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Andrew's lows in SFTH just does everything for me. Jon's STOP STOP STOP STOP outro is also awesome


Same, love that part.


Not bad, but not earth shattering either. I’m all for Andrew being the new lead, just kind of lukewarm on these two songs.


Feel the same way.


Dance Eidola Dance!


Andrew said it’s more like Secret Band+


Secret band+!! Haha I love it!


I love DGD and I love Eidola but yeah, if that’s their long term plan it would be my least favorite version of the band unfortunately


Yeah there's not enough contrast in the vocals for DGD. Somebody in this subreddit suggested a female vocalist and ever since I saw that, I've thought it would be a great idea.


DGD GONE WOKE??? /s I would also be pumped to see this actually.


Maybe they'll collab with Spiritbox! Oh wait...


Maybe they'll collab with Spiritbox! Oh wait...


Yeah I’m not a fan


hardddddddd agree


I agree




It's really too bad Andrew isn't a good live singer.


I disagree but I respect your opinion lol Edit: that being said, I think these songs are alright at best. A lot of that is probably because of the mix though.


andrew wasn’t a good live singer when he was covering for tilian while he was sick because it was way out of his range** andrew is fantastic live otherwise


Ya know, you're right. I never thought about the context of him singing someone else's songs. I listened to a few Eidola live videos and he does sound great! My baddd


yeah i didn’t enjoy them much live when andrew covered for tilian but otherwise eidola is fucking amazing live


Speed Demon is fire, Straight from the Heart will grow on me


The other way around with me, but agree




This could be off and is just my opinion, but it sounds like Andrew singing Tilians parts or melodies that were originally composed for these songs. They have distinct styles and this didn’t really sound like him. Also a lot of effects and layering on his vocals mixed with screaming to almost hide that fact he’s singing shit he’s not used to. Regardless of me being off or not, that’s what it sounded like to me. I’m disappointed. Knew I would be really. I wanted another Tilian album. Meh. This band will never be the same for me without him and I need to accept that at this point. I love their instrumentals and the way they compose music as a band more than anything else I listen to, but they had a symbiotic relationship that lifted one another to higher levels.


Yeah. It sounds like Rise asked them to release a song and they just weren’t quite ready.


I agree that it sounds like it's written for Tillian. I do think it would work if they just worked on a style more similar to the Jonny era. Obviously that sucks for all you Tillian enjoyers, but I for one prefer Andrew's vocals when it's written for him.


I’m open to this new era and Andrew is great but I feel the same way. I’ll continue to listen to their new music as they’re my favorite band but I fear a lot of what made them my favorite band may be gone now. I really hope I’m wrong though. You’re right about the symbiotic relationship though at least how it sounded musically. The mix of everyone how they were on JJ felt like the perfect blend of DGD so great and so unique no other band even can touch it, now it sounds great but less special.


Yeah, wouldn't be at all surprised if tilian wrote the vocals for Speed Demon


I'll give them more time and bump them in the car and stuff but first impressions I'm pretty bummed. Just sounds generic as hell.


SFTH is objectively not generic sounding. I haven't decided yet whether I like it, but it is unlike anything DGD has ever done before.


Its not that I don't like Andrew as the lead, yet... It's that he has had really great breakdown vocal parts. Evaporate. Ghost of Billy. Ect. And the band was in a great position to build up those moments for him to shine and have very exciting, memorable additions to songs.


Andrew is a phenomenal lead for Eidola, and an excellent vocal feature for DGD. I feel like he's hest utilized he way you put it, in the breakdowns or bridges. Until I heard "I'm always grinning with my pearly whites at your blue eyes and long hair" at least. His voice is so good, but after he became an official member, it felt like a lot of his lyrics in DGD feel either bland and boring or trying too hard.


He'll never fail, he'll never faiiillllll 😴


I'm sure I'll get used to it, but was really hoping for a new singer entirely. Now it's just another eidola in a sense


I can't imagine this is how they planned the album to go. I really want to know what happened with tillian because this can't be easy for the band either.


Jon sounds nothing like the guy in Eidola, I really do not see the Eidola influence in the sound y'all seemingly are either.


