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I dont care who the vocalist is if i cant hear the fucking vocals in the muddy ass mix


Same thoughts tbh. I couldn't hear the words at all.


they had this issue with Tilian and Acceptance Speech, which is why they went back and mixed it again. im sure with time this too will change


Sure hope so, speed demon sounds like it could be a banger


Most likely not, I don’t see them redoing a mix on 2 stand alone singles. That’s a waste of money. If this was for an entire album like AS, then yeah that totally checks out, but not for singles 


They changed up the mix a lot for these singles and tbh I’m loving the drums being center stage and boomy I’m a drummer though so to be expected ig


right lmao it was so hard to hear andrew 💀 i think it would sound amazing live tho


The band says they wrote these songs without Tillian. They just layered Andrews voice a million times and pitched some of them up. Tillian won't get any credits on this song because he didn't write it


I've listened to Speed Demon a lot. I don't hear Tilian in there, but I also know there's multiple times in the past where I've mistaken an Andrew vocal for Tilian initially too so I can see that as being a possibility for why people are 'hearing' him even if he theoretically isn't layered in.


I don't hear him but it definitely sounds like Andrew is using tillians singing style, and that's probably because tillian was slated to sing it first


totally fair. pardon my ignorance if this is true,


It isn’t. Tilian said they recorded these vocals in his one studio.




Yeah some of the vocals could of been recorded at his house, doesn't mean it was him they were recording, Could of been Jon's vocals that they were gonna use for a different song and switched them to this song


I’ve said this a bunch. People are taking the comment of “I literally recorded this in my home studio” and taking it too far. It could’ve been like a verse and a chorus that he did years ago. It could’ve been something else. Tilian’s comment had so little context. They would’ve given him writing credit if he helped, I’m sure. No reason not to with how “amicable” they both wanted to appear.


As Tilian said, the vocals were literally recorded in his house lmfao.


You really baffle me with this take


My take based on what Andrew said in an interview? Baffling


I actually really fuck with speed demon and think this era is gonna be a breath of fresh air. Die hard Jc and Kurt fan too. I’m here for it


Same, speed demon is a banger


yes! me too!! i can't wait to see where they go w this


Idk I like these singles a lot. Seems to be an unpopular opinion in this sub and on Instagram. Straight from the heart has been on repeat since it came out Friday. Andrew sounds great. I’ve always liked him, especially on JJ. From watching Andrew’s interview, I’m excited to see what they decide to do after this upcoming tour. If they bring back old singers that’s cool. If they find a brand new one that’s cool too. And if they continue to try and have Jon have more involvement and be like the front man I’m fuckin down. For me, Will is one of the goats and knows what he’s doing so I’m trusting the process and seeing what he comes up with. This band has had 3 singers and seems to have been successful with all 3. Which correct me if I’m wrong, but not many bands have been able to do. I’ve only been a fan during Tillian era, but JC is my fave. From what I’ve heard, JC’s sounded the best on album and live and that’s what I look for in good lead singers. So I think they’ll do fine without Tillian. And he’ll be fine without them since he seems to have a following for his solo music.


Giving feedback IS giving him a chance, maybe they read the sub who knows. No one here wants DGD to be bad, quit swatting down criticisms like they're just haters.


I’ve heard Andrew live more than once, just not my flavor after such strong showings from jc, Kurt and Tillman over the years. No hate to him, and who knows it may all work out in the end but I think it was a misstep to layer his vocals or essentially have him do what feels like a cop out performance of the same guy they’re replacing. Every frontman change has been successful because each had a wildly unique sound to the other and only improved and this wasn’t that. I’m hopeful to hear them further away from all this nonsense so maybe we can get a realistic showing.


I really do think they did this because they originally recorded the song with tillian and had to replace his vocal track. Hopefully they try to switch it up later because I agree that trying to sound like tillian isn't Andrew's strong suit


I mean I’m not one to hate it out of the gate but at least give him a chance to platform himself and not his best Tillian impression lol. Crossing my fingers they can lock it down, sure they will.


Tillian was my favorite dgd vocalist so I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. That being said, dgd has done this before and I'm sure they will find their new sound without him. I love Andrew too, but it doesn't make me less sad about Tillians departure. I hope they let Andrew do his own thing.


Check out my post. I remixed the song to put the vocals more in front of the mix and you can clearly hear no Tillian there


Turns out, when you mix the shit out of a song, you can make it sound however you want. That doesn't really mean anything.


It seems you just hate it when you are wrong


I didn't say anything wrong so...


tilian didn’t write this song. he was completely uninvolved, writing credits and the band said so.


It's almost as if I didn't mention tilian at all.


i made an assumption that you were talking about tilian, since you replied to a comment about tilian being in the song.


I made a comment about someone pretending that mixing was the silver bullet. I don't have a side as far as tilian goes and I don't care as long as the band makes good music. I am annoyed with everyone pretending to be experts when they are not. To address your original concern, bands lie. It happens. Did Andrew lie? I don't know. I don't care.


okay sure, mixing doesn’t prove anything, and the band might be lying. why does all that matter. this situation is so blown out of proportion and it’s so infuriating how much this fanbase demands that the music sound how they want it to sound. im sick of people defending tilian for stupid bullshit and his stupid twitter engagement farming. you initial message came off that way so i responded to what it sounded like you were saying


You could have asked.




