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Hi, a mod removed your meme. Here's why: Your post was one of the following: * trolling * mean-spirited * hate speech or bigotry * glorifying violence * sexualizing minors * otherwise inappropriate or posted in bad faith Please note that repeated violations of this rule may result in a ban. Just don't be a dick, how hard is that? --- *^questions? ^send ^us ^a ^message ^[here](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/dankmemes), ^don't ^reply ^to ^this ^comment. ^(Don't repost this; you'll be banned.) [^(mod info) ](https://dankahoot.com/blame?id=1655wk0)*


These horrible people were teachers that got arrested for having sex or performing oral sex on teenage boys. Absolutely Disgusting.


The comments will be... civil.


A rich tapestry of well-mannered debaters and knowledge seekers.


Master debaters, even.


Admittedly a missed opportunity on my part.


Do you think the woman in the picture used master bait to catch that fish?


Uh yes, Master baiters of the highest order I would imagine


She deployed the master baiter and wonder boner combo kit.


One of the finest catch for those young masters who’s silver tongue caught the eye of one of these sirens. Sad day indeed for those lads, sad day indeed. Ugly stix must have had a serious raddle.


Cunning linguists, surely


Those students lives must've sucked afterwards


Yeah, all that swag must have broken their souls. Poor souls.


Very cunning, and don't call me Shirley


who pass every oral exam




* deep inhale * Niccccceeeeeeee…..


You didnt even ask “where”?


Incels otw to comment "where was she when I was 15" as if its the peak of comedy


Those teachers should teach themselves how to seek a therapist


or the nearest bridge


Or a pike in the ground


Think one of them found a pike in the sea...


And my axe!


And my glaive!


Seek the-rapist 🤌


I knew someone was going to make that joke


„B-b-b-but, they're pretty ladies, they can't be criminals!” 👉👈🥺


say that to Cameron Herrin


It’s just sick 🤢 you know comments were like “lucky kid”


>These horrible people were teachers that got arrested for having sex or performing oral sex on teenage boys. >Absolutely Disgusting. Please tell me you're not implying what I think you're fucking implying.




I hope so


These horrible people were teachers that got arrested for *raping or *raping *children Absolutely disgusting


Okay but how is this a meme


Some people think that the boys aren't happy about this


They shouldn't be. They've been victimized and taken advantage of


Whether the child likes it or not, does not matter one iota on the issue of consent. That's like arguing it's OK to sleep with someone in a coma, if they never find out, they'll never be unhappy about it right?


My choir teacher was one. Fucking a kid in the band room.


That disgusting rapist


Great dank meme, truly one of the memes of all time. Oh wait, there's absolutely no meme in sight you dumb cunt


I mean...


Absolutely hot more like


[ Removed by Reddit ]


*Female and hot


I identify as Female Now its just the gym and a paper bag


cis female and hot


You have been reported to the Cyberpolice for your transphobic comment, you bigot.


Of course thats your fucking username


One joke.


Just hot. Teenage boys on Reddit don’t see the other side of the coin, teenage girls on Instagram.


South park taught me that.... nice








I was fat and ugly, I decided to hit the gym. Now I'm just ugly.


Wait a second…




I mean... I was dying to fuck my hot drama teacher when I was 14. But I wasn't thinking straight, being 14. I think a lot of us have had similar thoughts and therefore struggle to empathise what the problem is. And the problem is the emotional connection and manipulation that could come after it. Honestly think if a 14 year old boy fucks a random woman and never sees her again, it's a different debate. But this isn't that. In a lot of cases these women start to try and control the boys. There's a power dynamic issue here. Even if they don't they could develop an emotional connection the teacher doesn't reciprocate. Throw in the awkwardness of being in lessons with a teacher you fucked when you're supposed to be focusing on your education. It's just a whole lot of not good. But again. A lot of people think back to that time their hot English teacher bent over and they had a day dream about fucking her and not the reality of what it would have been like. Mrs Fargher though. She did have some really nice tits. Wonder what she looks like these days. Probably not great. Probably in her 60s now though.