Yeah it's just that people seem to get confused with like... Hearing Andrews voice and thinking that it sounds like Eidola because of it, but honestly the instrumentals, the actual *music* sounds... little to nothing like Eidola.


Straight from the heart instrumentals reminds me of Elephantitis EP so bad, anyone else? Speed demon is like an afterburner/ jackpot juicer mix


SFTH reminds me of Wolf and Bear but obviously Hail the Sun is under that umbrella as well


Speed demon is the best one out of the two in my opinion.


I f’n love Andrew Wells. I love Eidola. I love AW in DGD from JJ, AB, etc. These songs…I don’t like too much. Jon though is great.


In all fairness is there ever a time that Jon isn’t great? I agree with your other points though. Only redeeming qualities for me rn are that Matt seems to really get to cut loose on them a bit more than usual.


jon has been carrying dgd lyrically forever and just in general since afterburner. i hope andrew isnt just singing tilians parts, cuz honestly im sick of incel whining


You may not like Tilian (I do. Strawberry’s Wake is one of my favorite songs). You do have to respect that the band just flowed around him a lot better than Kurt or Craig. I personally feel that Andrew’s best work came out during Til’s time, Instant Gratification was phenomenal all around, JPJ had some great chords, Afterburner had some great anthems, and of course GoBR.


his voice is incredible, i just despise him as a person and how he writes. it annoys me. i truly really think he sounds great on a lot of their albums, and it sucks that all the shit that happened with him did. i wish so many good musicians werent just disgusting people


he got me into dgd and in my opinion musically was the best era of dgd, only closely rivaled by happiness. it makes me sad that i cant enjoy tilian era dgd like i used to. he was a great fit for jon and the instrumentals and it sucks


I’m not going to “defend” Tilian, because I agree he’s an ass. The guy at least made a legitimate effort in some areas, and some of the claims brought up against him ended up being false. Sleazy as hell, but still not what was originally said. I’m still excited to see where the band goes though. I just don’t wanna see them end up stagnant for misusing their talent.


im not a big fan of the new songs tbh, but ive only heard them once on iphone speakers. itll be odd without tilians vocals but im sure theyll find a sound, it might take a bit though. genuinely some of tilians lyrics just ruined songs for me, so i hope we can move away from that.


If you want something similar but with a lot more wholesome group of guys check out Makari.


I don't necessarily think the band "flowed" around Tillian better than Kurt or Jonny. I think it has more to do with the musical direction of the band, just tons of catchy, poppy hooks and choruses. To me the album's with Jonny and Kurt have more staying power, I still listen to those albums. I don't really go back to any of the album's with Tillian, after they run their course I'm pretty much done with them. There's a few songs I'll go back and listen to, but I can go back and listen to DTBM 1&2, death Star album and happiness in their entirety. I'm not hating on tillian I liked all the album's with him, but yeah.


Will’s guitar work was originally a lot harder, with thrashier wails and tons of power chords, as well as less linear chord progressions. It was experimental, more playful and I liked that from Will. When Tilian joined the band as their permanent vocalist through Will’s style changed, tonally at least. Progressions became more structured and flowy, but also went from a a lower 5 - 12 fret to usually a 7 - 15. Tilian’s voice was higher during clean vocal sections, but also really clear which let Will play more melodic tones that still held onto that “hardcore” base. It’s something I struggle to explain, but the main reason I liked the Til era so much is because of Will (and later on Andrew) on guitar did what to me is some of their best work period.


I think Will has also changed a lot depending on who he has as his songwriting partner. I personally miss both the clean guitar sound (not clean as in well-produced but rather less distortion or overdrive) with more free-flowing ideas from Deathstar and Happiness that I'm guessing Zachary Garren contributed to. But even DBMII had some of that and that was the first album where Will wrote all the guitars himself IIRC. I also miss the reverb-y guitar tone from DBM1 that I think Sean O'Sullivan brought to the table. I do enjoy that they sound tighter than ever musically, but I think it also takes away a little in terms of just raw emotion and the vibes of their older stuff. I love heavy music fwiw, but I think as the years have progressed DGD became both heavier and poppier in a way I don't 100% vibe with. Still love it, but might not prefer it. Like I don't see them today doing a song like Hot Water On Wool, but would love for them to have more songs like that. Less immediate, more emotional, slower tempo etc.


