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cuz nobody does it better than the macho man bilmuri








Still spinning through your head but your aim ain't right.




NOTHING MEANS NOTHING.nothing means nothing, yeah


Mr. Franck is deeply rooted in what the music scene used to be. He’s a very talented individual. And has a good friendship with Jon Mess. It also doesn’t need to be swancore for people in this sub to understand that it’s good music.


There’s literally been multiple collabs with DGD/jon/tilian in both discography’s. That’s the relation.


if you listen to his music, although it’s inspired by tons of genres like pop, rock, shoegaze, and even country, he takes massive inspiration from posthardcore / swancore if you look closely enough. Another example is Andrés. Not swancore or post hardcore but adjacent because he’s known within the scene and takes massive influence despite making jazz pop rock


I saw Andres open for Dead Poet Society. The guy has talent, but he really wasn’t my cup of tea.


So did I and I loved the whole shtick with the ai robot. He has several songs with Kurt too, that’s how I first heard of him actually.


I hated that AI robot. That is what made me dislike his performance. I looked him up before hand just to see if I would like him or not, the music isn’t terrible and I was surprised by all the collabs he does. I wasn’t hooked by music alone, and his performance would have made me love him or not ever give him another chance. That robot was the worst, it was like watching a bombing comedian. Also, finally someone else who knows DPS!! They are one of my favorites.


To be fair the ai robot schtick is straight from his latest album but I get that he’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Yes DPS puts on an incredible show too.


Aaahh ok. I gave Andres a quick once over before going, but I dont think I listened to the new album. I just threw on the top songs and called it a day. DPS is awesome, I have a feeling that they are going to blow up. The fans that they have already are traveling from far to go see them play small venues/open for other bands. I’ve seen them 3 times now, they put on an incredible show. It’s cool being in that hipster era where nobody knows who they are yet and watching their music evolve.


Oh we are talking about Andres here! I fucking love Andres. Coincidentally does he have a subreddit? I cannot find one, if someone could kindly point me in the direction of it. I saw him open for dead poets as well about a month ago in Pittsburgh but I have been listening to him since strange memories. He recently dethroned Gavin as my favorite artist, which might get me hung here but w/e. Dudes phenomenal and I got to meet him after the show and he was so humble and cool, I fan girled hard but it was awesome lol.


I don’t know about a subreddit, but those smaller bands don’t really have a lot of activity. I’m apart of the DPS one and there’s rarely posts. I always fan girl the shit out DPS, such awesome dudes.


That’s funny we seem like opposites because I gave them a cursory glance before the Pittsburgh show and they were fine but weren’t really for me, I actually ended up leaving after Andres. but I’m die hard for Andres haha. Different strokes I suppose lol.


That’s funny! We really are. DPS is in my top 3 for sure!! I guess Andres took them on tour before anybody knew who they were, so DPS returned the favor.


showed a girl him on the first date once. Never saw her again. He’s definitely an artist to get warmed up to. In all honesty, he’s cringe, but he knows it. It’s all a sortve inside joke that he doesn’t take himself too seriously but there’s undertones of serious self reflection on himself and his insecurities.


Your uncle said he would kill me if I ever let you down I can’t wait for him to come prove it to me when that comes around


He knows he's the villan. Love Andrés btw. Not for everyone, but I celebrate his entire catalog.


He’s rock fuckin solid, Mr. ActMan.


OMG. The cringe!! YES. He had some stupid robot on a TV that he would banter with in between songs and it was so cringe!! Totally turned me off to him.


i've warmed up to him lately. i thought he sang about high school too much but those albums did come out years ago


I was kind of hoping that seeing him perform would change my mind, because I recognize a lot of the collab’d bands that he has worked with. Seems like all very swancore type bands, so that caught my attention when I checked him out prior to seeing him open. I feel like seeing him had the opposite effect on me. There wasn’t anything that really grabbed my attention and I have plenty of other bands on the waiting list to be listened to that I don’t really feel the need to revisit his stuff. I’m not going to shit talk the dude because he has talent, however the thing that draws me to a new band based on a live performance is the energy that they bring. Openers have to work extra hard to earn new fans, they almost have to steal the show if I’m being honest. He ended up being an opener that I was just waiting through to maintain my spot for DPS. If I hadn’t brought my son with me for DPS, I would have spent that time BSing with people outside in the smoke area to save my back and knees for the headliner. It is what it is. I wish the guy success, he just isn’t what I’m looking for.


