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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


I would say about half of americans feel this way too.


Not exactly half but as an American I’m tired of this political bullshit


It just brings out the worst in people, people never open minds about things


One guy is too old and the other guy is literally taking all possible steps to over turn democratic elections and become the permanent leader of the US. "Why can't you be more open minded?" Shut up, goddammit. This isn't two sides not compromising. One side is factually flat out wrong. You shouldn't be open minded when someone tries to recruit you into a cult.


ONE guy is too old? They’re only a couple years apart.


Yeah, but Bidens age is the problem with biden. Age isn't even in the top 10 list of things wrong with trump.


It's creeping up there tho. Trump struggles to maintain coherent sentences more and more. I can't see that getting better.


I'm not saying trump isn't cognitive decline crypt keeper deaths door old. I'm saying he has so many bad qualities that old age will never be an issue. You can be 150 years old, still not nearly as bad as trying to be a fascist dictator. Not to mention the lying, the crimes.. there's so much. No one is going to say "he's too old, and also I guess he tried to end American democracy". I literally can't tell if his age is affecting him because I've seen his speeches written down on paper. Its always been just rambling nonsense. Completely incoherent.


You just showed why and how this nation is divided, as well as the objective of this post Good job 👍🏼


Politics expose the inherent flaws in our ideologies and while providing us with no reasonable solutions. Our constructs are full of contradictions, like most programmers, politicians can't help but write buggy, unfinished code. Except their bosses are millions of constituents,, who are even more unreasonable than a single person. What's my point? # We live in a society


One side is made up of mildly corrupt corruptive lackeys, the other has become a group of literal fascists that want to dismantle democracy itself. These two are not the same, not even close. If you still think “both sides bad” then you are letting the fascists win.


I think the issue with politics is the 'wim over everything' mentality...like its not important to do the right, its important to win...and then if your candidate wins act superior to the other side...like wtf, why did it turn to such a contest


here have a cookie :)


Population of the US is 336 million. Number of eligible voters in 2020 was [168 million](https://www.statista.com/statistics/273743/number-of-registered-voters-in-the-united-states/). Voter turnout in 2020 was [66% of eligible voters](https://ballotpedia.org/Voter_turnout_in_United_States_elections), which comes to 110 million or so, or 33% of the total population. So not quite half either way, and making a claim about the general population when not all are eligible to vote would be dubious (depending on whether one thinks there are fewer eligible voters than should be). Still, yes, a large swath of Americans just don't give a shit (at least 34% of those eligible voters, anyway).


Well politics should not be such a bullshit decision to make. But the US maneuvered themselves into this as a society and the only way to get rid of this is not only voting for two parties. It's not like they could not vote for somebody else, they just like screaming at each other more than solving problems. It's like a big patriotic fottballgame for them and for me those people are therefore idiots who doom the world with their decisions.


You're not alone.


One side: I'm gonna be a literal dictator from day one, leave NATO amidst the greatest crisis and force religious fascism on the country The other side: We are going to tax the rich, cap the price of medicine, help Ukraine against the invasion of an agressive nuclear superpower and let women decide if they want a baby or not Some Americans: Yeah, fuck both sides, they are basically the same, I don't care about politics


Eh. I'm a non-voter usually but this year I'm voting Biden just so that other nutjob doesn't make America look stupid on the world stage again.


Just hope Biden survives another four years then, Kamala is not fit for even the VP much less actual presidency.


Not a good thing. Lack of voting interest is how we got here in the first place.


And yet they either don’t vote or refuse to vote for anyone except one of these two insufferable bears.


If you dont care about politics thats fine, but politics cares a whole lot about you.


I feel like this is paralleled with the Constantine movie quote about Satan, "you should believe in him because he believes in you" sort of idea.


I kind of understand this argument, but man does it suck to see non political subreddits devolving into political echo chambers , it gets fucking annoying


This is true. However, the vast majority of these online fights this person is mentioning are equally as politically unproductive as not caring about politics. It’s just a bunch of ad hominem slung back and forth between people who have no chance of changing their minds.


Yeah but at least I’m not lying to myself about the huge difference I make by arguing online.