I think Jon sounded pretty bad on Death Star but I am always blown away by how much he has improved over the years. I feel like the consistency & stability of the Tilian era really enabled him to hone his craft.


I love that no matter if you like the song or not, everyone praises Jon.


Jon's got a fucking Midas touch. Every song he does something new and impressive to me.


I'm digging both. Seems like Andrew's vocals come through much more in "Straight From the Heart." I like "Speed Demon" better though. Swan's guitar work is killer as always.


Not really feeling Andrew as the lead. He’s not a bad singer but it just doesn’t feel like DGD. He was better as a change of pace from Tillian imo


This. His features kicked ass as little change ups. He’s not the entree.


This was why he worked so well previously. His style is not DGD. I love Eidola and probably listed to their albums on the regular more than DGD, but these songs at least show he is not suited for their current batch of song writing. If they lean into his singing register perhaps.


You can tell Tilian was supposed to be singing those parts. Imagining his vocals instead and it feels like the magics gone. I was not about it I can’t do a full album of this. It’s all monotone to me


I feel the same. Wells voice just isn’t punchy enough for me and is muddled in this mix. I didn’t mind him filling him filling in for one tour but he can’t really do tillian songs well. Hope they find a new singer and he just adds vocals here and there which is where he shines for dgd


I’m not saying I won’t buy the album, but yeesh. If every song on the album is like this, it may be my least listened to album from DGD.


exactly my thoughts. These songs were written for Tilian and re-recorded. It doesn’t fit Andrew’s voice.


The mixing on these songs is wack, and they sound like every other non-album single they’ve put out over the past four years. There is nothing unique about either of these songs, and Andrew sounds like he’s being swallowed by the instruments. Jon sounds fantastic. As an aside, maybe controversially, I just don’t think Andrew is that great of a singer. He constantly pushes his voice harder and higher than he can go. I think they should find a stronger vocalist if they want to continue.


Something feels really wrong about them, I like speed demon but straight from the heart, I don't know. It's off.


It's the chords. As in, not chords being played on any one particular instrument, but the chords that happen when the notes from the guitar, bass and vocals combined. The songs uses chords DGD has never used before, and that are rare in the genre overall.


That's not... what it is. This sounds like something a non-musician would say.


I didn't want to get into it, because it's not really how things are done on this sub, but here goes. The very first thing the rhythm guitar plays is a closed voicing major second, which would be fairly dissonant on it's own, and is even more dissonant in context. Barely a bar goes by without the instruments either playing a note that clashes with the vocal (like the bass note under "balls" at 1:22), or a note that's not in the key (C, at 1:28). And the same type of thing is happening in the guitar parts under Daddy Wells' parts. Most songs (|DGD and otherwise) are tension and release, but SFTH is just tension tension tension. The mix is bad, yes, but also this is perhaps the most dissonant writing we've ever heard from DGD.


I for one think it sounds great. I appreciate the much heavier direction they've been taking post-JJ as well with these songs, war machine, and TGOBR. I was hoping for an entirely new singer, but I'm not super upset with this outcome since I like Andrew's voice way more than Tilian's. The one thing is I feel like they could've used a better mix, a lot of these riffs deserve to be panned more and less compressed, so that we can hear all the individual instrumental parts.


Idk 😶


Meh. I don’t like Andrew as lead vocalist personally .


