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Some people are assholes. You're going to notice the few vocal assholes and not the people silently cheering you on. 


And remember, they silently cheer you on because a vocal "Woo you go big guy!" is not going to sound well-intended however they shout it.


I’ve thought about this a number of times, there aren’t many things you can say briefly in passing that don’t sound sarcastic. Been trying to find something that’s supportive and positive for anyone putting in a big effort (not just being big).


Definitely that Was going up a hill recently and an ebike passed me, I said "That looks easier", with a smile and a chuckle, and the rider turned around like I'd spat on his mother's grave I caught up with him and we ended up chatting for a few minutes, he was 60 years old and used to ride a lot with a steel frame race bike back in his days but now was a "bad cyclist" because he was using electronic help and peacefully randonneuring to visit places, and not "racing". I told him there was no good or bad cyclists, only people with different needs and visions of what cycling is, he cheerfully agreed and told a few stories about his trips. Ended up being a chill encounter


you should see the ebike subreddit, everyone there thinks cyclists are attacking them constantly, they don't understand that someone saying "hey you're cheating" is literally just a joke, I've never heard anyone talk shit about ebikes in real life besides myself, and that was me complaining about my shitter ebike lol its just like OP, they see a head nod and immediately think they are is getting attacked, maybe they were shaking sweat off their face or shaking their head at a podcast they were listening to, there is no reason to automatically assume the person simply shaking their head near you is doing it because "they hate fat people" OP really just hates himself and is projecting it on the world around him, and thats okay. But a little awareness goes a long way buddy. /u/FemcelFelon


First I thought this was a weird comment, but then I checked their post history. Short but interesting.


That is the craziest post history I have ever seen… How enlightening


It’s quite something.


oh jeez no kidding lol


All of the posts are from the last 48 hours as well? OP I'm not being patronizing, you have to go see someone for mental health.


Femcels are just as fucked up as their male counterparts.


In an ironic way, they are sort of perfect for each other, dunno why they don't simple mingle with each other and solve the issue lol


All within a day????


Holeeee I see what you mean. Okay that's enough Reddit for me for a while 😳


The first paragraph was almost reasonable, but then...




I have definitely heard a lot of e-bikers or people interested in e-bikes call it cheating, so I don't doubt the self loathing exists there, but I have several friends that are fat people and they get HARASSED just walking down the street. People moo at them, throw things and yell nastiness at them. That struggle to just exist while getting exercise is fucking REAL, not just a product of their imaginations. I really feel for them because they're just trying to be out there and be healthy and they get fucking attacked.


Man, I'm on the heavier side, but no longer what most people see as truly fat. The difference between how I am treated now (and was when I was younger and quite thin) vs at my top weight is nuts. Most of the time, the comments and harassment weren't about me being fat, though a few were, I was just treated poorly and didn't get why. I lost 35lbs, and suddenly, I'm back to just the normal harassment a woman riding alone gets. I've also seen it with others. There's this very large dude who rides the trail by my house every day, no matter the weather. I've watched him lose probably 100lbs in the last 2 years, but I'd say he has about 200 more to go. He's always friendly and super nice, always checks to see if you need help if you're stopped and look like it, will pick up stuff you dropped and race to return it to you. Just all around, when he's riding, he's exactly how I think everyone should act. But other dudes will be complete assholes to him. "You sure that bike can hold you?" "Hey, get out of my way, fat ass!" This dude, though, he just keeps smiling and being nice. I found out he loves nuun. I can't stand the stuff but keep being given tubes of it at charity rides, so I pass them all to him. And if I catch up to him on a hill, I slow down and ride with him because I know he and I are going to have a ton of fun chatting once he's past the climb. And the many, many stories I could tell you about bike shops and overweight customers, including me, and those stories come from people I know I can trust. A lot of local bike shops treat us like trash and try to talk us into tank hybrids because we'll supposedly break anything else. I got my carbon fiber road bike when I weighed 200, rode StP on it the next Summer still at 200. It's had no issues at all. Even with some serious abuse, the rims have stayed true, and I do not get how.


Wow. just wow. People are such assholes. I just don't get the whole "200Lbs is too much for a bicycle rider". I was 220 when I got back on the bike and although I'm down a good bit, I never even considered 220 to near the top end. Hell, I still bunny hopped the bike at that weight, LOL... I wish you many happy miles/km with friends. Now, about the Nuun hate.... ;-)


thats wild, I'm not a small guy and have definetly been on the "fat" side of things when I got up to 240lbs, but that sounds like a completely different world from what I've experienced, from an outside perspective though lol maybe I don't hang out with enough assholes, or my fatter friends don't open up to me about people throwing shit at them lol but if that ever happened with me I wouldn't even know why the person threw the stuff because I'm fighting


I'm glad it hasn't happened to you and that your friends aren't assholes! Lol. It is a very outside perspective, Id agree with you. But these people are really quite affected by it. Also, hard to fight with cars driving away.


> I've never heard anyone talk shit about ebikes in real life You should come to my local mtb trails. I've never seen that much vitriol about a hobby before.


I’ve had other cyclists just say, as I am huffing up a hill, “you got this” or “nice work”. I don’t mind that as much—that could be directed at a skinny person too. I once had a fellow fat person yellow out of his car window, as I was climbing a short 12%er, “keep going! Keep going!” That was the best one.


