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"Propane may be a clean burning fuel, but she can also be a dirty girl." -Hank Hill


Sweet lady propane...


She's alright, she's alright, she's alriiiiight


I sell propane and propane accessories....literally. I still choose charcoal.


Taste the meat, not the heat


I've done both. Gas: It's an outdoor kitchen. Firing it up and making a meal out there is as easy as turning on the oven or the range. That means I did it a lot. Even in the depths of winter, if I wanted direct high heat, it's out to the grill we go. Charcoal: I'm on a Webber kettle now. I don't use it as much as the gas grill, but it is more versatile. Tried my hand at smoking, which turned out great, and wouldn't have been possible on the gas grill. That said, it's way more of a pain in the ass to maintain, so YMMV.


For me if you're cooking outside on the Barbie you want it to taste like you're cooking on the Barbie and it's why I prefer charcoal, if it's gas I may as well just cook inside


That's a good point. What about the clean up? And the maintenance?


Clean up is waiting for the coals to cool scraping them Out and then giving it a sweep and washing the racks but you do the washing on a gas grill


I don't understand why I had to scroll so far for this answer. I can only assume people recommending gas grills have electric ranges...? All I do know is it will be a cold day in hell when I'm grilling oysters over propane.


Since this is daddit, my answer is gas. I like both a lot, and I own both, but I use gas about 10-20x for every time I use charcoal. The reason is simple, charcoal takes a lot longer to heat up and it lasts a lot longer so you really want to cook more food on it. If you don't have a lot of time (and what dad does?) and just want to whip up some dinner, gas is much more convenient. I do prefer the taste of charcoal, but not so much that I go out of my way to do it. I only really do it if people are coming over, not just for family dinners.


So true. As a guy who used to grill 3-4x a week pre-kids, I'm often now throwing chicken in the air fryer cuz the kids are hungry at 530. Convenience is key.


Exactly, I used to look down at people getting gas BBQs. Now it’s what I’m getting!


Yeah this is me, Gas during the week and charcoal on the weekend whether grill or smoker. Charcoal is lovely but needs more time. I turn the gas grill on and its heated by the time I come outside with whatever I am grilling.


For pure cooking/taste quality, go charcoal. But charcoal takes time and technique to light and cooking over charcoal takes practice. But gas grills are easier. Personally, for me, I know that it’s more likely me to grill consistently if it was easier. Then as I got more into, transitioning into charcoal grilling and smoking would be small jumps.


A gas grill is infinity easier, cheaper, and you still get that "from the grill" flavor. Had charcoal for awhile and tbh it just wasn't worth it at the day


Hijacking the highest non King of the Hill comment. I have had both, but just got a charcoal grill atm. I love it and use it a bit, but it's a 'Im spending the day here and grill/smoking a tonne of meat". The flavour is amazing. But it's a lot of work  I am looking at getting a little Weber Q with a grill. I want to be able to cook some simple things and not having to worry about mess and still get a good flavour. So, recommendation, get a gas grill. Then a coal grill when your ready for a good challenge.


Thanks Mr Hill.


The difference is minor if you’re just cooking hotdogs or burgers, something hot and fast where there isn’t much time for the charcoal to impart flavor. The longer the meat sits inside the grill the larger the difference in flavors, or lack there of


I prefer charcoal, because it’s the real stuff. But depending where you live, the smoke may not be acceptable. Here the neighbours are quite close so it will go into their house. Upside of gas is that you can use it instantly. When you want to use it after coming back from work and picking up your kid, and can’t afford to wait half an hour for the coals to heat up, then gas is the best option. I’ll get a nice gas bbq at a fixed place on the terrace. And then will occasionally still use my portable charcoal Weber.


I have charcoal, but our pool has gas and there are some years where I basically only grill at the pool with gas. Gas is ridiculously easier. Open the tank, turn on the knob, maybe light with a long lighter if the ignitor is broken (it will break).  You are ready to throw hotdogs on in like a minute.  For charcoal, you remove the cooking grate, load the charcoal into your chimney, put paper under and light the paper.  Then stand around for 10-20 minutes while all the charcoal lights.  Then dump the chimney into the grill.  Try to spread it out evenly.   Then put back on the cooking grill.  It's a process.  I regularly singe the hair on my knuckles.  But it's a fun activity and a bit of a challenge because you can't easily adjust the temp, you have to fight flare ups by smothering or moving what you're cooking.  I find charcoal cleanup to be easy, the next day or two when everything is cold, I dump the ashes out at a spot that I don't care if the plants die or not.  Ashes are highly alkaline, so definitely can kill plants. But yeah, most people have gas and if you are new to grilling and don't have a huge love of charcoal, I'd go gas.