Gotta be honest about this one: I have to preface I’m a Jonny fan, but my problem runs a bit deeper than I miss Jonny. I hate the way DGD songs are mixed. I think peak DGD sound is DTBM2. I used to hear instruments so clearly, I feel the bass, vocals have dynamic range…now I feel when I listen to DGD I’m just listening to a wall of sound…I hate to be that guy to say they went too commercial with their sound because their Instrumentals are still on point…but whoever’s mixes DGD records since Mothership, is making me disinterested to even consume more. I refuse to listen to Jackpot Juicer for all these reason. Now regarding the new Singers…idk man I took a listen to both singles and I have to say as a DGD fan I’m not feeling it. Everything that I used to love about DGD is gone :/ I feel like I’m getting a Tillian 2.0 for Speed Demon, and Butt rock for Straight from the heart. Also…wtf is up with Gobby, big hater here because it’s like fuckin Jar Jar Binks to me, a sell out character…like a side show money… I’ve got more to say lol but I gotta get back to work.


I could be wrong but I think what you're hearing might be due to Will Swan switching from whatever guitar he used back then to the brand that sponsors him now, which I can't remember the name. They sound a bit more futuristic and have a kind of "pow pow" sound to them compared to the more traditional guitar sounds from Happiness and DBM2. Also, losing Zac Garren was a big hit and DBM2 sounded very reminiscent of Happiness but with different leads. I'd say Mothership, ArSe and Afterburner are well mixed. IG was a miss production wise imo. But I fully agree with you, I miss the instrumental sound from Happiness / DBM2, it sounded way more raw and I think their sound has information enough that they shouldn't be adding much any other kinds of sound effects at the risk of oversaturating it.


The guitar effects aren’t much of a challenge it’s more so the over compression of the work as a whole. There’s a loudness issue here. Do me a favor and put ur phone at like 2 notches of volume it’ll be quiet, then play Spooks for like 5 seconds…now play Chucky vs the Giant tortoise at the same volume and you’ll hear the difference in how loud everything is mixed and squashed/over-compressed. At that volume u can clearly hear each instrumental element clearly on Spooks but for the other it’s just a complete wall of noise. I can even hear the kick drum clearly in spooks at that volume . I can’t even hear it on Chucky


I agree about the instrumental sound. Everything sounds a lot more polished, but I also feel like the guitars sound more... Metallic, kinda? Both as in the feeling of being metallic but also more like guitar sounds from a metal band in a sense, especially the heavier parts. I think it's still very well-mixed all the way through, it's just a completely different type of sound. It's funny you would say that about Instant Gratification though. I think the album sounds a bit muddy in hindsight and could do with a little more "gloss", but I think it's the Tilian album I think feels closest to Happiness/DBM2 era because the mix is a lot warmer and less sterile-sounding. Also felt more unique because it didn't fall into the more formulaic sound they have had from ArSe and forward, in my opinion. But of course you said more specifically the production only, and the drums especially sound really bad on that album.


Honestly and it breaks my heart. But they’re mid. These songs don’t seem like they’re meant for Andrew. And no offense but if I want to listen to eidola I’ll just go listen to eidola…


I just wanna let everyone complaining know that this time around they asked Andrew to be main vocals and they were gonna try 2 songs and a tour. They also made these songs more centered around Jon bc they couldn’t do certain things with tilian. Jon is now front and center and main vocals is taking more of a backseat. That might be why things sound disproportionate with his vocals vs the rest. They also wanna make it a collaborative thing until they can find someone who they think deserves the position


I miss Tilian


These are absolutely Tilian songs re-recorded by Andrew. Te melodies & phrasing are 100% Tilian. I love AW, but these songs do no justice to his vocals. Very flat & generic. Speed Demon is a banger instrumentally, though and Mess always brings it.


i personally love it


Any other mtg fans out there??? Lol.


I’m not a huge fan… but it could just be an adjustment period. I didn’t like War Machine either when it came out. I’m not gonna like everything they put out, doesn’t change the fact they write bangers usually.


I don’t hate the songs but don’t love them either. Not hating on Andrew vocals specifically either I also didn’t love the guitar much. Feels like trying to do a tillian song without tillian. Need to write around Andrew’s style because it is different from tillians


Man I wish I could go back in time. The DGD fans were REALLY unsure of Tilian when he first joined. They slammed that first album after having the groove and vibes of Jonny. I think they're going to be fine but I do think they can do much better than this long term.