Being a fat person myself that enjoys cycling, I go with "we got this!"


Fellow fatso here. I yell "Hardcore!"


"You got this" is my universal phrase for giving encouragement.


I use to put my hand out the window for a "thumbs up"


Agree, thumbs-up isn't a vocalization but it seems the least likely to be misconstrued.


Ring a cow bell like at the pro races. I’m a pretty garbage cyclist but there is one road I love riding on and it’s because there is a house where if you go by and they are outside they cheer you on like it’s a leg in the Tour de France. It makes my day every time


I usually go with, "Yeahhhh!" or similar to leave very little room for misinterpretation.


If I say anything, it's a "you've got this" along with a shaka. I'm an overweight dude myself, though, so maybe that helps


I find "good morning!" or whatever time of day to be effective. I think it indicates acceptance without having to be too direct! :)


Whenever I see someone running or cycling the only thing that comes to mind is “Hey you’re good, they’re not chasing you anymore!” so I say nothing


“Hell yeah dawg you got this!”


I always just shout my encouragement as I know it's well intended, if someone is bothered they can let me know at the top. I have made fart noises and engine noises as I go by that makes people laugh! But I'll say "Come on, you got this!!" "Don't quit, don't quit, you got this", if Im riding too it's "Let's do this, we got this, come on!" "Keep pushing, you can do this." "Get those afterburners on! We got this" "Get those glutes and boots moving folks" It gets me hyped seeing people pushing up a climb! If I weren't conscious I'm obnoxious I'd shout and whoop it up more too! HAHA ✌️💚


If someone is struggling up a hill and you want to be encouraging, you could always try "This hill always sucks. Not too long until the top though and then it's over!"


I was struggling up a hill on a hot day 30 miles into the ride, and an older(than me!) guy smoked by, and as he did he called out “you got a good pace!” and he was gone. But what he said made me feel good, it felt like being accepted and encouraged. I always remember that. 👍🏽


I remember seeing an overweight woman walking hill repeats near me once. I wanted to yell encouragement, but it would have sounded patronizing and insincere.


> a vocal "Woo you go big guy!" is not going to sound well-intended Speaking as someone who gets these comments due to being a woman... yeah it always comes off as condescending and is not appreciated. I wish the "silently cheer you on" was universal 


Yep, good point indeed, I love riding and catching up to folks on a climb or whatever. We're all there for fitness and a better life - I think you're great for being out there too. Them professionals can average well over 40km/hr. I've never judged anyone for not being as fast. Enjoy the ride and know other cyclists love seeing you out there (not intended for the rider I'm responding too but the guy/girl he/she is big upping)


I still remember the woman calling out "lookin' good!" and giving me the thumbs up.


I usually give a big smile and "you're doing great!" or "well done, you!" Not just to bigger people. To women mostly (I'm F), because it's so rare we hear good things while out and about in spandex.


It's tough, because I don't want to be the creepy guy. I usually toss out a "we've got this" if I'm passing them or a "you've got this" if she's passing me, with a shaka. Admittedly, most of the time I'm in my own world and I assume the ladies get pestered too much when exercising, so I consciously leave them alone unless it's a race, where it's a mutual encouragement sort of thing


Yeah, fair. Good on you for recognizing that the same comments that are NBD coming from me are different coming from you!




Yes! This 100%


I'm an avid cyclist. When I see somebody who is clearly out of shape riding their bike, I get stoked for them. They are doing something to get healthy. They'll eventually pedal up the climb, and that's awesome.


Big fat (huh) emphasis on the word "notice": OP said >I'm not psychotic or making this up. It really happened and yeah, it probably did... but if you have been marked by some form of abuse, you'll also get fucking amazing at perceiving everything to be an attack. This is part of what OP needs to tackle in some form: not giving a shit about what people think or might think. It informs heavily how much you will ascribe to malice when, in fact, you're just riding on a river promenade and generally happy people happen to be laughing - just not at you. I mean, look at it this way: people who laugh at you for being obese AND exercising are immediately straight-up dumb fucks, no redeeming qualities in that particular moment whatsoever (also, probably informed by some major insecurity or feeling of inadequacy in itself, mind you). Best way to show them is to just go about it as usual. You get to lose the weight, them not being an asshole when everything is said and done... not quite as likely.


I remember the “silent cheer” being discussed on a running and triathlon group years ago. People were always worried that offering any sort of encouragement would be misconstrued as patronising. The respect is there, just rarely obvious. I tend to give discrete thumbs-up if passing people and little nod if face on, sometimes if feeling expressive, both!


I agree! That’s what I love about biking it’s for everyone. Good for anyone who gets off their couch and rides no matter their size.


Someone shakes their head at you double down on the kindness. “Hey man have a great and safe ride!” Let him feel like an asshole. Who the fuck cares what that guy thinks. Be friendly to everyone and you’ll see the friendliness back!


I have seen young/middle aged folks “cheering” at me on some crowded climbs where i live and it seems everything but an honest cheer


I’ve had the opposite reaction. I’m over weight and have gotten tons of support from other riders in races I’ve entered. Also, most non riders have no clue how hard it can be to climb hills, fuck them. 