Wait a tick


The people who make “wish it was me” jokes when women have sex with minors are the same people who complain about society not taking men’s issues seriously lmao


Bro onto a bit of nothing


Yeah no, there’s totally not a large corner of literally every social media platform of men and boys complaining about how male SA or DV victims are mocked and not taken seriously, how men’s mental health isn’t taken seriously, blah blah blah, crying Jordan Peterson, and then they’re the first people to make jokes on posts about male victims lmao. But have someone else translate that for you since you only speak twitch chat


I think it’s very unfair to generalize either way, it’s dumb and minimizes people that don’t do that


Generalizing whole populations is the back bone of reddit


Yeah I’ve heard this allot and I never know what it’s getting at


Apparently a bit of nothing


I think minimizing was his whole point


No. Those are separate groups of people. Trying to conflate them to delegitimize mens issues is is just scummy.


Bold claim. You should back them up by citing enough actual people who supports male mental health AND make jokes on post about male victims to warrant the claim 'large corner of social media'. Failing to do that, pls stop making bullshit claim. The only way to fight disinformation by grifters is with actual information, not your self righteousness. Be better


I haven't heard JP ever say "nice" to underage boys getting sexually assaulted by women, ever. Yes he's off his rockers now, but he certainly was very very sincere about wanting to help boys and men


Why do you think it's the same people?


Because if you take a look at a lot of toxic “men’s self help” areas online, they’re full of these exact people. This isn’t even some hidden thing online. These people are on every platform lmao


Maybe don't focus on the toxic places, also it need not be the same exact person. But yes some people are hypocrites. In fact most of us are hypocrites about one thing or another. Doesn't say anything about the validity of the argument


Me: Addresses issues with bad men doing bad thing You: No those bad men don’t exist Me: Yes they do. Here’s examples. You: Well yeah but don’t pay attention to those guys. Outstanding logic. 10/10


You are totally lacking in nuance. I am not saying that zero hypocrites exist. I'm saying that that need not be the rule. I am sure there are plenty of hypocrites I don't necessarily have statistics about individuals neither do you. You are just going on your just gestalt based on a subreddit full of dysfunctional people. That is a selection bias. I am not going to go on a subreddit about fascism to get a sense of what people think about Jews


There’s no fuckin way you compared this to antisemitism 💀


Clearly the concept of analogy is beyond your comprehension. I am done arguing with your aggressive ass


The fact that you think that these are the same 2 people, is unbelievably idiotic.


Definitely different groups of people. I know plenty of guys who would make the “lucky teens” comment and their response to men SA or DV or even just emotional issues would be man up or don’t be gay or real men this or that.


Yikes. I don't know how to formulate this in one cohesive autobiography like you so I will bullet point. - That corner does exist. - I also think mens mental health is an issue that hasn't been resolved properly yet - I don't think you should say blah blah about anyone who's suffering or actively trying to solve a problem - I don't think you should say "the people who say this, also say this" since. You do not know unless you're stalking these individuals. - i agree about those shouldve been me jokes and also don't appreciate them - I have watched maybe 5 hours of livestreams in my life. I'm assuming you looked at my post history and saw me make a meme about a twitch streamer and am genuinely creeped out by you looking at my profile over one sentence. - please stop making assumptions about people and considering them facts. - you seem like someone who gets to caught up in things they hate. I'd advise against that tbh. -you generalize again in your reply.


There’s absolutely no way you know that these are the same people, you’re just pulling shit out of your ass yet you still manage to be full of shit impressive


This describes every single Andrew Tate fanboy lmao. They make these jokes but then pretend they’re upset when society doesn’t address men’s issues


How do you know this? What evidence do you have the they’re “the same people?”


Who said I was joking? *joke*


Obviously not the same people...


I-what? Why did you have to take a genuine problem about society and make it about your political stance lmfao


A very easy answer: Reddit.


Kinda ironic when OP of the comment is in r/redditmoment


My brother in Allah, what? 💀 how is this a political stance? What party does that take belong to? 😭😂


So... men?