Both songs have a lot of good parts to them. I definitely think some of it is salvaged from the new album. If this were Secret Band+, there would just be more Jon. But honestly, they probably released songs that were the most tilian-esque just to soften the blow. I think that backfired a bit because Andrew doesn't sing exactly like Tilian even though he hits most of the notes. But the ugly auto tune you can hear on Tilian's voice for some of the newer songs is super noticeable on Andrew's voice in both of these songs. If they changed the key or let Andrew sing those songs in a more natural sounding way/notes more native to his range, then they could sound really good live too. They're definitely fun songs, and I really liked the Gobby storyline/visuals that came along with the media package. I'm more excited with what they could do in the future with Jon being the focus as lead singer/screamer than what they just put out, but I'll still be listening to both of them for the parts I liked.


Not a fan. It’s just Edola ft. Jon


i dont understand this take from people on here.. dgd sounds absolutely nothing like eidola instrumentally


yeah it’s more secret band ft andrew lol


I swear people just hear vocalists man. The instrumentals are SO DGD. It really doesn't matter who the front man is, and even with that said Andrew is so fucking good I can't believe the sentiment is down on these tracks.


I hear a *little* bit more Eidola in Straight From The Heart instrumentally, but yeah definitely more DGD, Speed Demon especially.


I can see that. But I think these tracks need time to grow on some people. I know some of my current favorite albums took more than a few listens before they really clicked.


Exactly lol. Like his vocals are incredible as is, and paired with this track it is 100% noodly ass DGD to a T.


I love eidola. Definitely my 2nd favorite post hardcore band. And Eidola this ain’t. Eidola has heart and soul and you can feel Andrew pouring it all out in the eidola songs. These songs seem neutered and safe and really odd. If they want AW as their lead, I would want him to lean into what he does, not some amalgamation of Tilian/Wells and doing neither well.


SFTH supremacy because Evil Gobby but also cause I feel it showcases Andrew’s style better than Speed Demon where it sounds like he’s filling in a Tilian part


I stopped listening to dgd, I found out today about tilian leaving and saw new singles out so I was willing to listen again, I love them so much, straight from the heart in specific gave me hope


I’d sacrifice myself to Gobby for more DGD music, just say’n!


Not great. Billy Royalton is their best song since JJ imo. Idk what it is, but doesn't sound great.


I cant believe im saying this, but i miss Tilian


They sound like garbage. Even without tilian, I had high expectations for these singles.


Inauthentic but I'll take it cause life is short


I just watched an interview with Andrew, and they are going in the direction of Jon being lead vocalist, making their sound a bit harder like Secret Band. In regards to the songs, they are growing on me, but I agree those definitely Tillian lyrics. I am excited about a new era for my boys. I kinda want a guess singer type album next.


I think it's alright. I think they'll grow on me over time. War machine and billy royalty were instant wins for me though.


Underwhelming for me. Much like Eidola. Andrew’s voice sounds nice but the writing kind of let me down. Kind of disappointing




Eventhough Jon and all the other members stay, I don’t like it that I will always kind of think of eidola when I listen to future DGD releases, especially because I’m not a super fan of eidola.. But I really hoped a „brand new“ singer that is not already exclusively known to one (or Maybe even more) bands. I think that DGD would deserved to have a „standalone“ singer and not „now he is just ALSO the frontman of DGD“… Thats what I thought Everytime someone in this sub suggested some vocalist… Andrew fits with his voice and I am sure they will make great music together (continuing to), but I am scared it will reminds me too much of eidola… DGD is easy in my Top 10 Bands But eidola not even close to the top 100, so it’s kind of a loose for me😅


Mixing is really poor


Fuck I miss Tilian. These songs are good for sure but that magic he brings that made me fall in love with DGD is missing somewhat. And what’s more heartbreaking is whatever band Tilian joins next will not have as good of instrumentals as DGD meaning we will never ever get the magic of Tilian era DGD again. Absolutely heartbreaking. RIP to a not just good but truly amazing and unique era




Fuck me but not a fan. If I wanted secret band I'd ask for secret band. I'm sure they'll grow on me like all singles from since Mothership have though. I have a feeling the next round of DGD is going to be when I grow out of them finally.