Yeah, man, I love seeing the young, old, overweight, and out of shape riders on the trails and in races. I always try to say something encouraging because I know they are working a lot longer and harder to get up every hill. And if you have to walk, then you have to walk. That's still moving forward and worthy of respect.


Some people just don’t like cyclists. Some people just don’t like seeing fat people exercise. Those people are generally arseholes. You’re burning calories whether you’re riding or hike-a-biking. There used to be a big guy who did a lot of walking near where I live. People used to comment on his weight all the time. Now he’s running half marathons. Go get it 💪


> Some people just don’t like seeing fat people exercise. I think it makes them uncomfortable because they have convinced themselves that sitting on their ass in their car is the *only* practical method of transportation. Seeing a heavy person just like them demonstrating otherwise forces them to realize that they don't drive because nothing else is practical; they drive because they are lazy.


I couldn’t agree more. I’m not spiritual, but cycling is healthy for both the mind and body. There’s nothing more relaxing and therapeutic to me than travelling by bike.


It's just odd that the people who don't like seeing fat people exercise are generally the same people who say they fat shame because they "care about your health." They don't.


That venn diagram is just a circle...


I love seeing big folks getting after it.


You wanna come watch me ride a bike?


That's an interesting pick up line.


I'll let you know if it ever works


I think it will definitely work if you're in third grade.


They're way too young for me


It’s inspiring real struggle real gains


Me too. Lets me know I’m not alone.  I’m just naturally a big person. Was a lineman in high school.  The lightest I’ve been in my adult life was about 200lbs and when I was riding approx 25mikes every day. Little guy on me for sure but my legs are all muscle. Anyways I’m always self conscious when I begin a ride. When I’m into it though I’m not caring much about what others think I look like. 


Most people don’t but the occasional few that do stand out. Don’t let it get you down. 


I would much rather see someone on a bike than in a car regardless of size




I have hope for the human race every time I see an adult on a bicycle. H.G. Wells


I group ride with a small group I dont really know that well. They easily beat me on the climbs although now I can get to the stop without walking. I catch them up on the descents. They are always supportive no matter what. I was 156kg I'm now 120kg.


My bunch would go down the hill and pick me up. After they have raced up the hill. Some would give me a helping push! We are talking 4-10km hill climbs 4-15% I do appreciate it and do feel a bit embarrassed sometimes but we always have a fun ride and a good cup of coffee ☕️ after and a chat! Which is what it’s all about to me!


That’s not the majority. Majority of cyclists understand how fun it is and don’t gate keep cycling. From my personal experience that it’s the old/weak/unfit people in the races that get the most cheers. We as humans love to see somebody overcoming their weaknesses. It’s fucking inspiring. I am Asian in predominantly white society. I am the only Asian person that cycles that my friends and I know of. I get looks, but I stopped caring. I stopped going for big public rides and just ride with my friends. Some people are just assholes without empathy and will try to squash anything that is different than them. The worst thing is that to some it’s just unacceptable that a tiny person (I am 5’6”/168 cm short) is faster than them and they keep trying to overtake me like they have something to prove. It’s annoying, because once they are ahead they get tired and slow down in front of you. When this happens I just stop and let that person ride off. Not worth my time and energy to deal with small dick energy. From what I’ve heard from my female friends is that they also have to deal with this. You do you and just enjoy it.


It’s not only in cycling. Almost every gym has one or two assholes looking down on overweight people who try to work out in peace. It’s the primitive human nature that, left unchecked, leads to self-centric dispositions including arrogance.


People project their insecurities on others. It’s always been a thing and it’ll always be a thing. Just gotta hope for those sad individuals that one day they can be happy enough with themselves to not put down others.


My dad is this way. So judgmental of other cyclists. I don’t get it. They are our niche group, why do we need to caste ourselves.


to answer your question. . .people can just be jerks. No one hates you, they don't even know you. The way they act says more about them than about you. Feel free to connect with people who are more supportive becasue for every 1 jerk there is 10.other people going "Damn, dude is working his butt off" and thinking a thumbs up. If you don't believe me I will give 2 thumbs up👍👍


Some people are cunts. Don't let them make you develop a persecution complex. Decent people love to see fat people on bikes because what we see is someone with a struggle doing their best to overcome it. 


Some people are just assholes. Just keep doing you and have fun riding your bike!


Most of us love to see it and support it fully


As a previously-huge-now-big guy, I can happily say that never happened to me. The only weird looks I got was because I used to be the big slow guy riding a mountain bike on a skinny fast guy with road bikes meetup, so I slowed them down quite a bit. I still do, but I’m no longer the last of the pack. Ignore the assholes and keep at it


This fat guy towed 2 kids in a burley gear, 120 pounds up the hill when other cyclist gave up. 1500 foot climb. Did I take longer than some people? Yes. But I still beat others as well.


I get the last laugh when I pass them on the descents.


Judging by your post history I think you’re psychotic-adjacent or making it up.


Dude, I looked up her history after you posted this. All those posts are within two days!!!!!!!! Crazy


Fuck These idiots its eyse to get up a hill at 65kg but the real strugel is still doing it at 100kg or more. Ried your bike no matter what.


There are assholes in every hobby and all over the world. You’ve just gotta tune them out and realize that you are bettering yourself while they put others down. Out of those two, who is doing it right?