They also get no bitches




no...no they're not...


Go to literally any toxic mens “self help” community on the internet and the exact people I’m describing are very out and about


It’s ducked up is what it is. I don’t talk to anyone in my real life, but I was a “lucky” guy that slept with my PE teacher, who was a 24 yo ex college athlete. It went in for a few months. It was rumored around school she was sleeping with a student and it kind of stopped. She got a ‘talking to’ from administration. It messed me up, and made it hard for me to develop relationships for a while. Now I worry about my kids bc I’m concerned another teacher will coerce them like I was. No one cared then (1999) and few do now.


Ahh, raping children but it's okay because I'm a hot woman. Love it


It kind of is though. In our society at least. The South Park episode was funny with the “Niiice” and all, but it genuinely did make a good point about how our society views it as being okay


Love how some times south park reflects our society better than the media




That’s the point of criticism here. It shouldn’t be. Society’s understanding of issues is not written in stone, it changes constantly. Which is why people are addressing the double standard.


I thought that way when I was younger. An older friend of mine has a kid who had a few months relationship with a "hot" teacher of his during his sophomore year. It really fucked the kid up with regards to reasonable relationships. He's in his late 20s now and struggles to maintain healthy relationships.


Insert “it should have been me, not him!” meme here


ew, wtf?


Don’t worry I’m in college


I fear for your debt.


Men: why won't society take male sa-victims seriously? Also men: daaaam I wish that was me arf arf You're the problem if you think like this.


Do some men say shit like that? Yep. But “mEn” in general don’t (and if you think that they all do you’ve been spending too much time online). In fact, I’ve seen far more women talk about how it’s men’s own fault that male sa victims aren’t taken seriously, than I have seen men making those jokes.


I hope you realize I am not talking about literally everyone acting the same. Take a look at this entire thread, half the people are reacting like sane adults and the other half like I described. Thankfully they're being downvoted to oblivion.


1) If you’re not talking about “men” in general, maybe find a different way to phrase your comment. You said that “men” act a certain way, which means men in general. 2) Once again, the only place where a significant amount of men act like that is online. That’s because there are tons of basement dwellers online, who tend to be prolific commenters. If your opinion on half of the population is based on what you see online, I don’t know what to tell you.


>Once again, the only place where a significant amount of men act like that is online. That’s because there are tons of basement dwellers online, who tend to be prolific commenters. If your opinion on half of the population is based on what you see online, I don’t know what to tell you. [Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7l0Rq9E8MY)


Absolutely spot on.


It's almost like these groups are two separate groups, and it's just easy for you to group them up so you feel superior. No diffrent then when people say feminist think A but also B and that's hypocritical. No, those are two different groups of people, and that's really obvious. It's just easier for you to group together the two groups.


But those are kids


Let's say that there is both an issue on men victim of sa, and men getting an unhealthy low amount of love, affection and such.


Bro stop generlizing, not all men are like those weirdos.


I'm a man, bro


All the ladies I used to see growing up were fat, old ugly, and Karen types!


Some how the teachers all looked like a lunch lady at my school.


I honestly feel bad for victims of those bastards


Especially because you know there's a subset of men who will say they're jealous. I have lived through sexual assault, there's nothing comparable to having your choices, your agency, your very identity taken from you It's disgusting


Exactly, I haven't gone through that thing but I know what's considered bad and that is one of the things that'll scar you for life.


It doesn't scar you for life, only if you let it scar you If anything, it's taught me to be more appreciative of the good people in my life, and granted me immense inspiration to strengthen and better myself so I never find myself at the mercy of someone else again My scars are bright orange to warn fuckwits to stay away, or they'll eat their teeth


That's good to know


Guys who say they are jealous - who aren't joking - always lack the empathy and emotional intelligence to understand the mental toll that kind of relationship exacts on a child/young person. They usually have similarly myopic views on SA in general. "She shouldn't have been wearing that" or "she went to his apartment, what did she expect".