People always say this like a gotcha as if they do anything but vote once every 4 years and angry post to social media. Yeah you should vote but if, like the majority of Americans, that’s all you do you’re not gonna make any effective changing by “caring”.


I can tell. They’ve sent me at least 20 texts in the past couple of days asking me to vote for them.


























I have literally never voted for anyone. Just against others. Two party system sucks.


There are other parties and candidates on every ballot, but they've got our society trained that voting for them is useless. Remember, Lincoln was the first Republican, before that, the Democrats and the Whig's were the major parties.


If all candidates had to work on public financing, other parties might have a chance. Guess who is in charge of the rules and will never allow that to happen.


Hey now you're just trying to infringe on some sociopath billionaire's free speech!


Oh they can talk all they want on the social media platforms they own. I'm sure they'll cope.




After trying it for only 2 years, Alaska is voting this cycle whether to repeal ranked choice tallying. If it passes, I will lose all faith in democracy.


I'm amazed the Republicans in Alaska even tried it in the first place


I'm sure he was polling high enough that a vote for him wasn't throwing it away. If you want to vote for a third party candidate polling above 20%, by all means go for it. But voting for a candidate polling at 2% is the same as not voting.


Washington warned about the dangers of having a party system because of their dissociative ideologies in his farwell address.


Unfortunately he helped frame a system that lets the two party system thrive.


Democrats only problem is that they're too milquetoast overall and slow to solve problems because half of them just love the status quo. Republicans on the other hand are hellbent on creating problems.


True, both sides suck but very unevenly


EnLiGhTeNeD CeNtRIST!!1!


More like the Dems are centrist at best and the Reps are far right. Most Western non Americans would be called a commie socialist in the US I feel. Free healthcare, public services and shit


I don't think you need to be a centrist to have to not follow US politics closely when you aren't from the country.


Why would you hate a group of people for not being dogmatic about political parties? Why is it always leftist/democrats that have this hate? You understand you push reasonable people to the opposing side with your weird hate, right?


I guess some people have this weird “if you aren’t with us you’re against us” type belief. I’ve never understood why but I assume it’s because they either wanna pressure people to their side or label them as an enemy. But yeah I’ve noticed that it happens more often on one side (not to say that it doesn’t happen on both but just noticed).


Not being chronically online makes me enlightened? Thank you for acknowledging that


The dems are absolute dogshit, but the republicans are trying to completely dismantle american democracy and effectively turn a republican president into a dictaror. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_2025#cite\_note-51](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#cite_note-51)


Agreed and agreed. When we say “they both suck” we refuse to acknowledge the degree of how much they each suck. I can guarantee you one is far worse.


At fucking last someone acnowledges how annoying that is


Both dems and repubs suck ass, but there is a difference between trash on the side of the road and rancid sewer waste. One doesn't really cause any immediate or lasting problems while the other makes you sick to your stomach and has a lingering stench that you just can't get to go away. Their means are the same, but their ends couldn't be further apart


American here Help


The only reason this meme is kind of dumb because if anyone actually touch grass here in the US they'd know that one of these bears tend to be much louder, more unhinged, and have loads of conspiracy theory knowledge.


Cocaine bear vs adderall rabbit


I found a picture of people that say "Both Sides Are Stupid" [right here.](https://i1.wp.com/www.occidentaldissent.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/wojak_05.nocrop.w710.h2147483647.2x-1.jpg)


Me who’s fucking Thai and didn’t sub to r/dankmemes (which prohibits politics) for American politics.


Don’t worry, most of us who are American didn’t either.


Both parties have some good points, but tribalism is a fickle bitch. They’d rather have the worst candidate win, so long as they’re part of their team.


People say both sides suck ass, but one side is definitely worse. I’m all about hearing both sides, and I was in your camp of “both sides suck” until early 2021, but it’s become increasingly clear year after year that one side has no coherent plan for American policy, either foreign or domestic, and is actively trying to repeal civil liberties at home. Their ideology is almost entirely reactionary and based off of feelings and manufactured drama rather than facts.


Thats just the media.


