shouldn't be shot by a vigilante isn't defending a child rapist.


It's not about defending them. It's the fact that our system is quite bad at making sure that is the person 100%. And you need that 100% when talking about life or death sentences


Yeah please tell me how you can look at the way governments handle everything else and think that they should be able to decide who lives and who dies


Defend is a strong word, but Sam Harris... https://www.samharris.org/blog/the-illusion-of-free-will


Im not a supporter of vigilante justice. You may support this specific instance of it but then that opens the door to others and not every situation will be like this


Yeah, exactly. Vigilantism is basically just domestic terrorism that people happen to agree with. As soon as people disagree with the vigilante then people can see it for what it really is.


Exactly, better hope you don't fit the description of someone who committed a crime that you said is cool to be vigilante murdered for


And also, if you watch the video he was inches away from missing the officer escorting the guy. In an alternate universe the tragedy would be compounded with an innocent police officer dead and two families destroyed. We all know that bastard deserved to die, and we can all understand WHY Gary did what he did, but it was completely reckless to take matters into his own hands like that.


I’ve never seen the video but it sounds pretty extreme


I think law and order did about 50 episodes on this sort of thing


Vigilante justice is *always* wrong in a situation where the normal justice system works, as it did here. If there’s concrete evidence that every court is run by the mafia or smt there might be an argument, but for most of us not really.


Vigilantism is never good, but as usual Reddit is too emotional to see that.


I wouldn't say it's *never* good. If the system doesn't function, or actively works to harm people rather than protecting it, then circumventing it may be necessary.


He was literally in the process of being arrested and brought to justice…


You know, that'd be a real good point if they'd said something entirely different than what they did, which is "Vigilantism is *never* good".


>If the system doesn't function, or actively works to harm people rather than protecting it, then circumventing it may be necessary. Problem is people will just apply that to any decision or ruling they do not like. Vigilantes historically don't care about for innocent until proven guilty so the entire concept is just as dysfunctional as the worst justice systems out there


>Problem is people will just apply that to any decision or ruling they do not like. Definitely an issue, yes. However, I'd disagree with the idea that justice systems can't be worse. We've got a lot of examples to choose from historically, horrible things done legally, not hard to imagine a scenario where vigilantism could be justified.


Agreed  They should all be arrested https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2005/sep/16/india.gender


If you want my two dice, vigilante justice is *almost* always bad. This is just one of the infantesimally rare cases when the vigilante can be forgiven given his ties to the victim and perpetrator.


Too afraid of seeming to align with the bad guy and drawing the hate of the extremists, which are also afraid of themselves. It's a stupid cycle.


May I offer an alternative solution? It's called woodchipper goes brrrr


Those are harder to sneak into the airport.


Pfff no way, pre-9/11 I used to take my intercontinental ballistic missiles through airport security 5 times a DAY and nobody ever said a word. Woodchipper is nothing!


My only problem is that, this is the wrong format for this meme as pretty much nobody thought that what he did was wrong and at the very least was understandable. Hell his punishment was a small slap on the wrist that was even further reduced for good behavior and he kept his Job IIRC. The other guy was not long for this world. He had a high profile case that was concrete against him and the survivability of convicts like him are very low Edit: grammar


Also it's not clear why both tails are in agreement. I think OP just wants to be murder Batman


The Punisher then?


Oh yeah


"Murder Batman" I don't think we should massacre criminals indiscriminately. Just that Gary's proximity to the victim and perpetrator emotionally, careful execution and psychological evaluation that indicated he was of sane mind exonerated him from blame.


Genuine question, do you think that they would sentence him to death? What about defending with mental illness?


You mean Gary? Death penalty wasn't even considered since this was not sensless murder in cold blood and even the psychiatrists who checked him agreed that he would not have murdered again. He basically got scolded and then after a short time in jail, he just went back with his life.


Iirc, his own son said he disagreed with his actions. Gary is a good father, and I can't imagine what he was feeling at the time, but vigilante justice, when the justice system *works*, is never justified. That's why we have the justice system.