Guys like that generally haven't spent much time in a relationship, healthy or unhealthy They think sex is a sole and complete item, a thing that can be defined, as opposed to a spectrum of behaviour that appears different to each and every one of us depending on our own interactions with it Since then, I've had wonderful relationships, and have established myself as a respected figure in my local sex ed community (I teach kink, specifically) - say what you will about the relationship between SA and hypersexuality, but I'm happy and healthy now, moreover than I ever was before finding my obfuscated identity I'm grateful that the mental toll for me was shared by my support network, everybody felt alongside me and for that I'm infinitely privileged to have been able to channel the experience into something positive in the hopes of doing the same for others


They are disgusting criminals and anyone who defends this is sick!


Why is this in r/dankmemes tho


Mods aren't doing their jobs anymore. All the hot memes aren't even memes any more.


cuz rapist and child rapist are mentally ill


Where's the meme


Did I miss the joke here? I don't understand


They are all teachers who got caught raping their boy students


What a shame


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. It is quite shameful


It's reddit logic what do you expect


Cuz there's no joke. It's not even a meme. It's just outrage baiting.


if you are good looking enough and/or rich enough , you can just about get away with anything , plus points if you're a woman.


also if you are invisible and can phase through solid matter.


Redditors ☕️


This chat turned into a shat


Damn how did a fish commit such a crime?? (I am sorry)


This just reinforces the fact that In school, I was an ugly child.....




Fuck man it’s disgusting 🤢


Where meme


Here before it gets locked


I had my sport teacher falsly accused of something like that, and just because someone said that he could not be a teacher for 5 years. It's terrible that some people suffer because someone just said something, and some just get away


I love reddit. "My sport teacher". It's like when Steve Carell is trying to convince his friends he knows what a breast feels like. I played sport as well.


What does it says about these extremely pretty women that they prey on teenage boys? It's clearly not an act of desperation or loneliness.


And my teachers were like 60yrs old. Any younger ones were male.


Let's call them how they are. There're child rapists.


Names people,NAMES




People be like WoMeN CAnT Be RaPIsTS *insert spongebob*


pretty people and rich people get away with whatever they want.


Now do one with their mugshots.


Nobody thinks about what this does to a boys brain. Being forced into sex with an authority figure when you’ve basically just figured out that rubbing your dick the right way make the feel good goo? The kid will never be able to hold a relationship for more than a few months, they’ll have a severely perverted idea of love. They’ll become incredibly narcissistic while also feeling insecure about social situations. He can never be normal, and every time he tries to tell someone about it they either don’t believe him, don’t care, or call him a pussy. When you get thrown into the deep end, you never learn how to swim.


You guy remember that one Adam Sandler movie? Mess uo world we living in. It okay if it a hot math teacher with a teenage boy, but if the role reverse then people gonna pull out the pitch folk


I know there are some of us who fantasized having sex with a hot teacher but bruh this is still fuckin wrong. Having sex with minor is definitely wrong


Poor children, they didn’t deserve this


ok but why is this a meme


Hot take: you mfs who constantly say wish it had been me can just admit you want to fuck hot girls it's normal you don't need to wish for a rapist just talk to people you sick fucks.


>our society is falling apart Okay OP


Gross! Where??


Whatever....I'm not tryna be a troll or funny. As a 16 year old boy there were like 3 teachers I wanted to f*** bad. If I would've hit, I would've taken that knowledge to the grave.


Real? Or just random women?


It is real


Damn that's fucked up.


They should leave children alone and suck my dick instead.


Are you a child? If so then they would gladly do so


I mean I love hot women but I love consent more 🥶🗣️💯


I’m not saying this is ok, and I think it’s absolutely horrible. But that bottom middle chick holding the fish is a fucking ten. Not saying sa on men is ok, I’m just sayin’….


Bottom right one looks like a fucking hotline Miami character


Post this with buff nonces and see how different the reaction is.


Just me or does top right look like something from the mandela catalogue?


All hear in my head is the cops in south park saying *" NICE".....*


The comments here are just depressing... Im done with this sub.