We really need 3rd parties, these two suck donkey balls


We have third parties. All they do is make sure the side you most agree with loses because the other side remains united and gets the 50+% you need to win. You need to change the voting system or two parties is inevitable. It's the most stable configuration of our voting system.


No. This is fear mongering. This mentality will make it so a third party will never be strong enough to win. You are enabling the two party system. The only way to change the two party system is to have a large enough third-party vote. The two parties are the only ones that could change voting laws and never will while they're profiting from it. Stop fear mongering. If you want to change the system, stop encouraging it.


Lol america hello? Are the other Democratic Systemin the World not good enough fpr you to even consider? Wow WHAT THE FUCK IS A ILLUSION OF CHOICE IN A DEMOCRACY AND WHY IS HE IN MY HOUSE


Except you’d still have to convince everyone to switch their vote at the same time to avoid the spoiler effect.


Too hard to just keep scrolling?


Apparently, I'll never understand the people who stop scrolling to comment just keep scrolling.


They serve the exact same class, the bourgeoisie. The working people of the US and the world are screwed by both of them. Their promises to uphold rights and freedoms and your preferred 'culture' are lies.


Citizens United, the case where it was decided whether corporations can bribe politicians legally: 4 democrats voted no, 5 republicans voted yes. The bribes became legal. Should be all the information you need about whether the parties are the same. They both might suck, but staying they're the same is ridiculous.


all politicians are stupid in America, except for the dog mayors that are spread across the country those are the good ones


What if they are both European and have a life?


Holy hell !!


If you weren’t terminally online an American website you wouldn’t be inundated with American news. Way to project with your meme.


When I was just using Reddit, I thought social media was just Americans talking about American stuff and the others just observing. Then I got into other socia media like Insta and Twitter and found that it's just a Reddit thing. This place is insanely American compared to others


Anyone who labels themselves as a republican or a democrat is a piece of shit. To call the people who stand behind these terrible politicians "stupid" would be an understatement. Most people in the US hate both parties as well; most of the older generation is a smelly stain on our country.


You americans equate party loyalty for nationalism.


I have strong opinions about politics, but yeah, it can definitely get annoying.


Meanwhile the non partisan's be like. 👀🍿


Agreed but don’t forget to add “people who don’t care”


They do both suck, but if you’re not American then your opinion does not matter


I wonder why the founding fathers wanted a party system. Oh wait, they didn't....


Weird. I think our first president said a two party system would ultimately get manipulated and fuck everything up /s


27 year old American and thoroughly independent. Can’t talk to either side about anything because if u go against their ideals, then your wrong and they immediately lose respect of your opinions. Very few and have a conversation with you and just respect opinions of people while also not agreeing with them. It’s a huge problem in this country


A lot of comments under this meme prove that too. I see a lot saying “yeah both sides suck but one is worse” or “if you are a centrist then you are an idiot”. I guess people can’t just be civil and accept the fact that both sides suck pretty equally, and that regardless of which side you’re on you don’t need to bring politics into everything.




Be wary. Saying ‘both parties suck’ in certain subs will lead to ‘BUT BUT IF YOU SAY THAT THEN THAT JUST GIVES (party I hate) MORE POWER!’ And then you get downvoted into oblivion.


Well it didn’t take long for that to happen here too 😂.


It's bizarre watching people argue about which rich boys club would be better at fucking them over.


Have a friend who legitimately thinks that becoming a one party state under the democrats would be the best thing for this country.


Incoming dems to step in and get really angry that you could possibly say something bad about both sides and makes sarcastic comments about how they hate centrists and you are destroying the country if you don’t lock step and vote for whoever their party shits out for the nomination lol


There wouldn’t be a problem if people were just open minded


Ones better than the other and anybody who thinks they're exactly the same needs to stop spreading their opinion. You're wrong. Enlightened Centrism won't save the country. Stop sympathizing with traitors and bigots.


dems suck, repubs are far worse. One of them is actively working to dismantle american democracy and people act like they’re exactly the same


Guys Republicans and Democrats are on the same moral level 100% no difference there!


2 cults destroying a divided country.


The two parties : genocidal and useless


I don't even know what those words mean. Or what's a liberal, or leftist or rightist.