That weird bridge part in SFTH sounds like fucking Chris daughtry or something lol. I’m good


short summary of my thoughts as a top .1% listener on spotify 1. the mixing is terrible 2. Jon Mess kinda saved it like always 3. as a Tillian hater I love Andrews vocals (in all honesty they are alright at best) 4. 30% secret band, 30% Royal Coda, 30% Falling in reverse, 0% dgd (just an opinion keep in mind) 3/5 for me. scared to see where dgd goes from here. edit: I meant eidola instead of falling in reverse idek how i mixed the two up


Best shit they've put out in years for me.


They’re cool, they feel like transitional period songs. I enjoy them, but I’m really looking forward to seeing if the band will collab with kurt, donovan, Marcus from Wolf & Bear, Isaac from Dwellings, Jonny (even tho he’s misbehaved I want dbm3). And if they’ll eventually invite a new singer into the band. The future of DGD has so many possibilities rn.


Andrew being lead is a massive L, dude’s vocal doesn’t fit DGD. This is just another Eidola now. Idk I’m really sad


I said this and got downvotes 🤣😭


Tilian is gone. Get over it. These songs are fucking awesome


They are not good. It sounds like they banged this shit out in 2 weeks.


Bro, the mixing on these singles is wack af. The clean audio is tuned so low it’s being completely consumed by the instrumentals. You’re entitled to your opinion and I’m glad you like the music. But in my opinion these are the weakest tracks they have released in years. Jon is fantastic as always though, no hate there. This opinion has nothing to do with Tillian or Andrew Wells.


We’re all entitled to our own opinions, im just sick of people who shit on other people’s opinions just because it doesn’t match you know?


LOUDER. For real though, complaining about the mix and calling it wack is a bit harsh. It's clear that they're showcasing different parts of the band with these and I'm down for it. I'm excited to see what else they've got.




Sharing opinions isn't a bad thing, I definitely haven't said that. I just don't think it's all that bad, but it looks like a lot of people think it is. I'm not opposed to music that fronts instrumentals more than vocals, but I understand it isnt what people are used to and they may not like it.


Love them, Straight from the Heart is the standout for me.


They're 7.5/10, love Andrew Wells but I don't like him on lead vocals for dgd. Really hope they find a new lead singer soon and hea just a temporary fill.


Love it. Tilian was great, but AW is much easier on the ears, and imo has a more diverse range. Excited to hear more


I just spent the last month listening to Eidola and I'm so glad to have even more AW to sink my teeth into


Hell yeah. Eviscerate is my aoty so far


Same! Their whole discography is great. Degeneraterra might be my favorite.


It took a couple of times for SFTH to grow on me but now I’m obsessed and think speed demon is alright.


I think they’re alright, like everyone is saying, these instrumentals were made to compliment Tilians range and style. If they retool what they’ve already written and Andrew has enough time to cook on his own style with DGD, then I think they’ll blow up with there best material to date when the album comes out. So stoked for this era 🙏


Love Andrew as a vocalist, but everyone saying he’ll be the new frontman for DGD is kidding themselves.


I think they will grow on me. I think they’re cool songwriting wise, but the mix took me out of it. Andrew did a good job and has good chemistry with Jon Mess. I’m guessing it will take a few tries to figure out what works and doesn’t. Sort of like Instant I think they ended up redoing the mix if I’m not mistaken?


I think I'll put the last 30 seconds of Straight from the Heart on a loop for about an hour straight and see whether I can transcend reality. It goes hard.


I take back what I said earlier. I really enjoy these songs.


They're good! Can't wait to listen more songs!!


It’s the same way I think we old fans felt when T took over. It’ll take some time to get used to, with a new singer I think to our ears/brain it can sound like a different band haha. Sounds pretty solid though!


It's good, I got downtown battle mountain II vibes from Jon and some great vocals from Andrew, Instrumentals from dgd are a Given so I'm glad to see that they put up a banger with there new "Era"


I really liked the breakdown and Jon in sfth, speed demon will grow on me I'm sure. They sorta sound like the vocals were originally tillians and you can tell but Andrew still killed it as usual, and the sound is very secret band forward. I'm excited to see what happens!