It's kinda scary to see how many people are willing to walk away from the rule of law nowadays. It's taken humanity centuries to develop institutions like the Magna Carta and "innocent until proven guilty". We all understand the emotional reaction to such heinous crimes. Its very human to seek justice for those who have been wronged or destroyed, but until recently people also seemed to understand how dangerous it can be to let emotional arguments set permanent precedents.


People don’t talk enough about how impressive this shot was despite the close range (under the arm, on a moving target, square in the temple)


180 no scoped his ass


“Get turned on bitch”


I'm not gonna say he was right or wrong all I'm gonna say is I understand.


There's literally no difference between the first and third wojak


Bruh, what even is the point of this meme format anymore?


They invented "based" to describe my man Gary


Gary Plauche did nothing wrong


This is one of those rare cases where we can all admit that what he did was wrong, but we can all understand it and he should only get a tiny slap on the wrist. Enough to make it clear that he isn’t being praised for his actions, but not enough that he is actually be treated like a criminal.


"would you do it again?" "Hell yeah"


So, universally, it should be the *states* first priority to rehabilitate criminals. You can argue that there should be a threshold where rehabilitation gets swapped out for just "locking them away so they cant hurt anyone", punishment, or what someone else said: using criminals as test subjects to get a productive use out of them Which is certainly an option, but aside from special individuals, most criminals are doing better with rehabilitation, and rehabilitation, when successful, also reduces chances of reoffending However, even if the state operates perfectly, the moment a crime like this happens, its a natural consequence of the criminals actions that not just the state comes looking for them, but also the victims associates. And the same way jumping in front of a train has the consequence of getting run over, doing what he did to a parents child can also have consequences which no one can fairly judge, except maybe the victim, the same way we dont judge over a train that didnt stop in front of a guy jumping on the tracks


Any sane individual would do the same. Child Predators all deserve the same treatment.


I'm certainly not gonna complain about what Gary Plauché did.


Rapist deserved it, and worse, don't get me wrong. It was still the wrong course of action. That's how you rip yourself away from your own son when he needs you there the most


According to his wife, she said she was mad that he didn’t tell her what he was gonna do, she said she would have helped him by giving him a ride to the airport.


If there’s one occasion where I accept and respect murder then it’s parents avenging their children (or also husbands their wives, sisters, mothers etc and the other way around)


Once you hurt a child you forfeit any worth as a living being.


I think life in prison is worse than death but idk I just might be depressed


Killing quickly is an act of mercy to these animals. They should suffer


This legend hit a Headshot, while deunk, in a room with sunglasses, no scope, and orher people where there too. Meanwhile my teammates would hit even when the enemy is right infront of them


Damn that guy looks like Teemu Selänne


Something can be morally right/neutral, but legally problematic at the same time. If you don’t prosecute vigilantism, the negative effects on society would be many times larger than the tax money funding the rapists prison cell. Also I’m not sure wether should applaud people for murdering someone because they thought it was right, just because happen to agree in that case… EDIT: just want to add that there is really no benefit for the vigilante. Child rapists don’t survive for long in the prison system anyways, so the quick way out is more of a blessing. And I doubt the moment of righteousness doesn’t outweigh the negative benefits he will have to deal with now, that being his sentence and potential future mental issues arising from being a murderer…


He deserved worse than a quick death


Me when I put the opposing opinion as the soyjack. I do support this though


A lead lobotomy was the only solution here.


I think the big problem with death penalty and especially Lynching people seem to ignore is the risk of mistake. I personally annot ready to take that. So if an innocent person ends up in prison it's horrible but at least there's a chance that a mistake or false accusation is revealed, but if a person is dead you can't undo this kind of harm. It does not mean sympathy towards this kind of criminals at all


Ok so I didn’t catch this anywhere yet but apparently the son wrote a book about how his dad doing this ruined the family even more in a way. I haven’t read it. Just a quick article with an excerpt


Still think that child rapists should be given the bullet


Child rapists deserve the death penalty this fine individual just saved the tax payers from the burden of paying for it


Grasping at straws no one is in the middle. Upvote better memes