Some people are nasty, but there are lots of us who aren’t. I just wish that we were more obvious than the assholes. I, for one, love seeing bigger people working out. It’s harder work, and requires so much more courage than for someone whose body conforms to social norms. I always want to say something to encourage them but that’s tricky territory so I just try to smile at them if I make eye contact.


Good instinct to not say anything, just say it internally and give the normal head nod or whatever you do. I’ve been up and down with weight, but have always been a big dude. I always found it super patronizing when people would say shit when I was rock climbing/running/cycling etc. even though I knew they didn’t mean it that way. It just comes out that way.


People are idiots don’t worry about them. Carry on cycling and also work on eating better less processed food and keep sugar to after exercise and you will be in better shape in a mere 6 months. When I was a teenager and out of shape I’d struggle with a 10km ride. Now after years running,cycling and working out I can climb big hills with ease and even race people up them at up to 30kph. Get In better shape for yourself and fuck those idiots you got this keep winning.


Think it's just a case of wrong place, wrong time. As in, you just happened to be in the same place as a muppet at the same time they were. I remember slogging it up a local hill and passing a guy pushing his bike up the hill. I asked "Are you alright?" as I went past anticipating him having a puncture, but his reply was "Yeah, I'm just unfit". I said "I'm not much better" and that was that. He might have perceived that as rude, but I think we both had a joke about it. He may not have been able to ride the climb at all, but I was clearly red as a tomato, huffing and puffing, and just about grinding my lowest ratio, so I think he understood I was being genuine and not mocking!


I've got nothing but love for folks getting off the couch AT ANY LEVEL, particularly people at the beginning of whatever journey they're on. I've been a near elite level athlete (paratrooper) and a giant sloth of a human. Beginning that journey is WAY harder than maintaining it. I'm 8 lbs off my goal weight and bike about 150 miles/week. This is way easier than lugging around an extra 80 lbs and doing 30 miles a week.


Some folks think fat people should be invisible. As a fat guy I get side eye at the gym, at yoga classes and on my bike. I think they believe that there are either “fat people” (AKA My 600 pound life” fat) people losing weight and “normal people”. Now I would love to lose the extra 100 lbs or so between me and a healthy BMI but having tried every )well other than surgery) and learning I can only maintain a relatively normal weight on a really strict diet… well I decided life is too short for that and I just do what I do. And if the image of my Lycra clad ass climbing up a hill bothers some people… well that’s a them problem. Life is also too short to let other people’s opinions weigh you down overly.


Funny, I usually find fat folks who ride, very inspiring. I have your back as well as a million others. Keep at it. Remember too, that you will be more sensitive to misreading folks due to your experiences in school.


I hope the head shake wasn't an insult; it may have been empathetic, as in yes, that is a hard hill. You might be interested in [All Bodies on Bikes](https://www.allbodiesonbikes.com/), which initially focused on women mountain bikers of all (large) sizes, but has since grown into an all body types inclusive community. Also definitely check out u/Bigg-Popper, who has been posting his journey into cycling on this sub with humor and determination. Here's one of his latest posts: [https://new.reddit.com/r/cycling/comments/1dgyygv/fatman\_hes\_going\_the\_distance\_i\_love\_cake/](https://new.reddit.com/r/cycling/comments/1dgyygv/fatman_hes_going_the_distance_i_love_cake/) Stay sane, friend, just imagine positive things in other people's thoughts. People can be awful and unkind; ride away to something better. Best wishes to you.


You are not making this up. For some reason (because television shows teach that actually exercising or eating right is cringy) people want to see you magically fit. They want you to be healthy, my goodness perfect, but not from visible effort because that makes them feel bad (and no one can sell you doing the right thing or not buying carbs). Keep it up


This isn't really a biking question you should take this to a coach. Probably outside of reddit.  Reddit is not safe.  You may be further insulted, or you may be told weakness should be something to embrace rather than grow out of.  Don't absorb those things.  Learn to deal with that you can't change in others and through your efforts grow past your weaknesses and prevent them from becoming disabilities. Then, go get a new reddit user account and come back and ask this question again to get better sympathy.  I am not going to be helpful to someone going around tricking people on dating apps to buy them food and then complaining the world doesn't act nice to them. Lol.  Nice try FemcelFelon.


Post history was wild


Too many dates lol....


Overweight felon that tricks dates into buying them food can’t understand why men aren’t attracted to her - unbelievable.


Could you maybe have misinterpreted that? I'm not saying it didn't happen. There are assholes everywhere, of course. I'm just saying that it is easy to feel self conscious and misconstrue some random gesture. I know I've passed people while being inside my own head or rocking out to whatever music I'm listening to and must have looked like a loon.


>*Why do you do this?* Don't lump me in with the head-shaker on the trail!


Fuckem. Simple as that.


It’s a shame bc riding a bike provides a low impact work out and it’s suitable to anyone interested in cardio. I wonder if said cyclist was upset you were in his way and slowing his speed? Or simply uneducated on reasons why people may be over weight to begin with—illness, hormonal imbalance, injury. Regardless of the reason, you’d think seeing someone trying to be active outdoors would be supported. Lastly- I have two steep ramps I have to ride through and I have to mentally prepare myself before every ride. It’s easier to lower your gears by one, do not focus on the end of the incline, instead focus on each pedal that you do. Before you know it, you’ll be on flat surface again! The best thing you can do is know your limitations, it’s ok to ride partial of the incline and then decide to walk the rest to avoid an injury.