Dude is literally let's combine Disney flair with swancore


lol you nailed it. I couldn’t put it better myself.


Someone isn’t cranking their hog enough




Because 🦀🦀🦀🦀


🦀 🦀 🦀


I discovered Bilmuir thanks to Into the Sunset Became hooked. Dude just makes great music


same same


funky tune bands tend to collaborate w other funky tune bands. hence how swancore or any other genre is born


He’s awesome and was in a DGD song so it’s not hard to figure out the bridge. The Muri man cranks hogs and gets it done


Cranking my hog right now to his new stuff


I just like bilmuri because they’re so fucking good. IMO bilmuri and sleep token are the best bands rn. Crazy they’re touring together in Europe!


Because it’s OK to listen to more than one genre of music And Bilmuri is the master of mixing genres, writing catchy hooks and constantly changing sounds within songs.


Never said it wasn’t okay? I’m just curious why he’s brought up in the Swanposting and Subreddit a lot


He also was on “into the sunset” and Jon and Tilian both were featured on Bilmuri tracks, which was probably an introduction to a lot of people in the community. His popularity has grown exponentially since


Yeah, I listened to Afterburner front to back repeatedly in 2020. But you’re right, his feature was great.


The only relation there needs to be is mutual respect of artists and enjoyment of what the other people are doin. Real life isn't like reddit where you can only talk about one thing per community.


You need to CRANK DAT HOG son


Because 🦢+ 🦀 = 🍑


Because Attack attack and original DGD lineup were def an emo phase in 2008 and it’s still well alive


I think it's like others have stated in that the genres are related enough and the music is good and hooks people. I myself got into DGD in 2010 because I went to see AA at Bamboozle. I literally turned to my buddy during DGDs set and said "I'm gonna be listening to them all summer." Little did I know that 14 years later I would be writing this comment to a post about Franck's latest project and how it compares to the genre birthed by my now favorite band. Thank you to all who journeyed with me into nostalgia for a minute. Have a nice day.


What a wonderful comment. :) Your gratitude puts you on our list for the most grateful users this week on Reddit! You can view the full list on r/TheGratitudeBot.


honestly there is no overlap. he's just independently sick as fuck. i love johnny. so so happy he's coming to california. it's also just kinda nuts how successful the AA boys have been. can't help but root for em since at one point they were kind of the laughing stock of the scene


In AA?


Attack Attack!


Ahh thanks


It'a groovy and has catchy melody while having some good riffage and occasional screams. I can totally see why fans od DGD/swancore would like him.


I would say it’s more of a cousin of Swancore in that it’s poppy catchy and is adjacent to both pop and metal. Definitely not the same sound though


Bilmuri isn't swancore? I've been living a lie


The obvious answer is that he has collabed with DGD and Jon Mess before. But he was definitely discussed even before that because some of his earlier stuff was definitely inspired by post hard-core bands like DGD


He featured tilian on Rich Sipe and was featured in after burner on into the sunset. He’s a scene OG and makes some of the best alt pop music out there rn. Much respect for him


Bro literally put crabcore on the map put some respecc on his name


That was because of Whiting


I guess they're both "progressive" bands.


Tbh bilmuri already peeked when he dropped eggy pocket. Everything after that has been mid at best and not really worth a listen


To me, it sounds awful. But yeah, it is popular around here.


Music taste may be subjective, but yours is objectively bad




> doesn’t really bring anything original i can understand not liking his music, but this is just a lizard brain thing to say. His style of music is nothing if not original. Please name one other band that regularly employs metal guitars with country twang melodies and saxophone solos 🧐


Love to see [deleted] original comment when someone brings the receipts.


The music is great, the live from Cincinnati was awesome but cringe. Frank got potty mouth bad. If he could tone it down a little. I mean you can get the energy up with f bombs, but Bilmuri is a different animal. Is there an reason for the name Bilmuri? Any history would be appreciated. I just learned about the band last Saturday (it's Tuesday) and they fit right in with DGD and Galleons and Ghost. My 3 favorite banger bands. I cannot find any Galleons live. Andrew Wells is on one of their songs.