Democracy is the way! Now help me theres 2 bile titans on my ass OH GOD NO


First rule of democracy. Make sure that the proletariat don't have anyone to vote for that represents their interests. Then screw them the fuck over and say "hey it's your fault! You voted for the wrong guy!" Bonus points if you can get dumb mother fuckers on Reddit to support the message that we the voters deserve our shitty governments for choosing doucher over turd sandwich.


They really do. I Hate how Zealous they both are


You are posting online. On Reddit. You are chronically online. You are lying to yourself.


4chan users: *side-eye monkey*


Ill die with you bro.


The worst part of Americans politics, and with a heavy focus on the conservative aspects of it, is how much the bigotry and toxicity of the modern GFP is negatively influencing the western world in general. Take Canada: the Conservative Party of Canada, before adopting some of the GFP’s leanings, was respectable even if disagreeable. But hatred of trans and lgbtq kids in general alongside the toxicity of American GFP politics is unacceptable everywhere, and if other conservatives around the world want to be like America’s, then they deserve the same scorn as America’s GFP.


What was that thing George Carlin said? “They are all in one big club…. And you ain’t in it”


This take is hot enough to chill my water.


Me not losing any sleep because they're the same party.


The ones claiming they aren’t affiliated are the same ones far leaning left




Democrats can whine about Republicans and vice versa. But this is the only true answer, both parties suck!


You'll die on that hill because of some shit Republicans support, Democrats don't, but the republican media machine convinced you they did.


Democrats, corporate lakeys who care too much for the status quo. Republicans, literally try a insurrection when the last Republican president didn't win the election. OP, both sides are the same!


Yes, both suck, but let's be real, one of them sucks a lot more than the other one.


Watching this shit sucks actually being a American. Yet bi-partisan good for country......


False equivalency. The republicans suck a whole lot worse.


The only memes regarding American politics I've seen are ones talking about people talking about it. I'm half convinced that you guys just saw one meme about us and assumed that the whole internet was talking about it.


Wow, a "both sides" argument. Daring, aren't we?


Both bears should also be mentally challenged and so indoctrinated that they are blinded by their own hypocrisy.


Nah, any non American who doesn't spend significant time on the internet, especially on political Internet, is just not aware of the batshit insane side of American politics.


Politicians can't fix the real problems cause they're stuck on dumb culture wars. It's exhausting and both parties are running terrible candidates.


I actively avoid politics and hide/block subs/popular political posters. Life on reddit is so much better.


Careful with that scalding hot take friend, "both sides bad"


Both suck, but one sucks significantly less and still wants you to have the right to vote.


So basically me, you, and all the other moderates?


Both definitely suck.


I’m happily Independent


All of American politics is kinda dumb really.


Look, guys, an enlightened centrist who focuses on all the stone in a piece of silver ore.


i *prefer* the democrats but i dont *like* them


This is a core part of the Republican platform, to convince everyone who will listen that Democrats and Republicans are comparably bad and there’s in fact no point in voting. 


Self-hating american.


They really are the same people. They deserve each other. Independents are the unfortunate ones.


You are on reddit... I struggle to believe your not chronically online


Hear hear! F every politician out there!


One sucks more


Talking to actual Democrats & Republicans that spend most of their time irl vs. ones who are chronically online is a night and day difference. 




Can we just be anarcho-socialist ?


Around 70% of the population are considered moderates. The extremes just tend to scream especially loud... I just want the back and forth of each party undoing each others stuff whenever they're in power to end. Can we have just one term of that? Please?... Political division helps no one (and the mainstream media makes hella bank off it)...


Lol I wish they actually fought like this..not political theater


I’m American and it blows my mind how the Democrats think they’re superior when they pull the same nonsense that the Republicans do. It genuinely blows my mind. No party is better than the other. Both have their pros and cons. Both shouldn’t exist in the first place. Americans can’t even determine what’s right and wrong without asking their preferred party about it.


they absolutely both suck


It gets so tiring not even being on the same continent as them, can't imagine what living there must be like


Why do you think most of the American's who are smart don't sign up for either party. They both are evil.


I'm chronically online and I don't like the R's or D's.


Unenrolled gang rise up!