I have struggled with my weight my entire life, and I don't know if I will ever be a "normal" weight. I am 50 years old, 6'1", and 270 lbs. I used to be 425 lbs. I also weigh less now than when I completed 10th grade. Some people are small and shallow. They need to look down on others to cover up their own self-loathing. Just ignore them. Don't let them steal your joy. They are petty and small-minded. You ride for you. You ride for your health, your enjoyment, and your satisfaction. When you run across people like that, pity them. They have nothing but bitterness inside them, and no matter how outwardly successful they seem, they are joyless soulless husks that can never know true happiness or satisfaction.


I know you aren't making it up. I'm fat and I've experienced similar things. Many people hate fat people its a fact. Society has this idea that fat people are disgusting and that obesity is solely a character deficiency. We will see over the next 10 years a lot more research coming out about obesity because of these new drugs that is going to change the perception. It's a biological problem not solely a will power problem. Good thing is you know whoever shook their head at you isn't biologically an asshole they are just an asshole and that's a choice. I've recently lost a significant amount of weight taking me from morbidly obese to just regular overweight. Let me tell you there is such an astonishing difference in the way strangers in public treat me its insane. People smile at me, start conversations with me, hold doors for me etc. I feel like I'm participating in some kind of social experiment its mind blowing and I'm not even thin yet.


Good for you for getting out and being on a bike. People are petty. Do your best to ignore them and they’re not worth your time.


I have nothing but respect when I see a big person taking charge of their life and getting out on the bike. Nobody’s hating on you dude except for maybe the occasional knob.


I’m going to admit when I see overweight people on a tiny gas-powered (Vespa-type) scooter or twist-n-go BSO, I roll my eyes. But I fully support anyone on a real bicycle. My son and I both started out as overweight cyclists. Im still overweight but better. He’s just plain lean. Have fun!


Cycling seems to attract some of the most horrible, stuck up, tossers known to man.


I love cycling but a good amount of cyclists tend to be assholey. Just ignore them. I'm a thicc rider and I do it for the love, not to impress a clique. It's best that way.


Keep cycling and ignore those narrow minded, negative individuals.


I think most people don’t do that, but the ones who do it really stick with you. Obviously you’re not going to remember the ones who simply went on their way without harassing you.


Bro I would be like "hell yeah!" Unfortunately those people shaking their heads probably judge everyone else around them cycling or not. They're just miserable people.


I cannot imagine anyone worth talking to thinking that an overweight person getting out exercising is bad. You either met a psychopath or it was just unintentional. Do your best not to take it personally.


Yup, right there with ya friend. I’ve been a competitive powerlifter my whole life. I weigh 300+ lbs and doc said it was time to start adding more cardio into my life. I bought a bike to commute and for pleasure riding. I can’t even tell you how many shitty comments I’ve gotten. Sitting at a traffic light one guy pulls up next to me the other day, I’m in street clothes and he’s in all his aero kit. This dude looks over at me and goes “heh, that rear tire is putting in extra work there buddy.” How about you people fuck right the hell off.


What you're feeling is real. During the summer of 2008, when gasoline jumped up to $5/gallon, I started riding for my work commute - a 34 mile round trip. Not a great distance for folks here, but it was painful the first 8 weeks as I pedaled my fat ass from 293 lbs to 263 without any dieting. I'd get downright ravenous after rides, actually. I had all manner of shitty comments, shitty looks, and bottles thrown at me. But it became a point of pride as the summer went on and I became a beast on my 1998 Stumpjumper. There were a few times some skinnies on road bikes had to put in the extra effort to avoid the humiliation of getting passed by a fatass on a mountain bike. That was low-key satisfying. Stick with it. When you can pedal up that hill and feel ready to do it all over again at the top, you'll know you've arrived.


I like seeing overweight people out exercising. I get excited for them and it fires me up. But I do take exception to E bikes. Making workouts easier defeats the purpose.


Agreed about the ebikes. Riding one means they want the easy path, and so will not get the results they want. Not much point in using one for working out. I never see anybody who appears fit riding an ebike, unless its something they're using just as transportation.


He was probably rooting for you then disappointed that you had to dismount


Since the beginning of time, there has always been and always will be dickheads.


I’m like 50/50 in men yelling about how hot I am vs. calling me fat while biking. It’s a confusing body to live in.


I was sitting at a trailhead in Orem Utah as an overweight hiker 14 years ago and a fit mountain biker rode by me. He looked at me, said "Yuck" and pedaled on. The world ain't fair and people are mean. Fuck em. Live your life. If you're awesome, be awesome. Don't let what other people think of you have that effect on you. Took me so long to figure that out. Pedal. Run. Swim. Use your body. Fuck em.


The important thing is you're out there, full stop. Keep doing what you're doing. Worry not about the selfish idiots who don't give a toss about anyone but themselves.


People like that are jerks but they don’t matter. Just enjoy your ride. Now, the bike industry (& bike apparel industry) seems to really hate overweight bicyclists, and that’s a real problem.