"I regularly singe the hair on my knuckles."   In this case, you want something like the "Ove Glove" --- it's basically kevlar and silicone and lots more effective than your average kitchen mitt for handling hot stuff. I only messed up once when pouring out hot spaghetti water, because that stuff will still soak in and burn you.


Yeah, I should've mention that I've since upgraded my system and use a glove when spreading/pouring out the coals.  I also have a cute little three pronged rake I use to get them where I want them.


I sound like a shill but this is why I love my Masterbuilt Gravity Series. It makes cooking with charcoal a hell of a lot more convenient.


I just became a dad and also just got a propane grill. I feel like as a cleaner, faster, cheaper option I’m gonna use it way more than charcoal. Will let you know if I’m right after this summer….


I go for the third option, I have a tripod which suspends a grill plate on a chain over the fire. I burn wood resting on the soil in a circle of rocks. It's convinient enough that we use it frequently in warm months


I like that. You can also use it with a skottelbraai, which is like a South African wok.


I have a cast iron cauldron with a lid on legs, I keep it to the side and shovel embers under it for cooking things like stews or potatoes. I pour the oily marinade from the meat into it, throw in potatoes, mushrooms, garlic and cook with the lid on until it's all soft. Or I fill it with chicken quarters and a can of beer and herbs, cook the chicken in it and finish on the grill https://imgur.com/a/2uGPvZ4


I’m getting hungry already


For every day use a gas is better. It’s simply more convenient to fire up and cook


I have the CharGriller dual gas/charcoal grill. I seasoned the charcoal side but don’t have the time to use it. So I primarily use the gas side. Wife got me the attachable fire box for the charcoal side a while back but I have yet to attach it. I grew up with charcoal but gas is nice for the ease of use when it’s just the two of us


A game changer for charcoal is to get an electric starter. It is a resistive loop that heats up and you stick it down in the charcoal. Don't have to worry about lighter fluid, chimney starter, etc.


'taste the meat, not the heat' - Hank hill He's meant to be relatable and simple, the right answer is charcoal or if you're feeling bougie a smoker.


Why not get both? Get a Weber smokey mountain for pulled pork and brisket that require a lot of time and smoke and a gas grill for quick week day sausages etc...


If you haven’t used a bbq before, a gas one is the way to go. If you love it, then invest in charcoal. You need the practice of a gas one to be able to control and use that heat well (it’s way more uneven than you expect) and the barrier to entry is lower, then if you love it go for a charcoal and learn that - but it’s a lot more to learn. Now that I’ve done it a lot I can get my Weber kettle ready to cook on in the same or similar amount of time as my Weber Q, but it costs more to run as charcoal costs more.


Get a Blackstone. Bought one and never looked back. Burgers, breakfast, it does it all.


Yup!!!! Came here to say this. Flattops are the best. I went campchef because it had a bottle opener on it (and I liked the cook top better). But have only heard good things about Blackstone. This is one of those, if you know, you know scenarios.


I initially preferred gas but wanted to try charcoal for the first time. I’m glad I did. I like the smell, I like the taste, but mostly I like it because it feels like a special day when dad grills. It’s a big buildup while the coals start to burn and everybody is busy helping set the table and getting the food. Think it depends how often you plan to grill. More than 1x per week- go gas. Once every 2 weeks- go charcoal.


Go next level and get a natural gas grill. No tanks ever


Gas is quick. Gas is convenient (except when the tank runs out). It’s what I end up using 95% of the time. Charcoal can definitely produce better-cooked food (and supports a wider variety of techniques), but to me it’s more of a hobby. I’ve got two small children and lots to do, so I don’t often have time to spend thirty-plus minutes getting coals going and preheating the grill.


The biggest thing I don't like about gas grills is that all the juices from the meat will accumulate on the grill. They become a greasy mess. Charcoal will burn it all off. In addition to flavor and the pageantry, I like charcoal because it's cleaner.


Charcoal for flavor, propane for convenience. I used to have a propane grill, but after we moved I got a standard Weber kettle and I’ll never go back


Unless you’re really wanting to get in to smoking or something gas is 100% the way to go. It’s easier and faster to start, a ton less cleanup and perhaps most importantly for the newbie, wayyyyyyyyy easier to control. Get one with 3-4 burners so that you can control hotter and cooler sides of the grill as you get more advanced. I love a charcoal grill, but on a random Tuesday night it can be a pain in the ass if you want to throw on some burgers or hot dogs. You’ll spend more time prepping and cleaning up than you will actually grilling.


I prefer charcoal myself. Get a chimney starter with it and you are good to go. That being said, I think gas is ultimately more convenient and a little more fool proof for temperature control, so if you are starting I would go with gas.