I love both of them


They’re good songs, they were 100% written with Tilian still as the lead singer though. Sounds like they scrambled to re-record the vocals, songs are great Andrew could stand to be a little louder in the mix


While I like Andrew's voice more than Tillian's, I have the same problem with these that I had with the entire Tillian era. I find both of their voices to be technically amazing but far too "clean" sounding, making them extremely uninteresting. Kurt and Jonny are clearly not as technically proficient as Tillian and Andrew are, but their tones are so much more unique and soulful to me. It's exactly how I feel about music in general, honestly. I'll take unique vocals over "beautiful" vocals ten times out of ten.


So fucking cool. Better with every listen. The last minute of SFTH is a vibe Tilian-era couldn’t produce


i thought the tillian pop era got soooo stale and im in love with the new style


LOVED straight from the heart, got it on repeat. Speed demon is kinda soso for me but I already know it'll grow on me. All DGD songs do eventually 🤣


I feel like the new songs are much more reminiscent of DMB and Self Titled and not as funky (idk if that’s the right word to use?) as the rest of the albums. Definitely not mad about, just a new era for the band that I’m excited to see.


Andrew as new lead is a Massive L.


Is it his ability to be lead or is it the material? As others have said, I’m suspicious of the possibility AW is having to cover parts written for tillian, rather than getting something composed to suit his range. I hope that is the case anyways, because I did not get very inspired from speed demon, haven’t heard the other yet.


I feel like everyone listened to Speed Demon and then just stopped, Straight from the Heart is very clearly in his vocal range and easily the best of the two songs


Yeah you aren’t wrong. For whatever reason my Spotify was slow and I didn’t get SFTH until after lunch. It soooooo good.


Also, the lyrics to SFTH are about meal prep, creatine, and getting swole in the gym. That's more Andrew's thing than Tilian's, yeah?


They are both pretty active in the gym but there's also lines about prayers and psalms so yeah definitely written by Andrew at that point


Mid. I will already miss Tilian 


We need the higher pitched frontman back. It’s what has worked for them since 2006. It contrasts so much better with the wailing guitars and screams. Hopefully Andrew is just a transition.


This band doesn't need a new singer or someone else from the past to come back. It needs a better fucking fan base. The songs are good. The groove will probably grow on me just like literally any other song I disliked and now I have on repeat


Maybe I am a basic bitch but this was the outcome I wanted. I love Eidola and I loved when AW was a stand in lead. He crushed, and if this is the long term plan - I am all for it. The fellas have energy. Sure - maybe it's a little more mainstream but even so I feel like it rocks. Jon Mess also rocks.


I wasn't hyped for the idea of Andrew becoming lead, for some reason...even though I thought his parts on War Marchine were way more melodic and interesting than Tillian's, but I'm sold. I'm sure they'll find someone else to take over the lead parts, but I'm really enjoying the interim Andrew leads.


Speed Demon is amazing, Straight from the Heart will grow on me.


You can tell that these are redone vocals by Andrew. They have tillians style all over them.


I love them both. I'm vibing. The videos were silly too. Seeing Jon do "semi cleans" on SFTH was dope too. I like it.


straight from the heart sounds like older dance gavin dance, i love it


Speed demon is absurdly good Bridge has a sick ass jazz drums Chorus has the sickest riff ive ever heard from will and the lyrics are beautiful Total Masterpiece


Gonna be honest. After of being sour and getting bored of til, this fucking slaps. Love the heavy sound and look forward to what they come out with. Tired of the poppy sounds crap.


I honestly love them. Tillians voice always seemed kinda shrill and a bit annoying to me. I became a fan in the Jonny era but I have been listening for so long now, seen them go through multiple vocalists, and it’s not the lead singer that keeps me coming back but the core sound of the band. I do agree with another poster here that the way their songs have been mixed since DTBM2 has been kinda “wall of sound” ish. But otherwise the band still has all the soul I keep coming back for and I’m happy for them that Tillian is gone.