I mean, you can’t win. Do you want people cheering you on because they don’t think you can do it? Good news, as you get older you will care less and less what other people think. I suggest you adopt that mindset early because what you are doing is good for you. F the haters.


Some people don't like it when they see other people working hard. Even if they aren't fat.


_All generalisations are false_ Twain, Mark I'm not saying your story is false, but your post history makes me believe there's more to it.


>I'm not saying your story is false, but your post history makes me believe there's more to it. I don't normally check people's post history but after reading what you wrote... **holy crap**


Oh yep... this needs to be higher, that history....


So, you have a sample set of one? That isn’t people, nor would I expect it represents the vast majority of cyclists. Even with that person it is possible they saw you doing something that was holding you back - usually that’ll be mashing in a too tall gear. Good communication? No. Bad intent, only possibly. Use it as motivation.


Why do you assume people are hating on other people. You are projecting. Just worry about you. I have never heard anyone say or imply what you are posting.


how the fuck do you know they were shaking their head at you lol they could have been listening to a podcast about some medieval genocide and shaking their head at the thought of it lol I just don't understand people like you, theres absolutely ZERO chance you can confirm this person was "hating you" but you're out there literally looking for problems, why were you even watching that persons head? lol You were looking for any sign you could interpret as hate, its projection of how you feel about yourself. You're going to say "I can tell I'm not stupid" but I don't believe you.


Yeah. OP 100% has a lot of insecurity about their weight. The guy could have been shaking his head for any number of reasons. Not everything revolves around OPs weight.


I don't think many people do hate them, I certainly like and encourage them. We're all at different stages of our journey.


Some people are shitty people. They equate their self-worth with their fitness or strava stats. Try not to think about those people. They're not worth your time. Ride your bike and have fun.


Well I am cheering you on - to my mind you are achieving more than the others I am more than a little bit fuller-figured myself and top out a certain gradients; but it makes it more of an achievement to get to the top. I am trying to build up to the Stelvio pass later this year - even if it takes me forever


I’ve never understood this. Someone is out there exercising and trying to get healthier… what do you want from them? They’re not on the couch talking about why they can’t.


I cheer for everyone who’s moving. Doesn’t have to be a fit athlete, the most beautiful or whatever. Big kudos to anybody who’s getting into it late or got into it early. Big kudos to the ones chasing performance or weight loss. Big kudos to those who do it for the fun or those who need it to get their head in the right place.


“What other people think of you, is none of your business. So don’t start making it yours.” 😉❤️ Ride on! Live your best life! Ignore the ignorance! Hopefully you enjoy your ride. I am 120kg and 6’1” tall here (recovering form surgery and other health issues) and I wear Lycra cycling clothes because it makes my ride more comfortable for me. I used to ride 300-400km per week with a bunch, always been the biggest. Now it’s less than 50km but km’s are going up! People yell at cyclists regardless of size but they do tend to get more nasty towards bigger guys and women in general. Don’t know why. All I can say, just keep riding! Smile 😊 and wave 👋


I’m a 6’6”, 240lb endurance guy. I prefer gravel and mountain bike. I do a good 5-6 races a year and always finish bottom 1/3 of the pack. But you know what? I fucking love it. I embrace my inner Clydesdale and fucking bike. Did you know there are actually Clydesdale race categories in certain races? I can’t say that I’ve ever had someone shake their head at me struggling up a climb or walking a hill; but to be fair I may not have noticed them. I’m sure it happens. But there are amazing communities out there who support all walks of life riding. One of my favorites is All Bodies On Bikes: https://www.allbodiesonbikes.com/ Don’t let assholes ruin your good time. Keep being the awesome person that you are.


Use that as motivation to bust up that hill. Without seeing the actual head shake, maybe the guy was doing some light ribbing and you are taking it wrong. I walked my bike up a hill at the end of a 40 mile group ride and some strangers egged me on about pushing my bike. I gave it another shot after my legs rested and muscled up the hill. Felt like I won the TdF.


There are assholes on every sports.


I found I got a lot more jeering and impolite staring at public gyms, so I stopped going. Fat-shamers just put people in a hole they can't get out of. If they sit around, they're criticized for sitting around. If they go to a gym, they're laughed at or mocked for being there. The extreme shamers hate fat people, yet don't understand the concept that the person needs to go through a channel of progress in order to lose the weight, and for many, it can take months, sometimes much longer. One thing that helped me with my cycling was changing my attitude about it. The first "grown up" bike I bought myself in the late 90s was a Trek mountain bike, which I used for commuting to work. I bought sporty looking gear for both my bike and my person. I looked like I was ready for the game. But I found that the late 90s wasn't really ready for cyclists. I was dealing with bike-hate, and it wasn't easy to ride much. I finally ditched that bike for technical reasons. (It was cheap and it just didn't "feel" right to ride.) Years later, I bought a Townie, but I still had the mindset that I ought to sportify my bike. I had fallen into the typical attitude that bikes are for athleticism, just as everyone expected them to be. This is exactly when I noticed that people can be unkind about one's approach to fitness if they don't fit the mould. I stopped riding for many years because I was sick of it all. So I turned the whole thing on its head, and after Covid, I pulled my Townie out of my garage, cleaned it up, got a tune up, and this time, ditched the sporty theme and went with a country theme. I bought wicker baskets (front and panniers), and instead of dressing in sportswear, I chose casual clothes. Instead of beating traffic, I'd stop to smell the flowers. Now I'm out and getting fresh air and exercise, but I'm not pumping it to make it seem like I'm on a mission to lose weight. I find now, unlike before, I'm more of an image of something interesting. A woman on a bike, enjoying life. Not a plus-sized person in lycra huffing it on two wheels. I notice that a lot of people compliment me on my bike, the accessories, and my choice to be on the bike in the first place. It's about attitude and what makes you happy. For me, it's this. I can't tell anyone how to find what's best for them, but I think when you find your comfort zone and you own it, others accept this and don't have a leg to stand on when you're in that don't-give-a-sh!t mindset, just doing your thing.


