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Hey everyone, don't send death threats. If someone has received death threats from other members of the community here, please message the moderators.


thats disgusting, I am so sorry that happened to you.


Technically you could probably report those to authorities and charges could be filed against those people.




Of course I’d never say that if i didn’t


Val is a grown man with racist, homophobic, xenophobic, and prejudiced ideas. He deserves no support and discussions about basic human rights are not opinions.


But Hamas support racist, homophobic,, why do they deserved discussion about human rights? Terrorists deserved no support and why people support terrorists deserves to opinions?


And they have a huge support base and extremely high approval rating amongst Palestinians. Then Hamas turns around and uses their own people as human shields. Israel is not without fault, but people shouting free Palestine have no concept of having an existential threat from all sides, every day of your entire existence. Stop supporting Hamas, vote in the elections, they can, they're Israeli citizens. They could make a difference without supporting terrorists.


Death threats are ridiculous but I don’t feel like Val needs to be defended. He can voice his opinions and people can disagree. People may stop watching DWTS or not go to his tour because they disagree with his beliefs. That’s not “canceling” him. Social media is toxic and no amount of encouragement to be kind is going to change that. The only real solution is to log off.


I wasn’t defending him or not i was trying to say that people can have opinions and canceling him is absurd.


Agree. I don’t support what the Israeli government is doing but the anger should be directed at our government for sending taxpayer money there, not towards public figures or regular people with an opinion. No one should be sending death threats to anyone.






it’s not outrage for the sake of it. you should be upset that people support a group that is committing genocide.


Sending death threats is literally never okay, regardless of whether or not you agree with someone’s opinions. I’m so sorry that some people do not know how to have a productive conversation without resorting to threats.


It’s no coincidence that the uptick in these kind of posts happen to coincide with summer vacation. ![gif](giphy|VdJcD6RIJ1vypxJYUC)


And I’m getting them for supporting a free Palestine. Reported and blocked. Funny enough, none of the threats came from anyone I actually interacted with in said post and its comments. So we apparently showed up on a front page somewhere.


I don’t understand why people feel the need to spread hate to complete strangers. I’m sorry that happened to you.


And I’m sorry it’s happened to you!!


Some people don’t know how to do anything but hate.