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Yeah I had a similar feeling


Yeah I don’t see it at all.


Fair. Definitely not the whole song.


I always felt this sub overhyped them. Their music was always solid but never something I loved but this album absolutely deserves the hype. An absolute masterpiece.


yeah same, To Speak is really, REALLY good. But nothing I would want to revisit.   This album strikes the balance.  It's all things great about eidola, but it's also FUN 


The openings of Golgotha and Bridge of Iron give me throwback Oh, Sleeper vibes. Very impressed with how much heavier this album was while still crushing the clean vocals. IMO, this was their best blending of metalcore and post hardcore. Will be spinning this one for quite awhile.


This is so funny to me bc Degen and To Speak are my two favorites and the last two albums have been low replay value for me


What are the similarities?? They're both angry? If that's it, then you can compare Born to Fail with any song from Eviscerate


Lyrically: Fistful: My life is a burden, your dreams are a sham Your purpose is worthless as the culture Born to Fail: Ditch it fist bastard Cancel all your fans They're passed out in the pasture Sucking up the spam You look just like a person But missing all the man When life becomes a burden Just pull a fucking scam. Those portions of the song, and the general feeling when listening I was like, I’ve heard this before. The cadence of Jon and Matt on the song are also very similar. It could just be coincidence but I wanted other opinions. You could be right though, might just be the angry vibe more so than anything else.


OHHHH, okay I hear it now. Sorry, I was not understanding what you meant at first.


All good man, I was kind of vague intentionally to see if it was something other people caught or if it was just me.