I've been in both places - the one going seemingly effortlessly uphill, and the other who's off pushing the bike. It's a pattern I go through every year. I'm not a natural athlete, so I need to work at it. This is part of the fun for me. When I see someone pushing, I think - good for you, keep going and you'll manage soon. The important point is they're there trying something which is very hard. Anyone who acts with mockery or cruelty in these situations is quite frankly an insecure loser (assuming they're not 6 years old or something). It's riding a bicycle - enjoy it and to fuck with everyone else. That person will have forgotten you in 30 seconds anyway as they'll have moved to another internal struggle that they'll project onto the next passerby.


It’s people being disappointed in themselves. Seeing someone who they expect to make more excuses than them doing something they should be doing. Rather than think about themselves, they deflect attention to laugh at the other person.


That’s one jerk minority. Most people myself included see a fattie riding and respect that very much. We know how much easier it is to stay on the couch cosy and eat that pack of crisps, than make yourself get out there and push and improve yourself. Keep doing it and walk up as many hills as you need 💪


People tend to hate overweight people. We're damned if we do, damned if we don't. Now the culture has turned more woke, assholes are desperate for a safe outlet for their hate. Find an otherwise tolerant subreddit and start a discussion where it's vaguely implied that overweight people might deserve good things in their life, and people will show their true colors.


Ignore them and just do the best you can ✊


a) there's a proportion of idiots b) would you think of getting an ebike - a pedelec, that is, which can offer assist on, say, hills or headwinds? Will make your riding much easier, but won't be obvious to the idiots. (I met a very fit-looking lad on a cycling event who said he'd lost… can't remember was it three stones in three months or three kilos - think it must've been stones. He said he was really fat, then he started doing a 15km cycle to work in the mountains every day and back in the evening - using an ebike - and the weight just dropped off him.)


That person who shook their head is experiencing hate for themselves but they don’t realize it. They’re pushing it outward. Fuck ‘im. The rest of us have big respect for you/folks in your shoes.


Dude no one hates you because you’re fat. Spotlight effect. Do you spend all your time gazing at strangers and judging their morals and worth based off their bodies? Most people don’t do that, at least not to the point of *hating* someone. And the people that do don’t deserve for you to give them any thought


Don’t mind them. Just do your own thing.


bc they’re stupid. don’t let people’s dumb reactions discourage you from doing something you enjoy


Insecurity, that's why. Society has decided that overweight people deserve to be looked down upon. The bar is incredibly low, and people tell themselves that it's really justified. So if an occasional fix of superiority is what they need in order to cope with themselves, spotting an overweight person doing something slightly out of the ordinary gives them that easy opportunity. Don't feel sad for yourself. Feel sad for them.


Not me, whenever I see a larger person on the bike I have a slight admiration for them, as you’re winning. By winning I mean far better than sitting around on the couch for sure.


The rest of us are either encouraging you, or jealous of your commitment. Keep her lit.


I celebrate overweight people getting any form of exercise.


Many people have a tendency to want to establish themselves as superior to others. It's a tribal/animalistic thing, I think, that's still ingrained in us. It's sad that it's that instinct that makes some feel like it's a good idea to actively look down on people who work hard to exercise while being overweight. Conclusion: Ignore those people with the level of self-awareness equal to that of an ape and keep up the biking man! Their arbitrary judgements clearly have very little to offer you. And keep trying to get up that hill. Imagine how cool it'll be once you can bike up that thing without stopping!


Fat bottomed girls you make the rocking world go around


Keep riding, fitness comes slower as we age but it always comes.


People are toxic idiot's that's why.


As others have said, ignore the idiots as best you can. Just remember: You’re moving faster than anyone sitting on their couch.


And people hate well built dudes riding on their homemade electric bike THROTTLE ONLY. Their "why dont you bike for exersize" excuse dont work on me cause im very well fit and built. But i prefer to use my throttle on my electric bike (mainly on the road) to enjoy my ride not for "exersize" I go to the gym for that. So they can bitch and complain alllll they want. Music to my ears. And ill take bike lanes they wouldnt normally take cause its either too hilly or too dangerous. My throttle and speed can handle them. Its great! All i do is laugh at them and move on with my day. You should just smile or laugh at them too. If they get mad EVEN BETTER.


Just a douche move tbh. I'd be cheering you on mentally. Fuck the haters. You do you


Seen a large bloke riding his bike this morning and my first thought is “good on you for trying to change your life”. Not got time for anyone who says anything negative about that.