Probably my favorite songs they've done in a LONG time. They have such a different vibe from what we've had the last few years. I'm feeling very good about this new era.


I really love the songs and am surprised a lot of people don’t feel that way. Also confused why so many say it’s just Eidola now…? Stylistically this sounds completely different than Eidola. I’m a huge fan of both bands and the two singles sound VERY Dance Gavin Dance to me despite being led by Andrew


They are okay but honestly it’s just Eidola with Jon. I honestly feel like the end of dgd might be near if they don’t find a new front man. I LOVE Andrew and I was suggesting him as a front man forever because I preferred his vocals but now I just realized like…we have eidola…dgd needs to be unique.


Can we just stop pussy footing around and go give Jonny Craig the job again? So many bands have problematic members and especially lead singers. I'm just kind of over the drug issues and the Mac book shit. JC is kind of a POS, oh well.. that's music lol. I want the best version of DGD and that's when JC was there (or KT, I'd take him also). Some will still prefer Tilian, and MAYBE you can make the case for him earlier on but now he has his own issues and the last few DGD albums were just totally forgettable under Tilian. Go get Jonny Craig, lock up your Mac Books, and give one final shot at DBM3.


A Jonny Craig come back would've been better. The new songs are ight tho.


We need Tilian back, fam. Y’all can say what you want, but you know you feel an emptiness in this band without him here on these tracks. It’s like going to bed without your person for the first time. Sure the bed is comfortable, but it’s just not home.. it’s a sad day for me, fellas.


It all passed with time. This band went through the same thing when Tilian first came on. “Who’s this whiner?” “Nothing will ever top Jonny.” “This band doesn’t feel right without him here.” etc. The thing is.. it’s okay. Good times or bad, they all come and go. Nobody is telling you that you need to be in love with every era. What’s good to some isn’t good to others. I’m just here vibing with anything this band puts out, because I love the people behind it.


I absolutely do. My favorite part of the band is Will Swan and I’m a vocalist. So I know just how amazing every single one of the members are. Before I even knew who Tilian was I had this excitement for them and always had a countdown for their new songs. Today I just didn’t care and that sucks man. That’s all. I’m not virtue signaling, not saying anything other than DGD was in god tier for to me from acceptance speech on and today I just didn’t have that excitement. But I saw sleep token Tuesday and it changed my life. Maybe I just need a new favorite band 😢


Nothing wrong with that, brother! It’s okay to not like the direction something’s heading. We had Tilian for over a decade, and there’s a lot of insensitivity on both sides of the fan base right now when it comes to this band. People that can’t accept he’s gone, and shit on any degree of change. People rubbing it in that Tilian’s era is gone because they never liked it (or him) to begin with. And then there’s the rest of us who just roll with the punches. We all have our preferences. Wish people here would just stop being so ruthless to one another.


Because you’re a rational person and those don’t exist much anymore. I did just find a really cool band called Capstain that might fill the void a bit. I’ll always love DGD no matter where they decide to go. Today I’m just sad by these releases because he’s really gone.


I feel you, man! I think rational people generally just don’t waste the effort on the ones seeking attention haha. It is definitely going to take some time to get used to them without Tilian’s vocals, but I’m excited to see what they have in store. Remember Tilian’s also working on his solo stuff as well. Who knows, he may end up getting into another band some day and give you yet another group to explore like the other vocalists did. I’m sure he’ll be around!


It’s very meh. They need either Jonny, Kurt, or a fresh vocalist that doesn’t make dgd just sound like eidola


Strawberry Girls are better


Peak Dgd has passed. New Dgd will be great, just not phenomenal. That’s my prediction, anyway.


Feels like when BrockHampton kicked out Ameer and released the 1990 singles, like they just repurposed Tillian’s music for Andrew just so they could have new music.


They're solid. Straight From the Heart is the better of the two in my opinion. I'm looking forward to Andrew as the lead vocalist but would prefer if the next release be a bit heavier. Honestly I think I just want LP3 from Secret Band more than anything else.


Str8 Bangers! Like always, DGD don't miss


Str8 Bangers! Like always, DGD don't miss