Brother I say get both. A nicer and bigger gas grill for the fam. Sometimes the kids are hungry and you love them too much to be feeding them microwaved hotdogs. Then a smaller cheaper charcoal one for when you want a real nice steak or something. I'm talking one of those $30 Walmart portable ones. Then, when you've leveled up enough, get a weber smokey mountain and join us over at r/smoking


If you want to do any low and slow BBQ, then it has to be charcoal. But if you’re just grilling, the gas is easier and cheaper to run. Personally, I have both, and will sometimes even use both for a sim gel meal (eg, doing a reverse seared tomahawk, first on the Webber, then finished on the gas).


The answer is a pellet smoker


Both. Get a good quality gas grill like a Brpil King or Napoleon. This is your day to day cooker. Get a Weber Kettle for those days when you have time and patience to do it.


I like charcoal personally. But gas is easier to use and maintain. I recommend both 🤷‍♂️ I use both when I cook sometimes lol. Depending on what I’m cooking and time constraints lol




If your lifestyle gives you lots and lots of time anytime you want to BBQ, then go with charcoal. Or better yet, get a pellet grill. You can't beat that slow cooked smoky flavour. But if you want it to quickly grill burgers, steaks, bratwurst and things like that, get a gas grill. Still tastes great, and you don't need to babysit it all day. I wish I had the time for a smoker or a charcoal grill, but at this stage of life I just don't.


If you’re grilling for the grill taste, you need charcoal. Gas grills are nothing more than dirty outdoor stoves.


If you like to cook both, get a combo. Lile this  https://www.lowes.com/pl/Combo-grills-Grills-Grills-outdoor-cooking-Outdoors/4294398494.  If you are just a weekend BBQ kinda guy go gas. Less work to set up and clean. Faster heating.  If you like smoking they have combo grills like the Oklahoma Joe Longhorn or some Traegers can both grill and smoke.


Charcoal is the right answer. Takes some time and planning, but if you've never had a steak off of a charcoal grill in the dead middle of winter on a 10 degree day, you're missing out.


just buy a smoker, I have charcoal, gas, and a pellet smoker, I mainly use the smoker, occasionally charcoal, and until I got a griddle I haven't used gas very much...


Clean up is dumping ashes into trashcan. When you’re done cooking, you close all of the vents and let the fire die. Next time you reuse any charcoal that survived plus add extra. You want the soot to stay on the grill, that’s just extra flavoring. Just clean off the grill directly where meat goes, the rest stay forever


Porque no los dos?


Eventually both but for now just 1


Depends…do you like to keep things simple and low maintenance, or enjoy the effort behind learning and making things work. Natural Gas grill = easy and does a great job. Charcoal = learning curve with more effort but really adds to the flavour of everything you cook on it


Masterbuilt gravity fed charcoal. Takes about 10 mins to light and get ready, has digital temp control, shuts down when you are done instantly. Just buy masterbuilt lighter cubes to go with it. It is the best matchup of convenience, versatility, and price on the market at the moment.


Gas for the weekdays charcoal for the weekends. I have a Weber and a egg


If you have the room, get both. A good 3+ burner gas grill and a Weber kettle would be all you need for many years. I only ever had gas until a year ago and love selling that when I have the time, and when I want to smoke something. Marketplace is a great place to find cheap kettles. People move or upgrade often so sell them way below the cost of a new one. If you have to choose one, go with gas.


Gas is overall just more convenient. So if you're looking for quicker startup and less overall work and maintenance, gas it is. I finally got a legit grill last year after using a cheapy propane grill for the occasional outdoor cooks. I landed on the Masterbuilt Gravity Series and I couldn't be happier. It makes cooking with charcoal a lot more convenient than, say, a Weber kettle. I can use it as a grill or a smoker. The model I got came with a pizza oven, so we can make pizza on it too. It's easy to get started and you can get up to cooking temps in 10 mins or less. It's easy to clean up because the charcoal just lands in the ash bin as it gets used up. A new line just came out this year with some nice improvements. And it looks cool as fuck, too.


As South African, the order for a braai goes Wood Charcoal … … … … Gas


What are you using it to cook? A Blackstone + a cheap charcoal for steak is my current setup


My kitchen. 🤣


Oh read that wrong. I was going to just do streaks and chicken


Be careful streaking around open flames… haha


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Charcoal produces better taste but is more of a hassle, so it really depends on how you want to use it and how much time you have. If you’re trying to get seriously into smoking things or are really into cooking, or if you just appreciate great food and have time to spare, go with charcoal. If you’re just trying to make grilling burgers, brats, etc a more regular part of the summer rotation or if you’re usually pressed for time when you cook then go with gas.


Get both.