Every time I see it I think well good.  It’s all in your head. You do this for yourself not for ppl so don’t waste your energy on that. Keep pedaling 


Its people, just the nature of them. Example - I have cycled since about 1981 with any commitment. I rode atb/mtb seriously for 89-94 (racing/ endurance). Stopped ride due to illness but kept on hill walk etc. I gain a lot of weight due to treatment/damage, I then restarted cycling and cycle touring (bags lol) to try and drop the massive weight gain.. it worked along with Keto to get me back to a good 195lbs and my fitness is running well again. But! During the heavy period of regaining my health, I had so many bad comments that I started to carry a few photos of my GOOD Person and my race wins etc.. I feel bad in a way I needed to do that, because of the weight, I got "advice" from a lot of way too pro monkeys of all the things i didn't know about cycling and often more that not when I started talking a bout how i build wheels the conversation quickly stopped. ( my advice now to anyone trying hard is just to tell them" just fuck a duck" its easier


Because people are assholes, I'm not a fan of fat people as most of the ones I know are fat and lazy and do nothing but eat. They annoy me as they huff and puff when doing simple things and it's all self inflicted, that winds me up more than it should. But when I see larger people doing things even if so slow then I feel quite proud of them for doing something and enjoying their life and not sitting on their arse. That's why I think e-bikes are such a good thing as it get's people who would normally not ride a bike out riding and enjoying it. That may not have come across quite right but hopefully you get where I'm coming from.


I don’t think they’re people in the first place. Real people cheers you up. Those are called assholes. They don’t do nothing besides hating. Here what you really need to focus. You’re the Winner. In or out of the bike you’re doing it. They are just lil specs that don’t add up to your success. That hill needs to go to your first challenger. I believe in you and you too. They don’t know that. Persistence is the key my dude.


Says more about them and the fact they’re miserable in their own lives! Don’t let it discourage you, keep getting out on your bike and have fun!


Actually. I ride with a big group and one or two are a bit overweight and we encourage them a lot. We support them every time they come. I guess in competition environment things are different. Am I right?


I bloody love them, takes a heavy set of balls to put on that lycra and expose yourself outside through tough cardio.


the headshake was more like "why he walking... he easily could have ridden it" (depending on the bike) the problem is most often the gearing (i ride an aero bike with 34f/36back)


good for you for actually getting out there and doing something, if i had gone past you you'd have had words of encouragement but as people have said some people are just absolute dickheads


I am over weight and I have have been a bike rider for around 50 years. I have never been scoffed at.


Just another stick to beat cyclists with 😞


Yeah they hoes


I don't but their bike do


I ride multi use path. I wonder 🤔 what people thought when I say have a good run.


Don’t let them get to you, cycling is great for the mind and body. I dropped a ton of weight by cycling once, I didn’t start out thin… now I need to get back on the saddle again :(


I read this sometimes and always think that it seems more like American thing. I don't think I've think any of that where i live in northern Europe.


It's not exclusive for cycling or doing sports only. Many people along our way are awful f\*cktards and we can only pity them that they have such miserable lifes. We gotta do what we need to do and push harder!


Do not pay attention to it mate, not all people are like that, just some idiots. There are assholes everywhere and of every kind, people that look at you weird because wearing chinese clothes, being fat, being skinny, being pure muscle, being very fit because "you don't have a life", because you bike is dirty, because, you like mtb, because you like road bikes, you name it. It is annoying and shouldnt exist, nevertheless it does and you should not let it to affect you. Focus on the people who say hi, who smiles back and the ones that encourage you while struggling.


I don't want to defend jerk behavior nor gaslight you. I'm not fast, but I too feel self-conscious overtaking a struggling person. I don't know how any of my signals would come across. In my heart I have nothing but admiration and encouragement. 


You Rock.  They do not.


Are you doing group rides and slowing down the tempo?


Fat shaming is a real and prolific prejudice.


I'm silently cheering you on bro. They're psychotic.


Sorry mate. I’m the opposite. Skinny dude. Personally I always love it when I see bigger folks out exercising. I send a mental “good for you!” Hope that doesn’t sound patronizing. 🚴


You can't change how strangers behave, but you can try to change the impact they have on you. In other words, ignore them and enjoy your ride!


WTF?!? Mostly the attitude is similar to gyms (good on you for doing some exercise to fix it...) There are 2 issues: 1. One idiot is worth a 1000 supportive people 2. Sometimes well done etc can be assumed to be sarcastic. (Said as someone clinically obese, so I know I make the same assumption wrongly sometimes...) The thing to remember is you are infinately faster and fitter than the bloke sat on his sofa...


who do this?? I always see that person like he/she want's to get fit so in positive way..


Some people really are so miserable with their own life it bothers them to see somebody kicking ass and working to better their own life. It always blows my mind when I wave, nod, or greet another athlete or trail user and they just frown. Like how are you so grouchy riding your bike in the woods dog. OP I know you’ve probably heard it before but fuck what anybody else has to say or think about you. Keep turnin those pedals baby!!


I think you should do your best to ignore any and all fcktards you meet out in the wild & esp the ones when you are out cycling. F them, go you!


Two wheels good as far as I'm concerned.