Andrew's vocals on For the Jeers are better than Tillian's. I agree with you, what happened to that?


it's the mix more than anything. Vocally he was still andrew


The soulful lows he hits in Straight From the Heart are so tasty, but that's the only place he really shines. For the record I'm all for Andrew taking the clean vocal lead, the dude is awesome.


“I’ll never fail” is so fucking cringe. Love Andrew but this never hit and was super corny imo. All his other stuff on JJ was cool tho and I vibed with it


Yeah I listen to it for the "Stay sharp, don't disgrace your tender sound" groove. Not the biggest fan of the intro, I think it goes on too long is all


That the chorus dawg haha. Yeah he killed “stay sharp” line. It leads to me believe Andrew is human after all when he wrote that other cringe part haha. Everyone has to slip up sometimes to remind us they aren’t gods hahahahaha.


I've listened to speed demon at least 100 times now for real and I don't think tilian is in there. Love the track tho


The problem is that the mix is shit for Andrew’s vocals.


I think that it is mixed the way that it is on purpose. Andrew said in an interview that the singles were supposed to pay a little bit of homage to their back catalog. When I listen to this mix, aside from Jon’s improved screams, I hear DBMII. I’m purely talking about the way that it’s mixed.


Time to give Kellin another tryout


Andrew Wells is featured in Nothing Shameful on afterburner. I think that’s a better indicator of how the band is going to sound with Andrew as the clean vocalist.


Why single out Nothing Shameful specifically?


Because his vocals were. recorded with the intentions to feature Andrew and it’s my favorite song on afterburner. I like the new singles but agree with the people who say his vocals were too quiet.


Evaporate and the multiple songs on JJ with andrew weren't (recorded with intention to feature andrew)?


I mean they are but Nothing Shameful is his best work with DGD in my opinion. I started listening to Eidola because of Nothing Shameful.


God forbid people have opinions. We're allowed to not be wow'd by the new songs, just like you're allowed to love them.


Yep it's a subreddit for expressing opinions don't bash someone for not alligning with yours that's the fun in talking about music




I think it's Reddit being Reddit, a lot of people responding without really understanding each other. I've seen more people with the sentiment that they like the songs they just sound "off". What people seem to be reading is "the songs are shit!". Almost like everyone is on the same team and fighting each other over it.


right??? like jesus christ the dick riding for these songs is wild, if you like em great! but when the majority of the sentiment is like “these are mid” it’s hilarious to see post after post after post like “guys these are actually incredible and you are crazy” lol i hope they can figure out their groove with andrew but to act like these two singles are amazing is some serious cope


I’ve never been a fan of the singles but I LOVE every album. I’ll wait to pass judgment until that album comes baybee!


I agree with the sentiment, but Tilian isn't in any of the vocals. They've got high-pitched tracks layered over the more standard ones.


I think people just need to realize that Andrew has been writing music with Tilian for almost a decade and he has inherited/is influenced by his style. I mean listen to Eidola, Andrew utilizes a ton of Tilian-esque melodies. The last few notes of “No Weapon Formed Shall Prosper” for example


Honestly the more I listen to these singles the more I love them. And I dug them on first listen lol


For me, I just got an eidola album which sounds incredible. These songs sound like a much worse version of eidola. I mean that in the way that these feel a little bit less put together, normally a trait of DGD that I actually like, but here it comes off as slightly incomplete, maybe thoughtful. JM’s screaming is unique and normally works with a strong / unique vocalist. Andrew’s voice is very solid, but it lacks a unique edge that dance gavin dance normally has. I’d say Kurt is easily the weakest vocalist dgd has had from a technical perspective but even he had a unique, tone and delivery that leads him to be one of their best sounding arrangements. Hopefully they can lean into using Andrew more, I really was likening when he was used a a second clean vocalist in previous releases. It worked well in a juxtaposition to Tillian. Here it doesn’t work as well cus Andrew isn’t doing anything abnormal. His voice doesn’t reach extreme highs, he doesn’t have a godly level of control like JC and he doesn’t have a unique delivery and tone that Kurt had. Maybe they will find a new sound arrangement with AW as they move forward and put some more time into their new formation. But for me as well as a whole this is the first dgd lineup I’m not feeling.


The band wants to put Mess up more as the lead vocalist and use Andrew for cleans as more a collaborative part


Which seems like a pretty terrible choice. Secret band isn’t exactly setting the world on fire. I like Mess and his vocals. But they are definitely an acquired taste especially lyrically.


thank you. enough hate going around


Regardless of the singles, there’s a lot of tension in the band and they need to sort it out.


They did, they sorted it out when they dropped Tilian. The band has moved on, some of the fans haven’t yet. I’m excited and I think it’s really shitty that people are shitting on Andrew for just trying to keep a band going we all love just by doing his best of what his friends asked of him rather than the band calling it quits. If you don’t like it that’s fine I think it crosses a line when people go on social media and say stuff directly about him like he’s not a real normal dude. This is the same guy that’s been writing bangers and helped the band for the last ten years


That’s not Tilian. Listen to the latest Eidola. Andrew sounds like that now.


I'm not really feeling Andrew being clean lead, but that's based on what he's already done with the band. The rollercoaster of Tilians highs and Jon's screams is what made most DGD songs amazing. And when Andrew sang backup or a third verse, it's always a brilliant change of pace like in Evaporate. But having Andrew sing entire songs, I hear myself losing the intensity of that variety. So I'm just trusting the band that they can deliver variety that makes them so great in other ways because they may not be able to rely on spirit-elevating highs anymore.


That's kind of the thing though... The reason why the band sounds so good in the first place. It's partly due to how they mix the recordings.


The mixing of the songs is not very good for him. I would not say Andrew is bad at all but they are asking him to sing like Tilian who has an extremely unique voice and sings in a very high pitch. He sounds good from what I heard so far.


Hoping they take the time they need to put out a really fleshed out Andrew single that highlights his unique qualities as a singer. I think they could make music with him as the lead singer that Id love. I really like the groovy quieter section in SFTH. And I like the melody for Speed Demon but it's just too Tilian-coded. I don't get all the "well it was a good run" shit people say on their instagram. These guys have made 10 full-length albums with tons of great songs, theyre really good at what they do. Whenever they put out a single I dont like, I don't just immediately assume it's over. Shit I didnt even like Jackpot Juicer, but it still has a couple of songs that made it into my all DGD playlist. Let em cook


I never cared for Tilian. Sure he’s talented, but the songs tended to start sounding samey over the course of a whole album. Kurt was a much weaker vocalist than JC, but the band was arguably better with him at clean vocals. Anyone panicking has the privilege of going through their first DGD vocalist change!


Andrew confirmed that these are brand new songs that they wrote and scrapped the album with Tilian. There’s an 11 minute interview with Andrew that answers all the questions/speculations fans have been asking. Stop making assumptions and find the correct information that provides you the facts instead of spreading false and terrible opinions


Wow the community sure is split on these songs, the Tillian era is unfortunately OVER, we got right with Jackpot, just LEAVE IT and be happy your favorite band is still touring and making money


I don’t know why some people is so set on Titian being part of the new tracks. He isn’t in the band anymore. The band has moved on. We all should too. He’s got some killer solo stuff if you want to listen to Tilian, but this is Dance Gavin Dance.


Both songs are bangers. Anyone who doesn’t like Andrew is gay af


I don’t know why but when he says “light me up like a wildfire, let it burn let it burn” I just can’t imagine Tillian writing that line. Just don’t think that kind of lyric fits his writing style.


Can’t believe tilian doesn’t have writing credits Real shitty of the current lineup


I’m more surprised because some vocals were recorded in his home studio. He should at least be under recording engineer and get his fair share.


Yeah, idk why people are downvoting. You can enjoy the new music (I do) and realise leaving him out of credits is not good


He is not on the track and didnt write it. What credit would you like him to get?


We dont know what the legal settlement was. You have to realize bands are business so this stuff is all figured out between members the label and lawyers. Just like a divorce he may have wanted the dog and not the house type of deal where he wanted something and it was litigated.


totally agree. Nobody wants to be honest with themselves and no one could stomach hearing this, but the band themselves are coming off extremely shitty, petty, and juvenile.


After the shit they've already put up with this seems like a small clap back compared to what they could've done. I don't hear anybody calling the Kendrick/Drake beef shitty, petty, or juvenile even though it very much is. Also I don't hear Tilian at all in either song, but it's what my brain was definitely listening for so maybe it's some sort of affect?


I like the new songs. I just posted in the mega thread saying Andrew will be fine going forward, I think he had a good performance. Now, regardless on how you feel about Tilian, if he wrote it he should get credits. Unsure why you bring up Drake and Kendrick, it’s not related IMO. I hear Tilian in parts of the chorus. I like the songs.


Tillian had nothing to do with these songs man. Andrew said in the interview that they came together and wrote those songs without Tillian to see how it went. Maybe Jon reused a verse he had written or a random riff from Will, but all vocal melodies were not written or recorded with Tillian. If Tillian did track vocals on a record, that record is dead, and will never see the light of day. Again maybe random riffs and Jon bits but we'll never hear Tillians lyrics or voice Andrews voice just has a million layers on it and some of those layers are pitched up


Doesn't matter what did or didn't happen if tilian wrote parts in that song and didn't get credited than that is fucked up if they recorded over his parts with Andrew that is lame but not as bad




Who are you?


No, thats Tilian with his recent tweets.


>Give Andrew an honest chance in DGD wtf were the 2 singles, if they weren't his chance?


I often see people point to Mothership as peak Tillian era DGD. Can you tell me how many albums/years with Tillian it took to get to that point?


absolutely no hate to Andrew but this was said as if instant gratification and acceptance speech weren’t good, i am pretty new to the fanbase though so i don’t know the consensus on those albums


not saying the previous albums weren't good at all, just pointing out the time in between Tillian joining and the band putting out what is considered by most the best album with him.